学习011-03-13 Map a Persistent Class to a Database View Which Has No Key Field(将持久化类映射到没有键字段的数据库视图)

Map a Persistent Class to a Database View Which Has No Key Field(将持久化类映射到没有键字段的数据库视图)

With XAF, you can build new applications from scratch or maintain existing databases. The How to: Generate XPO Business Classes for Existing Data Tables topic describes how to use the design-time wizard that generates business classes for one or more data tables in the specified database at the same time. Additionally, the existing database can contain views (stored queries), which need to be accessed in an XAF application’s List Views, Analysis, and Reports. If the database view has a key column, you can map a persistent class to it using the same approach as mapping to a regular table.

This topic describes how to implement a persistent class mapped to a database view without a key. We used the “Northwind Traders” demo database, shipped with DXperience Suite and installed in %PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.1 \Components\Data\nwind.mdb by default, in this topic. Besides tables filled with demo data, this database includes several database views.
本主题介绍如何实现映射到数据库视图的持久类而无需密钥。在本主题中,我们使用了DXperience Suite附带的“NorthWind Traders”演示数据库,并默认安装在%PUBLIC%\Documents\DevExpress Demos 24.1\Components\Data\nwind. mdb中。除了填充了演示数据的表之外,此数据库还包括多个数据库视图。

This approach uses composite keys, which are not supported in the ASP.NET Core Blazor applications, and works only for WinForms and ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
此方法使用ASP.NET Core Blazor应用程序不支持的复合键,仅适用于WinForms和ASP.NET Web Forms应用程序。

1.Create a new XAF solution and follow the steps from the How to: Generate XPO Business Classes for Existing Data Tables topic. Do not forget to modify the connection string that connects your application to the nwind.mbd database.
创建一个新的XAF解决方案并按照如何:为现有数据表生成XPO业务类主题中的步骤进行操作。不要忘记修改将应用程序连接到nwindows. mbd数据库的连接字符串。

2.Open the nwind.mbd database to see what views (queries) it contains. You can use Microsoft Office Access or any other MDB viewer application. In this example, the CustomerReports view is mapped to the CustomerReports persistent class:
打开nwindows. mbd数据库以查看它包含哪些视图(查询)。您可以使用Microsoft Office Access或任何其他MDB查看器应用程序。在此示例中,CustmerReports视图映射到CustmerReports持久类:

This view contains the ProductName, CompanyName, OrderDate and ProductAmount fields. These names are used when implementing the CustomerReports class.

3.Create a new CustomerReports persistent class (you can use the DevExpress 24.1 ORM Persistent Object template). Replace the automatically generated class declaration with the following code:
创建一个新的CustomerReports持久类(您可以使用DevExpress 24.1 ORM持久对象模板)。将自动生成的类声明替换为以下代码:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;

using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Xpo.Utils;
using DevExpress.Persistent.Base;
using DevExpress.Xpo;
// ...
public class CustomerReports : XPLiteObject {
    public CustomerReports(Session session) : base(session) { }
    CustomerReportsViewKey fKey;
    [Key, Persistent]
    public CustomerReportsViewKey Key {
        get { return fKey; }
        set { SetPropertyValue(nameof(Key), ref fKey, value); }
    public string ProductName { get { return Key.ProductName; } }
    public string CompanyName { get { return Key.CompanyName; } }
    public DateTime OrderDate { get { return Key.OrderDate; } }
    public string ProductAmount { get { return Key.ProductAmount; } }
public struct CustomerReportsViewKey {
    [Persistent("ProductName"), Browsable(false)]
    public string ProductName;
    [Persistent("CompanyName"), Browsable(false)]
    public string CompanyName;
    [Persistent("OrderDate"), Browsable(false)]
    public DateTime OrderDate;
    [Persistent("ProductAmount"), Browsable(false)]
    public string ProductAmount;

Each persistent class requires a primary key. The CustomerReports class is an XPLiteObject class descendant, which has no auto-generated key property. So, the Key property representing a composite key (a key formed by combining at least two or more columns) was implemented.

The CustomerReportsViewKey struct defines columns which form a composite key. The struct requires the TypeConverter attribute, which enables ASPxGridView to recognize the key value and to process objects.

Additionally, the CustomerReports class exposes properties corresponding to all the view’s columns. You can omit any property, but the composite key should still include all columns.


  • A database view can already have a key column. In this case, you do not need the composite key, and you should decorate the key property with the KeyAttribute.
  • The number of columns included in the composite key is limited. For instance, Microsoft SQL Server allows a maximum of 16 columns.

If you do not want your class to have the same name as the database view, you can use a custom name, and decorate the class with the PersistentAttribute:

[DefaultClassOptions, Persistent("CustomerReports")]
public class MyCustomerReports : XPLiteObject {
    // ...

4.Run the application. The “Customer Reports” object is available.

You can use the CustomerReports class as the Data Type in Reports V2 and Analysis:


As an AI language model, I do not have access to your system logs or configurations to give you a specific solution. However, here are some general troubleshooting steps that you can try to fix the issue of Redis persistent key-value database failing to start: 1. Check if Redis is already running: Run the following command in the terminal to check if Redis is already running: ``` sudo systemctl status redis ``` If Redis is already running, stop it using the following command: ``` sudo systemctl stop redis ``` 2. Check Redis logs: Run the following command to check the Redis logs: ``` tail -f /var/log/redis/redis-server.log ``` This will show the latest logs from Redis. Look for any error messages or warnings that can help you identify the issue. 3. Check Redis configuration: Check the Redis configuration file (/etc/redis/redis.conf) and make sure that the following settings are correct: ``` daemonize yes pidfile /var/run/redis/redis-server.pid logfile /var/log/redis/redis-server.log dir /var/lib/redis ``` 4. Check Redis data directory permissions: Make sure that the Redis data directory (/var/lib/redis) has the correct permissions. Run the following command to set the correct permissions: ``` sudo chown -R redis:redis /var/lib/redis ``` 5. Check Redis port: Make sure that Redis is listening on the correct port (default is 6379). You can check this in the Redis configuration file (/etc/redis/redis.conf). 6. Restart Redis: Restart Redis using the following command: ``` sudo systemctl start redis ``` If the issue persists, try reinstalling Redis or contacting Redis support for further assistance.




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