















I am Peter Chen

Linux, Andriod, x86

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原创 setup and test samba server

samba/etc/samba/smb.conf You knew it. Only security and [homes] are not default, the others are default. In this configuration, all the \\server\\username can be accessed.[global] workgro

2014-08-20 23:18:14 838

原创 安装Windows 7 "安装程序无法创建新的系统分区"

用Universal USB Installer

2014-04-06 14:17:55 970

原创 解决VNC有些键不能输入的问题

今天ubuntu 12.04中安装了vnc server 不知咋搞的就没法输入p之前安装也遇到不能输入d的事情先看keyboard里的shortcuts,没有和p相关的再看compizconfig也没有sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-managerGeneral -> General Options -> Key bind

2014-03-07 21:53:45 10459

原创 Build gdbserver for x86 Android


2014-01-15 21:37:12 2052

原创 Linux Software RAID step by step

http://download.csdn.net/detail/telnetchen/6839989本文档记录了作者以VBOX+ubuntu10.04测试Software RAID的过程,包括:1.为已有系统增加Software RAID,2.如何恢复非启动盘受损,3.在Software RAID上安装系统,4.系统盘损坏时如何恢复

2014-01-12 15:27:18 719

转载 Android 4.2.2_r1 online-gcm-ref及couldn't locate source file编译错误解决

http://www.rover12421.com/2013/06/30/android-4-2-2_r1-sdk-compile-error-resolution.html错误信息Docs droiddoc: out/target/common/docs/online-sdkDroidDoc took 278 sec. to write docs to out/target/commo

2013-12-26 23:41:24 1829

原创 Debug with Android Emulator

Get Android module listgrep 'LOCAL_MODULE[^a-zA-Z_)]' $(find | grep -e  '.*Android.mk$')

2013-12-25 10:37:05 793

原创 去掉那讨厌的windows域

有时候在windows访问网上邻居的共享(或者linux samba)时,它总是自做主张帮你加个域,不去掉这个域登不了共享。现在发现在用户名前加个\可以去掉域。windows8上测试OK

2013-12-16 10:08:45 1919

原创 HTTPS post: bypass SSL security check and trust all the hosts

import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestRunContext;import javax.net.ssl.*import java.net.URLimport java.net.URLEncoderimport java.net.CookieHandler;import java.net.CookieManager; import j

2013-10-25 18:01:01 1735

原创 Parse CSV file with Groovy

#!/usr/bin/groovyclass CsvParser { static void parse(String filePath, Closure closure) { File file = new File(filePath) file.eachLine() {line -> def fields = line.spl

2013-10-25 16:36:17 852

转载 Write a simple HTTP server in Python


2013-10-24 15:44:11 781

原创 Groovy and SoapUI

GroovyGroovy JDKProcess ManagementJavaJava APIStringSoapUISoapUI API

2013-09-27 16:42:17 1100

原创 TF卡,Micro SD卡,Micro SDHC卡

SD卡从卡身大小来看包括:普通SD,MiniSD,MicroSD。相机一般用普通SD,手机一般用MicroSD。感觉MiniSD已经很少见。Micro SD 分 Micro SD(也叫TF卡,SD1.1), Micro SDHC(SD2.0)。2006年5月SD协会发布SD2.0规范。手机是否支持SDHC取决于主芯片的SD控制器是SD 1.1还是SD 2.0现在手机一般支持SD2.0,也就意味着同

2013-09-15 22:36:11 1259

原创 用U盘安装ubuntu 12.04


2013-09-15 22:20:41 1406

原创 Beaglebone - Getting Started

what is BeagleBonehttp://beagleboard.org/Products/BeagleBoneSystem Reference Mannualhttps://github.com/CircuitCo/BeagleBone-RevA6/blob/master/BeagleBone_SRM_A6_0_1.pdf?raw=trueGetting Star

2013-07-28 20:57:09 1436

原创 Microsoft SQL 2008 Setup: Performance Counter Registry Hive consistency check failed

windows XPMicrosoft SQL 2008安装的过程出了一个问题The performance counter registry hive is corrupted. To continue, you must repair the performance counter registry hive. For more information, see http://su

2013-05-15 14:35:20 1229

原创 程序员有什么好当的?


