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RichtextBox打印 打印预览 页面设置

RichtextBox打印 打印预览 页面设置









动态创建窗体如何相互通讯 这做的是一个像WINDOWS资源管理器 一个RTF文件管理器 描述   Form2,Form3,Form4都是独立存在的,同时完成独立的功能,相互不依赖。 最后把Form2,Form3,Form4集合放在FORM1上,实际上需要这3个的窗体Form2,Form3,Form4间相互得到改变后的变量值。 FORM2 文件夹列表 在FORM1中设置一初始文件夹路径     要实现的功能:当单击本窗体中的TreeView.node时,要求Form3.ListView的文件列表同时更新。 FORM3 文件列表   需要得到Form2当前选中的文件夹路径 要实现的功能:当本窗体中的ListView选中一个节点时时,同时Form4.RichtextBox 打开并读取这个文件。 FORM4是一个RFT编辑器   需要得到FORM3 文件列表中选中的文件完整路径 要实现的功能:当单击本窗体中的保存按钮,要保存Form3.ListView中选中的那个文件。



动态创建窗体如何相互通讯 2个动态创建出来的窗体嵌在窗体中 这2个窗体相互通讯



动态创建窗体如何相互通讯 主窗体和新窗体 delegate


Delphi 做的一个秒表 V1




做一个像 眼睛护士 一样的屏幕关灯 的程序 用这个看PDF电子书 保证不分神


Delphi 做的一个秒表

Delphi 做的一个秒表 http://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3418292.html


