JAVA 3D原创翻译 Getting Started with the Java 3D API。- 第一章 1.1 1.2


CHAPTER 1 Getting Started

The Java 3D API is an interface for writing programs to display and interact with three-dimensional graphics. Java 3D is a standard extension to the Java 2 JDK. The API provides a collection of high-level constructs for creating and manipulating 3D geometry and structures for rendering that geometry. Java 3D provides the functions for creation of imagery, visualizations, animations, and interactive 3D graphics application programs.


Java3DAPI 是一种接口用来展现和操作三维图像。Java3D是java2JDK的标准扩展。API提供一组高级的创建工具用来创建和操作并渲染3D图形和结构。Java3D提供函数,用来创建图像、可视化、动画、以及克操作的3D图形应用程序。


1.1 What is the Java 3D API?


The Java 3D API is a hierarchy of Java classes which serve as the interface to a sophisticated three dimensional graphics rendering and sound rendering system. The programmer works with high-level constructs for creating and manipulating 3D geometric objects. These geometric objects reside in a virtual universe, which is then rendered. The API is designed with the flexibility to create precise virtual universes of a wide variety of sizes, from astronomical to subatomic.


Java3D API是一个有层次的java类库用来充当实现高精度的三维图形和声音的渲染的接口。程序使用高级程序结构来创建和操作3D几何物体。这些几何物体存在于一个即将被渲染的虚拟世界。API被设计为有适应性的创建精确的虚拟世界,从微观到宏观。


Despite all this functionality, the API is still straightforward to use. The details of rendering are handled automatically. By taking advantage of Java threads, the Java 3D renderer is capable of rendering in parallel. The renderer can also automatically optimize for improved rendering performance.




A Java 3D program creates instances of Java 3D objects and places them into a scene graph data structure. The scene graph is an arrangement of 3D objects in a tree structure that completely specifies the content of a virtual universe, and how it is to be rendered.


JAVA3D 应用程序创建JAVA3D物体的实例,并存入一个场景图形数据结构。场景图形是一个完全描述这个虚拟世界的结构及其如何被渲染的树状数据结构。


Java 3D programs can be written to run as stand alone applications, as applets in browsers which have been extended to support Java 3D, or both1.




1.2 The Java 3D API


Every Java 3D program is at least partially assembled from objects from the Java 3D class hierarchy. This collection of objects describes a virtual universe, which is to be rendered. The API defines over 100 classes presented in the package. These classes are commonly referred to as the Java 3D core classes.




There are hundreds of fields and methods in the classes of the Java 3D API. However, a simple virtual universe that includes animation can be built with only a few classes. This chapter describes a minimal set of objects and their interactions to render a simple virtual universe.


有成百的字段和方法在java3d API的类库中,尽管如此,一个简单的包含动画的虚拟世界只需要很少的类就能够进行创建。这一章,描述了一系列最简单的对象和操作用以渲染一个简单的虚拟世界。


This chapter includes the development of one simple but complete Java 3D program called HelloJava3D,which displays a rotating cube. The example program is developed incrementally, and presented in multiple versions, to demonstrate each part of the Java 3D programming process. All of the programs used in this tutorial are available electronically. See the "Getting This Tutorial" section in the Preface for more information.



In addition to the Java 3D core package, other packages are used in writing Java 3D programs. One such package is the com.sun.j3d.utils package that is commonly referred to as the Java 3D utility classes. The core class package includes only the lowest-level classes necessary in Java 3D programming.




The utility classes are convenient and powerful additions to the core.




The utility classes fall into four major categories: content loaders, scene graph construction aids, geometry classes, and convenience utilities. Future functionality, such as nurbs, likely would be added as utility classes, not in the Java 3D core package. Some utility classes may be moved to the core package in future versions of the Java 3D API.




Using utility classes significantly reduces the number of lines of code in a Java 3D program. In addition to the Java 3D core and utility class packages, every Java 3D program uses classes from the java.awt package and javax.vecmath package. The java.awt package defines the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT). AWT classes create a window to display the rendering. The javax.vecmath package defines vector math classes for points, vectors, matrices, and other mathematical objects.




In the rest of the text, the term visual object is used to refer to an ‘object in the scene graph’ (e.g., a cube or a sphere). The term object is used only to refer to an instance of a class. The term content is used to refer to visual objects in a scene graph as a whole.


在以后的文章中,可视物体(Visual Objects)是指在场景图中的物体。Object仅指类的实例。Content指可视物体在场景图的整体。




下集预告:1.3 创建场景图                                                                      





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