

  • iText .NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/itextdotnet/) is iText porting on .NET Framework by J#. This library allows you to generate PDF, (X)HTML, XML, RTF files on Microsoft.NET Framework including ASP.NET.
  • SqlBuddy (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlbuddy/) is a tool for use with Microsoft SQL Server and MSDE, written in csharp/ DotNet (.NET), to facilitate SQL script writing. It is serves a slightly different purpose that of Query Analyser, in that it is aimed to *help* the user write SQL.
  • Math.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nmath/) aims to provide a self contained clean framework for symbolic mathematical (Computer Algebra System) and numerical/scientific computations, including a parser and support for linear algebra, complex differential analysis, system solving and more
  • IKVM.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ikvm/) a Java(tm) VM for .NET
  • OJB.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ojb-net/) is an object-to-relational persistence tool for the .NET platform. This project's main objectives are to: 1. Dramatically improve developer productivity 2. Maintain data integrity 3. Provide excellent performance
  • ADO.Net drivers for MySql and PostgreSql (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqlnet/) Fully managed ADO.Net drivers for MySql and PostgreSQL
  • Report.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/report/) library contains classes that generate precise PDF documents. It's written in C# for the .NET platform. ASP.NET can be used to create dynamic PDF-response pages.
  • FTP.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ftpnet/) Multi-threaded FTP Program written in C#
  • MVP XML Library (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ikvm/) XML library developed by MS MVPs, to supplement the .NET framework features.
  • SAX for .NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/saxdotnet/) SAX for .NET is a C# port of the original Java based SAX API specifications. When compiled into a .NET assembly it becomes available to the other .NET languages as well.
  • wx.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxnet/) is a C# wrapper for wxWidgets (www.wxwidgets.org), providing a portable GUI toolkit for .NET programs. Supported on Windows, Linux GTK, and Mac OS X using MS.NET, Mono, and PNET. Visit wxnet.sf.net
  • DUK.NET Application Framework (http://sourceforge.net/projects/duknetframework/) provide a foundation for consistent, efficient solutions by encapsulating standards and best practices. The purpose is to apply the developed architecture models to software development and maintenance.
  • ASP.NET-CMS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/aspnet-cms/) Project is aimed to be a good easy to use and manage web based content management system. It will include all possible features that a web application can have like a web portal. It will have good administration features.
  • Generic ADO.net Data Access (http://sourceforge.net/projects/maxvirtual/) MaxVirtual.Data enables DB independent ADO.net development. Easily swap the native Oracle, SqlServer, Sybase, Postgres, etc. drivers by updating the XML config file. Try out the Portal/Reports app. which switches Oracle & SqlServer. Supports all drivers
  • OpenPOP.NET Class library (http://sourceforge.net/projects/hpop/) in C# for communicating with POP3 Servers(retrieve/delete messages and attachments). Supports decoding files in Base64/QP encoding, including attachemnts, MS-TNEF format, and MS mht file. Compiles on Mono, DotGNU and .NET framework
  • MMC .NET Library (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mmclibrary/) - managed wrapper library to support MMC snapin development for Windows.
  • Yet Another Forum.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/yafdotnet/) is a powerful discussion forum or bulletin board system for web sites running ASP.NET.
  • CsGL - OpenGL .NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/csgl/) is OpenGL for the .Net Framework, providing support for OpenGL 1.1 - 1.4 and numerous extensions.
  • RPG Designer (http://sourceforge.net/projects/rpgdesigner/) is a Role Playing Game Designer. It will let a non programmer to write its own 2D RPG Game and distribute it. The program will be composed of a design time editor written in VB.NET and a run time distributable program.
  • Draco.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/draconet/) Continuous Integration for .NET: Draco.NET is a Windows service application designed to facilitate continuous integration.
  • openWORKFLOW ASP.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openwf-com/) is a complete Business process management solution (BPM), fully complied with the Workflow Management Coalition (www.wfmc.org), developed in ASP.NET at Microsoft platform (IIS/SQL), provides a easy way to integrate with existing applications
  • Dingo (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dingo/) is a pluggable Schema Compiler for .NET and will generate C# code. The goal is to provide a simple way to generate Domain Objects. .NET XSD currently only generates Data Objects. Dingo can delegate code generation with high granularity.
