ansible实战应用系列教程8:magic variables

Magic variables

您可以访问有关Ansible操作的信息,包括正在使用的python版本,invnetory中的主机和组,以及play和role的目录,使用“magic”变量。和连接变量一样,magic变量也是特殊变量。magic变量名是保留的-不要用这些名称设置变量。变量environment 也被保留。


如果你想使用来自另一个节点的’ fact '的值来配置你的数据库服务器,或者分配给另一个节点的库存变量的值,你可以在模板或操作行中使用hostvars:

{{ hostvars['']['ansible_facts']['distribution'] }}


{% for host in groups['app_servers'] %}
   # something that applies to all app servers.
{% endfor %}


{% for host in groups['app_servers'] %}
   {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['eth0']['ipv4']['address'] }}
{% endfor %}



{% if 'webserver' in group_names %}
   # some part of a configuration file that only applies to webservers
{% endif %}





batch 大小是由serial定义的,当不设置时,它相当于整个play(使其与ansible_play_hosts相同)。






ansible version:New in version 1.8.


# ansible localhost -m debug -a 'var=ansible_version'
    "ansible_version": {
        "full": "2.10.1",
        "major": 2,
        "minor": 10,
        "revision": 1,
        "string": "2.10.1"

Special Variables

magic variables


  • ansible_check_mode

    Boolean that indicates if we are in check mode or not

  • ansible_config_file

    The full path of used Ansible configuration file

  • ansible_dependent_role_names

    The names of the roles currently imported into the current play as dependencies of other plays

  • ansible_diff_mode

    Boolean that indicates if we are in diff mode or not

  • ansible_forks

    Integer reflecting the number of maximum forks available to this run

  • ansible_inventory_sources

    List of sources used as inventory

  • ansible_limit

    Contents of the --limit CLI option for the current execution of Ansible

  • ansible_loop

    A dictionary/map containing extended loop information when enabled through loop_control.extended

  • ansible_loop_var

    The name of the value provided to loop_control.loop_var. Added in 2.8

  • ansible_index_var

    The name of the value provided to loop_control.index_var. Added in 2.9

  • ansible_parent_role_names

    When the current role is being executed by means of an include_role or import_role action, this variable contains a list of all parent roles, with the most recent role (in other words, the role that included/imported this role) being the first item in the list.When multiple inclusions occur, this list lists the last role (in other words, the role that included this role) as the first item in the list. It is also possible that a specific role exists more than once in this list.For example: When role A includes role B, inside role B, ansible_parent_role_names will equal to ['A']. If role B then includes role C, the list becomes ['B', 'A'].

  • ansible_parent_role_paths

    When the current role is being executed by means of an include_role or import_role action, this variable contains a list of all parent roles paths, with the most recent role (in other words, the role that included/imported this role) being the first item in the list.Please refer to ansible_parent_role_names for the order of items in this list.

  • ansible_play_batch

    List of active hosts in the current play run limited by the serial, aka ‘batch’. Failed/Unreachable hosts are not considered ‘active’.

  • ansible_play_hosts

    List of hosts in the current play run, not limited by the serial. Failed/Unreachable hosts are excluded from this list.

  • ansible_play_hosts_all

    List of all the hosts that were targeted by the play

  • ansible_play_role_names

    The names of the roles currently imported into the current play. This list does not contain the role names that areimplicitly included through dependencies.

  • ansible_playbook_python

    The path to the python interpreter being used by Ansible on the controller

  • ansible_role_names

    The names of the roles currently imported into the current play, or roles referenced as dependencies of the rolesimported into the current play.

  • ansible_role_name

    The fully qualified collection role name, in the format of namespace.collection.role_name

  • ansible_collection_name

    The name of the collection the task that is executing is a part of. In the format of namespace.collection

  • ansible_run_tags

    Contents of the --tags CLI option, which specifies which tags will be included for the current run. Note that if --tags is not passed, this variable will default to ["all"].

  • ansible_search_path

    Current search path for action plugins and lookups, in other words, where we search for relative paths when you do template: src=myfile

  • ansible_skip_tags

    Contents of the --skip-tags CLI option, which specifies which tags will be skipped for the current run.

  • ansible_verbosity

    Current verbosity setting for Ansible

  • ansible_version

    Dictionary/map that contains information about the current running version of ansible, it has the following keys: full, major, minor, revision and string.

  • group_names

    List of groups the current host is part of

  • groups

    A dictionary/map with all the groups in inventory and each group has the list of hosts that belong to it

  • hostvars

    A dictionary/map with all the hosts in inventory and variables assigned to them

  • inventory_hostname

    The inventory name for the ‘current’ host being iterated over in the play

  • inventory_hostname_short

    The short version of inventory_hostname

  • inventory_dir

    The directory of the inventory source in which the inventory_hostname was first defined

  • inventory_file

    The file name of the inventory source in which the inventory_hostname was first defined

  • omit

    Special variable that allows you to ‘omit’ an option in a task, for example - user: name=bob home={{ bobs_home|default(omit) }}

  • play_hosts

    Deprecated, the same as ansible_play_batch

  • ansible_play_name

    The name of the currently executed play. Added in 2.8. (name attribute of the play, not file name of the playbook.)

  • playbook_dir

    The path to the directory of the current playbook being executed. NOTE: This might be different than directory of the playbook passed to the ansible-playbook command line when a playbook contains a import_playbook statement.

  • role_name

    The name of the role currently being executed.

  • role_names

    Deprecated, the same as ansible_play_role_names

  • role_path

    The path to the dir of the currently running role




Contains any facts gathered or cached for the inventory_hostnameFacts are normally gathered by the setup module automatically in a play, but any module can return facts.

ansible_local - 自定义facts

Contains any ‘local facts’ gathered or cached for the inventory_hostname.The keys available depend on the custom facts created.See the setup module and facts.d or local facts for more details

Connection variables

Connection variables are normally used to set the specifics on how to execute actions on a target. Most of them correspond to connection plugins, but not all are specific to them; other plugins like shell, terminal and become are normally involved.Only the common ones are described as each connection/become/shell/etc plugin can define its own overrides and specific variables.See Controlling how Ansible behaves: precedence rules for how connection variables interact with configuration settings, command-line options, and playbook keywords.

  • ansible_become_user

    The user Ansible ‘becomes’ after using privilege escalation. This must be available to the ‘login user’.

  • ansible_connection

    The connection plugin actually used for the task on the target host.

  • ansible_host

    The ip/name of the target host to use instead of inventory_hostname.

  • ansible_python_interpreter

    The path to the Python executable Ansible should use on the target host.

  • ansible_user

    The user Ansible ‘logs in’ as.





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