
Botan Reference Manual, Release 2.3.0

8.4.1 Initializing Pipe

By default, Pipe will do nothing at all; any input placed into the Pipe will be read back unchanged.


Obviously, this has limited utility, and presumably you want to use one or more filters to somehow process the data.


First, you can  choose a set of filters to initialize the Pipe via the constructor.


 You can pass it either a set of up to four filter pointers, or a pre-defined array and a length:


This is by far the most common way to initialize a Pipe.


 However, occasionally a more flexible initialization strategy is necessary; this is supported by 4 member functions. 然而,有必要采取更灵活的初始化策略.提供4个成员函数。

These functions may only be used while the pipe in question is not in use; that is, either before calling start_msg, or after end_msg has been called (and no new calls to start_msg have been made yet).这些函数只能在不使用的管道时使用;



void Pipe::prepend(Filter *filter)


Calling prepend will put the passed filter first in the list of transformations. For example, if you prepend a filter implementing encryption, and the pipe already had a filter that hex encoded the input, then the next message processed would be first encrypted, and then hex encoded.



void Pipe::append(Filter *filter)


Like prepend, but places the filter at the end of the message flow. This doesn’t always do what you expect if there is a fork.



void Pipe::pop()


Removes the first filter in the flow.



void Pipe::reset()


Removes all the filters that the pipe currently holds - it is reset to an empty/no-op state. Any data that is being retained by the pipe is retained after a reset, and reset does not affect message numbers (discussed later).


8.4.2 Giving Data to a Pipe


Input to a Pipe is delimited into messages, which can be read from independently (ie, you can read 5 bytes from one message, and then all of another message, without either read affecting any other messages).


void Pipe::start_msg()

Starts a new message; if a message was already running, an exception is thrown. After this function returns, you can call write.


void Pipe::write(const byte *input, size_t length)


void Pipe::write(const std::vector<byte> &input)


void Pipe::write(const std::string &input)


void Pipe::write(DataSource &input)


void Pipe::write(byte input)


All versions of write write the input into the filter sequence. If a message is not currently active, an exception is thrown. 



void Pipe::end_msg()


End the currently active message结束当前的活动消息

Sometimes, you may want to do only a single write per message. In this case, you can use the process_msg series of functions, which start a message, write their argument into the pipe, and then end the message. In this case you would not make any explicit calls to start_msg/end_msg.



Pipes can also be used with the >> operator, and will accept a std::istream, or on Unix systems with the fd_unix module, a Unix file descriptor. In either case, the entire contents of the file will be read into the pipe.



8.4.3 Getting Output from a Pipe


Retrieving the processed data from a pipe is a bit more complicated, for various reasons. The pipe will sepa-rate each message into a separate buffer, and you have to retrieve data from each message independently. Each of the reader functions has a final parameter that specifies what message to read from. If this parameter is set to Pipe::DEFAULT_MESSAGE, it will read the current default message (DEFAULT_MESSAGE is also the default value of this parameter).



Functions in Pipe related to reading include:



size_t Pipe::read(byte *out, size_t len)


Reads up to len bytes into out, and returns the number of bytes actually read.



size_t Pipe::peek(byte *out, size_t len)


Acts exactly like read, except the data is not actually read; the next read will return the same data.



secure_vector<byte> Pipe::read_all()


Reads the entire message into a buffer and returns it


std::string Pipe::read_all_as_string()

Like read_all, but it returns the data as a std::string. No encoding is done; if the message contains raw binary, so will the string.



size_t Pipe::remaining()


Returns how many bytes are left in the message



Pipe::message_id Pipe::default_msg()


Returns the current default message number



Pipe::message_id Pipe::message_count()


Returns the total number of messages currently in the pipe



Pipe::set_default_msg(Pipe::message_id msgno)


Sets the default message number (which must be a valid message number for that pipe). The ability to set the default message number is particularly important in the case of using the file output operations (<< with a std::ostream or Unix file descriptor), because there is no way to specify the message explicitly when using the output operator.



8.4.4 Pipe I/O for Unix File Descriptors


This is a minor feature, but it comes in handy sometimes. In all installations of the library, Botan’s Pipe object overloads the << and >> operators for C++ iostream objects, which is usually more than sufficient for doing I/O.



