AttributeError: ‘FigureManagerInterAgg‘ object has no attribute ‘window‘

AttributeError: 'FigureManagerInterAgg' object has no attribute 'window'


fig = plt.figure()

AttributeError: ‘FigureManagerInterAgg’ object has no attribute ‘window’

设置pycharm,File/Setting/tools/Python Scientific下的show plots取消对勾


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----------ChromeDriver v2.23 (2016-08-04)---------- Supports Chrome v51-53 Resolved issue 1378: Android 6: Intitialization of Chrome driver fails when Chrome/Webview process is in running (R) state [['OS-Android', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1379: Chromedriver does not catch all available browser console log entries [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.22 (2016-06-06)---------- Supports Chrome v49-52 Resolved issue 1348: Timeout error while navigating to URL on Chrome 51+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1381: Timeout error occurs when alert dialog is displayed on Chrome 52+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1', 'merge-merged-2743']] Resolved issue 1339: Failure when executing JS in a content script context [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1387: ChromeDriver hangs when calling driver.get() for same-process navigations [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1365: Touch emulation is not working under mobile emulation in Chrome 50+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1224: Chrome WebDriver throws an exception when trying to click a button inside a frame [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 107: ChromeDriver Won't Switch To Frame inside nested frameset [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1368: ExecuteScript returns "Cannot read property 'document' of null" [[]] Resolved issue 1355: Session not created exception when connecting to existing browser on localhost [[]] Resolved issue 1331: "chromeOptions.excludeSwitches" is not working on Android [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.21 (2016-01-28)---------- Supports Chrome v46-50 Resolved issue 1276: empty FindElement response is returned while trying to find element with tagname object/embed [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1272: GET url returns "data:text/html,chromewebdata" [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1310: ChromeDriver hangs (and times out) when inspecting inactive background pages [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 824: ChromeDriver creates two cookies when the cookie to add contains the domain [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1274: ExecuteScript sends script to wrong execution context [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1249: Change "get current URL" behavior in ChromeDriver [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 904: include Alert text in UnhandledAlertError stack trace [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 474: getAttribute() fails when attribute name has colon (:) character [['OS-All', 'Pri-3']] Resolved issue 1245: Unable to switch to 1st opened window in session [[]] Resolved issue 1290: Cannot access elements from subframes [[]] Resolved issue 1261: getTitle() should return empty string instead of page url when page title is empty [[]] Resolved issue 1238: testExecuteInRemovedFrame fails on waterfall bots [['OS-All']] Resolved issue 1246: Chromedriver version number is not displayed in logs/ getCapabilities() [['OS-All']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.20 (2015-10-08)---------- Supports Chrome v43-48 Resolved issue 1225: RESPONSE InitSession unknown error: Device <device_id> is not online [['OS-Android', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 960: ChromeDriver support to access WebView elements [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1229: Spec violation: /sessions endpoint returns session ID at `sessionId` key instead of `id` key [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.19 (2015-08-28)---------- Supports Chrome v43-47 Resolved issue 1167: Various issues with ChromeDriver navigation tracker [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1205: Chrome crashes when enabling touch emulation [['OS-Mac', 'OS-Windows', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1142: cookies' httponly attribute is not returned [['Pri-2']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.18 (2015-08-19)---------- Supports Chrome v43-46 Resolved issue 1158: Unable to find elements after installing Chrome 44 [['ChromeDriver-2.17', 'OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 635: Implement touch actions for android chrome [['OS-Android', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1194: unknown error: cannot determine loading status from disconnected: received Inspector.detached event [[]]
