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代码很简单,一个Windows Form,中间一个Dock为Fill的SplitterContainer,上下个一个ListBox。SplitterWidth设置为2。 拖拽了一下分割的那个Splitter,宽度居然变了。



简介 · · · · · ·   代码大全(第二版)是著名IT 畅销书作者Steve McConnell十一年前的经典著作的全新演绎:第二版不是第一版的简单修订增补,而是完全进行了重写;增加了很多与时俱进的内容。这也是一本完整的软件构建手册,涵盖了软件构建过程中的所有细节。它从软件质量和编程思想等方面论述了软件构建的各个问题,并详细论述了紧跟潮流的新技术、高屋建瓴的观点、通用的概念,还含有丰富而典型的程序示例。本书中所论述的技术不仅填补了初级与高级编程技术之间的空白,而且也为程序员们提供了一个有关编程技巧的信息来源。本书对经验丰富的程序员、技术带头人、自学的程序员及几乎不懂太多编程技巧的学生们都是大有裨益的。可以说,无论你是什么背景,阅读本书都会让你在更短的时间内、更容易地写出更好的程序。 作者简介 · · · · · ·   史蒂夫·迈克康奈尔(Steve McConnell)被公认为软件开发社区中的首要作者和发言人之一。他是Construx Software公司的首席软件工程师。他所编著的图书包括曾被《软件开发》杂志授予优异产品震撼大奖的《代码大全》和《快速软件开发》,以及《软件项目生存指南》和《专业软件开发》等等。



简介 · · · · · ·   代码大全(第二版)是著名IT 畅销书作者Steve McConnell十一年前的经典著作的全新演绎:第二版不是第一版的简单修订增补,而是完全进行了重写;增加了很多与时俱进的内容。这也是一本完整的软件构建手册,涵盖了软件构建过程中的所有细节。它从软件质量和编程思想等方面论述了软件构建的各个问题,并详细论述了紧跟潮流的新技术、高屋建瓴的观点、通用的概念,还含有丰富而典型的程序示例。本书中所论述的技术不仅填补了初级与高级编程技术之间的空白,而且也为程序员们提供了一个有关编程技巧的信息来源。本书对经验丰富的程序员、技术带头人、自学的程序员及几乎不懂太多编程技巧的学生们都是大有裨益的。可以说,无论你是什么背景,阅读本书都会让你在更短的时间内、更容易地写出更好的程序。 作者简介 · · · · · ·   史蒂夫·迈克康奈尔(Steve McConnell)被公认为软件开发社区中的首要作者和发言人之一。他是Construx Software公司的首席软件工程师。他所编著的图书包括曾被《软件开发》杂志授予优异产品震撼大奖的《代码大全》和《快速软件开发》,以及《软件项目生存指南》和《专业软件开发》等等。



简介 · · · · · ·   代码大全(第二版)是著名IT 畅销书作者Steve McConnell十一年前的经典著作的全新演绎:第二版不是第一版的简单修订增补,而是完全进行了重写;增加了很多与时俱进的内容。这也是一本完整的软件构建手册,涵盖了软件构建过程中的所有细节。它从软件质量和编程思想等方面论述了软件构建的各个问题,并详细论述了紧跟潮流的新技术、高屋建瓴的观点、通用的概念,还含有丰富而典型的程序示例。本书中所论述的技术不仅填补了初级与高级编程技术之间的空白,而且也为程序员们提供了一个有关编程技巧的信息来源。本书对经验丰富的程序员、技术带头人、自学的程序员及几乎不懂太多编程技巧的学生们都是大有裨益的。可以说,无论你是什么背景,阅读本书都会让你在更短的时间内、更容易地写出更好的程序。 作者简介 · · · · · ·   史蒂夫·迈克康奈尔(Steve McConnell)被公认为软件开发社区中的首要作者和发言人之一。他是Construx Software公司的首席软件工程师。他所编著的图书包括曾被《软件开发》杂志授予优异产品震撼大奖的《代码大全》和《快速软件开发》,以及《软件项目生存指南》和《专业软件开发》等等。





