在一个项目中需要使用MFC直接加载GIF动画。加载GIF动画网上有多种方式,大多数是将GIF填进资源,使用PictureExload资源文件  如下:

PictureEx图片显示类支持以下格式的图片:GIF (including animated GIF87a and GIF89a), JPEG, BMP, WMF, ICO, CUR等,我特别推崇的是能够做出动画,而且轻而易举,确实很COOL 


2.在项目中插入文档:把PictureEx.hPictureEx.cpp文档copy 到项目文档夹下(PictureEx下载),Project-Add to Project-Files中选上PictureEx.hPictureEx.cpp, Insert;

3.加入图片控件:从对话框控件中把Picture Control(图片控件)拖入主对话框中,修改其属性:IDIDC_GIFTYPERectangle,其余接受缺省选项。再在ClassWiard中为IDF_GIF加入CSatic控制变量m_GifPic, 注意看一下,GifDemoDlg.h中是否加上了#include "PictureEx.h"(由ClassWiard加入)。然后将CSatic m_GifPic;更改成CPictureEx m_GifPic;

4.添加GIF图片到工程:先将要加载的动画文档放到 res 资源文档夹下,再将其Import进项目中,由于MFC只支持256BMP文档的图片,因此,我们要新建一个图片类型:"GIF",我在这里将我网站的宣传图片roaring.gif放进去 ,并将其ID修改成:IDR_GIFROARINGimport(导入)gif动画的周详过程:
resourceview窗口中,单击鼠标右键,在出现的环境菜单中选择“import...”命令,会出现“import resource”选择文档对话框,文档类型选择任何文档(*.*open as 选项为"auto",再选择动画文档所在目录,选上要载入的动画文档 roaring.gif,再单击 import,由于gif动画类型不是vc默认的文档类型,这时会出现"custom resource type"对话框,键入“"gif"”,再单击ok,然后再修改其id

5.在程式的适当位置添入加载代码: 这里,我们在CGifDemoDlg::OnInitDialog()函数中加入如下代码: 
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
查看PictureEx类,会发现类中有多个load函数,其中一个可以Load文件名,但是调用过程不是简单的Load,在Draw的样子显示GIF动画。试验多次后来发现需要在Load文件之前 Static::Create一下。 源码如下:
 m_GifPic.Create(NULL,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |SS_ENHMETAFILE,CRect(50,50,100,100),this,1234);
OK  使用PictureEx动态加载GIF文件完成