DELPHI TXT 树文档 管理器

unit TreeViewFunctions; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, ComCtrls, Controls, Forms, FileCtrl, StrUtils, Masks, Vcl.OleCtrls, SHDocVw, IOUtils; procedure SaveTreeViewExplandState(TreeView: TTreeView; FileName: string); procedure LoadTreeViewExplandState(TreeView: TTreeView; FileName: string); function ExtractNewFolderPath(FileName: string; NewText: string): string; procedure HideHideHorizontalScrollBar(TreeView: TTreeView); function IsEmptyDir(sDir: String): Boolean; function AttachMentsExists(FileName: String): Boolean; procedure SetIcons(TreeView: TTreeView; list: TStringList); procedure EnumText(s: string; aItem: TTreeNode); function AttachmentsFolder(FileName: String): string; function ExtractNodeFullPath(TreeView: TTreeView): string; function Get_node_path(node: TTreeNode): string; function ExtractTreeViewFileName(RootPath: string; TreeView: TTreeView): string; /// /// Node.Selected := true; Node.Focused := true; /// /// /// Node.Selected := true; Node.Focused := true; /// /// /// Node.Selected := true; Node.Focused := true; /// function OpenFile(Path: string; RichEdit: TRichEdit; TreeView: TTreeView) : Boolean; overload; function OpenFile(Path: string; Webbrowser: TWebbrowser; TreeView: TTreeView) : Boolean; overload; procedure GetDirectories(Tree: TTreeView; Directory: string; Item: TTreeNode; IncludeFiles: Boolean); procedure DirToTreeView(Tree: TTreeView; Directory: string; Root: TTreeNode; IncludeFiles: Boolean; FileExt: string); procedure QSetPerpoty(TreeView: TTreeView); function ItemExist(Text: string; TreeView: TTreeView): Boolean; function RemoveDirs(folderPath: string): Boolean; function __RenameFile(OldName: string; Title: string): Boolean; function RenameFolder(filePath: string; Title: string): Boolean; var list: TStringList; implementation { // "D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\index.htm" // "D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\" // "index_files" // "D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\index_files" var s, s1, s2: string; begin s := 'D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\index.htm'; s1:=ExtractNewFolderPath(s,'_files'); s2 := ExtractNewFolderPath(s, '_AttachMents'); Memo1.lines.Add(s); Memo1.Lines.Add(s1); Memo1.lines.Add(s2); end; } function ExtractNewFolderPath(FileName: string; NewText: string): string; var _filesFolder: string; // "D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\" _filesFolderName: string; // "index_files" _filesFolderPath: String; begin _filesFolder := ExtractFilePath(FileName); _filesFolderName := ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(FileName), '') + NewText; _filesFolderPath := _filesFolder + _filesFolderName; Result := _filesFolderPath; end; { SaveTreeViewExplandState(TreeView1,'TreeView.txt'); } procedure SaveTreeViewExplandState(TreeView: TTreeView; FileName: string); var list: TStringList; i: Integer; begin list := TStringList.Create; With TreeView do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Items.Item[i].Expanded then list.Add(IntToStr(i)); end; list.Add(IntToStr(Selected.AbsoluteIndex)); end; list.SaveToFile(FileName); list.free; end; { LoadTreeViewExplandState(TreeView1, 'abc.txt'); } procedure LoadTreeViewExplandState(TreeView: TTreeView; FileName: string); var list: TStringList; i: Integer; node: TTreeNode; begin list := TStringList.Create; with list do begin list.LoadFromFile(FileName); for i := 0 to Count - 2 do // 最后一行放的是最后选中的那个节点索引 begin TreeView.Items[StrToInt(list[i])].Expand(False); end; node := TreeView.Items[StrToInt(list[Count - 1])]; TreeView.Select(TreeView.Items[StrToInt(list[Count - 1])], []); // node.Selected := True; // node.Focused := True; TreeView.SetFocus; TreeView.Focused; free; end; end; { FUNCTION ulong ShowScrollBar(ulong hwnd,ulong wBar,ulong bShow) LIBRARY "user32.dll" constant long SB_HORZ = 0 constant long SB_VERT = 1 constant long SB_BOTH = 3 } procedure HideHideHorizontalScrollBar(TreeView: TTreeView); begin // no responed NEW FORM TEST // ShowScrollBar(TreeView.Handle,SB_HORZ,False); end; // procedure // begin // { 当拖拽的高度不够的时候自动滚动滚动条 } // with TreeView1 do // begin // if (Y < 15) then // SendMessage(Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0) // else if (Height - Y < 15) then // SendMessage(Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0); // end; // end; { 返回 附件文件夹 "D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\新建文本文档.htm" D:\C++Builder学习大全中文版\新建文本文档_Attachments } function AttachmentsFolder(FileName: String): string; begin Result := ExtractFilePath(FileName) + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(FileName), '') + '_Attachments'; end; function AttachMentsExists(FileName: String): Boolean; var f: string; begin f := ExtractFilePath(FileName) + ChangeFileExt(ExtractFileName(FileName), '') + '_Attachments'; Result := DirectoryExists(f); end; procedure EnumText(s: string; aItem: TTreeNode); var node: TTreeNode; str: string; begin node := aItem; while node nil do begin if s = '' then str := node.Text else str := s + '\' + node.Text; list.Add(str); /// ////////////////////////// if node.HasChildren then EnumText(str, node.getFirstChild); node := node.getNextSibling; end; end; function IsEmptyDir(sDir: String): Boolean; var sr: TSearchRec; begin Result := True; if Copy(sDir, Length(sDir) - 1, 1) '\' then sDir := sDir + '\'; if FindFirst(sDir + '*.*', faAnyFile, sr) = 0 then repeat if (sr.Name '.') and (sr.Name '..') then begin Result := False; break; end; until FindNext(sr) 0; FindClose(sr); end; { 是文件 夹的设置为1 是文件 的设置为 2 } procedure SetIcons(TreeView: TTreeView; list: TStringList); var i: Integer; begin with TreeView do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if DirectoryExists(list.Strings[i]) then begin Items[i].ImageIndex := 0; Items[i].SelectedIndex := 0; Items[i].StateIndex := 0; end; if FileExists(list.Strings[i]) then begin Items[i].ImageIndex := 1; Items[i].SelectedIndex := 1; Items[i].StateIndex := 1; end; if (AttachMentsExists(list.Strings[i])) then if not IsEmptyDir(AttachmentsFolder(list.Strings[i])) then begin // Form1.Memo1.LINES.Add( AttachmentsFolder(list.Strings[i])); Items[i].ImageIndex := 2; Items[i].SelectedIndex := 2; Items[i].StateIndex := 2; end; end; end; end; procedure QSetPerpoty(TreeView: TTreeView); begin with TreeView do begin // Align := alBottom; // Anchors := [akLeft, akTop, akBottom, akRight]; Items.Clear; // BorderStyle := bsNone; Cursor := crHandPoint; ReadOnly := True; ShowHint := True; RowSelect := True; ShowButtons := True; ShowRoot := True; ShowLines := False; SortType := stText; HideSelection := False; RightClickSelect := True; DragMode := dmAutomatic; // Color := RGB(238, 243, 246); end; end; { 实际重命名 C:\windows\test.txt C:\windows\csadsajas.txt MoveFile(PChar('C:\1.txt'),PChar('C:\ABC.txt')); if not __RenameFile('C:\tree.txt','TreeView') then Application.MessageBox('重命名文件失败','重命名',MB_ICONERROR); } { 重命名文件 } function __RenameFile(OldName: string; Title: string): Boolean; var NewName: string; begin NewName := Format('%s%s%s', [ExtractFilePath(OldName), Title, ExtractFileExt(OldName)]); Result := MoveFile(PChar(OldName), PChar(NewName)); end; // 重命名文件夹 // RenameFolder('C:\1\','2'); // MoveFile('C:\1','C:\2'); // MoveFile('C:\1\','C:\2\'); function RenameFolder(filePath: string; Title: string): Boolean; var s, s1: string; begin // filePath:='C:\Windows\System32\'; // s = ExtractFileDir(filepath) = 'C:\Windows\System32' s := ExtractFileDir(filePath); // s1 = ExtractFileDir(s) = 'C:\Windows' // s1 ='C:\Windows' +'\'+ titles s1 := ExtractFileDir(s) + '\' + Title; Result := MoveFile(PChar(s), PChar(s1)); end; { IOUtils } function RemoveDirs(folderPath: string): Boolean; begin Result := False; if TDirectory.IsEmpty(folderPath) then begin TDirectory.Delete(folderPath); Result := True; end else begin if Application.MessageBox('确定要删除这个文件夹吗? 