However, there are cases where the iostream hierarchy does not map well to local ‘file types’, so there is also the ability to do I/O directly with Unix file descriptors. This is most useful when you want to read from or write to something like a TCP or Unix-domain socket, or a pipe, since for simple file access it’s usually easier to just use C++’s file streams.



If BOTAN_EXT_PIPE_UNIXFD_IO is defined, then you can use the overloaded I/O operators with Unix file de-scriptors. For an example of this, check out the hash_fd example, included in the Botan distribution.



8.5 Filter Catalog


This section documents most of the useful filters included in the library.本节将记录库中包含的大多数有用的过滤器。


8.5.1 Keyed Filters


A few sections ago, it was mentioned that Pipe can process multiple messages, treating each of them the same. Well, that was a bit of a lie. There are some algorithms (in particular, block ciphers not in ECB mode, and all stream ciphers) that change their state as data is put through them.



Naturally, you might well want to reset the keys or (in the case of block cipher modes) IVs used by such filters, so multiple messages can be processed using completely different keys, or new IVs, or new keys and IVs, or whatever. And in fact, even for a MAC or an ECB block cipher, you might well want to change the key used from message to message.



Enter Keyed_Filter, which acts as an abstract interface for any filter that is uses keys: block cipher modes, stream ciphers, MACs, and so on. It has two functions, set_key and set_iv. Calling set_key will set (or reset) the key used by the algorithm. Setting the IV only makes sense in certain algorithms – a call to set_iv on an object that doesn’t support IVs will cause an exception. You must call set_key before calling set_iv.

功能,set_key set_iv。调用setkey将设置(或重置)算法使用的密钥。在某些算法中设置IV是有意义的——

Here’s a example:

-----------   ---     ----  code ----  ------

There are some requirements to using Keyed_Filter that you must follow. If you call set_key or set_iv on a filter that is owned by a Pipe, you must do so while the Pipe is “unlocked”. This refers to the times when no messages are being processed by Pipe – either before Pipe’s start_msg is called, or after end_msg is called (and no new call to start_msg has happened yet). Doing otherwise will result in undefined behavior, probably silently getting invalid output.



And remember: if you’re resetting both values, reset the key first.记住:如果你重新设置了两个值,那么首先重置密钥。

8.5.2 Cipher Filters


Getting a hold of a Filter implementing a cipher is very easy. Make sure you’re including the header lookup. h, and then call get_cipher. You will pass the return value directly into a Pipe. There are a couple different functions which do varying levels of initialization:



Keyed_Filter *get_cipher(std::string cipher_spec, SymmetricKey key, InitializationVector iv, Cipher_Dir dir)


Keyed_Filter *get_cipher(std::string cipher_spec, SymmetricKey key, Cipher_Dir dir)


The version that doesn’t take an IV is useful for things that don’t use them, like block ciphers in ECB mode, or most stream ciphers. If you specify a cipher spec that does want a IV, and you use the version that doesn’t take one, an exception will be thrown. The dir argument can be either ENCRYPTION or DECRYPTION.


8.5.3 Hashes and MACs


Hash functions and MACs don’t need anything special when it comes to filters. Both just take their input and produce no output until end_msg is called, at which time they complete the hash or MAC and send that as output.



These filters take a string naming the type to be used. If for some reason you name something that doesn’t exist, an exception will be thrown.这些过滤器使用一个字符串来命名要使用的类型。如果出于某种原因,您命名了一些不存在的东西,则会抛出一个异常.


Hash_Filter::Hash_Filter(std::string hash, size_t outlen = 0)


This constructor creates a filter that hashes its input with hash. When end_msg is called on the owning pipe, the hash is completed and the digest is sent on to the next filter in the pipeline. The parameter outlen specifies how many bytes of the hash output will be passed along to the next filter when end_msg is called. By default, it will pass the entire hash.这个构造函数创建一个过滤器,用散列哈希将其输入哈希。当在拥有的管道上调用endmsg时,就完成了散列,并发送了摘要

8.5.4 Encoders


Often you want your data to be in some form of text (for sending over channels that aren’t 8-bit clean, printing it, etc).通常,您希望您的数据以某种形式的文本(用于发送非8位的通道,打印它,等等)。


The filters Hex_Encoder and Base64_Encoder will convert arbitrary binary data into hex or base64 formats.过滤器和base64编码器将把任意二进制数据转换为十六进制或base64格式。


Not surprisingly, you can use Hex_Decoder and Base64_Decoder to convert it back into its original form.毫不奇怪,您可以使用十六进制和base64解码器将其转换回原来的格式