  • NProf (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nprof/) .NET profiler and generic profiling API.
  • CruiseControl.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ccnet/) is automated continuous integration server for the .NET platform. It is a C# port of CruiseControl for Java.
  • ASP.NET Enterprise Manager (http://sourceforge.net/projects/asp-ent-man/) is a web based version of the application that is provided with SQL Server. Inspired by the functionality of PHP MyAdmin, this project attempts to give SQL Server and MSDE database users a web based administration and developm
  • MySQLDriverCS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysqldrivercs/)A free simple .NET compliant MySQL driver. Made in C# but it would be used in all .NET compatible languages (VB.NET, Managed C++,...). This project was developed by M.L. Vi馻s Livschitz in collaboration with CeDEI, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spa
  • ScPl plotting (chart) library (http://sourceforge.net/projects/scpl/) A plotting (chart) library for .NET. Provides the ability to create plots with a minimum of effort and also to customise them extensively where required.
  • IIOP.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/iiop-net/) allows a seamless interoperation between .NET, CORBA and J2EE distributed objects. This is done by incorporating CORBA/IIOP support into .NET, leveraging the remoting framework.
  • VB.DOC (http://sourceforge.net/projects/vb-doc/) allows you to use XML documentation tags in VB.NET sources like in C#. It extracts your comments in the same way as the c# compiler, so you can for example create a documentation in MSDN style using the free (GPL) tool NDoc.
  • OpenSmtp.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opensmtp-net/) is an open source SMTP component written in C#. It does not rely on the .Net Framework System.Web.Mail classes and allows developers to use SMTP servers other than MS SMTP. It also has a web service that allows the sending of email via HTTP.
  • NUnitForms (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nunitforms/) is a tool for automatically testing Windows Forms applications written on .NET. It is an extension to NUnit that should make it easy to test Windows Forms applications.
  • DotNetNuke (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dnn/) An open source Web Portal Framework / Content Management System application written in ASP.NET / VB.NET for the Windows OS platform.
  • iBATIS.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ibatisnet/) helps you create better persistence layers for .NET applications. The DataMapper framework streamlines ADO.NET code. The DataAccess framework encapsulates implementation detail. The frameworks can be used together or separately.
  • Logging framework for .NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/log4net/) The .NET implementation of the popular log4j Java API providing flexible and arbitrarily granular control over log management and configuration. See http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/ for more info on log4j.
  • JC OR Framework AtomsFramework (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jcframework/) An Object/Relational persistence layer for VB6 and .NET (VB.NET,C#,etc) similar to ObjectSpaces etc. Database interaction is managed transparently at runtime and requires no SQL knowledge. Great performance, caching, flexible O/R mapping and more.
  • ORM.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/orm-net/) Object-Relational Mapping and Code Generation Tool for .NET
  • SharpDevelop (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sharpdevelop/) is an open source IDE for the .NET platform. It is entirely written in C#, and supports various project types in multiple programming languages.
  • NAnt (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nant/) - A .NET Build Tool
  • NDoc (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndoc/) is an extensible code documentation generation tool for .NET developers.
  • Soup to nuts (http://sourceforge.net/projects/souptonuts/) is a repository of various software scripts: awk,sed, grep, bash scripts, Excel VBA, VB.Net, C, C++,C#,Flash, ipsec security settings, firewall settings, SQL, and kernel hacks etc.
  • NUnit Addin for Visual Studio.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nunitaddin/) Point and Test NUnit integration for Visual Studio.NET. The aim of this project it to simplify testing and debugging using the NUnit framework inside of Visual Studio.NET.
  • SharpWebMail (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sharpwebmail/) Is an ASP.NET webmail application written in C#. It uses a POP3 or IMAP servers as the mailstore and sends mail through a SMTP server. You can compose HTML messages, search your inbox, read complex mime messages and much more. .NET and Mono compatible.
  • NHibernate (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nhibernate/) A .NET port of the excellent Java Hibernate (http://www.hibernate.org) relational persistence tool.
  • SPAW web based WYSIWYG editor control (http://sourceforge.net/projects/spaw/) Full-featured, fully customizable, multilanguage, skinable web based WYSIWYG HTML editor control. PHP and ASP .NET versions available. IE 5.5+ required (displays standar textarea in other browsers).