删除后无法恢复!', '提示', MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = ID_YES then begin TDirectory.Delete(folderPath, True); Result := True; end; end; // if TDirectory.Exists(folderPath) then // begin // Application.MessageBox('删除文件失败'+#13#10+'文件正确被使用?','错误',MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK); // Result:=False; // end; end; { if not ItemExist('Edit1.Text',TreeView1) then TreeView1.Items.AddChild(Treeview1.Selected,'Edit1.Text'); } function ItemExist(Text: string; TreeView: TTreeView): Boolean; var i: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Trim(Text) '') then begin for i := 0 to TreeView.Items.Count - 1 do if Trim(Text) = Trim(TreeView.Items[i].Text) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; end; Result := False; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ { TreeView获得选中的完整路径 aaaa\ssss\bbbb } function ExtractNodeFullPath(TreeView: TTreeView): string; var Path: string; Parent: TTreeNode; // Node: TTreeNode; begin Path := TreeView.Selected.Text; Parent := TreeView.Selected.Parent; while Parent nil do begin Path := Parent.Text + '\' + Path; Parent := Parent.Parent; end; Result := Path; end; function Get_node_path(node: TTreeNode): string; var Path: string; TreeNode: TTreeNode; begin Path := node.Text; TreeNode := node.Parent; while TreeNode nil do begin Path := TreeNode.Text + '\' + Path; TreeNode := TreeNode.Parent; end; Result := Path; end; { 获得文件完整路径 C:\abc\int.cpp } function ExtractTreeViewFileName(RootPath: string; TreeView: TTreeView): string; var FileName: string; begin Result := ''; if TreeView.Selected = nil then Exit; FileName := RootPath + ExtractNodeFullPath(TreeView); // 当前选中的文件名 if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; Result := FileName; end; { 用RICHEDIT打开TREEVIEW中的文件 } function OpenFile(Path: string; RichEdit: TRichEdit; TreeView: TTreeView) : Boolean; overload; var FileName: string; begin Result := False; FileName := ExtractTreeViewFileName(Path, TreeView); if FileExists(FileName) then begin RichEdit.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileName); Result := True; end end; function OpenFile(Path: string; Webbrowser: TWebbrowser; TreeView: TTreeView) : Boolean; overload; var FileName: string; begin Result := False; FileName := ExtractTreeViewFileName(Path, TreeView); if FileExists(FileName) then begin Webbrowser.Navigate(FileName); Result := True; end end; { 将1个目录里面所有的文件添加到TREEVIEW中 GetDirectories(TreeView1, 'D:\DATA', nil, True); } procedure GetDirectories(Tree: TTreeView; Directory: string; Item: TTreeNode; IncludeFiles: Boolean); var SearchRec: TSearchRec; ItemTemp: TTreeNode; begin Tree.Items.BeginUpdate; if Directory[Length(Directory)] '\' then Directory := Directory + '\'; if FindFirst(Directory + '*.*', faDirectory, SearchRec) = 0 then begin repeat if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory) and (SearchRec.Name[1] '.') then begin if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory > 0) then Item := Tree.Items.AddChild(Item, SearchRec.Name); ItemTemp := Item.Parent; GetDirectories(Tree, Directory + SearchRec.Name, Item, IncludeFiles); Item := ItemTemp; end else if IncludeFiles then if SearchRec.Name[1] '.' then Tree.Items.AddChild(Item, SearchRec.Name); until FindNext(SearchRec) 0; FindClose(SearchRec); Tree.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; { 将1个目录里面所有的文件添加到TREEVIEW中 DirToTreeView(TreeView1,'D:\Data\',nil,True,'.cpp'); } procedure DirToTreeView(Tree: TTreeView; Directory: string; Root: TTreeNode; IncludeFiles: Boolean; FileExt: string); var SearchRec: TSearchRec; Node1: TTreeNode; begin with Tree.Items do begin BeginUpdate; if Directory[Length(Directory)] '\' then Directory := Directory + '\'; if FindFirst(Directory + '*.*', faDirectory, SearchRec) = 0 then begin Application.ProcessMessages; repeat { 添加文件夹 } if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory) and (SearchRec.Name[1] '.') then begin if SameText(RightStr(SearchRec.Name, 12), '_AttachMents') then // 不添加 _AttachMents这个文件夹 Continue; if (SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory > 0) then Root := AddChild(Root, SearchRec.Name); Node1 := Root.Parent; DirToTreeView(Tree, Directory + SearchRec.Name, Root, IncludeFiles, FileExt); Root := Node1; end else if IncludeFiles then { 添加文件 } if SearchRec.Name[1] '.' then { .TXT .txt .TxT .tXT 为一样的 } if SameText(RightStr(SearchRec.Name, 4), FileExt) then { 只添加 .CPP格式文件 } AddChild(Root, SearchRec.Name); until FindNext(SearchRec) 0; FindClose(SearchRec) end; EndUpdate; end; end; end.