Both of the encoders can take a few options about how the data should be formatted (all of which have defaults). The first is a bool which says if the encoder should insert line breaks. This defaults to false. Line breaks don’t matter either way to the decoder, but it makes the output a bit more appealing to the human eye, and a few transport mechanisms (notably some email systems) limit the maximum line length.两个编码器都可以选择一些关于数据应该如何格式化的选项(所有这些都有默认值)。第一个是bool说如果编码器




The second encoder option is an integer specifying how long such lines will be (obviously this will be ignored if line-breaking isn’t being used). The default tends to be in the range of 60-80 characters, but is not specified. If you want a specific value, set it. Otherwise the default should be fine.第二个编码器选项是一个整数,指定这样的行数会有多长(如果不使用行中断,这将被忽略)。那



Lastly, Hex_Encoder takes an argument of type Case, which can be Uppercase or Lowercase (default is Uppercase). This specifies what case the characters A-F should be output as. The base64 encoder has no such option, because it uses both upper and lower case letters for its output.



You can find the declarations for these types in hex_filt.h and b64_filt.h.您可以在十六进制中找到这些类型的声明hex_filt.h和b64_filt.h




10.1 Block Ciphers


A block cipher is a deterministic symmetric encryption algorithm, which encrypts data of a fixed length, called block size. All block ciphers classes in Botan are subclasses of BlockCipher defined in botan/block_cipher.h. As a symmetrically keyed algorithm, it subclasses the SymmetricAlgorithm interface. Note that a block cipher by itself is only secure for plaintext with the length of a single block. When processing data larger than a single block, a block cipher mode should be used for data processing.块密码是一种确定的对称加密算法,它对固定长度的数据进行加密,称为块大小。在Botan的所有block ciphers



10.3 AEAD Modes of Operation

AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data) modes provide message encryption, message authentication, and the ability to authenticate additional data that is not included in the ciphertext (such as a sequence number or header). It is a subclass of Symmetric_Algorithm.AEAD(通过相关的数据进行身份验证的加密)模式提供消息加密、消息身份验证和对其他数据进行身份验证的能力。

The AEAD interface can be used directly, or as part of the filter system by using AEAD_Filter (a subclass of Keyed_Filter which will be returned by get_cipher if the named cipher is an AEAD mode).



AEAD modes currently available include GCM, OCB, EAX, SIV and CCM. All support a 128-bit block cipher such as AES. EAX and OCB also support 256 and 512 bit block ciphers.目前可用的AEAD模式包括GCMOCBEAXSIVCCM。所有支持一个128位的块密码,例如AESEAXOCB也支持256512

10.4 Stream Ciphers

In contrast to block ciphers, stream ciphers operate on a plaintext stream instead of blocks. Thus encrypting data results in changing the internal state of the cipher and encryption of plaintext with arbitrary length is possible in one go (in byte amounts). All implemented stream ciphers derive from the base class StreamCipher (botan/stream_cipher.h), which implements the SymmetricAlgorithm interface. Note that some of the implemented stream ciphers require a fresh initialisation vector.与阻塞密码不同的是,流ciphers使用的是明文流而不是块。因此,加密数据结果改变内部状态

class StreamCipher

bool valid_iv_length(size_t iv_len) const

This function returns true if and only if length is a valid IV length for the stream cipher.如果长度是流密码的有效IV长度,则该函数返回true.

void set_iv(const byte *, size_t len) 

Load IV into the stream cipher state. This should happen after the key is set and before any operation (encrypt/decrypt/seek) is called.IV加载到流密码状态。这应该在密钥被设置和在任何操作(加密/解密/查找)之前发生。


void seek(u64bit offset)


Sets the state of the stream cipher and keystream according to the passed offset. Therefore the key and the IV (if required) have to be set beforehand.根据已通过的偏移量设置流密码和密钥流的状态。因此,钥匙和IV(如果需要的话)必须事先设定。


void cipher(const byte *in, byte *out, size_t n)


Processes n bytes plain/ciphertext from in and writes the result to out.处理n个字节的数据,并将结果写入到外面