jQuery 1.11.0 速查表 核心 jQuery 核心函数 jQuery([sel,[context]]) jQuery(html,[ownerDoc])1.8* jQuery(callback) jQuery.holdReady(hold) jQuery 对象访问 each(callback) size() length selector context get([index]) index([selector|element]) 数据缓存 data([key],[value]) removeData([name|list])1.7* $.data(ele,[key],[val])1.8- 队列控制 queue(e,[q]) dequeue([queueName]) clearQueue([queueName]) 插件机制 jQuery.fn.extend(object) jQuery.extend(object) 多库共存 jQuery.noConflict([ex]) 属性 属性 attr(name|pro|key,val|fn) removeAttr(name) prop(n|p|k,v|f) removeProp(name) CSS 类 addClass(class|fn) removeClass([class|fn]) toggleClass(class|fn[,sw]) HTML代码/文本/值 html([val|fn]) text([val|fn]) val([val|fn|arr]) CSS CSS css(name|pro|[,val|fn])1.9* jQuery.cssHooks 位置 offset([coordinates]) position() scrollTop([val]) scrollLeft([val]) 尺寸 height([val|fn]) width([val|fn]) innerHeight() innerWidth() outerHeight([soptions]) outerWidth([options]) 选择器 基本 #id element .class * selector1,selector2,selectorN 层级 ancestor descendant parent > child prev + next prev ~ siblings 基本 :first :not(selector) :even :odd :eq(index) :gt(index) :lang1.9+ :last :lt(index) :header :animated :focus :root1.9+ :target1.9+ 内容 :contains(text) :empty :has(selector) :parent 可见性 :hidden :visible 属性 [attribute] [attribute=value] [attribute!=value] [attribute^=value] [attribute$=value] [attribute*=value] [attrSel1][attrSel2][attrSelN] 子元素 :first-child :first-of-type1.9+ :last-child :last-of-type1.9+ :nth-child :nth-last-child()1.9+ :nth-last-of-type()1.9+ :nth-of-type()1.9+ :only-child :only-of-type1.9+ 表单 :input :text :password :radio :checkbox :submit :image :reset :button :file :hidden 表单对象属性 :enabled :disabled :checked :selected 文档处理 内部插入 append(content|fn) appendTo(content) prepend(content|fn) prependTo(content) 外部插入 after(content|fn) before(content|fn) insertAfter(content) insertBefore(content) 包裹 wrap(html|ele|fn) unwrap() wrapAll(html|ele) wrapInner(html|ele|fn) 替换 replaceWith(content|fn) replaceAll(selector) 删除 empty() remove([expr]) detach([expr]) 复制 clone([Even[,deepEven]]) 筛选 过滤 eq(index|-index) first() last() hasClass(class) filter(expr|obj|ele|fn) is(expr|obj|ele|fn) map(callback) has(expr|ele) not(expr|ele|fn) slice(start,[end]) 查找 children([expr]) closest(e|o|e)1.7* find(e|o|e) next([expr]) nextall([expr]) nextUntil([e|e][,f]) offsetParent() parent([expr]) parents([expr]) parentsUntil([e|e][,f]) prev([expr]) prevall([expr]) prevUntil([e|e][,f]) siblings([expr]) 串联 add(e|e|h|o[,c])1.9* andSelf()1.8- addBack()1.9+ contents() end() 事件 页面载入 ready(fn) 事件处理 on(eve,[sel],[data],fn)1.7+ off(eve,[sel],[fn])1.7+ bind(type,[data],fn) one(type,[data],fn) trigger(type,[data]) triggerHandler(type, [data]) unbind(t,[d|f]) 事件委派 live(type,[data],fn)1.7- die(type,[fn])1.7- delegate(s,[t],[d],fn) undelegate([s,[t],fn]) 事件切换 hover([over,]out) toggle([spe],[eas],[fn])1.9* 事件 blur([[data],fn]) change([[data],fn]) click([[data],fn]) dblclick([[data],fn]) error([[data],fn]) focus([[data],fn]) focusin([data],fn) focusout([data],fn) 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$.ajaxPrefilter([type],fn) $.ajaxSetup([options]) serialize() serializearray() 工具 浏览器及特性检测 $.support $.browser1.9- $.browser.version $.boxModel 数组和对象操作 $.each(object,[callback]) $.extend([d],tgt,obj1,[objN]) $.grep(array,fn,[invert]) $.sub()1.9- $.when(deferreds) $.makeArray(obj) $.map(arr|obj,callback) $.inArray(val,arr,[from]) $.toArray() $.merge(first,second) $.unique(array) $.parseJSON(json) $.parseXML(data) 函数操作 $.noop $.proxy(function,context) 测试操作 $.contains(c,c) $.type(obj) $.isarray(obj) $.isFunction(obj) $.isEmptyObject(obj) $.isPlainObject(obj) $.isWindow(obj) $.isNumeric(value)1.7+ 字符串操作 $.trim(str) URL $.param(obj,[traditional]) 插件编写 $.error(message) $.fn.jquery 事件对象 eve.currentTarget eve.delegateTarget1.7+ eve.isDefaultPrevented() eve.isImmediatePropag...() eve.isPropagationStopped() eve.namespace eve.pageX eve.pageY eve.preventDefault() eve.relatedTarget eve.result eve.stopImmediatePro...