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原创 Image Process

package function;import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import javax.imageio.ImageIO;public class ImageProcessor { public static Bu

2009-09-04 17:43:00 720

原创 bmp转灰度图

FILE * fp; FILE * newfile; char * path = "E://CarlyFiorina.bmp"; char * newpath = "E://new.bmp"; fp = fopen(path, "rb"); newfile = fopen(newpath, "wb"); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);

2009-08-19 16:21:00 610

原创 java MySql

final String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/filedb"; final String username = "root"; final String password = "123456"; Connection conn; Statement stmt;

2009-08-19 14:52:00 428

原创 论人生


2009-08-14 14:02:00 348

原创 Queue

#ifndef _QUEUE_H_INLCUDE#define _QUEUE_H_INLCUDE#define QUEUE_MAXSIZE 10typedef struct{ int * queue; int front,rear;} Queue;void InitQueue(Queue &Q);void EnterQueue(Queue &Q,

2009-08-12 13:57:00 380

原创 LinkList

#include "LinkList.h"#include #include void InitList(LinkList &L){ L = (LinkList) malloc(sizeof(LNode)); L->next = NULL; LinkList p; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { p = (LinkList)

2009-08-11 17:57:00 482

原创 Select Sort

#include "SelectSort.h"int SelectMinKey(SqList * L, int index){ int min = index; for(int i = index; i length; i++) { if(L->r[i].key r[min].key) min = i; } return min;}void

2009-08-10 15:48:00 384

原创 C文件操作常用函数

函数名: fseek 功 能: 重定位流上的文件指针 用 法: int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int fromwhere); 程序例: #include long filesize(FILE *stream); int main(void) { FILE *stream; stream

2009-08-07 15:21:00 343

原创 Quick Sort

typedef int KeyType;typedef struct { KeyType key;} RecordType;typedef struct { RecordType * r; int length;}SqList;int Partition(SqList * L, int low, int high){ L->r[0] = L

2009-08-06 13:47:00 346

原创 C语言和C++的部分差异


2009-07-29 09:37:00 308

原创 Bubble Sort

void BubbleSort(SqList &L){ for (int i = L.length; i > 1; i--) { bool change = false; for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { if(L.r[j + 1].key < L.r[j].key) { KeyType temp = L.r[j].

2009-07-28 15:20:00 285

原创 Insert Sort

#include #include #define MAXSIZE 20;typedef int KeyType;typedef struct { KeyType key;} RecordType;typedef struct { RecordType * r; int length;}SqList;void InitSqList(

2009-07-28 14:41:00 487

原创 javamail发送电子邮件

Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.put("mail.smtp.host", SMTP); prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); prop.put("mail.debug", "true"); Session session = Session.

2009-07-27 16:08:00 400

原创 斐波那契数列非递归计算

斐波那契数列用递归计算十分的浪费空间int fabo(int n) { if(n <= 0) { return 0; } if(n == 1 || n == 2) { return 1; } int fabo1 = 1; int fabo2 = 1; int result = 1; for (int i = 2; i < n; i+

2009-07-27 14:33:00 527

原创 静态查找表

#include #include typedef int KeyType;typedef struct { KeyType key;} ElemType;typedef struct { ElemType * elem; int length;}SSTable;void Display(SSTable ST);void InitSStabl

2009-07-24 15:17:00 441

原创 3n+1 猜想

问题如下:  (1)输入一个正整数n;  (2)如果n=1则结束;  (3)如果n是奇数,则n变为3n+1,否则n变为n/2;  (4)转入第(2)步。问:对于任意正整数n是否会在有限步结束?编程如下:while(n > 1) { cout<<n<<endl; if(n % 2 != 0) { n = 3 * n

2009-07-24 10:25:00 580

原创 批处理--以当前日期创建文件夹


2009-07-20 16:06:00 1248

原创 读万卷书不如行万里路,行万里路不如阅人无数,阅人无数不如高人指路


2009-05-19 15:45:00 4571

原创 A common Ant file format for simple java project

                                                                                    debug="true"               srcdir="./">                                         jarfile="./build/*****.jar"         

2009-03-17 10:47:00 481

原创 Useful Phrase series-I

be in effect 有效Example: this ticket is in effect from June 10, 2008 to July 5, 2008

2008-10-28 17:13:00 342

原创 The Different Format of Date in English

    The two different date format is the following:1.British format: day + month + year,and the day should use ordinal number, For example:  10th March,20082.American format: month + day + year,and

2008-10-28 17:04:00 581

转载 Linux的几种关机命令---转自百度Linux再开发吧

Linux关机命令详解 在linux下一些常用的关机/重启命令有shutdown、halt、reboot、及init,它们都可以达到重启系统的目的,但每个命令的内部工作过程是不同的,通过本文的介绍,希望你可以更加灵活的运用各种关机命令。      1.shutdown     shutdown命令安全地将系统关机。 有些用户会使用直接断掉电源的方式来关闭linux,这是十分危险的。因为linu