DELPHI文本整理器 样式像记事本 // 字符串处理功能 unit StringFunctions; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Commctrl; type TStringFunction = class(TObject) private function IsUpper(ch: char): boolean; function IsLower(ch: char): boolean; function ToUpper(ch: char): char; function ToLower(ch: char): char; public procedure ReplaceSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit; const s: String); procedure UpperSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit); procedure LowerSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit); function UpperFistLetter(Memo: TMemo): string; procedure ClearBlankLine(Memo: TMemo); procedure ClearBlankSpace(Memo: TMemo); procedure ClearNum(Memo: TMemo); procedure ClearLetter(Memo: TMemo); procedure InsertNumber(Memo: TMemo); procedure InsertComment(Memo: TMemo); procedure BatchReplaceString(Memo: TMemo); procedure JustOneLine(Memo: TMemo); procedure ReLine(Memo: TMemo; n: Integer); procedure TextToHtml(sTextFile, sHtmlFile: string); function Proper(const s: string): string; function CNWordsCount(text: string): Integer; function ENWordsCount(text: string): Integer; end; var StrFunction: TStringFunction; implementation // 让代码设置Memo后可以让memo在Ctrl+Z撤销有效 procedure TStringFunction.ReplaceSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit; const s: String); begin SendMessage(Edit.Handle, EM_REPLACESEL, 1, LPARAM(PChar(s))); // Edit.Perform(EM_REPLACESEL, 1, LPARAM(PChar(s))); end; // Edit显示行号 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 去除空行 // Memo1.Text := StringReplace(Memo1.Text, #13#10#13#10, #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]); { //无法撤销 //空行的去掉 //本行只有空格的也去掉 //全选 //复制到剪切板上 } procedure TStringFunction.ClearBlankLine(Memo: TMemo); var i: Integer; list: TStringList; begin with Memo do begin if Lines.Count > 0 then begin list := TStringList.Create; for i := 0 to Lines.Count - 1 do if (Trim(Lines[i]) <> '') then list.Add(Lines[i]); SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Memo, list.text); list.Free; end; end; end; // 去除空格 // 将 空格替换为空 procedure TStringFunction.ClearBlankSpace(Memo: TMemo); var s: string; begin s := StringReplace(Memo.Lines.text, ' ', '', [rfReplaceAll]); Memo.SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Memo, s); end; // 去除一字符串中的所有的数字 procedure TStringFunction.ClearNum(Memo: TMemo); var str: string; i: Integer; begin str := '1234567890'; for i := 0 to Length(str) do Memo.text := StringReplace(Memo.Lines.text, str[i], '', [rfReplaceAll]); { rfReplaceAll TReplaceFlags = set of (rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase); } end; // 去除一字符串中的所有的字母 procedure TStringFunction.ClearLetter(Memo: TMemo); var str: string; i: Integer; begin str := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; for i := 0 to Length(str) do Memo.text := StringReplace(Memo.Lines.text, str[i], '', [rfReplaceAll]); end; // 批量替换关键字 procedure TStringFunction.BatchReplaceString(Memo: TMemo); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Length(Memo.Lines.text) do Memo.text := StringReplace(Memo.Lines.text, Memo.Lines[i], '', [rfReplaceAll]); ClearBlankSpace(Memo); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 全角转半角 // 符号有哪些 procedure ConvertQtoB; begin end; // 半角转换全角 procedure ConvertBtoQ; begin end; { 转换选中的文本大写 } procedure TStringFunction.UpperSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit); var x, y: Integer; begin With Edit do begin x := SelStart; y := SelLength; if SelText <> '' then begin ReplaceSelText(Edit, UpperCase(SelText)); SelStart := x; SelLength := y; end else begin Edit.SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Edit, UpperCase(Edit.text)); end; end; end; { 转换选中的文本小写 } procedure TStringFunction.LowerSelText(Edit: TCustomEdit); var x, y: Integer; begin With Edit do begin x := SelStart; y := SelLength; if SelText <> '' then begin ReplaceSelText(Edit, LowerCase(SelText)); SelStart := x; SelLength := y; end else begin Edit.SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Edit, LowerCase(Edit.text)); end; end; end; { 判断字符是否是大写字符 } function TStringFunction.IsUpper(ch: char): boolean; begin Result := ch in ['A' .. 'Z']; end; { 判断字符是否是小写字符 } function TStringFunction.IsLower(ch: char): boolean; begin Result := ch in ['a' .. 'z']; end; { 转换为大写字符 } function TStringFunction.ToUpper(ch: char): char; begin Result := chr(ord(ch) and $DF); end; { 转换为小写字符 } function TStringFunction.ToLower(ch: char): char; begin Result := chr(ord(ch) or $20); end; { Capitalizes First Letter Of Every Word In S 单语首字母大写 } function TStringFunction.Proper(const s: string): string; var i: Integer; CapitalizeNextLetter: boolean; begin Result := LowerCase(s); CapitalizeNextLetter := True; for i := 1 to Length(Result) do begin if CapitalizeNextLetter and IsLower(Result[i]) then Result[i] := ToUpper(Result[i]); CapitalizeNextLetter := Result[i] = ' '; end; end; { Memo选中的首字母大写 } function TStringFunction.UpperFistLetter(Memo: TMemo): string; var i, j: Integer; begin with Memo do begin i := SelStart; j := SelLength; // SelText := Proper(SelText); ReplaceSelText(Memo, Proper(SelText)); SelStart := i; SelLength := j; end; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ procedure TStringFunction.InsertNumber(Memo: TMemo); var i: Integer; str: String; begin for i := 0 to Memo.Lines.Count do begin str := Format('%.4d. %s', [i, Memo.Lines[i]]); Memo.Lines[i] := str; Application.ProcessMessages; end; end; // 注释和取消注释 // 获得选中的文本的起始行和结束行 procedure TStringFunction.InsertComment(Memo: TMemo); var str: string; x, y: Integer; begin str := Memo.SelText; x := Memo.SelStart; y := Memo.SelLength; if str = '' then Exit; // Memo.SetSelText('//' +str); Memo.SelText := '//' + str; Memo.SelStart := x + 2; Memo.SelLength := y + 2; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 合并成一行 procedure TStringFunction.JustOneLine(Memo: TMemo); var s: string; i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Memo.Lines.Count - 1 do s := s + Memo.Lines[i]; Memo.SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Memo, s); end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 重新分行 { var n: Integer; begin n := StrToInt(InputBox('重新分行', '每行几个字符', '8')); ReLine(Memo1, n); end; } procedure TStringFunction.ReLine(Memo: TMemo; n: Integer); var s: string; i, j, k: Integer; L: TStringList; begin L := TStringList.Create; j := 1; for k := 0 to Memo.Lines.Count - 1 do s := s + Memo.Lines[k]; if Trim(s) <> '' then begin for i := 0 to (Length(s) div n) do // 几行 begin j := j + n; L.Add(Copy(s, j - n, n)); // COPY 的第一位不是0是1 // 每行的字符 end; end; Memo.SelectAll; ReplaceSelText(Memo, L.text); L.Free; end; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // 获得汉字字符个数 function TStringFunction.CNWordsCount(text: string): Integer; var i, sum, c: Integer; begin Result := 0; c := 0; sum := Length(text); if sum = 0 then Exit; for i := 0 to sum do begin if ord(text[i]) >= 127 then begin Inc(c); end; end; Result := c; end; // 获得非汉字字符个数 function TStringFunction.ENWordsCount(text: string): Integer; var i, sum, e: Integer; begin Result := 0; e := 0; sum := Length(text); if sum = 0 then Exit; for i := 0 to sum do begin if (ord(text[i]) >= 33) and (ord(text[i]) <= 126) then begin Inc(e); end; end; Result := e; end; { TextToHtml('C:\1.txt','c:\2.htm'); } procedure TStringFunction.TextToHtml(sTextFile, sHtmlFile: string); var aText: TStringList; aHtml: TStringList; i: Integer; begin aText := TStringList.Create; try aText.LoadFromFile(sTextFile); aHtml := TStringList.Create; try aHtml.Clear; aHtml.Add('<html>'); aHtml.Add('<body>'); for i := 0 to aText.Count - 1 do aHtml.Add(aText.Strings[i] + '<br>'); aHtml.Add('</body>'); aHtml.Add('</html>'); aHtml.SaveToFile(sHtmlFile); finally aHtml.Free; end; finally aText.Free; end; end; Initialization StrFunction := TStringFunction.Create; Finalization StrFunction.Free; end.



