学习010-01-02 Modules(模块)


XAF modules are similar to standard Class Library projects. The difference is that each module project contains a class that inherits ModuleBase. The presence of such a class allows the XAF core code to distinguish modules from regular .NET assemblies.
XAF模块类似于标准类库项目。不同之处在于,每个模块项目都包含一个继承ModuleBase的类。这样一个类的存在允许XAF核心代码将模块与常规的. NET程序集区分开来。

XAF-specific classes declared within modules are collected automatically (using reflection) and utilized in automatic UI generation. For instance, if you declare a Controller descendant within a module, an XAF application will create it in each Frame. This allows you to implement custom code to be executed when the Controller is activated (see Controllers).

Create a Custom Module(创建自定义模块)

You are not limited to three modules per solution. Generally, you may implement one custom feature per module. You can also reuse custom modules in other XAF applications. To create a new module, follow the steps below.

  • Right-click the application solution root node and select Add | New Project… in the invoked context menu.

  • In the Add New Project dialog, select the DevExpress v24.1 XAF Template Gallery template and click Next.
    在添加新项目对话框中,选择DevExpress v24.1 XAF模板库模板,然后单击下一步。

  • Specify the new module’s name and click Create.

  • In the next window, click Run Wizard.

  • Choose the Reusable Module Library option in the Solution Wizard and press Finish.

  • Choose the ORM library.

For additional information on how to choose an ORM that suits your needs, refer to the following topic: Why We Recommend EF Core over XPO for New Development.
有关如何选择适合您需求的ORM的更多信息,请参阅以下主题:为什么我们推荐EF Core而不是XPO进行新开发。

  • Add a reference to the newly added module to the existing module or application project as it is described in the Ways to Register a Module topic.

You can also convert an existing Class Library into a module by defining a ModuleBase class descendant in it. For this, take the Module.cs (Module.vb) file from an existing module as a prototype. Rename the class and set a correct namespace.
您还可以通过在现有类库中定义ModuleBase类后代来将其转换为模块。为此,请将现有模块中的Module. cs(Module.vb)文件作为原型。重命名类并设置正确的命名空间。

Inheritance from modules is not recommended. The ModuleBase class descendants should be sealed (NotInheritable in VB).

Modules Shipped With XAF(XAF附带的模块)

One of the XAF concepts is to use modules (class libraries containing a ModuleBase descendant) to provide additional Controllers, Actions, List Editors, View Items, Application Model nodes and properties. A module can be considered as a ready-to-use package for a certain feature that can be easily enabled when creating an XAF application in the Solution Wizard. In an existing application, additional modules can be added using Application Builders (for .NET) and Toolbox in the Module Designer or Application Designer (for all .NET versions). Topics in this section provide detailed information on each built-in XAF module, module components and ways to use and customize them.
XAF概念之一是使用模块(包含ModuleBase后代的类库)来提供额外的控制器、操作、列表编辑器、视图项、应用程序模型节点和属性。一个模块可以被认为是某个功能的现成包,可以在解决方案向导中创建XAF应用程序时轻松启用。在现有应用程序中,可以使用模块设计器或应用程序设计器(适用于所有。NET版本)中的应用程序生成器(for. NET)和工具箱添加额外的模块。本节中的主题提供了有关每个内置XAF模块、模块组件以及使用和自定义它们的方法的详细信息。

Audit Trail Module


The Audit Trail module is intended to provide you with information on changes that are being made to the application’s data. You can retrieve information on the kind of change (object is created, changed, etc.), who made this change, with what object, the previous and new property values, and so much more. A change is registered between two sequential events of object saving to a data storage.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NETCore Blazor、Windows Forms、ASP.NETWeb Forms。

Business Class Library Customization Module


Provides UI settings (class images, List View columns arrangements and Detail View layouts) for built-in business objects from the Business Class Library.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NETCore Blazor、Windows Forms、ASP.NETWeb Forms。

Chart Module


Provides List Editors that allow you to visualize data using the WinForms Chart Control and ASP.NET Web Forms Chart Control. These controls offer you a comprehensive set of 2D and 3D charts to address a broad range of business needs with ease. The Chart module adopts these controls for XAF applications, so you can easily visualize your data, and integrates the Chart Designer into the Model Editor.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Clone Object Module


Allows end-users to quickly create similar business objects by copying an existing object and changing the required property values. For this purpose, this module provides the CloneObjectViewController that contains the CloneObject Action. When executing this Action, the focused object is cloned.
允许最终用户通过复制现有对象并更改所需的属性值来快速创建类似的业务对象。为此,本模块提供了包含CloneObject Action的CloneObjectViewController。执行此Action时,将克隆焦点对象。

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NETCore Blazor、Windows Forms、ASP.NETWeb Forms。



Allows you to configure a user interface dynamically. UI customizations are performed on the basis of predefined business rules for control color highlighting, changing availability and visibility, font style, etc. In addition, you can define or modify these rules at runtime without recompiling your application.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Dashboards Module