C/C++ 程序设计员应聘常见面试试题深入剖析

C/C++ 程序设计员应聘常见面试试题深入剖析


Exceptional C++ Style. 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems and Solutions - Herb Sutter

Publisher : Addison Wesley Pub Date : August 02, 2004 ISBN : 0-201-76042-8 Pages : 352 Preface Style or Substance? The Exceptional Socrates What I Assume You Know How to Read This Book ##. The Topic of This Item Acknowledgments Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library Chapter 1. Uses and Abuses of vector Solution Chapter 2. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 1: sprintf Solution Chapter 3. The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 2: Standard (or Blindingly Elegant) Alternatives Solution Chapter 4. Standard Library Member Functions Solution Chapter 5. Flavors of Genericity, Part 1: Covering the Basis [sic] Solution Chapter 6. Flavors of Genericity, Part 2: Generic Enough? Solution Chapter 7. Why Not Specialize Function Templates? Solution Chapter 8. Befriending Templates Solution Chapter 9. Export Restrictions, Part 1: Fundamentals Solution A Tale of Two Models Illustrating the Issues Export InAction [sic] Issue the First: Source Exposure Issue the Second: Dependencies and Build Times Summary Chapter 10. Export Restrictions, Part 2: Interactions, Usability Issues, and Guidelines Solution Exception Safety Issues and Techniques Chapter 11. Try and Catch Me Solution Chapter 12. Exception Safety: Is It Worth It? Solution Chapter 13. A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications Solution Class Design, Inheritance, and Polymorphism Chapter 14. Order, Order! Solution Chapter 15. Uses and Abuses of Access Rights Solution Chapter 16. (Mostly) Private Solution Chapter 17. Encapsulation Solution Chapter 18. Virtuality Solution Chapter 19. Enforcing Rules for Derived Classes Solution Memory and Resource Management Chapter 20. Containers in Memory, Part 1: Levels of Memory Management Solution Chapter 21. Containers in Memory, Part 2: How Big Is It Really? Solution Chapter 22. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 1: The Many Faces of new Solution In-Place, Plain, and Nothrow new Class-Specific new A Name-Hiding Surprise Summary Chapter 23. To new, Perchance to throw, Part 2: Pragmatic Issues in Memory Management Solution Optimization and Efficiency Chapter 24. Constant Optimization? Solution Chapter 25. inline Redux Solution Chapter 26. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 1: When Compression Is the Name of the Game Solution Chapter 27. Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 2: (Even Less) Bit-Twiddling Solution Traps, Pitfalls, and Puzzlers Chapter 28. Keywords That Aren't (or, Comments by Another Name) Solution Chapter 29. Is It Initialization? Solution Chapter 30. double or Nothing Solution Chapter 31. Amok Code Solution Chapter 32. Slight Typos? Graphic Language and Other Curiosities Solution Chapter 33. Operators, Operators Everywhere Solution Style Case Studies Chapter 34. Index Tables Solution Chapter 35. Generic Callbacks Solution Chapter 36. Construction Unions Solution Chapter 37. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 1: A Look at std::string Solution Summary Chapter 38. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 2: Refactoring std::string Solution Chapter 39. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 3: std::string Diminishing Solution Chapter 40. Monoliths "Unstrung," Part 4: std::string Redux Solution Bibliography


