

包含:扫描线种子填充算法(可以填充凹形区域) 和广度优先搜索算法。

时间复杂度:N 矩阵的长宽 x1000 , 时间单位:毫秒





RegionFilling.h / .cpp 是填充算法实现文件
RegionFill.cpp 是演示文件。



// RegionFill.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RegionFilling.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "time.h"
#include "math.h"
using namespace std;

void usageDemo(int seedx, int seedy);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

 return 1;


void usageDemo(int seedx, int seedy)
 // step1. indicate a pointer(mat) to 2D matrix or image.
 // step2. connect edge points. then we got the contour of the region
 // step3. call scan line regionfilling (or bfs) function to fill region.
 // step4. save matrix to a image


 char **mat= new char*[30];
 for(int i=0; i<30; i++)
  mat[i] = new char[30];
  for(int j=0; j<30; ++j)
 // step1: indicate a pointer(mat) to 2D matrix or image.
 CRegionFilling rgnfil(mat,30,30,1,0,0);

 int x[9];
 int y[9];


 // step2. connect edge points. then we got the contour of the region

 for(int i=1; i<9; ++i)


 for(int i=0; i<30; ++i)
  for(int j=0; j<30; ++j)
   if(i==0 || j==0 ||i==30-1 || j==30-1)

 for(int i=0; i<30; ++i)
  for(int j=0; j<30; ++j)
    cout<<"* ";
    cout<<"  ";



 //step3. call scan line regionfilling function to fill region.

 for(int i=0; i<30; ++i)
  for(int j=0; j<30; ++j)
    cout<<"* ";
    cout<<"  ";


 //step4. save matrix to a image
 //code need to be added.

 for(int del=0; del<30; ++del)
  delete []mat[del];
 delete []mat;




#pragma once
#include <stack>
using namespace  std;

class CRegionFilling
 //pmat pointer to 2D matrix(image). 指向二维矩阵(图像)的指针
 //Width: matrix width 矩阵宽度
 //Height:matrix height 矩阵高度
 //fillColor: fill color 填充颜色
 //blankColor: indicate this point is not filled 空白的颜色
 //connective_0for4_1for8: 4-connected using 0,8-connected using 1.连通性_0指定四连通_1指定8连通
 CRegionFilling(char **pmat, int Width, int Height, int fillColor=1,int blankColor=0,int connective_0for4_1for8=0)
 char **mat;
 int width;
 int height;
 int fillclr;
 int blankclr;
 int connectivity;

 struct cpixel
  cpixel(int X, int Y):x(X),y(Y){};
  int x;
  int y;
 stack<cpixel> stc;


 //(x0,y0) start point of line, (x1,y1):end point of line.
 // if(mat==NULL) return false, else return true.
 bool drawLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);

 //Time cost = O(N), N:height of matrix(image)
 bool regionfill_scanning(int seedx, int seedy);
 //Time cost = O(M*N), M*N means height*width of matrix(image)
 bool regionfill_bfs(int seedx, int seedy);

 //this function is called by Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm
 //check the four neighbors of seed point,
 //if( belongs to region && not filled) push to queue and brush it with fillclr.
 //return value: if( belongs to region && not filled) return true,else return false.
 inline bool checkNeighbor(int x, int y, int direction, cpixel& pt);

 //called by  scan line algorithm
 //fill scan line. (xr,yr) is the most right point of current scan line.
 inline bool scanning(int xr,int yr);

 //find new seeds and push to stack .
 //return value: if found return true, else return false.
 bool pushNewSeeds(int lx, int rx, int y);


bool CRegionFilling::checkNeighbor(int x, int y, int direction, cpixel& pt)

 if(direction==0 && y-1>=0 && mat[y-1][x]==blankclr )
  pt.x=x; pt.y=y-1;
  return true;

 else if(direction==2 && y+1<height && mat[y+1][x]==blankclr)
  return true;
 else if(direction==1 && x+1<width && mat[y][x+1]==blankclr)
  pt.x=x+1; pt.y=y;
  return true;
 else if(direction==3 && x-1>=0 && mat[y][x-1]==blankclr)
  pt.x=x-1; pt.y=y;
  return true;
  return false;


bool CRegionFilling::scanning(int xr,int yr)
 int x=xr;
 while(x>=0 && mat[yr][x]==blankclr)
 return true;






