
Title: Bugs
Listener: TnTTools & XiaoTian
听录:TnTTools & XiaoTian
Thanks to: wofei.net


虫 insect, beetle, bug, pest, caterpillar
象鼻虫 weevil
螽斯 Katydid
瓢虫 ladybird, ladybug

Each of these eggs holds a promise of the insect.
It's been this way for 400,000,000 years.
These supreme survivors dominate the earth.
Welcome to the world of bugs.
Insects are essential to life on the planet.
They pollinate flowers, recycle waste, and manage life and death. They are the true ??? of the natural world.
Three quarters of all insect species live here, in the rain forest.
Moving through the tangled rattan vines, our journey went into another world.
Our story ??? shaky ruining abandoned by humans in the heart of the jungle.
Image your size of a finger nail, Image you were in the place where rain drops fall like cannon balls.
And bending grass source like the skyscraper.
Now image you were a bug. But be aware in this hostile world, danger looks in every corner.
Meet Pl.
Pl. is a caterpilla, at least for now.
A sparking transformation lies ahead of.
Pl. egg case is filled with protein. A great header start for her tropic journey.
This is Hl. He is a pre mantis. Hl is part of a big family with as many as 200 brothers and sisters. In the first minute of his life, He slings down a thread, and climbs his way up to the world, already perfect formed mini mantis.
In the few days this tiny hunter will have caught the first meal, a fruit fly, the size of scrap.
It's a dragon-head katydid, it's hungry.
It's prowling in green streets for food.
In the rain forest, you're on somebody's menu from the moment you hatch.
Hl is safe though.
Like her, the katydid is also a plant eater.
Like all mantis, Hl is a carnivore. He eats meat. He lives alone. He hunts alone. Right now, He's crooning.
Pl favorite food is citrous leaves from the tree where she hatched.
In just few weeks, Pl's weight will increase 100 times.
It's like you getting as heavy as a Hippopotamus in the weekend.
As Pl grows, fake eyeballs appear. It makes her look like a snake, to help scare of some attackers.
A few weeks passed, and Pl is now a practised predator.
His weapons are the needle-sharp spines lying on the hunting legs.
To lock on his target, Hl has special eyes.
Hundreds of lenses make each eye super sensitive to the slightest movement.
With two eyes, distance can be judged with deadly accuracy.
He devours the head and the flying muscles first. It's the best bits, full of protein.

Title: Bugs
Listener: TnTTools & XiaoTian
听录:TnTTools & XiaoTian
Thanks to: wofei.net

