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原创 Writing your own Java application on Exalogic using SDP
I've written before about how Exalogic enables Oracle Middleware products to use Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) under the covers, rather than TCP-IP, to achieve lower latency communication over an In...
2016-05-01 14:32:45 167
原创 Exalogic Software Optimisations
For version 1.0 of Exalogic there is a number of Exalogic-specific enhancements and optimisations that have been made to the Oracle Application Grid middleware products, specifically:the WebLogi...
2016-05-01 14:26:41 161
原创 XA and NON-XA
Xa resource is used where there is a distributed transaction is required.==============================================According to my knowledge XA drivers are used for globule transaction..and non X...
2016-04-29 16:04:13 375
原创 Link aggregation
In computer networking, the term link aggregation applies to various methods of combining (aggregating) multiple network connections in parallel in order to increase throughput beyond what a single c...
2016-03-30 00:39:50 540
原创 Weblogic Muxer Thread
1 Weblogic Muxer Socket Thread Weblogic has Thread group called ‘Weblogic Muxer’, once you take thread dumps you could see always 4-8 running Muxer Threads e.g. ExecuteThread: '3' for qu...
2015-07-09 16:15:28 1585
原创 How to find Oracle WebLogic Server Version ?
Use one of the following methods to find Oracle WebLogic Server version1. From registry.xml in MW_HOMEGo to Middleware Home under which WebLogic is installed and look for file registry.xmlOpen regi...
2015-01-12 00:40:52 120
原创 ZFS on Linux
转:http://www.andybotting.com/zfs-on-linux ZFS is a fantastic filesystem developed by Sun. Compared to other filesystems, it’s quite interesting as it combines both a filesystem and a logical vol...
2015-01-02 21:56:35 424
原创 LVM snapshots explained
This article explains how LVM snapshots work and what the advantage of read/write snapshots is.We will go through a simple example to illustrate our explanation.First, create a dummy device that...
2014-12-31 01:40:12 154
原创 CentOS 6.3下配置软RAID(Software RAID)
一、RAID 简介RAID 是英文Redundant Array of Independent Disks 的缩写,翻译成中文意思是“独立磁盘冗余阵列”,有时也简称磁盘阵列(Disk Array)。简单的说,RAID是一种把多块独立的硬盘(物理硬盘)按不同的方式组合起来形成一个硬盘组(逻辑硬盘),从而提供比单个硬盘更高的存储性能和提供数据备份的技术。组成磁盘阵列的不同方式称为RAI...
2014-12-30 14:54:29 101
原创 CentOS 6.3下配置LVM(逻辑卷管理)
一、简介LVM是逻辑盘卷管理(Logical Volume Manager)的简称,它是Linux环境下对磁盘分区进行管理的一种机制,LVM是建立在硬盘和分区之上的一个逻辑层,来提高磁盘分区管理的灵活性。LVM的工作原理其实很简单,它就是通过将底层的物理硬盘抽象的封装起来,然后以逻辑卷的方式呈现给上层应用。在传统的磁盘管理机制中,我们的上层应用是直接访问文件系统,从而对底层的物理硬盘进行...
2014-12-30 14:51:15 105
原创 linux 路由表 的一些相关资料
===============================================================================linux 路由表维护查看 Linux 内核路由表使用下面的 route 命令可以查看 Linux 内核路由表。# routeDestination Gateway Genma...
2014-10-11 19:43:34 126
原创 公钥、私钥、数字证书的概念
【转至】http://blog.csdn.net/turui/article/details/2048582 一直以来对公钥和私钥都理解得不是很透彻,感觉到模棱两可。今天在网上找了半天,通过查看对这个密钥对的理解,总算弄清楚了。 公钥和私钥就是俗称的不对称加密方式,是从以前的对称加密(使用用户名与密码)方式的提高。用电子邮件的方式说明一下原理。 使用公钥与私钥的...
2012-11-27 00:32:17 116
原创 HTTP报头研究
2012-08-07 14:48:55 107
原创 WebLogic 10.3.4新功能:Gridlink Data Source
在WebLogic 10.3.4中,为了增强对RAC的支持,Oracle推出了Gridlink Data Source,取代原先的Multi Data Source:http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E17904_01/web.1111/e13737/jdbc_intro.htm#BHCBACAG Enhanced Oracle RAC Supp...
2012-02-25 14:58:32 507
原创 Causes and First Aid of JVM Crash Issues?
Java Virtual Machine is a Native engine which allows our Java Applications to run. It performs the code optimization to improve the performance. In correct tuning, Low memory allocation, extensive ...
2011-12-18 23:09:24 124
原创 weblogic v10.3配置nodemanager的"BAD_CERTIFICATE alert"的错误
在使用weblogic 10.3自带的demo identity keystore(DemoIdentity.jks and DemoTrust.jks),配置使用SSL方式连接NodeManager时出现下面问题: workaround是[b]1.修改adminserver的ssl默认参数Hostname Verification:None[/b][b]2.start...
2011-12-05 00:21:24 670
原创 Weblogic - Socket Muxers in Thread Dumps
原文:http://jojovedder.blogspot.com/2009/05/weblogic-socket-muxers-are-not-stuck.htmlWhat are these weblogic.socket.Muxer threads seen in thread dumps ?Note: for a basic primer on taking threa...
2011-11-24 00:29:48 1295 1
原创 一次严重的WebLogic频繁宕机故障处理
环境描述AIX5308、WebLogic9.2 MP3集群(6应用节点,1管理节点,1集群分发节点)JDK:IBMJava5 64-bit JDK (Service Refresh SR6b + IZ08455)JVM:-Xms2048M –Xmx2048MPatch ID: NGZ8 Performance Pack:server/native/aix/pp...
2011-11-23 23:19:33 1824
原创 关于nohup
nohup 是一个Unix/Linux命令,表示no hang up,不挂断,就是从终端远程登录到服务器上所执行的命令不因终端的断开而终止。至于nohup.out,表示nohup命令的输出,实际上是将用nohup命令所运行的进程输出到stdout和stderr的内容重定向到一个文件,默认就是nohup.out,也可以输出到其它的文件,这个参考nohup命令的帮助即可。nohup的输出和...
2011-11-18 13:54:02 81
原创 在Linux平台安装Oracle比较常见的问题
1. 不能启动安装界面运行runInstaller提示信息类似如下:xlib:connection to "localhost:0.0" refused by serverxlib:client is not authorized to connect to server Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Intern...
2011-11-06 21:42:48 399
原创 Oracle9i及以上解决 8080端口冲突问题
Oracle 9i开始,创建数据库时默认包含了XDB特性。一旦启动了数据库和Listener,Oracle XDB的http服务就占用8080端口,刚好和JBoss、Tomcat等默认端口冲突。除了修改Tomcat等外,还可以修改XDB的配置。Oracle XDB的端口设置不在配置文件中,而是在数据库里。修改XDB的http和ftp服务端口的方法有3种:1.使用sys登录Oracle,利用...
2011-11-04 23:56:02 101
Eclipse 实用快捷键大全
[b][color=red]Ctrl+Shift+R[/color][/b] 打开资源 (可以快速定位需要查询的java或jsp文件而不用搜索,非常实用) 。[b][color=red]Ctrl+Shift+P[/color][/b] 定位到对于的匹配符(譬如{}) (从前面定位后面时,光标要在匹配符里面,后面到前面,则反之) [b][color=red]Ctrl+Shift+F[...
2009-06-10 21:08:10 83
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