() eve.stopPropagation() eve.timeStamp eve.type eve.which 延迟对象 def.done(d,[d]) def.isRejected()1.7- def.isResolved()1.7- def.reject(args) def.rejectWith(c,[a]) def.resolve(args) def.resolveWith(c,[a]) def.then(d[,f][,p])1.8* def.promise([ty],[ta]) def.pipe([d],[f],[p])1.8- def.always(al,[al]) def.notify(args)1.7+ def.notifyWith(c,[a])1.7+ def.progress(proCal)1.7+ def.state()1.7+ 回调函数 cal.add(callbacks)1.7+ cal.disable()1.7+ cal.empty()1.7+ cal.fired()1.7+li> cal.fireWith([c] [,a])1.7+ cal.has(callback)1.7+ cal.lock()1.7+ cal.locked()1.7+ cal.remove(callbacks)1.7+ $.callbacks(flags)1.7+ 其它 正则表达式 HTML5速查表 Copyright © Shifone 2012 - 2014. 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基于extjs的.NET3.5控件Coolite (Preview预览版), *************************************************** * Version 1.0.0 升级日志 * *************************************************** 1. Renamed Coolite.Ext.Web project to Ext.Net 2. Renamed Coolite.Examples project to Ext.Net.Examples 3. Renamed Coolite.Ext.UX project to Ext.Net.UX 4. Renamed Coolite.EmbeddedResourceBuilder project to Ext.Net.ERB 5. Renamed Coolite.Utilities project to Ext.Net.Utilities 6. Renamed Coolite.Sandbox project to Ext.Net.Sandbox 7. Renamed Coolite.Toolkit.sln Visual Studio Solution file to Ext.Net.sln. 8. Renamed Coolite.Ext.Web Namespace to Ext.Net 9. Renamed Coolite.Utilities Namespace to Ext.Net.Utilities 10. Renamed Coolite.Ext.UX Namespace to Ext.Net.UX 11. Renamed root singleton "Ext" class to "X". Example (Old) if (!Ext.IsAjaxRequest) { } Ext.Msg.Alert("Title", "Message").Show(); Example (New) if (!X.IsAjaxRequest) { } X.Msg.Alert("Title", "Message").Show(); 12. Added new feature to get server-side Property values from client id Token strings. Example 13. Renamed WebControl class to ExtControl. As well, renamed Coolite.Ext.Web.WebControl.cs file to Ext.Net.ExtControl.cs. 14. Removed . Please use . 15. Removed . Please use . 16. Renamed AjaxMethod class to DirectMethod. 17. Renamed AjaxMethodAttribute to DirectMethodAttribute. Example (Old) [AjaxMethod] public void DoSomthing() { } Example (New) [DirectMethod] public void DoSomthing() { } 18. Renamed property to . 19. Removed . Please use . 20. Removed Adapter class 21. Removed ColorMenuItem class 22. Removed ComboMenuItem class 23. Removed DateFieldMenuItem class 24. Removed D
chromedriver,v2.24,支持chrome v52-54. ----------ChromeDriver v2.24 (2016-09-09)---------- Supports Chrome v52-54 Resolved issue 1497: GetLog fails when the current window is closed [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1495: ChromeDriver crashes with "Check failed: !page_load_strategy_.empty()" [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1463: SessionNotCreatedException: Runtime.evaluate missing 'wasThrown' on Chrome 54+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1484: SendKeys of a Tab Key has no effect in Chrome 53 [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1431: GetLog command does not work for Chrome 54+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1411: sendKeys generates events that are missing some fields [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1451: Chrome 54+ session not created exception: Runtime.executionContextCreated has invalid 'context' [['Pri-1']] Resolved issue 984: Extend ChromeDriver capabilities to cover network throttling feature from Chrome DevTools [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] Resolved issue 1454: Net::ReadTimeout error on launching Canary v54 through RemoteWebDriver [[]] ----------ChromeDriver v2.23 (2016-08-04)---------- Supports Chrome v51-53 Resolved issue 1378: Android 6: Intitialization of Chrome driver fails when Chrome/Webview process is in running (R) state [['OS-Android', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1379: Chromedriver does not catch all available browser console log entries [['OS-All', 'Pri-2']] ----------ChromeDriver v2.22 (2016-06-06)---------- Supports Chrome v49-52 Resolved issue 1348: Timeout error while navigating to URL on Chrome 51+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-0']] Resolved issue 1381: Timeout error occurs when alert dialog is displayed on Chrome 52+ [['OS-All', 'Pri-1', 'merge-merged-2743']] Resolved issue 1339: Failure when executing JS in a content script context [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1387: ChromeDriver hangs when calling driver.get() for same-process navigations [['OS-All', 'Pri-1']] Resolved issue 1365: Touch emulation is not working under mobile emulation


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