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Getting Started with Twitter Flight.pdf



Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS







关于对前端的模块化的理解,主要包含css、js、html片段的模块化组织。采用requirejs、require-text、require-css实现模块化加载。同时,css代码采用模块化概念编写。以上的内容通过一个小例子体现。 建议使用webstorm打开运行。



This book is a guide to building a JavaScript framework. It’ll teach you how to build a framework and draw on real-world code from projects like jQuery Along the way we’ll explore some fundamental parts of modern JavaScript: Browser capability detection • Clean, reusable API design • Benchmarking and performance • Writing minifier-friendly JavaScript • Using GitHub! • The framework we’ll build is called Turing and is available on GitHub: turing.js.


developing windows store apps with html5 and javascript

After JavaScriptMVC, today the second book arrived where I participated in the technical review process: "Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript". Doing the technical review was again a pleasant experience. It is interesting to see the book emerge and it is motivating to see your (hopefully) valuable comments and remarks being added to its contents. I'm looking forward to possibly publish my own one in the near future :) Developing Windows Store Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript really is for someone who wants to get started with Win8 app development. You don't know any HTML5? CSS3? Shouldn't be an issue. The book gets you up to speed by starting at the basic HTML5 structure, introducing semantic elements and continues with an extensive outline of styling concepts with CSS3. I found this quite useful as I always again encounter many web developers not knowing enough or even not caring about CSS, although I personally find it an important part of a fully fledged web developer. So, what am I going to learn from the book? What you'll learn really covers most of what you'd need to successfully create and deploy your first Windows 8 application: Basics in HTML5, CSS3 and Win8 JavaScript programming model (chapter 1-3) Get to know the necessary toolings and predefined project templates (chapter 4) Learn about the most important UI controls, data binding strategies and UI design patterns (chapter 5-7) Authenticate your users by using Windows Live Connect (chapter 8) Learn how to add menus and commands (chapter 9) Publish and deployment on the Windows App store (chapter 10) And as a bonus, chapter 11 quickly introduces how XAML can be used as an alternative to HTML5 and JavaScript. If you're interested, then you might want to consult the website of the book. Enjoy!


data structures and algorithms with javascript

If you’re using JavaScript on the server-side, you need to implement classic data structures that conventional object-oriented programs (such as C# and Java) provide. This practical book shows you how to use linked lists, stacks, queues, and graphs, as well as classic algorithms for sorting and searching data in your JavaScript programs. Each chapter includes at least one real-world application of the data structure or data structures discussed, along with exercises that help you further explore the practical application of various data structures and algorithms. Implement data structures and algorithms within the constraints of JavaScript Explore real-world applications to learn how JavaScript uses these data structures Get a helpful JavaScript programming overview Learn methods for handling advanced algorithms


Single Page Web Applications JavaScript end-to-end

In Single Page Web Applications you’ll learn to build modern browser-based apps that take advantage of stronger client platforms and more predictable bandwidth. You’ll learn the SPA design approach, and then start exploring new techniques like structured JavaScript and responsive design. And you’ll learn how to capitalize on trends like server-side JavaScript and NoSQL data stores, as well as new frameworks that make JavaScript more manageable and testable as a first-class language. If your website is a jumpy collection of linked pages, you are behind. Single page web applications are your next step: pushing UI rendering and business logic to the browser and communicating with the server only to synchronize data, they provide a smooth user experience, much like a native application. But, SPAs can be hard to develop, manage, and test. Single Page Web Applications shows how your team can easily design, test, maintain, and extend sophisticated SPAs using JavaScript end-to-end, without getting locked into a framework. Along the way, you’ll develop advanced HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills, and use JavaScript as the language of the web server and the database. This book assumes basic knowledge of web development. No experience with SPAs is required. What’s Inside Design, build, and test a full-stack SPA Best-in-class tools like jQuery, TaffyDB, Node.js, and MongoDB Real-time web with web sockets and Socket.IO Touch controls for tablets and smartphones Common SPA design mistakes Table of Contents Part 1: Introducing SPAs Chapter 1. Our first single page application Chapter 2. Reintroducing JavaScript Part 2: The SPA client Chapter 3. Develop the Shell Chapter 4. Add feature modules Chapter 5. Build the Model Chapter 6. Finish the Model and Data modules Part 3: The SPA server Chapter 7. The web server Chapter 8. The server database Chapter 9. Readying our SPA for production Appendix A. JavaScript coding standard Appendix B. Testing an SPA Book Details Paperback: 432 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (September 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1617290750 ISBN-13: 978-1617290756


javascript enlightenment

javascript 启示录英文版,比中文版更直接。以下摘自豆瓣的评论: “Js对于一个前端工作者的重要性我想是不言而喻的。但是目前来看,很多介绍js的书籍都仅仅只是停留在表面,或者在讲述一些js的重要概念的时候就开始语焉不详或者故意制造一些神秘的感觉。       对于第一种现象,我想首先是因为目前出版市场产业化、流水线化的今天,尤其是在js如火如荼、再次回春的今天,出版社邀约几个IT从业者,写一本大家喜闻乐见的入门书也是在正常不过之事。对于第二种现象,我不敢妄言是因为作者故意通过此手段来显示自己的牛逼之处,也有可能作者自己也没太弄清楚,就匆匆忙忙写书,以及等等等的原因。       正如标题说的,《Javascript Enlightenment》是我目前为止看过的最好的Js书,没有之一。这本书循序渐进的讲述了Js中的重要概念,一开始看起来可能会觉得有些无聊,觉得讲得太简单,但是越看越觉得有味道,越看越能体会到作者的用心之处,尤其是在讲述词法作用域以及闭包,绝对的深入浅出,完全没有看不懂之处。只能说,太!好!了!!!!!       总之,真的推荐大家看这本书。       希望有出版社尽快将本书的译文版本出版,而卧本人也希望能参与本书的翻译工作。我相信这本书能成为Js的一本经典。”


Developing Large Web Applications

如何创建一个运行关键任务,提供灵活、适应、可靠的24/7服务,又具有超高性能的网站《开发大规模web应用》由yahoo!UI团队经理撰写,为打造坚如磐石的应用指明了现实途径,无论你添加多少特性、功能和用户,这些指导原则一样有效。你将学会如何运用其他类型软件所要求的同样精度来开发大规模web应用。 让小型网站在添加更多网页、代码和程序员时,避免常见的编码和维护痛苦、为大规模web应用优化HTML、CSS、Javascript、PHP和AJAX,获得全面的解决方案、在一处做修改,即可更新所有相应的页面元素、拥抱模块化、封装、抽象和松耦合组件等各种优点、采用行之有效的技巧管理数据交换,包括表单和cookies、学习代码管理和软件工程中经常被忽视的最佳实践、对代码进行性能优化和测试简化。



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