Insects are eating machines.
Nothing is saved in their jaws.
A rotting banana, heaven to the weevil beetle.
These little suckers are aphides, dining on the juice of rosebud.
Leaf-cut ants work together, to bring home a bulk of harvest.
Hl needs to make one killer day. Pl must keep on ???.
There is no shortage of greenery here, enough to satisfy even the hungry caterpilla.
The tropic rain forests cover only 2% the earth surface.
But they are home to most species of animals and plants. And with good reason.
The jungle has a magic recipe. Sun, steam, and lots of rain.
In this weather, even bugs need umbrellas.
In her search for food, Pl has stepped into the dangerous neighourhood.
Her simple eyes can only distinguish white and dark, she hasn't spotted Hl. But he has already eaten, and pays no attention.
Like all insects, Hl wears a skeleton on the outside.
It's made of a strong, versatile substance, called chitin.
On Hl, it's hard and protecting like a suit of armor.
A clash of chitin is beginning on the floor below.
The aim: defeat the opponent
The weapons: three vicious chitin spines
The prize: a female
The rules: the first one to hit the deck is the loser
For their size, beast rhinoceros beetles are the most strongest creatures on Earth.
Both ???, but the winner still has strength to take a bow.
His prize is waiting. The loser leaves town.
Pl is not built for battle. But she is a champion eater.
To accomodate her ever-expanding weist line, she wears a soft coat of chitin.
??? getting around, it makes bugs the world-class travellers.
Back to the hut, Hl has grown out of armor, left it hanging on the branch.
After shedding his shell, Hl is tired and vulnerable. It must stay very still.
The table has turned, the hunter is now the hunted.
A lucky escape for Hl, but not so for the cricket.
Pl is beginning his extraordinary transformation.
She has spat a single silk thread, which suspends her from the stem.
Within hours, her caterpilla coat will split and ??? away.
Beneath, she's sheltered inside a hard case, disguised as a leaf, to be safe from hungry eyes.
The forest is full of deceptions.
A thorn bug is a thorn until his neighour moves.
In this forest, dead leaves walk.
The trilobite beetle's arm blends with the bulk.
Who would bother with a ball of fluff.
It's a ladybird grub in disguise.
There is another defense, make a noise, or look big and mean, though show off too much and pretty for us.
To stay out of the trouble, it's best not to speak out.
Pl has also stilly hidden, camouflaged as a leaf.
Inside, the astonishing transformation has begun.
Two weeks passed, it's the dawn of a new day.
For Pl, it's a new beginning.
In the miracle of metamorphosis, the caterpillar form, has been ?? into a milk suit, and reassembled as a butterfly.
Pl's adult life lasts merely a few weeks.
Her new wings slowly filled with blood.
Her shimmery skin catchs the warm sun.
Only now, can she discover the freedom of flight?
No longer a flatfooted caterpillar, Pl has been quick to find a mate.
Reproduction is the work bugs do best.
It's one of the reasons that they dominate the planet.
There are billion, billion of insects on Earth.
Just one sqare mile can hold as many insects as all the people on this Planet.
But where are bugs, bug hunters will follow.
This colony of 3-million bats, will devour more than 2.5 tons of insects every night.
It's not safe on the ground.
Well, some hunters, at night, will go out to dine.
Others wait at home for delivery.
After hours spent locked together, the pair will soon part.
Then Pl will lay her eggs one by one on citrous leaves.
Hl is also ???.
The female charms ??? and seductive scent.
She can not be trusted.
For mantises, mating is a dangerous game.
In which, females frequently bite the heads of their mallows.
Hl. must advance with caution.
He strokes the female's back with his antenna.
His survival depends on his dedicate touch.
One light like this, 200 mini mantises will follow.
Hl. has played his part and kept his head.
Pl. has lost appetite for leaves.
Now she drinks sweet nectar.
Hl. starts a day with a wash.
Hl. is hungry.
Pl. deeps ??? like a straw deep into flowers and drinks.
As she moves from bloom to bloom, she carries pollen.
The service is crucial.
Without pollination, flowers like this could not exist.
Pl's life has run on natural course.
Against the odds, she has completed one of the greatest journeys in the nature, from caterpillar to butterfly.
Though Pl's life is brief, but has not been wasted.
This wiggly hungry bug is Pl's offspring.
Just like his mother, this tiny caterpillar is beginning his own in-tropic journey, joining the trailings of other insects, the latest recruit into the extraordinary world of bugs.

<The end>

Title: Bugs
Listener: TnTTools & XiaoTian
听录:TnTTools & XiaoTian
Thanks to: wofei.net

THE SONG <ugly bug ball>
Once a lonely caterpillar said in cry: too sympathetic little by her side, I had no buddy to hug, I'm such an ugly bug. And then spider and dragonfly replied: If you're serious, and want into the pride, come along with us, to the glorious. And you will. The ugly bug ball.
Come on, let's crawl, gotta crawl, gotta crawl, to the ugly bug ball, to the ball, to the ball, and happy time we will have there. one and all and the ugly bug ball.
And the caterpillar saw a pretty queen. She was beautiful and yellow, black and green. She said: would you care to dance? The dancing, a little romantics. She said, responded the caerpillar's needs. And He gave his caterpillar queen ???. So will the honeymoon, build a big cot. Thanks to the ugly bug ball.
Come on, let's crawl, gotta crawl,gotta crawl, to the ugly bug ball, to the ball, to the ball, and happy time we will have there. whole and all and the ugly bug ball.

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