2013-03-06 23:40:11 1154

原创 Thunderbird migration or backup

For migration, it is better to install the save version on different OS.In my case, I migrate Thunderbird from OSX to Windows.OSX Thunderbird 17.02~/Library/Thunderbird/Profiles/vvzvylel.defaul

2013-01-27 23:28:40 481

原创 Install tomcat7 on OSX


2012-10-22 22:58:24 457

原创 ubuntu 12.04 mediawiki 安装配置及备份恢复

安装参考:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MediaWikisudo apt-get install taskselsudo tasksel install lamp-serversudo apt-get install mediawikisudo apt-get install imagemagick mediawiki-math php5-

2012-09-30 11:43:53 2419

原创 Get n days before now

When I tried to google  and get a way to get a Date() n days before now.Lots of the answer are trying to do with Calendar.set() or GregorianCalendar.roll().When n > 30, enven > 366, the solution b

2012-08-23 22:58:08 1844 1

原创 vnc service on ubuntu

install vnc4serversudo apt-get install vnc4serveror install with Synaptic Package Managersetup$ vncserver # run first time, set a password$ cat  /home/g555184/.vnc/xstartup #!/bin/sh

2012-07-04 13:38:03 818

原创 mount

mount samba server for current user(not root): #!/bin/shserver=//${HOME}/departments/first_grp=$(groups ${USER} | sed -n -e 's/^[^:]*:[[:space:]]*\([^[:space

2012-05-04 09:50:37 430

转载 正在改变世界的硅谷创业趋势


2012-03-29 13:31:32 478

原创 linux commands

Linux Command Line tips that every Linux user should knowhttp://www.linuxstall.com/linux-command-line-tips-that-every-linux-user-should-know/

2012-03-23 12:49:51 352

原创 bash shell tips

http://www.linuxsir.org/main/doc/abs/abs3.7cnhtm/options.htmlhttp://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/options.html选项用来更改shell或/和脚本行为的机制用set 或者#!/bin/bash -e 来更改脚本的执行选项。如同运行/bin/bash时的命令行配置选项比如#!/bin/bash

2012-03-16 09:50:45 977 1

原创 ubuntu configuration

Configure auto start services usage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] remove       update-rc.d [-n] defaults [NN | SS KK]       update-rc.d [-n] start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .       update-rc

2012-03-10 16:40:18 957

原创 linux下将资源文件加入可执行文件中

<br />http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/embedding-file-executable-aka-hello-world-version-5967<br />http://www.finiderire.com/post/2009/06/02/Et-un-fichier-exe-pour-les-gouverner-tous<br /> <br />以上两篇文章介绍了在linux环境下将资源加入可执行文件的方法。<br />(1)用xxd 或者 hexdump直接

2010-12-12 18:58:00 1245

原创 vim+ctags+taglist+cscope

http://sourceforge.net/projects/vimcdoc/ vim中文文档 vim + ctags +taglist http://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/vim-taglist/vim-taglist/4.5/taglist_45.ziphttp://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/

2010-05-09 21:28:00 813

转载 Thread-Local Storage(TLS)

http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-3.3.1/gcc/Thread-Local.html Thread-local storage (TLS) is a mechanism by which variablesare allocated such that there is one instance of the variable per exta

2010-03-03 17:53:00 807

原创 testing badework in MacBook

 OS:    Mac OS X 10.6.1 (10A2047)Kernel:    Darwin 10.1.1 Download: http://www.bedework.org/bedework/update.do?artcenterkey=2Bedework Manual v.3.6 : http://www.bedework.org/bedework/update.d

2010-02-28 21:49:00 1146

原创 mac software

WBIM - a chinese wubi input methodIt is hard to download, you had better use XunLei to download it.http://www.pawpawsoft.com/downloads/ Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac 2Easily conne

2010-02-28 16:52:00 588

转载 Google黑板报 - 数学之美系列

数学之美系列 二十四 从全球导航到输入法——谈谈动态规划数学之美系列 二十三 输入一个汉字需要敲多少个键 — 谈谈香农第一定律数学之美系列二十二 由电视剧“暗算”所想到的 — 谈谈密码学的数学原理数学之美系列二十一 - 布隆过滤器(Bloom Filter)数学之美 系列二十 -自然语言处理的教父 马库斯数学之美 系列十九 - 马

2010-02-26 20:00:00 835

Linux Software RAID step by step v1.1

本文档记录了作者以VBOX+ubuntu10.04测试Software RAID的过程,包括: 1.为已有系统增加Software RAID, 2.如何恢复非启动盘受损, 3.在Software RAID上安装系统, 4.系统盘损坏时如何恢复 5.更新现有的系统盘到Software RAID(v1.1新增)


Linux Software RAID step by step

本文档记录了作者以VBOX+ubuntu10.04测试Software RAID的过程,包括: 1.为已有系统增加Software RAID, 2.如何恢复非启动盘受损, 3.在Software RAID上安装系统, 4.系统盘损坏时如何恢复



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