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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PictureEx.cpp: implementation of the CPicture class. // // Picture displaying control with support for the following formats: // GIF (including animated GIF87a and GIF89a), JPEG, BMP, WMF, ICO, CUR // // Written by Oleg Bykov ( // Copyright (c) 2001 // // Modified by jingzhou Xu ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #include <vector> //#define GIF_TRACING // uncomment it if you want detailed TRACEs class CPictureEx : public CStatic { public: struct TFrame // structure that keeps a single frame info { IPicture *m_pPicture; // pointer to the interface used for drawing SIZE m_frameSize; SIZE m_frameOffset; UINT m_nDelay; // delay (in 1/100s of a second) UINT m_nDisposal; // disposal method }; #pragma pack(1) // turn byte alignment on enum GIFBlockTypes { BLOCK_UNKNOWN, BLOCK_APPEXT, BLOCK_COMMEXT, BLOCK_CONTROLEXT, BLOCK_PLAINTEXT, BLOCK_IMAGE, BLOCK_TRAILER }; enum ControlExtValues // graphic control extension packed field values { GCX_PACKED_DISPOSAL, // disposal method GCX_PACKED_USERINPUT, GCX_PACKED_TRANSPCOLOR }; enum LSDPackedValues // logical screen descriptor packed field values { LSD_PACKED_GLOBALCT, LSD_PACKED_CRESOLUTION, LSD_PACKED_SORT, LSD_PACKED_GLOBALCTSIZE }; enum IDPackedValues // image descriptor packed field values { ID_PACKED_LOCALCT, ID_PACKED_INTERLACE, ID_PACKED_SORT, ID_PACKED_LOCALCTSIZE }; struct TGIFHeader // GIF header { char m_cSignature[3]; // Signature - Identifies the GIF Data Stream // This field contains the fixed value 'GIF' char m_cVersion[3]; // Version number. May be one of the following: // "87a" or "89a" }; struct TGIFLSDescriptor // Logical Screen Descriptor { WORD m_wWidth; // 2 bytes. Logical screen width WORD m_wHeight; // 2 bytes. Logical screen height unsigned char m_cPacked; // packed field unsigned char m_cBkIndex; // 1 byte. Background color index unsigned char m_cPixelAspect; // 1 byte. Pixel aspect ratio inline int GetPackedValue(enum LSDPackedValues Value); }; struct TGIFAppExtension // application extension block { unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21) unsigned char m_cExtLabel; // app. extension label (0xFF) unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 11 char m_cAppIdentifier[8]; // application identifier char m_cAppAuth[3]; // application authentication code }; struct TGIFControlExt // graphic control extension block { unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21) unsigned char m_cControlLabel; // control extension label (0xF9) unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 4 unsigned char m_cPacked; // packed field WORD m_wDelayTime; // delay time unsigned char m_cTColorIndex; // transparent color index unsigned char m_cBlockTerm; // block terminator (0x00) public: inline int GetPackedValue(enum ControlExtValues Value); }; struct TGIFCommentExt // comment extension block { unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21) unsigned char m_cCommentLabel; // comment extension label (0xFE) }; struct TGIFPlainTextExt // plain text extension block { unsigned char m_cExtIntroducer; // extension introducer (0x21) unsigned char m_cPlainTextLabel; // text extension label (0x01) unsigned char m_cBlockSize; // fixed value of 12 WORD m_wLeftPos; // text grid left position WORD m_wTopPos; // text grid top position WORD m_wGridWidth; // text grid width WORD m_wGridHeight; // text grid height unsigned char m_cCellWidth; // character cell width unsigned char m_cCellHeight; // character cell height unsigned char m_cFgColor; // text foreground color index unsigned char m_cBkColor; // text background color index }; struct TGIFImageDescriptor // image descriptor block { unsigned char m_cImageSeparator; // image separator byte (0x2C) WORD m_wLeftPos; // image left position WORD m_wTopPos; // image top position WORD m_wWidth; // image width WORD m_wHeight; // image height unsigned char m_cPacked; // packed field inline int GetPackedValue(enum IDPackedValues Value); }; #pragma pack() // turn byte alignment off public: CPictureEx(); virtual ~CPictureEx(); void Stop(); // stops animation void UnLoad(); // stops animation plus releases all resources BOOL IsGIF() const; BOOL IsAnimatedGIF() const; SIZE GetSize() const; int GetFrameCount() const; COLORREF GetBkColor() const; void SetBkColor(COLORREF clr); // draws the picture (starts an animation thread if needed) BOOL Draw(); // loads a picture from a file // i.e. Load(_T("mypic.gif")); BOOL Load(LPCTSTR szFileName); // loads a picture from a global memory block (allocated by GlobalAlloc) // Warning: this function DOES NOT free the global memory, pointed to by hGlobal BOOL Load(HGLOBAL hGlobal, DWORD dwSize); // loads a picture from a program resource // i.e. Load(MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MYPIC),_T("GIFTYPE")); BOOL Load(LPCTSTR szResourceName,LPCTSTR szResourceType); protected: #ifdef GIF_TRACING void EnumGIFBlocks(); void WriteDataOnDisk(CString szFileName, HGLOBAL hData, DWORD dwSize); #endif // GIF_TRACING SIZE m_PictureSize; COLORREF m_clrBackground; UINT m_nDataSize; UINT m_nCurrOffset; UINT m_nGlobalCTSize; BOOL m_bIsGIF; BOOL m_bExitThread; BOOL m_bIsInitialized; HDC m_hMemDC; HBITMAP m_hBitmap; HBITMAP m_hOldBitmap; HANDLE m_hThread; HANDLE m_hExitEvent; IPicture * m_pPicture; TGIFHeader * m_pGIFHeader; unsigned char * m_pRawData; TGIFLSDescriptor * m_pGIFLSDescriptor; std::vector<TFrame> m_arrFrames; void ThreadAnimation(); static UINT WINAPI _ThreadAnimation(LPVOID pParam); int GetNextBlockLen() const; BOOL SkipNextBlock(); BOOL SkipNextGraphicBlock(); BOOL PrepareDC(int nWidth, int nHeight); void ResetDataPointer(); enum GIFBlockTypes GetNextBlock() const; UINT GetSubBlocksLen(UINT nStartingOffset) const; HGLOBAL GetNextGraphicBlock(UINT *pBlockLen, UINT *pDelay, SIZE *pBlockSize, SIZE *pBlockOffset, UINT *pDisposal); // Generated message map functions //{{AFX_MSG(CMyStatic) afx_msg void OnDestroy(); afx_msg void OnPaint(); //}}AFX_MSG DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif // !defined(AFX_PICTUREEX_H__0EFE5DE0_7B68_4DB7_8B34_5DC634948438__INCLUDED_)


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