
1         概述


l         我采取什么策略去规划我的找工作项目?

l         我应该分为几个阶段去实施?

l         我的目标是那些公司?

l         我需将准备哪些资料?

l         我如何客观的公正的评价自己?

l         我如何客观公正的评价公司?

l         。。。。。。。。。。


l         分阶段设计。

l         如何评价公司

l         参考资料

2         划分阶段


2.1         准备阶段

1.      明确需求。

a)        先问自己问什么要找工作?要进行分类,并分别它写下来。通常包括:住宿情况、收入情况、团队管理、技术学习

b)        把当前的问题与当前职位等信息进行对比。

c)        根据对比情况决定启动工作流程。

2.      分析行情。

a)        当然行业状态。比如:电信重组, 3G 业务,电信行业将有很多的订单,招聘更多的工程师也就自然了。

b)        分析大公司的招聘情况。

c)        分析行业内薪资情况。通常在网站上可以获得。

3.      确定目标

a)        有目标,才有动力。

b)        可以按照:公司类型、工作地点、工作环境、晋升机会、薪资要求等信息分别列出。

c)        列出自己最想去的公司。并做成列表,包括:公司名称、求职岗位、发简历时间、面试时间、状态等。如果进入面试阶段,以便跟踪。

4.      制定计划。

a)        包括写简历、投简历时间

b)        面试周期的评估。不同的公司有不同的周期,这是个非常关键的。否则有些职位将发生冲突。

5.      准备简历。

a)        采用成熟的模板。Zhaopin网站上的模板非常棒。

b)        可以适当调整文档模板。突出自己的特长。

1.        包括:技术、管理、沟通等。

2.        独立领导的项目。

3.        作为开发负责人、管理的经验等。

6.      查找和分析公司。

a)        采用不同的渠道。

                                       i.              同学推荐、同事推荐。这是比较好的方式。快捷。同时也比较方便了解公司的情况。

                                     ii.              招聘网站等。

                                    iii.              猎头。是当前比较好的方式,如果有合适的岗位,他将主动的联系你。并可以建立长期的合作关系。

b)        优势、劣势都写下来,进行对比。可以问朋友,并给出建议。

c)        同时向多个公司投出简历。对于大的公司一般流程较长,大于在2周到1个月。

7.      准备技术知识。

a)        java基础知识。

                                       i.              如果java已经非常熟悉,可以做1-2套题目。

                                     ii.              把比较难理解的问题重新开一遍。内容包括:多线程、关键词、垃圾回收、类加载等。

b)        设计模式:准备至少4个,除了工厂模式、模板模式之外也准备其他2个左右常用的模式。

8.      准备常见的英文问答。

a)        同时也是准备回答思路的过程。通常中文也会有这些问题。

b)        问题一般是由规律的。一般常见是20-30个问题,并给出经过分析后答案。并根据不同的公司情况进行部分调整。

c)        准备自己最熟悉、最大的项目。包括:项目背景(应该场景、团队人数、代码规模、开发周期、当前版本等)、采用的工作流程和工具和技术组件、自己的角色、工作内容、自己的收获。

d)        如果长期没有使用口语和听力,可以拿出一定的时间,重点强化一下,比如:在坚持每天练习1-2小时。

2.2         面试阶段

1.      要有一个良好的心态。

a)        首先要诚实。如实介绍自己的背景、职位、工作场景。

b)        自信。把自己的优势都体现出来。也要有气势。听不懂或难得问题,可以直接和对方沟通,或换个角度进行描述。

c)        勇气。

a)        不懂得、或没有接触过的技术,要勇于承认。

b)        对于面试没有通过,对别人提出的不足之处,要首先明确的感谢,同时加以改正。

d)        要积极主动。“在人生旅途中,你是你自己唯一的船长,千万不要让别人驾驶你的生命之舟。你要稳稳地坐在舵手的位置上,决定自己何去何从。人生的旅途十分短暂,要珍惜自己所拥有的选择权和决策权,虽然可以参考别人的意见,但千万不要随波逐流。只有积极主动的人才能在瞬息万变的竞争环境中赢得成功;只有善于展示自己的人才能在工作中获得真正的机会。”-李开复。

2.      进行合理的着装。

a)        不同的公司,不同的岗位有不同的行规。比如:一个销售岗位,穿正式装比较得体。一个研发岗位,可以干净大方,不能过于休闲,比如:不能穿短裤,它是一种不太礼貌的行为。

3.      积极的自我推销。

a)        可以携带自己更详细的资料。比如:发表的论文、发表的文章、获得的荣誉等。

b)        可以做一个ppt。更加详细的描述自己的项目经历,某项能力等。

c)        展示自己独立完成的项目的能力。也就是独立分析设计的能力。

d)        展示自己项目管理和领导能力。比如:在公司当师傅,辅助初级员工。


4.      实际讲解自己的项目或能力。

a)        内容主要包括:项目背景、规模(人员、成本、时间)、角色、开发内容、效果。

b)        通过图表形式。对于复杂的问题,可以通过流程图进行表述,比如:工作流,通过流程图会更加形象。

c)        如果是外企,最好用英文在白板上书写。可以部分内容用英文描述。

5.      主动的提出问题。

a)        如果面试者,忘记向你描述项目的内容。你可以主动询问,必问的几个问题包括:

