43014 Applied Mechanics and Design B Spring 2024


43014 Applied Mechanics and Design B

Spring 2024

Subject description

Failure of engineered systems leads to increase in costs, downtime in manufacturing and potentially even loss of life. This subject explores some of the many failure modes associated with machine components. It enables students to design and analysis frames and machines for stiffness, strength, fatigue life, fast fracture and other failure modes. Specifically, students perform; external and internal load analysis by applying principles of stress, strain, free body diagrams and equilibrium; selection and sizing of materials and member of appropriate sizes considering the impact of failure modes, including Fatigue, fracture, buckling; referring to relevant standards and codes to assess design for safety; use these theories in conjunction with computational tools to undertake design optimisation and simulation for virtual testing; and undertake experimentation to verify and validate simulation and theoretical results.

Subject learning objectives (SLOs)

Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:

1. Design complex machine structural components for strength, durability, and life. (C.1)

2. Analyse machine structural components by applying advanced engineering mechanics and mechanics of materials concepts. (D.1)

3. Reference and apply relevant design standards to meet minimum safety and design requirements. (B.1)

4. Apply experimental and computational methods in conjunction with theoretical methods. (C.1)

Course intended learning outcomes (CILOs)

This subject also contributes specifically to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

.  Socially Responsible: FEIT graduates identify, engage, interpret and analysestakeholder needs and cultural perspectives, establish priorities and goals, and identify constraints, uncertainties and risks (social, ethical, cultural, legislative, environmental, economics etc.) to define the system requirements. (B.1)

·   Design Oriented: FEIT graduates apply problem solving, design and decision-making methodologies to develop components, systems and processes to meet specified requirements. (C.1)

.  Technically Proficient: FEIT graduates apply abstraction, mathematics and discipline fundamentals, software, tools and techniques to evaluate, implement and operate systems. (D.1)

Contribution to the development of graduate attributes

Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies

This subject contributes to the development of the following Engineers Australia Stage 1 Competencies:

· 1.3. In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge within the engineering discipline.

. 1.5. Knowledge of engineering design practice and contextual factors impacting the engineering discipline.

. 2.1. Application of established engineering methods to complex engineering problem solving.

. 2.2. Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources.

. 2.3. Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes.

· 3.3. Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour.

Teaching and learning strategies

This subject consists of three main teaching modules and a single major project. Each module will be completed over a period of three weeks and formative quizzes undertaken to gauge student competency of these modules. Each module will comprise of (1) online learning materials, (2) weekly face-to-face tutorials, (3) weekly forums, and (4) possible lab classes. Feedback and reflection on content will be provided during tutorials where students are required to actively participate in learning activities facilitated by the tutor.

Students are expected to complete online learning materials to facilitate in-class activities for tutorials and forums. This will include a number of individual and collaborative activities on theoretical and computational analysis where students will be encouraged to actively contribute to collaborative activities.

Formative Quizzes will be used throughout learning modules to help student monitor their performance and provide feedback on progress and understanding of content.

A Mastery exam will be undertaken after week 6 to demonstrate student’s understanding of the course content.

A major project will be undertaken by individual students. Feedback will be provided through direct engagement with   tutors where students provided details of their approach to the projects and are given direction by tutors. This will be   assessed through a professional technical report provided by the student and a brief presentation demonstrating their work.

Content (topics)                                                                                                                        

Fatigue, Fracture, Principal stresses, principal strains, Strain gauges, Mohr's Circle, ductile yield failure criteria, von    Mises Stress, deformation and buckling instability, application of design standards, design optimisation, finite element analysis, experimental testing.


Week/Session    Dates             Description

0                           31/07/2024     Revision of stress analysis under a single load


Self-guided revision of preliminary knowledge

1                          07/08/2024

Unsymmetric bending



Tutorials start from this week.

2                           14/08/2024

Thin-walled pressure vessles & Stress analysis under combined loading




3                           21/08/2024

Transformation of 2D stress using Equations and Mohr's circle




4                           28/08/2024

Transformation of 3D stress and Strain transformation




5                           04/09/2024

Shear Flow in Thin-Walled Members and Shear Center




6                           11/09/2024

Static failure theories, and stress concentrations under single loads




7                  43014 Applied Mechanics and Design B Spring 2024           18/09/2024

Mastery Quiz and Major Project



Mastery Quiz and Major Project will be available. Practice quiz will also be available.


