You are a professional robber planning to rob houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security system connected and it will automatically contact the police if two adjacent houses were broken into on the same night.
Given a list of non-negative integers representing the amount of money of each house, determine the maximum amount of money you can rob tonight without alerting the police.
假设nums=[3,4,5,1,7]表示了当前街道上每一户人家分别含有的钱数,开辟一个新的数组dp用来表示偷到第 i 家时,当前收获的最大金额。那么dp[0]=3为偷到第0家时可以偷到3;因为nums[1]=4>nums[0]=3,因此,dp[1]=4,即偷到第1家时最大偷到4而不偷第0家;继续向后计算dp时,比较nums[i]+dp[i-2]和dp[i-1],因为不能偷取相邻的,所以如果选择偷当前家,那么就要和dp[i-2]相加与是否偷取上一家的结果dp[i-1]比较挑选大的作为dp[i]。
C++代码(Visual Studio 2017):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Solution {
int rob(vector<int>& nums) {
int n = nums.size();
if (n == 0) return 0;
if (n == 1) return nums[0];
if (n == 2) return max(nums[0], nums[1]);
vector<int> dp = { nums[0],max(nums[0],nums[1]) };
for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) {
dp.push_back(max(nums[i] + dp[i - 2], dp[i - 1]));
return dp.back();
int main()
Solution s;
vector<int> nums = {3,4,5,1,7};
int result;
result = s.rob(nums);
cout << result;
return 0;