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2006-04-29 21:37:00 765
原创 C# 学习笔记(File I/O with Streams) - 09
Stream ClassesSystem.IO namespaceReading:The transfer of data from a stream to a data structure, such as an array of bytes.Writing:The transfer of data from a data structure to a str
2006-04-24 13:05:00 1130
原创 C# 学习笔记(Interface) - 08
Interfaces enable to define behavior characteristics or abilities and apply them to classes, irrespective of the class hierarchy.Give you the ability to define a set of semantically related method a
2006-04-24 13:04:00 705
原创 C# 学习笔记(Method) - 05
Function and Method are synonymous in C#Encapsured in some class and
2006-04-24 13:03:00 1029
原创 C# 学习笔记(Attribute) - 07
AttributeIts not static fixed by the language it self, and youre free to invent an asscoiate any information of any kind.An attribute is actually a class derived from the System.Attribute.It
2006-04-24 13:03:00 938
原创 C# 学习笔记(Class) - 03
Singly Rooted Object HierarchySingle based class approach is endorsed by object-oriented programming(OOP) theorists and is implemented in most mainstream object-oriented languages.A single roote
2006-04-24 13:02:00 731
原创 C# 学习笔记(Class) - 03
Singly Rooted Object HierarchySingle based class approach is endorsed by object-oriented programming(OOP) theorists and is implemented in most mainstream object-oriented languages.A single roote
2006-04-24 12:42:00 1055
原创 C# 学习笔记(CTS) - 02
Primitive Types: are instrinsic to the language, are not compatible.Classes: are created by users, members are either intrinsic types or other classesHaving a single base class from which all othe
2006-04-24 12:41:00 903
原创 C# 学习笔记 (Assembly)-01
NAMESPACESimply convenient means of semantically grouping elements - classes and other namespaces - to avoid name collision.can be nested to any desired level.in an enviroment in which your na
2006-04-23 20:19:00 938
原创 开仓第一篇 How to trigger DataGrid Double Click event in winform
Just put the following code into the mouse up event: System.Drawing.Point pt = new Point(e.X, e.Y); DataGrid.HitTestInfo hti = this.dgResult.HitTest(pt); if(hti.Type == DataGrid.HitTestType.Ce
2005-02-23 10:28:00 733
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