  • NUnitAsp (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nunitasp/) extends the popular NUnit testing framework to allow automated testing of ASP.NET web applications.
  • Unattended (http://unattended.sourceforge.net), A Windows deployment system, This is a system for fully automating Windows 2000 and XP installations, both OS and applications.
  • NUnit (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nunit/) .Net unit testing framework
  • BugTracker.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/btnet/) A web-based bug tracker written using ASP.NET and C#. This version requires SQL Server or MSDE. Easy to install and learn how to use. Probably has all the features you want. Somewhat configurable. Codebase is easy to work with.
  • ndCMS (http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndcms-net/) Nickel and Dime CMS is a Content Management System built in ASP.net (C#). Includes WYSIWYG editor, User Manager, a File Manager and built-in HTTP Compression.
  • Alchemi (http://sourceforge.net/projects/alchemi/) is a .NET grid computing framework that allows you to painlessly aggregate the computing power of intranet and Internet-connected machines into a virtual supercomputer (computational grid) and to develop applications to run on the grid.
  • Lucene.Net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/lucenedotnet/) search engine library, the Jakarta Lucene compatible full-text search engine library for .NET. project removed from SourceForge to http://LuceneDotNet.com
  • VSNUnit (http://sourceforge.net/projects/vsnunit/) An integrated NUnit test runner for Visual Studio .NET that allows for graphical display of test results, and easy navigation from results to source code.
  • ASP.NET FO PDF Report Server Control (http://sourceforge.net/projects/npdf/) FO PDF is similar to ASP.NET Server Controls, written in C#.It takes DataTable and few other params to generate the XSL FO and renders a DataGrid like PDF Report using NFOP (Apache FOP Port in J#) PDF Formatter.More tags to generate XSL FO will be added.
  • FreeTextBox 1.x (http://sourceforge.net/projects/freetextbox/) is an HTML editor control for ASP.NET. It is not longer supported. Please visit FreeTextBox 2.0 (http://www.freetextbox.com)
  • SFV.net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sfvdotnet/) is a sfv (Simple File Verificator) file creator and validator application. All code written by vb.net and requires .net framework for run or compile
  • NET Data Access Objects (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dao/) Loosely coupled, extensible database access library written in C#. Allows direct database access over a relational vendor-independent data layer as well as automated persistence through O/R mapping containers that work upon the data layer themselves.
  • ProjectPortal (http://sourceforge.net/projects/dotnetproject/) is a multi-lingual, multi-user web-based groupware suite for programme & projectmanagement written in Visual C# ASP.NET using MS Access, MS SQL/MSDE, Oracle or MySQL for datastorage.
  • AspectSharp (http://sourceforge.net/projects/aspectsharp/) is an AOP ( Aspect Oriented Programming ) framework for the .NET .
  • NVelocity (http://sourceforge.net/projects/nvelocity/) is a template engine written in C# for .Net that is a port of the popular Java project Velocity (http://jakarta.apache.org/velocity).
  • HTML Help VS Add-in (http://sourceforge.net/projects/htmlhelpvsaddin/) allows .Net programmers to use the Visual Studio .Net's HTML Help Workshop and HTML editing features to create HTML Help (.chm) files with ease. Check the Home Page for more info and please read the help file that comes with the add-in!
  • OPF.Net (http://sourceforge.net/projects/opfnet/) Object Persistent Frameworks for the .NET platform, which simplify the handling of not object oriented storages by encapsulating them into objects for easier implementation in your application.
  • WilsonWebForm for ASP.NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/wilsonwebform/) enables Multiple Forms and Non-PostBack Forms, allowing you to overcome this ASP.NET restriction. This is a real Server Form that supports WebControls, ViewState, and Events, as well as Action to Post to other pages/sites.
  • Mimer Provider Manager (http://sourceforge.net/projects/mimerpm/) (Mpm) for Microsoft ADO.NET. Gives applications transparent database access to different underlying ADO.NET data providers. Integrated with version 1.1 of .NET Framework and Visual Studio .NET 2003.
  • Spring Framework .NET (http://sourceforge.net/projects/springnet/) inspired by the Java based Spring Framework.






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