10.5 Message Authentication Codes (MAC)

A Message Authentication Code algorithm computes a tag over a message utilizing a shared secret key. Thus a valid tag confirms the authenticity and integrity of the associated data. Only entities in possesion of the shared secret key are able to verify the tag. The base class MessageAuthenticationCode (in botan/mac.h) implements the interfaces SymmetricAlgorithm and BufferedComputation (see Hash).消息身份验证代码算法使用共享密钥对消息进行计算。因此,有效的标签确认了真实性和完整性

class MessageAuthenticationCode

void set_key(const byte *key, size_t length)

Set the shared MAC key for the calculation. This function has to be called before the data is processed.为计算设置共享的MAC密钥。在处理数据之前,必须调用此函数


void start(const byte *nonce, size_t nonce_len)

Set the IV for the MAC calculation. Note that not all MAC algorithms require an IV. If an IV is required, the function has to be called before the data is processed.MAC计算设置IV。注意,并非所有的MAC算法都需要IV。如果需要IV,则必须在数据之前调用该函数。处理

void final(byte *out)


Complete the MAC computation and write the calculated tag to the passed byte array.



secure_vector<byte> final()


Complete the MAC computation and return the calculated tag.


bool verify_mac(const byte *mac, size_t length)


Finalize the current MAC computation and compare the result to the passed mac. Returns true, if the verification is successfull and false otherwise.完成当前的MAC计算,并将结果与已通过的MAC进行比较。如果验证成功或错误,则返回true



11.5 Encryption

Safe public key encryption requires the use of a padding scheme which hides the underlying mathematical properties of the algorithm. Additionally, they will add randomness, so encrypting the same plaintext twice produces two different ciphertexts.安全的公钥加密需要使用一个填充方案,它隐藏了算法的底层数学特性。此外,他们将添加随机性,因此对相同的明文加密两次会产生两种不同的密文

The primary interface for encryption is


class PK_Encryptor


secure_vector<byte> encrypt(const byte *in, size_t length, RandomNumberGenerator &rng) const


secure_vector<byte> encrypt(const std::vector<byte> &in, RandomNumberGenerator &rng)


These encrypt a message, returning the ciphertext.这些加密消息,返回密码文本


size_t maximum_input_size() const


Returns the maximum size of the message that can be processed, in bytes. If you call PK_Encryptor::encrypt with a value larger than this the operation will fail with an exception.返回可以用字节处理的消息的最大大小。如果您调用pkencryptor::加密的值大于这个值,操作将会


PK_Encryptor is only an interface - to actually encrypt you have to create an implementation, of which there are currently three available in the library, PK_Encryptor_EME, DLIES_Encryptor and ECIES_Encryptor. DLIES is a hybrid encryption scheme (from IEEE 1363) that uses the DH key agreement technique in combination with a KDF, a MAC and a symmetric encryption algorithm to perform message encryption. ECIES is similar to DLIES, but uses ECDH for the key agreement. Normally, public key encryption is done using algorithms which support it directly, such as RSA or ElGamal; these use the EME class:

PK_Encryptor_EME,DLIES_Encryptor ECIES_Encryptord说谎是一种混合加密方案(来自IEEE 1363),它使用了DH密钥协议技术







Botan has two different interfaces. The one documented in this section is meant more for implementing higher-level types (see the section on filters, earlier in this manual) than for use by applications. Using it safely requires a solid knowledge of encryption techniques and best practices, so unless you know, for example, what CBC mode and nonces are, and why PKCS #1 padding is important, you should avoid this interface in favor of something working at a higher level.

例如,CBC模式和非ces是什么,以及为什么PKCS 1填充很重要,您应该避免这个接口,以支持更高级别的工作

17.2 Keys and IVs


Both symmetric keys and initialization values can be considered byte (or octet) strings. 对称密钥和初始化值都可以看作是字节(或八位字节)字符串.These are represented by


class OctetString


Also known as SymmetricKey and InitializationVector, when you want to express intent.


OctetString(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t length)


This constructor creates a new random key length bytes long using the random number generator.


OctetString(std::string str)


The argument str is assumed to be a hex string; it is converted to binary and stored. Whitespace is ignored.参数str被认为是一个十六进制字符串;它被转换为二进制并存储。空格将被忽略




Key derivation functions are used to turn some amount of shared secret material into uniform random keys suitable for use with symmetric algorithms. An example of an input which is useful for a KDF is a shared secret created using Diffie-Hellman key agreement.关键的派生函数用于将一些共享的秘密材料转化成统一的随机密钥,适合于对称算法的使用。一个

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