


1.       Reading the letter from home, he appeared excited.

2.       In order to improve her English, she keeps reading English newspapers frequently.

3.       As time goes by, we shall become more and more experienced.

4.       By using a computer, you will be able to work more efficiently.

5.       When you have got enough money, naturally you will hope for a more comfortable house to live in.

6.       Without saying anything, he went out of the room.

7.       I enjoy listening to light music in the evening. Nothing else seems more entertaining to me.

8.       Don’t forget to lock the door if you happen to be last to leave.

9.       This is the first time that I have climbed to the top of such a tall mountain.

10.  The old man had been lying in bed for a couple of days before he was finally sent to hospital.

11.  I will stay in touch with you even if I am abroad.

12.  They went on talking as if nothing had happened.

13.  One who does not respect others cannot expect others to respect him.

14.  Those who do good deeds are sure to be respected.

15.  We should be ready to help those who are in trouble.

16.  This is one of the best novels that I have ever read.

17.  Is there anything else that you would like us to help you?

18.  Anyone who has learned to read and write can do the job easily.

19.  Please give this to the first person that you will meet tomorrow.

20.  Please put the magazines where you took in the reading room.

21.  It was Christmas two years ago when we had a get-together.

22.  It was on Christmas Day that an accident happened.

23.  Not until everybody is here shall we start our discussion.

24.  Why not go to the seaside for holiday?

25.  Only in this way can he learn the language efficiently.

26.  We may either send the books to the library or leave them the children in the neighborhood.

27.   Not only should we review the texts, but we will do a lot of exercises as well.

28.  Nobody can go against the law without being punished.

29.  Most of the people living in the neighborhood spend their spare time helping take care of the aged.

30.  None of the injured people died after careful treatment in hospital.

31.  How soon the escaped prisoner will be caught by the police is still a question.

32.  Fortunately the forest fire which was caused by a cigarette end has been put out.

33.  The highway being built right now goes from Shanghai to Beijing.

34.  We’ll never forget the days when we studied together with our American friends.

35.  We visited the old garden where some of the trees were over a hundred years old.

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