                                             i.              项目的内容

                                           ii.              主要技术

                                          iii.              团队的人员

                                         iv.              将来的发展前景

b)        如果给你进行了描述,你可以更深层的询问相关内容。

c)        如果有朋友和同学,可以进一步了解详细内容。

d)        最关键是:询问leader你的发展前景,或组织上的期望。结合你自身的特点看看是否和自己的兴趣、职业发展道路是否吻合。

e)        最好能查到非保密的产品框架和说明书。可以更进一步的了解该项目情况。

6.       合理的提出你的薪资。

a)        首先明确当前招收的岗位和薪资。可以通过方式查询:

                                             i.              公司比较网站。

                                           ii.              同学、朋友。

b)        结合你当前的工作经验、收入、职位等。

c)        其他offer的薪资情况。

d)        未来1-2的薪资不变的情况,自己薪资的竞争力。

e)        给自己设定一定的底线,期望值要高于此底线。

2.3         选择阶段

1.      分析不同offer的情况

a)        可能存在同时在一个时间段内收到多个offer的情况。

b)        列出表格分项比较。比较内容可以是:公司规模、工作性质、个人兴趣、薪资待遇、个人和企业发展前景、福利待遇。可以通过的你的同学、朋友等,获得更多的信息。

2.      确定offer的时间

a)        通常为2周到1个月。

b)        注意事项:

                                             i.              不要过早的答应上班时间。因为可能你在这个时间段内有更好的机会,如果的确没有,可以申请提前入职也是允许的。

2.4         入职阶段

1.        准备入职资料。

a)        通常公司给你的邮件中会有详细的描述。

2.        总结经验。

a)        有失败的经验,有成功的经验。通过分析、加工并整理下来,以便更好的指导今后的活动。

b)        有机会把经验分享给他人。

3.        正式入职。

3         评价公司依据

3.1         李开复建议若碰到裁员 员工应当成一种动力











在一个公司做过的岗位越多,适应性越强,而公司在裁员时,会倾向于将熟悉业务层面较多的员工留下。第四,在工作的同时,要与时俱进地学习,延续自己的竞争 力。当你掌握了最新的技术和业务,就会永远处在业务线的前沿。这样,无论是否遭遇裁员,都会把主动权掌握在自己的手中。第五,做一个有自觉心的人。




李开复告诉记者,裁员固然是一种挫折,但是每一个挫折也是学习的机会。如果遭遇裁员,不要把它当作生活的惩罚,而要当成一个新的起点。员工可以寻找更喜欢 的工作,考虑是否继续读新的学位,积极努力地寻找更适合自己的职业。关键是不但要找到一个热门的职业,更要找到一个自己热爱的工作。因为只有真正热爱的工 作,才能激发起内心的斗志。




李开复告诉记者,自己在从业生涯中多次遇到需要裁掉员工的情况。第一次是上世纪90年代初在苹果公司,那个时候他担任苹果公司的语音语言小组经理。当时苹 果公司采取了降价措施,但是依然销售不佳,一个季度的亏损达到4亿美元。因此,苹果公司来不及设计裁掉哪些部门,就由CEO召集部门经理,让部门经理将每 个部门裁员10%






另外一种裁员是公司由于项目失败或方向错误,而将整个部门砍掉。而这种裁员,一般会给予员工一定补偿。李开复告诉记者,他在微软担任自然互动部 门副总裁时,决定将一个小组全体裁掉。因为那个小组里全部是语言学家,当时被雇佣来做语法修正软件,但是并不成功。当公司财务吃紧时,这种业绩不佳的部门 就可能被取消。其模式是提前告知员工公司的决定,然后让员工提前去别的部门寻找岗位。如果在限期3个月内找不到岗位,就只能“走路”了。





4         面试问题

4.1         General Question

3.    Can you introduce yourself?

A: My name is $. January 2006 received a master's degree, after graduation worked for a telecommunications software company, has more than two years. The current post is senior software development engineer.

My main job elements: OSS (Operation surpport System), Business Handling System, value-added business System, main technology involve Spirng, hibernate,struts,jbpm,oracle,and so on.

I have finished 5 new projects, some are normal edtion interation, such as boss, other are custom-built projects,I finished 2 small projects on my own, attend other projects as a key engineer.

I have released about 30 technology articles in company. In the meantime, I also released to my blog in csdn.


4.    Can you introduce your hometown?

A:  My hometown in rural areas, at the foot of Mount Tai , is a very beautiful place, Mount Tai is one of   China 's most famous mountains. the air is very fresh, the mountain is very green and the water is very clear, there also are some tour spot. Every year, many people to travel.


5.    Can you tell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.

A: With my experience, I feel hardworking, responsible and  active in my study and working. in the meanwhile, I have a solid basic knowledge in my major, so I think that I am capable of adding a bit to your achievement.


