

覃瑞 (身份证510230198107170014)                        




怎样才能让弱势在竞争补贴时,占有利地位呢?就需要让强势群体对补贴不是那么感兴趣。即使让他们付出(成本)多,得到(获利)少.要这样,就必须不建设享受性的住房,建设生活基本需求型的住房。生活基本型是怎样的呢?对住房的需求就是可以住人,价格便宜点,交通方便。住人的最低标准是怎么样的呢?不能凭空乱想,需要量化和计算。双人卧室8.79平方米(床1.5米宽乘2米长等于3平方米、电脑桌和椅子1.3米长乘1.2米宽等于1.56平方米、衣柜1.2乘1.4等于1.68平方米、过道0.5乘5.5等于2.75平方米), 客厅10.26平方米(沙发2米长乘0.8米宽等于1.6平方米、茶基兼饭桌1.5乘0.6等于0.9平方米、家庭影院0.7乘2等于1.4平方米、过道3.96加2.4等于6.36平方米),厨房(1.1乘3.5等于3.85平方米),卫生间(1.1乘1等于1.1平方米),房屋的连接空间(1.1乘5等于5.5平方米),单人卧室4.16平方米(床在1.8米的高度、床的大小1.2米宽乘2米长等于2.4平方米、电脑桌和衣柜和椅子在床下,其大小为2.4平方米、过道0.8乘2.2等于1.76平方米)。上面都是实际的使用面积,不是建筑面积。这些房子都是统一简单装修了的,可以马上住人。

这样算下来38.29平米(8.79加8.79加10.26加3.85加1.1加5.5=38.29)就可以修建一个2室1厅了。50.08平米(8.79加8.79加8.79加10.26加3.85加1.1加5.5=47.08加3平米的机动空间) 就可以修建一个3室1厅了。8.79平米就可以修建一个双人单间。4.16平方米就可以修建一个单人单间。24平米(8.79加10.26加3.85加1.1=24) 就可以修建一室一厅。单身住个4.16平方米,结婚没有孩子的住8.79平米,单间还需要配套的公共厕所和厨房。结婚孩子小的住24平米的一室一厅,结婚孩子大的住38.29平米的2室一厅,三代同堂的可以住50.08平米的3室1厅。








邮箱:tiandiwo2009@sina.com   qq:38726802  电话:(区号023)13883352288









Suggestion on house type and fund of low-income housing

Qin Rui(Identity id 510230198107170014)

Over the past 10 years, the house price in China surged rapidly and housing problem became more highlighted.

The population that can’t address the housing issues or have higher housing cost to income ratio than the normal level are mainly those who: just arrived at one city without too much wealth, namely vulnerable groups. Such groups mainly include fresh graduates and those who old houses are relocated. Their housing needs is the basic living needs, therefore it has the nature of people's livelihood and the government has the inescapable responsibility. At present, the government provides these people with two solutions: affordable housing and low-rent housing.

As both the affordable housing and the low-rent housing enjoy the subsidies from the national policies, their price is much lower than the market price. Everyone wants to “get” one. Here, the word “get” is mainly used for those who are not qualified to enjoy the national housing subsidies. They are strong group, in the other word a group having many resources. Therefore, in a competition for the national housing subsidies between the weak and the strong, who will win?

How to make the weak win? The way is to make the strong group have no interest in the subsidies, namely high cost and low profit. Therefore, we should build the house for basic living needs, instead of for enjoyment. The demand for housing that people can live, cheap, and convenient transportation. The minimum living standard is how people like? Not out of dream need to quantify and calculate. bedroom8.79(bed 1.5*2=3,table,1.3*1.2-1.56, closet1.2*1.4=1.68、0.5*5.5=2.75)living room10.26(sofa 2×0.8=1.6、tea table 1.5×0.6=0.9、 home theater0.7×2=1.4、aisle 3.96+2.4=6. 36)kitchen(1.1×3.5=3.85)bathroom(1.1×1=1.1)the connect room (1.1×5=5.5). single bedroom 4.16 square meters (bed 1.8 meters high, 1.2 meters wide size bed * 2 meters length = 2.4 square meters, computer desk and wardrobe and a chair under the bed, its size is 2.4 square meters, aisle 0.8 * 2.2 = 1.76 square meters). The above is the actual use of space, not floor area. The houses are simple decoration of the uniform, and can be immediately occupied.

In so doing 38.29 square meters (8.79 +8.79 +10.26 +3.85 +1.1 +5.5 = 38.29) can build a 2 room 1 hall was. 50.08 square meters (8.79 +8.79 +8.79 +10.26 +3.85 +1.1 +5.5 = 47.08 + 3 square meters of mobile space) can build up a 3 room 1 hall. 8.79 square meters can build a double single room. 4.16 square meters you can build a single private room. 24 square meters (8.79 +10.26 +3.85 +1.1 = 24) can be built One Bedroom.For the single, 4.16 square meters is ok. For the couple without child, 8.79 square meters is ok. The single room also needs public toilet and kitchen. For the couple with a little older child, 38.29 square meters (2 bedrooms and 1 living room) is ok. For the family with three generations living together, 50.08 square meters (3 bed rooms and 1 living room) can meet their basic needs.

These data can be obtained in such a simple way. Why the real estate developer and the government did not develop such standard? Here, we only discuss the developer. For six persons, 50.08 square meters (3 bedrooms and 1 living room) and 100 square meters (3 bedroom 2 living room), which plan can the developer get more benefit from? For the affordable housing and low-rent housing, if the house becomes small, the same land can accommodate more persons and the same money can build more houses. Discussion on this question stops here.

Now that the affordable housing and low-rent housing are there, how to operate them? Pricing? How many?

Certainly, operation needs a company. The operation is made in a manner of market plus people's livelihood. Market is the market mechanism, while the people's livelihood is the social property of the housing and the participation of the government. The government leads to establish the company and set the profit margin. The government contributes to the company by providing  land (price is determined by bidding) and initial capital. Meanwhile, social financing is made and bidding is preformed to select the builder. After the house is built, the house ownership is sold in set (small social capital can also participate in the transaction) to recover the capital for building new low-rent housing. The company will make daily management, rent the house and charge the corresponding management fee. The house rent belongs to the house owner.

In the pricing principle, the house owner’s house rent is higher than the bank’s long-term deposit interest by 0.6% below. Additionally, return also comes from the house appreciation. What’s the pricing in Chongqing? The single room for one person is 150 yuan; the singe room for two persons is 200 yuan; one bedroom and one living room is 480 yuan, two bedrooms and one living room is 600 yuan; three  bedrooms and one living room is 700 yuan.

The low-rent housing should meet the needs of 10% of the local population. It shall be built in the divided area.

At present, the basic responsibility of the low-rent housing is to realize the above supposition. Fortunately, as China implemented the birth control policy decades ago, the population will change. In 2055, China’s housing problems (resource-based) will be resolved well, because China’s population will experience the first major adjustment at that time, about 1/3 decline.

clothing food shelter and transportation.have house, to be happy working. Who is to solve this problem, you can remember being young People republic of China.

E-mail: tiandiwo2009@sina.com   qq: 38726802   Tel: (area code 023) 13883352288 Personal blog http://38726802.qzone.qq.com/





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