Imperfect C++ Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programming

By Matthew Wilson Publisher : Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date : October 21, 2004 ISBN : 0-321-22877-4 Pages : 624 Slots : 1.0 C++, although a marvelous language, isn't perfect. Matthew Wilson has been working with it for over a decade, and during that time he has found inherent limitations that require skillful workarounds. In this book, he doesn't just tell you what's wrong with C++, but offers practical techniques and tools for writing code that's more robust, flexible, efficient, and maintainable. He shows you how to tame C++'s complexity, cut through its vast array of paradigms, take back control over your code--and get far better results. If you're a long-time C++ developer, this book will help you see your programming challenges in new ways--and illuminate powerful techniques you may never have tried. If you're newer to C++, you'll learn principles that will make you more effective in all of your projects. Along the way, you'll learn how to: Overcome deficiencies in C++'s type system Enforce software design through constraints, contracts, and assertions Handle behavior ignored by the standard--including issues related to dynamic libraries, static objects, and threading Achieve binary compatibility between dynamically loading components Understand the costs and disadvantages of implicit conversions--and the alternatives Increase compatibility with diverse compilers, libraries, and operating environments Help your compiler detect more errors and work more effectively Understand the aspects of style that impact reliability Apply the Resource Acquisition Is Initialization mechanism to a wide variety of problem domains Manage the sometimes arcane relationship between arrays and pointers Use template programming to improve flexibility and robustness Extend C++: including fast string concatenation, a true NULL-pointer, flexible memory buffers, Properties, multidimensional arrays, and Ranges The CD-ROM contains a valuable variety of C++ compilers, libraries, test programs, tools, and utilities, as well as the author's related journal articles. New and updated imperfections, along with software libraries and example code are available online at http://imperfectcplusplus.com.


C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices

By Herb Sutter, Andrei Alexandrescu Publisher : Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date : October 25, 2004 ISBN : 0-321-11358-6 Pages : 240 Consistent, high-quality coding standards improve software quality, reduce time-to-market, promote teamwork, eliminate time wasted on inconsequential matters, and simplify maintenance. Now, two of the world's most respected C++ experts distill the rich collective experience of the global C++ community into a set of coding standards that every developer and development team can understand and use as a basis for their own coding standards. The authors cover virtually every facet of C++ programming: design and coding style, functions, operators, class design, inheritance, construction/destruction, copying, assignment, namespaces, modules, templates, genericity, exceptions, STL containers and algorithms, and more. Each standard is described concisely, with practical examples. From type definition to error handling, this book presents C++ best practices, including some that have only recently been identified and standardized-techniques you may not know even if you've used C++ for years. Along the way, you'll find answers to questions like What's worth standardizingand what isn't? What are the best ways to code for scalability? What are the elements of a rational error handling policy? How (and why) do you avoid unnecessary initialization, cyclic, and definitional dependencies? When (and how) should you use static and dynamic polymorphism together? How do you practice "safe" overriding? When should you provide a no-fail swap? Why and how should you prevent exceptions from propagating across module boundaries? Why shouldn't you write namespace declarations or directives in a header file? Why should you use STL vector and string instead of arrays? How do you choose the right STL search or sort algorithm? What rules should you follow to ensure type-safe code? Whether you're working alone or with others, C++ Coding Standards will help you write cleaner codeand write it faster, with fewer hassles and less frustration.


C++ Common Knowledge: Essential Intermediate Programming

Publisher : Addison Wesley Professional Pub Date : February 28, 2005 ISBN : 0-321-32192-8 Pages : 272 Slots : 1.0 What Every Professional C++ Programmer Needs to Know—Pared to Its Essentials So It Can Be Efficiently and Accurately Absorbed C++ is a large, complex language, and learning it is never entirely easy. But some concepts and techniques must be thoroughly mastered if programmers are ever to do professional-quality work. This book cuts through the technical details to reveal what is commonly understood to be absolutely essential. In one slim volume, Steve Dewhurst distills what he and other experienced managers, trainers, and authors have found to be the most critical knowledge required for successful C++ programming. It doesn't matter where or when you first learned C++. Before you take another step, use this book as your guide to make sure you've got it right!


You Can Do It A Beginners Introduction to Computer Programming

英文原版PDF,没有任何文档限制。 【书 名】 You Can Do It: A Beginner's Introduction to Computer Programming 【出版社】 John Wiley & sons,Inc. 【作 者】Francis Glassborow 详细介绍: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0470863986/qid=1106028610/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/102-6921192-4712132?v=glance&s=books



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