6.    Give me a summary of your current job description.

AI have been working as a computer programmer for more than 2 years. To be specific, I do designing, coding. in some time I also do requirement analysis. For example, I completed independently an business handling subsystems for Boss product. Mentor junior team members.


7.    What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization

AI have finished 5 new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.


8.    why do you choose this company?

A:Speaking from the industry ,(company name) is leading technology companies, create some very good product, such as:(websphere, rational product lines.) , create some good deveopment method.

From tradition, Company culture is good, encourage the innovation, it have many good development teams. open thinking and communication enviroment.

From job position, my professional experience is suit to the requirements of the job.


9.    QWhat is your strongest trait(s)

AHelpfulness, friendliness, Diligentness

 Easy to get along.

Helpfulness : Mentor junior engineers

FriendlinessMore than 4 companies for technology cooperation, such as interface testing

Diligentness  :Release about 30 technology articles in the csdn blogSome of articles haves used in the different development team as a guide


10.What are your advantage or tech speciality?

(1)   Firstly, More than 3 years working experience for telcommunication management system development

(2)   Secondly,Has rich development experiences with UML2.0RUP,refactor technology.

(3)   Thirdly, Are familiar with more than 10 api components and framework,for example: spring,hibernate,axis,apache common,

(4)Fourthly,Within the company published about 30 technology articles (partal content come from internet)

(4)   Fifthly, Buying, reading professional technology books is over 20.


11.Talk your advantage and disadvantage?

For advantage:

Good communication skills, rich experience in development, strong writing skills, organizational capacity

For disadvantage:

Well, To dialy life,After the lack of exercise daily work, resulting in a lot of fat, serious decline in the level of basketball,because I ofternly attend to the basketball in the school.

    To my work, I think I need learn deeper and wider in some technology and industry.


12. What are your plan in the future?

       (1) For the new people just entering the workplace, with a focus on technology. Including: to learn more technology, to participate in more projects. (2) accumulate more knowledge of the industry, experimence of interpersonal relationships. (3) With the increase of technology and experience, I can share my experience to others through different methods, for example, release articles in the company or website, mentor(asist,teach) more new employees face to face.


13.When your view is different with your leader, how do you process?  

A Well, I will give a higher level with the necessary explanation and remind, in this case, I will obey the views of the superiors.


14.Why do you leave your current job? QWhy did you leave your last job?

AWell, I have worked for more than 2 years in the company, there are deeper feelings. From the beginning of this year, due to mutation(突变) of the market situation, the situation came. Now that I think this step is very regrettable, so I am hoping to get an offer of a new enviroment. I can contract the development team and process. If opportunity knocks,I will take it.


15. How do you see treamwork? Do you think what is the most important thing in the team?

A:  I believe that a good team is stronger than the sum of its parts. True teamwork and true partnership assumes an intimate understanding and alignment of each other’s goals and requires each party to actively care for and trust the other. Always strive to treat our clients, investors and colleagues as partners.

Must understand the team goals. No goals is difficult to generate great power. It can make team more stronger.

Must trust each other, help each other.

Must have a Strong leader capable of motivating and energizing (使活跃, 给予精力, 加强, 给与...电压energetic精力充沛的, 积极的)the very best software engineers, as well as gaining their respect.


16.   can you introduce the largest project that you ever have attended?

A:  It is a business enterprise customers handling systems for Netcom Group,, business handling is divided into 10 different business processes, using workflow as technological foundation, different business processes with different segments, each segment is  corresponding with different roles, and  the call center business systems, business support system in data exchange


17.   What do your largest harvest or gain in your current job,  and why? Give a exmple.

A:  Good communication skills is one of my largest harvet. I think that face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication.(Co-location). Special to very difficult question, require interation communication.


 Firstly, it may sufficiently motivate the creativity, for example, in the beginning of the project,  the brainstorming method is very good method.

 Secondly, more efficient solution to the problems will be found.

When I recieves a requirement or problem, if the question go beyond my responsebility scope or ability scope, I will call the relative team members to have a meeting, complete several things, to confirm the question or requirement; to analyze the current system situation, find the reason of the problem; to give a basic solution; then at last allocate the task to one or several engineer to deeply analyze or solve.


18.   How do you solve the conflicting for your team or your project you have ever attended?

A:  First of all,  I will analyze the reason of the question, including technology, communication, and so on,  so that I can build some basic viewpoint for it,

Secondly, I will call relative people together,  through email, directly call face to face, and so on,

   Thirdly,  Talk the reason together, find the main reason, in the meanwhile, if it ‘s not difficult,  then give a solution,  allocate suit people to finish the tasks,


We need your attitude, motivation, payroll requirements, will travel and so on to reach agreement.


19. How much are your current salary and you expect your salary?

A: I have more than 2 years experimence for java development in the company, including intern period , more than 3 years, my current post is senior engineer, so that my current salary is about yuan a month, about  a year. Including 13 month salary and project bonus, I expect the monthly salary is around $ yuan, about $ a year.


20. Can you accept a travel on business? What do you think ?

A: For the software industry, some of the development mission is necessary, is also very important, such as: better communication with customers, more efficient solution to the problems, and so on. I worked in the previous year, most of the time I was in business.

5         参考资料


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