Students will complete a series of formative quizzes throughout the session to demonstrate learning of concepts and skills.

Upon completion of modules, students will undertake a Mastery Exam, with a score of 80% is required to pass. There will be multiple opportunities provided to re-sit the Mastery Exam.

All students wishing to achieve more than a pass for this subject must undertake a major project, starting after week 7 of the subject. This is an individually assessed project that contributes to the overall subject grade. Self and Peer

Assessment will be undertaken as part of all group work and may impact on final marks.

The result type for this subject is Grade no Mark. Specification grading based on UTS grading scheme for coursework

subjects is adopted. Pass

Achieve a mark of ≥ 80% in the mastery exam. Credit

Achieve a mark of ≥ 80% in the mastery exam.

Work of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement on all objectives of the subject. Distinction

Achieve a mark of ≥ 80% in the mastery exam.

Work of superior quality on all objectives of the subject. High Distinction

Achieve a mark of ≥ 80% in the mastery exam.

Work of outstanding quality on all objectives of the subject.

(note: a project specific rubric referring to subject learning outcomes will be available in project documentation)

Assessment task 1: Mastery Exam

Intent:             The Mastery Exam is the primary assessment for this subject. Students will take this exam to

demonstrate their knowledge of the content.

Objective(s):  This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2 and 3

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

B.1, C.1 and D.1 Type:               Examination

Groupwork:    Individual

Task:               Short answer problems covering subject content.

Length:           2 hours

Due:                Weeks 7 (opportunities to re-sit are provided)

Further            Students are required to complete the exam online and achieve a result of 80% to demonstrate information:   Mastery. they may re-sit the exam as often as necessary until the desired result is achieved.

Assessment task 2: Major Project

Intent:            The purpose of this project is to have students apply and demonstrate their knowledge in engineering

mechanics, design and optimisation of structures.


Objective(s): This assessment task addresses the following subject learning objectives (SLOs): 1, 2 and 4

This assessment task contributes to the development of the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

C.1 and D.1 Type:              Project

Groupwork:   Individual

Task:              Students will apply their knowledge to the design of a simple structure. This will include using their

own interpretation of a problem to develop a series of design load cases, the application of force and stress analysis of the device to estimate appropriate size based on specific material properties, and   the application of finite element analysis to verify their design. Students will prepare a detailed

technical report describing and justifying analytical process and assumptions. A laboratory may be included as part of this subject to support this project.

Length:          2000 words (equivalent) and original CAD files

Due:                Fri Wk 12

Further           Detailed project description will be provided on UTSOnline. information:  For example:

CubeSats Widgets are a variety of small, short lifespan devices that are often used for educational   and short duration scientific purposes. The Chassis of the Widget CubeSat itself is critical to the life, protection and performance of the device. It must protect the package from loads and ensure

successful delivery to orbit.

The objective of this project is to design the structural frame. of a CubeSat Widget. the device itself is exposed to a number of different events during its operation. the launch and orbital process,

including (1) device assembly and transport, (2) booster launch, (3) high g manoeuvring, and (4) thermal cyclic fatigue.

Student will need to develop a series of load cases based off their student number and apply these to a specified package that will be delivered to orbit. FEA and design optimisation tool should be applied to minimise weight without degradation of structural performance.

A material sample will be provided to the students and they should use mechanical testing devices to determine material properties.

Students will be provided with a material sample and all the necessary information to complete their project:

Students should attend a lab session and undertake materials testing to determine main properties of their sample. this will form. the basis of their design task.

A unique load case design will be developed as follows based on your student number to cover the main load case scenarios.


12 – maximum g during manoeuvring

3 – dd = vertex impact from drop, even = edge impact from drop

4 – maximum impact g (3 x multiplication factor)

56 – maximum g exposure at launch

78 – cyclic fatigue rate in RPM

A corner or edge impact is possible during handling in the lab. The chassis should be sufficiently strong to withstand this impact.

Thermal expansion occurs with when side panels of the CubeSat are exposed to the sun, where they are cyclically heated and cooled through temperature extremes. This expansion and contraction

develop cyclic internal stresses in the structure, leading to fatigue stresses in the chassis that can ultimately lead to failure of the satellite.

Provided items will be (1) side panels and (2) scientific package. Students will need to design a

simple truss style. chassis and perform FEA and design optimisation to develop a unique prototype         





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