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原创 LeetCode 238 Product of Array Except Self (思维)

LeetCode 238 Product of Array Except Self (思维)

2016-10-31 20:47:09 642

原创 LeetCode 413 Arithmetic Slices (找等差数列)

LeetCode 413 Arithmetic Slices (找等差数列)

2016-10-31 19:42:50 1285

原创 LeetCode 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (两点法)

LeetCode 167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted (两点法)

2016-10-31 19:26:22 586

原创 LeetCode 151 Reverse Words in a String (字符串处理 推荐)

LeetCode 151 Reverse Words in a String (字符串处理 推荐)

2016-10-25 21:30:12 718

原创 LeetCode 188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV (动态规划 推荐)

Say you have an array for which the ith element is the price of a given stock on dayi.Design an algorithm to find the maximum profit. You may complete at mostk transactions.Note:You may not engage in ...

2016-10-25 20:41:26 832

原创 LeetCode 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (链表 层次遍历 推荐)

LeetCode 117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II (链表 层次遍历 推荐)

2016-10-25 19:45:15 571

原创 LeetCode 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree (LCA)

Follow up for problem "Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node".What if the given tree could be any binary tree? Would your previous solution still work?Note:You may only use constant extra ...

2016-10-25 19:31:41 579

原创 LeetCode 309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown (动态规划)

LeetCode 309 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown (动态规划)

2016-10-24 23:50:41 998

原创 LeetCode 404 Sum of Left Leaves (DFS)

LeetCode 404 Sum of Left Leaves (DFS)

2016-10-23 15:59:19 851

原创 LeetCode 437 Path Sum III (DFS)

LeetCode 437 Path Sum III (DFS)

2016-10-23 15:34:32 1666

原创 LeetCode 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height (排序 思维)

LeetCode 406 Queue Reconstruction by Height (排序 思维)

2016-10-23 14:45:44 1170

原创 LeetCode 419 Battleships in a Board (DFS 或 模拟)

LeetCode 419 Battleships in a Board (DFS 或 模拟)

2016-10-23 13:23:27 1596

原创 LeetCode 363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K (二分)

LeetCode 363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K (二分)

2016-10-23 12:14:00 757

原创 LeetCode 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words (map)

LeetCode 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words (map)

2016-10-23 12:04:16 629

原创 LeetCode 132 Palindrome Partitioning II (动态规划)

LeetCode 132 Palindrome Partitioning II (动态规划)

2016-10-23 11:59:51 1729

原创 LeetCode 135 Candy (贪心 构造)

LeetCode 135 Candy (贪心 构造)

2016-10-18 23:50:31 914

原创 LeetCode 403 Frog Jump (dp)

LeetCode 403 Frog Jump (dp)

2016-10-16 13:29:42 1381

原创 LeetCode 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (二叉树)

LeetCode 116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node (二叉树)

2016-10-13 18:18:49 596

原创 LeetCode 76 Minimum Window Substring (尺取法 推荐)

LeetCode 76 Minimum Window Substring (尺取法 推荐)

2016-10-13 15:40:17 701

原创 HDU 1712 ACboy needs your help (分组背包 每组至多选一个)

HDU 1712 ACboy needs your help (分组背包 每组至多选一个)

2016-10-13 00:38:43 1054

原创 HDU 3033 I love sneakers! (分组背包 每组至少选一个)

HDU 3033 I love sneakers! (分组背包 每组至少选一个)

2016-10-13 00:21:41 1264

原创 LeetCode 54 Spiral Matrix (模拟 蛇形填数)

LeetCode 54 Spiral Matrix (模拟 蛇形填数)

2016-10-12 23:07:38 857

原创 LeetCode 115 Distinct Subsequences (子序列计数 dp)

LeetCode 115 Distinct Subsequences (子序列计数 dp)

2016-10-09 20:24:01 874

原创 LeetCode 214 Shortest Palindrome (KMP next数组)

LeetCode 214 Shortest Palindrome (KMP next数组)

2016-10-08 23:41:30 1101

原创 LeetCode 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses (BFS + 剪枝)

LeetCode 301 Remove Invalid Parentheses (BFS + 剪枝)

2016-10-08 09:39:00 1278

原创 HDU 4946 Area of Mushroom (凸包 思维)

HDU 4946 Area of Mushroom (凸包 思维)

2016-10-07 13:13:19 693

原创 HDU 5251 矩形面积 (最小矩形覆盖 凸包+旋转卡壳 详解 推荐)

HDU 5251 矩形面积 (最小矩形覆盖 凸包+旋转卡壳 详解 推荐)

2016-10-06 20:26:12 1444

原创 LeetCode 85 Maximal Rectangle (最大子矩形 单调栈)

LeetCode 85 Maximal Rectangle (最大子矩形 单调栈)

2016-10-06 15:47:16 2396

原创 LeetCode 221 Maximal Square (最大子正方形 dp)

LeetCode 221 Maximal Square (最大子正方形 dp)

2016-10-06 14:36:31 1102

原创 HDU 3007 Buried memory (最小圆覆盖 凸包解法)

HDU 3007 Buried memory (最小圆覆盖 凸包解法)

2016-10-05 14:00:35 1981

原创 HDU 2215 Maple trees (凸包 最小圆覆盖 推荐)

HDU 2215 Maple trees (凸包 最小圆覆盖 推荐)

2016-10-04 23:54:56 2226

原创 POJ 1873 The Fortified Forest (状态压缩+凸包 WF 推荐)

POJ 1873 The Fortified Forest (状态压缩+凸包 WF 推荐)

2016-10-04 21:04:31 893

原创 POJ 1264 SCUD Busters (凸包面积+判断点是否在凸包内)

POJ 1264 SCUD Busters (凸包面积+判断点是否在凸包内)

2016-10-04 17:32:12 2071

原创 POJ 2187 Beauty Contest (平面最远点对 凸包+旋转卡壳 推荐)

POJ 2187 Beauty Contest (平面最远点对 凸包+旋转卡壳 推荐)

2016-10-04 14:44:14 1203

原创 POJ 3348 Cows (凸包面积)

POJ 3348 Cows (凸包面积)

2016-10-04 11:10:32 1024

原创 POJ 2079 Triangle (平面点最大三角形 凸包+旋转卡壳 推荐)

POJ 2079 Triangle (平面点最大三角形 凸包+旋转卡壳 推荐)

2016-10-04 10:44:05 1263

原创 POJ 2007 Scrambled Polygon (极角排序)

POJ 2007 Scrambled Polygon (极角排序)

2016-10-01 17:19:20 1115

原创 POJ 1228 Grandpa's Estate (凸包唯一性判定 推荐)

POJ 1228 Grandpa's Estate (凸包唯一性判定 推荐)

2016-10-01 16:44:48 1360

原创 POJ 1113 && HDU 1348 Wall (凸包周长 graham扫描法)

POJ 1113 && HDU 1348 Wall (凸包周长 graham扫描法)

2016-10-01 11:50:59 1266



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