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It's the steady,quiet,plodding ones who win in the lifelong race.

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转载 第4部分库与运行库(第10章 内存)

一个程序能够需要依赖于内存、运行库、系统调用。在这里内存与程序的关系,好比鱼和水一般密不可分。内存是承载程序运行的介质,也是程序进行各种运算和表达的场所。       其实看待一个东西都是一个从宏观到细节一步一步细化的过程。所以首先我们来看一个进程所对应的逻辑内存的布局是怎么样的。      Windows在默认情况下会将高地址的2GB空间分配给内核(也可配置为1GB),而Linux默认情

2017-08-31 19:27:44 266

转载 command: at

There is a little known command in linux that is very handy when scheduling a task. Normally server administrators prefer using CRON for handling all scheduling. However, CRON is primarily designed fo

2017-08-30 16:40:02 325

转载 command: cat

The cat command will allow you to see an entire file in your terminal quickly. This is more useful for smaller files unless you're grepping for certain things.

2017-08-30 16:16:36 491

转载 File Permissions - chmod

Linux has inherited from UNIX the concept of ownerships and permissions for files. This is basically because it was conceived as a networked system where different people would be using a variety of

2017-08-30 15:57:46 577

转载 File Permisions - chown

The command chown is the chmod's cousin. It is used for changing the ownership rights of a file (hence the name 'chown' - change owner). It does not change the read, write and execution permissions ho

2017-08-30 15:44:41 301

转载 Commands for System Administration

Commands for System Administration

2017-08-30 15:35:22 198

转载 The mkdir and rmdir commands

'mkdir' is the command for making directories. 'mkdir' may be familiar to MS-DOS users out there. As you have noticed, the people who wrote these programs tried to give them names that described what

2017-08-30 15:33:11 138

转载 The rm command

'rm' is for removing or deleting files. That means, sending them into non-existence,oblivion遗忘 淹没 赦免,bye-bye.The correct use of 'rm'So you have to be careful with 'rm'. That's why we put

2017-08-30 13:34:35 264

转载 The cp command

To show you how to copy files with Linux we talked about 'cp' in the lesson on aliases. 'cp' is forcopying files from one place to another, or for making a duplicate of one file under a different na

2017-08-30 13:14:47 321

转载 The mv command

'mv' is a command that we're going to use tomove files around or to rename them. 'mv' sort of has a split-personality 人格分裂 because it serves these two functions at the same time.'mv' command

2017-08-30 13:00:55 356

转载 C++内存模型

根据c/c++对象生命周期不同,c/c++的内存模型有三种不同的内存区域,即自由存储区,动态区、静态区。自由存储区:局部非静态变量的存储区域,即平常所说的栈;动态区: 用operator new ,malloc分配的内存,即平常所说的堆;静态区:全局变量 静态变量 字符串常量存在位置;而代码虽然占内存,但不属于c/c++内存模型的一部分。在linux系统中,程序在内存中的分

2017-08-29 23:46:59 259

转载 linux tar命令的使用

解压语法:tar [主选项+辅选项] 文件或者目录使用该命令时,主选项是必须要有的,它告诉tar要做什么事情,辅选项是辅助使用的,可以选用。主选项:c 创建新的档案文件。如果用户想备份一个目录或是一些文件,就要选择这个选项。相当于打包。x 从档案文件中释放文件。相当于拆包。t 列出档案文件的内容,查看已经备份了哪些文件。特别注意,在参数的下达中,

2017-08-29 23:15:08 335

转载 Cool Shortcuts

Who doesn't like shortcuts? Well, the answer is my wife. But only because my shortcuts usually double the length of our trips... Anyway, if you are going to spend any time in the Linux command line in

2017-08-29 23:10:16 248

转载 VIM使用教程


2017-08-29 20:43:31 198

转载 Virtual Terminals

One of the coolest things that Linux has to offer is the concept of virtual terminals. Back in the days of MS-DOS, one program could only be run by one user at a time. Linux in non-graphics mode may r

2017-08-29 20:02:29 327

转载 When to work as root & When to Work as a System User

When you should work as rootYou have now installed Linux and the first thing you did was login as 'root'. Then you provided a password so that you and ONLY you could login to the system as 'root

2017-08-29 18:51:09 428

转载 Clear! (clear your terminal screen)

When you're typing a lot in a terminal and want to clear the screen quickly, you can do so easily a couple different ways.The one most people know about:Code:clearYeah, simply type '

2017-08-29 18:27:32 436

转载 In Linux, Everything is a File

Everyone knows what a files is... It's that "photo", "document", or "music" that you use. Programs are made of files, in fact, the whole Linux operating system is just a collection of files... But,

2017-08-28 22:06:00 908

转载 Introduction to Linux

Introduction to LinuxWelcome to Linux.org's "Getting Started with Linux: Beginner Level Course". If you're new to Linux and want to find out how to use the fastest growing operating system today

2017-08-28 13:32:54 800

转载 第一部分简介(第一章 温故而知新)


2017-08-27 01:26:05 302

原创 数据库事务

数据库事务( transaction)是访问并可能操作各种数据项的一个数据库操作序列,这些操作要么全部执行,要么全部不执行,是一个不可分割的工作单位。事务由事务开始与事务结束之间执行的全部数据库操作组成。

2017-08-26 23:51:30 1201

原创 Ubuntu上安装SSH

首先查看是否已经安装SSH服务:hipilee@ubuntu:~$ hipilee@ubuntu:~$ ps -e | grep ssh如果现实如下 947 ? 00:00:00 sshd 1001 ? 00:00:00 sshd 1028 ? 00:00:00 sshd显示sshd则说明ssh服务已安装好,并且启动。如果没有

2017-08-26 10:37:12 633

转载 作者访谈录

经常听很多人谈起,IT技术日新月异,其实真正核心在东西数十年都没怎么变,变化在仅仅是它们外在在表现,大体也是换汤不换药。       虽然我在这个系统上花费了很多时间和精力,却没获得什么直接在收益,也没有让我跟上最新的技术潮流,但是它带给我的间接收获却是无法言表,它使我在后来学习其他技术在时候能够很快地触类旁通、自上而下地去理解整个系统,往往能够理解得更加深刻更加头透彻。推荐书

2017-08-16 10:08:58 361

原创 对单一职责原则的理解

Single Responsibility Principle

2017-08-15 13:59:41 430

原创 模板方法模式 template method pattern

我对模板方法模式的理解,其本质上是标准化。    所谓标准化是指在经济、技术、科学和管理等社会实践中,对重复性的事物和概念,通过制订、发布和实施标准达到统一,以获得最佳秩序和社会效益。来自百度百科>   从百度百科的定义上,可以发现的关键点是重复性的事物和概念,在客户端人机交互应用程序的开发上。都有界面的概念,并且往往不会只存在一个界面,每一个界面的初始化启动,都是一个重复的过程,我们

2017-08-15 11:55:59 393

转载 在Ubuntu 16.04 安装sogou 输入法详细讲解


2017-08-08 19:07:32 330

原创 JNA的使用


2017-08-08 10:31:45 277

原创 Visual Studio 2012 编写 DLL

Visual Studio 2012 编写 DLL

2017-08-03 11:37:37 728

转载 GIT工作流

Any WorkflowBecause of Git's distributed nature and superb branching system, an almost endless number of workflows can be implemented with relative ease.Subversion-Style WorkflowA centrali

2017-08-01 09:44:56 352










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