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原创 RFC中的几种修饰词的含义

1.MUST = SHALL = REQUIRED 表示这个条目是必须符合的。 2.MUST NOT = SHALL NOT 表示是明令禁止的。 3.SHOULD = RECOMMENDED 表示该条目被鼓励实现,但是被忽略也是可以接受的。 4.SHOULD NOT = NOT RECOMMENDED 表示该条目不鼓励实现,但是如果实现了该项也可以处理。 5.MAY = OPTIONAL ...

2011-12-15 13:55:59 225

Swing Hacks

介绍Swing组件的电子书 How This Book Is Organized The book is divided into several chapters, organized by subject: Chapter 1, Basic JComponents Here you'll find simple hacks for the basic components like labels, buttons, and text fields. This chapter contains a lot of bang for the buck, and it illustrates some of the techniques that we will explore more fully later on. From fancy JLabels to translucent menus, this is a great place to start. Chapter 2, Lists and Combos This chapter features complicated Swing components that are used everywhere. Bend them to your will! Make them look good with polymorphic renderers and animated selections. Make them perform well with filtering and Collections support. Chapter 3, Tables and Trees This chapter revelas the secrets of these mystic componentsfrom Excel exporting to proper JTree drop targets. Make the JTree and JTable dance. Chapter 4, File Choosers One of Swing's most maligned components, the JFileChooser, actually has a lot of power hiding inside some murky APIs. This chapter will let you use custom icons, detect Windows shortcuts, and even navigate ZIP files. Chapter 5, Windows, Dialogs, and Frames This is where the fun begins. Every application needs a container, so why not make it pretty and powerful? Make your windows drag and snap. Build custom windows like the earthquake login and spin open dialog. You can even save your window settings automatically with almost no code changes. Chapter 6, Transparent and Animated Windows If you went through the previous chapter and still want more, then this chapter is for you. We push windows to the limit with transparency, animations, slide-in OS X stylesheets, and some of the coolest special effects you've ever seen. Chapter 7, Text Text components seem boring, but there's a lot of power hiding in there. This chapter will show you how to do regular expression searching, dot completion, backward text, and even three different ways to give your application the bright sheen of anti-aliasing. Chapter 8, Rendering This chapter has the meat of the graphics hacks. Custom fonts, a magnifying glass, vector buttons, and even some work with Java3D. We've got some great things to make your application pop. Chapter 9, Drag-and-Drop When your users want two pieces of software to work together the first thing they want to do is drag-and-drop data from their other programs to yours. This chapter covers how to do robust and attractive drag-and-drop entirely within Java. Chapter 10, Audio What would be a cool modern application without some media support? This chapter covers four different ways to play sound, how to display waveforms, and how to embed MP3 support in your own programs. Chapter 11, Native Integration and Packaging The best software works well with the native operating system. Here you'll learn how to launch web browsers, hack the Windows registry, customize your program for specific platforms, and even control iTunes. Chapter 12, Miscellany This chapter offers a grab bag of things that didn't fit anywhere else, but were too cool not to include. Animated cursors, better threading, flashing the keyboard lights, and a bunch of quick one-liners to let you make the most of your busy day.



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