Integrates DevExpress Dashboard controls into XAF applications. Allows users to create dashboards at runtime and persist them in the application database.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

File Attachments Module


Provides Property Editors and Controllers that allow users to attach files to business objects using properties of the file data type.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

KPI Module


Introduces the support of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - quantitative measurements of dynamic business processes. For instance, an important performance indicator for a trading company might be daily sales, and for a team of developers it might be the number of active bugs in their product. For better visualization, KPI value ranges can be split into a “green zone” (everything is OK), a “yellow zone” (warning), and a “red zone” (things are problematic). When KPI are based on a time range, it can be useful to compare the values of different periods (for instance, the current month versus the previous month). If a deeper analysis (drilldown) is required, then the objects from which an indicator was calculated can be listed.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Maps Module


Provides List and Property Editors intended to display business objects on a map.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Web Forms.

Notifications Module


Displays reminders for scheduler appointments or any custom business object in Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications. At the required time, a pop-up window is automatically invoked. In this window, a user can view alerts, and cancel or delay them for a specified amount of time.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Office Module


The Office Module integrates the following DevExpress controls:

  • WinForms Rich Text Editor with Mail Merge support(支持邮件合并的WinForms富文本编辑器)
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Rich Text Editor with Mail Merge support(ASP.NET支持邮件合并的Web窗体富文本编辑器)
  • ASP.NET Core Blazor Rich Text Editor with Mail Merge support(ASP.NET核心Blazor富文本编辑器,支持邮件合并)
  • WinForms Spreadsheet(WinForms电子表格)
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Spreadsheet(ASP.NETWeb窗体电子表格)

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Pivot Chart Module


Allows users to analyze application data using pivot grid and chart controls in Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications. Analysis configuration created by a user is stored in the application database and thus is available to other users. You can also create predefined analysis.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Pivot Grid Module


Provides List Editors that allow you to analyze data using the PivotGridControl and ASPxPivotGrid controls (in Windows Forms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications respectively). The Pivot Grid module adopts these controls for XAF applications, so that you can add data analysis functionality with ease, and also integrates the PivotGrid Designer into the Model Editor.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Reports V2 Module


Integrates the DevExpress Reporting into XAF applications. Creates a user interface for designing, viewing and printing reports. Both user-defined and built-in reports are represented by business objects that are stored with other persistent objects in the application database.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Scheduler Module


Provides List Editors that integrate the Blazor Scheduler, WinForms Scheduler, and ASP.NET Web Forms Scheduler controls. You can use these controls to present and manage scheduling information in an efficient manner. Various date-time views, multiple resources display, date navigator, end-user capabilities and other features - everything to make your scheduling application simpler and more convenient to use.
提供集成Blazor Scheduler、WinForms Scheduler和ASP.NETWeb Forms Scheduler控件的列表编辑器。您可以使用这些控件以高效的方式呈现和管理调度信息。各种日期时间视图、多种资源显示、日期导航器、最终用户功能和其他功能——一切都使您的调度应用程序更简单,使用更方便。

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Script Recorder Module


Supplies a script recorder that records the actions you perform on a UI and saves them to an EasyTest script file. You use a set of Actions available in the Tools menu to control the recording process.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

State Machine Module


Provides a user interface for the state transition management for business objects that have certain states (for example, the Task object, which can be in the NotStarted, InProgress, or Completed state). You can define a set of states and corresponding permitted transitions and associate them with a business class in code or at runtime. Additionally, you can define Conditional Appearance rules and associate them with specific states.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

TreeList Editors Module


Provides List Editors that integrate the WinForms Tree List and ASP.NET Web Forms Tree List controls. You can use these controls to display data as a tree, a grid, or a combination of both, regardless of data complexity.

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Validation Module


Allows you to validate user input based on business rules declared in code, at design time, or at runtime.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

View Variants Module


Allows you to keep several predefined variants of a View layout in the Application Model and provides an option to switch between these variants at runtime.

Supported platforms: ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:ASP.NET Core Blazor, Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

Workflow Module


Integrates Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) 4.0/4.5 support into XAF. WF is a workflow management framework designed to assist you in creating more manageable, workflow-enabled applications.
将Windows Workflow Foundation(WF)4.0/4.5支持集成到XAF中。WF是一个工作流管理框架,旨在帮助您创建更易于管理、支持工作流的应用程序。

Supported platforms: Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.
支持的平台:Windows Forms, ASP.NET Web Forms.

To get more ready-to-use modules, see XAF Community Extensions. 要获得更多即用型模块,请参阅XAF社区扩展。

System Module(系统模块)

Any XAF application includes a System Module. This module cannot be disabled, since it provides a certain basic functionality required in all applications. The System Module enables the following functionality:

  • Navigation System
  • Printing
  • Exporting




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