搜索TXT 文件的示例unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) ListBox1: TListBox; Memo2: TMemo; Panel1: TPanel; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Edit1: TEdit; ButtonSearchFile: TButton; FolderPath: TEdit; FileExt: TEdit; ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; procedure ButtonSearchFileClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } procedure SearchFile1(FileName: string; FindText: string); function MakeFileList(Path, FileExt: string): TStringList; function FileInUsed(FileName: TFileName): Boolean; public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses StrUtils; {$R *.dfm} { Search Options KeyWord in file FileName FileSize FileCreateTime FileModifyTime keyword filepath openfile found addListbox } var FileNamePathList, FileNameList: TStringList; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FileNameList := TStringList.Create; FileNamePathList := TStringList.Create; end; { if FileInUsed ('D:\Administrator\Documents\MyProjects\FileSearch\Win32\Debug\Project1.exe') then ShowMessage('File is in use.') else ShowMessage('File not in use.'); } function TForm1.FileInUsed(FileName: TFileName): Boolean; var HFileRes: HFILE; begin Result := False; if not FileExists(FileName) then Exit; // 如果文件不存在,返回false HFileRes := CreateFile(PChar(FileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); Result := (HFileRes = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if not Result then CloseHandle(HFileRes); end; procedure TForm1.SearchFile1(FileName: string; FindText: string); var SearchList: TStringList; begin try SearchList := TStringList.Create; if FileExists(FileName) and (not FileInUsed(FileName)) then begin SearchList.LoadFromFile(FileName); if Boolean(Pos(UpperCase(FindText), UpperCase(SearchList.Text))) then begin FileNameList.Add(ExtractFileName(FileName)); FileNamePathList.Add(FileName); end; end; finally SearchList.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.ButtonSearchFileClick(Sender: TObject); var I, n: Integer; List: TStringList; begin try ButtonSearchFile.Caption := 'SearchFile'; List := TStringList.Create; List.Clear; FileNameList.Clear; FileNamePathList.Clear; List := MakeFileList(FolderPath.Text, FileExt.Text); ProgressBar1.Max := List.Count; for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin Application.ProcessMessages; SearchFile1(List[I], Edit1.Text); ProgressBar1.Position := I; end; ListBox1.Items.Text := FileNameList.Text; ButtonSearchFile.Caption := IntToStr(FileNamePathList.Count) + ' 条'; finally List.Free; end; end; { 这个过程得显示进度 } function TForm1.MakeFileList(Path, FileExt: string): TStringList; var sch: TSearchrec; begin Result := TStringList.Create; if RightStr(Trim(Path), 1) '\' then Path := Trim(Path) + '\' else Path := Trim(Path); if not DirectoryExists(Path) then begin Result.Clear; Exit; end; if FindFirst(Path + '*', faAnyfile, sch) = 0 then begin repeat Application.ProcessMessages; if ((sch.Name = '.') or (sch.Name = '..')) then Continue; if DirectoryExists(Path + sch.Name) then begin Result.AddStrings(MakeFileList(Path + sch.Name, FileExt)); end else begin if (UpperCase(ExtractFileExt(Path + sch.Name)) = UpperCase(FileExt)) or (FileExt = '.*') then Result.Add(Path + sch.Name); end; until FindNext(sch) 0; FindClose(sch); end; end; procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); var s: string; txt: string; begin if not FileExists(FileNamePathList[ListBox1.ItemIndex]) then Exit; Memo2.Lines.LoadFromFile(FileNamePathList[ListBox1.ItemIndex]); Caption := FileNamePathList[ListBox1.ItemIndex]; txt := Form1.Memo2.Text; if Boolean(Pos(UpperCase(Edit1.Text), UpperCase(txt))) then begin Memo2.SetFocus; Memo2.SelStart := Pos(UpperCase(Edit1.Text), UpperCase(txt)) - 1; Memo2.SelLength := Length(Edit1.Text); end; end; end.