2008-10-10 16:46:00 455

原创 The amazing efficiency of pointer in C Programming Language

      Today I read a book names C Programming Language and Pointer,In some section I found an amazing efficiency programme by using pointer,the examples topic is copy an array.you will see the effect

2008-09-28 13:39:00 387

原创 What is love

love is starting out with nothing but lovelove is speaking her languagelove is being understanding,not demandinglove is giving him another chancelove is wanting to look beautiful for himlove

2008-09-28 09:58:00 537

翻译 约瑟夫问题

说明据说著名犹太历史学家 Josephus有过以下的故事:在罗马人占领乔塔帕特后,39 个犹太人与Josephus及他的朋友躲到一个洞中,39个犹太人决定宁愿死也不要被敌人抓到,于是决定了一个自杀方式,41个人排成一个圆圈,由第1个人开始报数,每报数到第3人该人就必须自杀,然后再由下一个重新报数,直到所有人都自杀身亡为止。然而Josephus 和他的朋友并不想遵从,Josephus要他的朋友先

2008-09-27 14:15:00 392

原创 Microsoft Office Word、Excel and PowerPoint 2007 file format compatible package

 Microsoft Office Word、Excel and PowerPoint 2007 file format compatible package Chinese Simplifydownload url:http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/thankyou.aspx?familyId=941b3470-3ae9-4aee-8f43-c6bb7

2008-09-27 10:07:00 496

原创 The Josephus Problem

      I recently find a class of questions called the josephus problem,all those questions is similar with the following:    long long ago,there was a king,he is a mathematician but crue and brutall ,

2008-09-26 16:31:00 1116 2

原创 System Properties of Java VM

KeyValuejava.versionJava 运行时环境版本java.vendorJava 运行时环境供应商java.vendor.urlJava 供应商的 URLjava.homeJava 安装目录java.vm.specification.versionJava 虚拟机规范版本java.vm.specifi

2008-09-23 16:12:00 748

转载 笑话

 早上赶公共汽车,到站台的时候,汽车已经启动了。于是我只好边追边喊:"师傅,等等我!师傅,等等我呀!" 这时一乘客从车窗探出头来冲我说了一句:"悟空你就别追了。" 我们学校有一次考试,一个男生坐在最后一排,接到了一个同学递来的答案,兴奋至极马上展开,刚要大抄特抄,一抬头看见监考老师笑眯眯地向他走来,显然已经看见了。这为仁兄后来的行为成为我们全年级的经典:他非常坦然地直起腰直视老师, 然后把答案纸放

2008-09-23 12:23:00 298

原创 The manifest file of OSGI bundle

Every OSGI bundle is a jar file,and before you compress the bundle to a jar file, a configuration file is necessary,the following is a configuration file example.it is very simple.it belongs to .mf fo

2008-09-23 11:18:00 469

原创 create log by common-logging and log4j in java project

      Serval days ago, I had to write a log for an project, and the first option is common-logging and log4j,common-logging provides the generic definition of  log operations.log4j is a detail impleme

2008-09-19 13:33:00 887

原创 Java分割txt文件

Java分割txt文件,现在网络小说比较长,好多朋友想用手机或者mp3之类的工具阅读,但是文件太大不方便,于是乎,我就写了一个分割文件的小程序,时间仓促,从有想法到写出初稿大概用来半个小时。先贴上来,以后再修改完善。 简要说明一下注释一下,直接在代码添注释看着不好看,sourceFile是要分割的文件的路径,targetDirectory是分割后的文件的保存位置,prefix是分割后文件的

2008-07-30 15:37:00 3924

原创 Java实现文件复制

 个人经历,Java的学习过程,一开始对IO不是太了解,关于file读取操作的类有FileInputStream,FileReader,RandomAccessFile等,不知道该用哪个,后来在网上查资料看到FileInputStream比较适合文件复制。写了一个简单的文件复制类:import java.io.File;import java.io.FileInputStream;import

2008-07-28 15:13:00 537

转载 Smartupload和commons-fileupload介绍与比较


2008-07-23 15:43:00 457

转载 用JAVA访问共享文件系统

前言在Microsoft 网 络 系 统 中,SMB(Server Message Block, 服 务 信 息 块) 协 议 是Windows for Workgroup(WfWg)、Windows 95、Windows NT 和LanManager 用 来 实 现 共 享 局 域 网 上 文 件 和 打 印 机 的 协 议。 对 于 利 用Linux 和Windows NT 构 建 的 局

2008-07-23 15:23:00 507













java swing




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