#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "RegionFilling.h"
#include "math.h"
#include <stack>
#include <queue>

using namespace std;

bool CRegionFilling::regionfill_scanning(int seedx, int seedy)
 int lx,rx;
 int x=seedx;
 int y=seedy;
 cpixel seed(seedx,seedy);
 //1 找到current行的右端点
 while(x<width && mat[y][x]==blankclr)
 --x; rx=x;
 while(x>=0 && mat[y][x]==blankclr)
 ++x; lx=x;
  seed = stc.top();
  while(lx>=0 && mat[y][lx] ==blankclr)


 return true;



bool CRegionFilling::pushNewSeeds(int lx, int rx, int y)

 if(y<0 || y>=height) return false;

 //true;seeds or seed are found。
 // false: seed not found.
 bool ret=false;

 int x=rx;
 int xa=lx,xb=rx;
  //4.11 潜在的新种子点在rx之右,■是旧的种子点
  // ●○○○○●
  // ●●●■●
  //       rx
  //x 1,2,3,4,5,6
   while(x<width && mat[y][x]== blankclr)
    ++x;    //x=6
   --x;     //x=5
   stc.push(cpixel(x,y)); //new seed.x=5
   while(x>=0 && mat[y][x]==blankclr)
   rx=x;     //rx=1
   // ●○○○○●
   // ●●●■●
   // rx  
   //x 1,2,3,4,5,6
  //4.12潜在的新种子点在 rx之左。
  // ●○○○○●●●
  // ●●●●●●■●
  //             rx
   while(x>=lx && mat[y][x]==fillclr)
    while(x>=0 && mat[y][x]==blankclr)

  if(lx>rx) continue;
  // step1.
  // ●○○○○●○○○○●○○○○●
  // ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
  //   lx                rx
  // 新的种子点位置      ★

  // step2
  // ●○○○○●○○○○●○○○○●
  // ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
  //             lx      rx
  //     ★

  // step3 进入第二次循环
  // ●○○○○●○○○○●○○○○●
  // ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●
  //             lx
  //           rx           
  //               ★
  //(lx>rx) 结束while

  //从左边lx向右找,找到潜在的新种子点SEED_NEW,看 SEED_NEW =? SEED_R
   while(x<rx && mat[y][x]==blankclr)
   while(x<rx && mat[y][x]==fillclr)
    while(x<rx && mat[y][x]==blankclr)
 }//while has another scan line to be found.

 // 凹形区域的填充
 // ●●●●      ●●●    ●●●●
 // ●○○●      ●○●    ●○○●
 // ●○○○●  ●○○●  ●○○○●
 // ●○○○●  ●○○●  ●○○○●
 // ●○○○○●○○○○●○○○○●
 // ●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●
 // ●○○○○○○○○○○○○○○●
 // ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

 return ret;




//广度优先搜索算法(Breadth First Search) -- 搜索填充点--入队列--填充
bool CRegionFilling::regionfill_bfs(int seedx, int seedy)
 queue<cpixel> s;
 register cpixel pt;
  register cpixel newpt;
  //i=0-->3 表示 ↑ → ↓ ←
  for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
   if( checkNeighbor(pt.x,pt.y,i,newpt)) 


 return true;

bool CRegionFilling::drawLine(const int x0, const int y0, const int x1, const int y1)
 if(!mat) return false;
 //temp variable x,y
 int x,y;

  for(y=y0; y<=y1; ++y)
  return true;
  for(x=x0; x<=x1; ++x)
  return true;

 //斜线  y = k*x + b
 int dx=x1-x0;
 int dy=y1-y0; 
 double k=dy/(double)dx;
 double b=(x1*y0-x0*y1)/(double)(x1-x0);
 if( abs(dx) >= abs(dy) )
  int l,r,prey;
  if(x0<x1) {l=x0;r=x1;prey=y0;}
  else {l=x1,r=x0;prey=y1;}
  for(x=l; x<=r; ++x)
   y =(int) (k*x+b +0.5); 
   //code for 4-connective rule.
     prey = y;

  int prex;
  int l,r;
  if(y0<y1) {l=y0;r=y1;prex=x0;}
  else {l=y1,r=y0;prex=x1;}

  for(y=l; y<=r; ++y)
   x=(int)((y-b)/k + 0.5);
   //code for 4-connective rule.
     prex = x;

 return true;












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