delphi 繁体与简体之间的转换

delphi 繁体与简体之间的转换 http://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3392201.html


DELPHI版的 windows记事本

DELPHI版的 windows记事本 用MEMO实现的记事本的所有功能 由于之前的那个记事本在保存信息到注册表时 在WIN8 通不过(XP WIN7能通过) 所有这个修改了部分代码 使得在WIN8也能完好运行


保存 和 打开 TREE VIEW的节点已经展开的状态

保存 和 打开 TREE VIEW的节点已经展开的状态 如果每次打开后能自动读取上次展开的状态就会非常快捷 http://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3388430.html


ELPHI TreeView 文件目录树和 设置节点图标 完整

需要制作文档管理软件 这个非常有用的 1 文件夹 设置图标为 2 文件夹里没有文件的文件夹 设置图标为 没有 3 .HTML文档 设置图标为 4 有附件的 文档设置图标为 DELPHI XE 5测试通过 http://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3386257.html


Delphi 像Windows一样 新建文件时重复时 重命名文件名

Delphi 像Windows一样 新建文件时重复时 重命名文件名 情况一: 第1次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 第2次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (2) 第3 次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (3) ... 第n 次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (n) 情况二: 第1次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 第2次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (2) 第3 次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (3) ... 第n 次新建一个Txt文本 文件名为 新建文本文档 (n) GIF http://images.cnitblog.com/blog/300447/201310/23152112-e70b1686c48343e9b47ea0a507575da5.gif


Delphi做的Window记事本 用的是Memo

Delphi做的Window记事本 用的是Memo


Delphi Memo 新建 打开 保存 另存 退出 的完美实现

如果不判断的话代码就非常简单了 Delphi XE5 这个代码实现了Windows记事本的主要功能。 新建,打开,保存,另存,退出。 文件拖拽打开文件 这主要是判断Memo内容是否修改过 http://www.cnblogs.com/xe2011/p/3374003.html


Delphi TMemo字符串的查找完全实现

这是早上传的发现有问题 不能在Delphi Xe5中运行 但能在Delphi7中运行 我想删除它也没权限 http://download.csdn.net/detail/teststudio/6404077 所以重传下 Delphi TMemo字符串的查找完全实现 已经完全的解决Delphi TMemo的查找对话框 和 替换对话框 功能 的所有功能 查看 GIF http://images.cnblogs.com/cnblogs_com/xe2011/524919/o_TFindDialog.gif


Delphi TFindDialog TReplaceDialog对话框的使用

Delphi TFindDialog TReplaceDialog对话框的使用 使用 查找对话框实现在MEMO中进行字符串查找 使用 替换对话框实现在MEMO中进行字符串替换 请下载看就知道了 这种资源极少


delphi dll hook框架

delphi dll hook框架 用于注入游戏



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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