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原创 C - Implement a simple version of the #define processor (i.e., no arguments)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Implement a simple version of the #define processor (i.e., no arguments) * suitable for use with C programs. * * DefineProcessor.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h&g

2021-03-31 19:42:31 156 1

原创 C - Word frequency counter

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Write a program that prints the distinct words in its input sorted into * decreasing order of frequency of occurrence. Precede each word by its count. * * WordFrequencyCo

2021-03-31 17:12:48 392

原创 C - Expand dcl to handle declarations with function argument types, qualifiers like const, and so on

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Expand dcl to handle declarations with function argument types, * qualifiers like const, and so on. * * ExpandDcl.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#include &lt

2021-03-30 15:36:53 178

原创 C - Modify undcl so that it does not add redundant parentheses to declarations

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Modify undcl so that it does not add redundant parentheses to declarations. * * Undcl.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#define BUFSIZE 1000static char line[

2021-03-30 14:50:53 163

原创 C - Make dcl recover from input errors

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Make dcl recover from input errors. * * Dcl.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <ctype.h>#define MAXTOKEN 100 /* If you

2021-03-30 14:36:10 231 1

原创 C - Writing quick sort procedure with optional argument

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Writing quick sort procedure with optional argument: * -r : Sorting in reverse (decreasing) order * -n : Sort the input lines numerically * -f : Fold upper and lower

2021-03-29 17:49:29 149

原创 C - Write the routines day_of_year and month_day with pointers

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Write the routines day_of_year and month_day with pointers. * * Tail.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>static char daytable[2][13] ={ {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 3

2021-03-29 10:54:12 99

原创 C - Write the program tail which prints the last n lines of its input

/* * Write the program tail, which prints the last n lines of its input. By default, * n is set to 10, let us say, but it can be changed by an optional argument so that * tail -n * prints the last n lines. The program should behave rationally no matte.

2021-03-29 10:17:27 197

原创 C - Write the program expr which evaluates a reverse Polish expression from the command line

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Write the program expr, which evaluates a reverse Polish expression from the * command line, where each operator or operand is a separate argument. For example, * expr 2 3

2021-03-26 17:13:20 203

原创 Software Testing - JUnit 5 对比 TestNG

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net写作本文时,JUnit 当前的版本是 5.2.0,并且它仍然在不断的更新迭代、致力于囊括更多的特质。TestNG 当前的版本是 6.14.3,并且它变得愈来愈成熟,拥有优秀功能也在增加。特点 JUnit 5 TestNG 总结 链接 注解 支持注解 支持注解 两者都基于注解,并且本质和用法都相似 JUni

2021-03-19 11:49:11 618

原创 Software Testing - JUnit 5 最棒的 5 个新特性

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net您一定听说过 JUnit 5。它似乎很不错。所以,您可能想要迁移到 JUnit 5,但是不确定它是否像宣传的那样好,对吧?在这篇文章中,我将介绍 JUnit 5 的 5 个最佳的新特性和功能。阅读完这个清单后,您肯定迫切希望进行迁移。特性 #1 – 嵌套单元测试您是否曾经需要将相关的 JUnit 测试组合到一起,编写一个 JUnit 测试套件来执行它们

2021-03-19 11:00:34 275

原创 Software Testing - TestNG必知必会

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.netTestNG有几个显著且好用的特点。 大名鼎鼎的注解功能 测试组的概念 多线程测试 支持依赖测试方法,并行测试,负载测试,局部故障 那TestNG有以上这些特点,怎么集成进你的框架并使用呢?第一步:你需要确认已经配置了Java环境。第二步:1、项目中配置了maven,则引入以下依赖就行<depen

2021-03-19 10:47:36 2544

原创 C - StrEnd: Return 1 if the string t occurs at the end of the string s, and zero otherwise

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * StrEnd: Return 1 if the string t occurs at the end of the string s, * and zero otherwise. * * StrEnd.c - by FreeMan */int StrLen(const char *s){ char *p = s; while (

2021-03-09 17:12:53 180

原创 C - StrCat: Copy the string t to the end of s

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * StrCat: Copy the string t to the end of s. * * StrCat.c - by FreeMan */void StrCpy(char *s, char *t){ while (*s++ = *t++);}void StrCat(char *s, char *t){ while (*

2021-03-09 17:01:12 167

原创 C - GetFloat: The floating-point analog of GetInt

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * getfloat: the floating-point analog of getint. * * GetFloat.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>#include <math.h>#define BUFFERLEN

2021-03-08 17:46:33 237

原创 C - GetInt: Perform free-format input conversion by breaking a stream of characters into integer

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * getint: perform free-format input conversion by breaking a stream of characters * into integer values, one integer per call. * * GetInt.c - by FreeMan */#include <ct

2021-03-08 16:47:43 191

原创 C - Quick Sort (one of the simplest)

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * Quick Sort: * * Given an array, one element is chosen and the others partitioned in two subsets * - those less than the partition element and those greater than or equal t

2021-03-02 19:56:47 215

原创 C - Reverse Polish Calculator

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * A reverse Polish calculator * * ReversePolishCalculator.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h> /* for atof() */#define MAXOP 100 /* max si

2021-03-02 11:40:48 537

原创 C - AtoF: Extend AtoF to handle scientific notation of the form 123.45e-6

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * atof: Extend atof to handle scientific notation of the form 123.45e-6. * * AtoF_Scientific.c - by FreeMan */#include <stdio.h>#include <ctype.h>double ato

2021-03-01 16:43:02 302

原创 C - AtoF: Convert string to its double-precision floating-point equivalent

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net/* * atof: convert string to its double-precision floating-point equivalent. * * AtoF.c - by FreeMan */#include <ctype.h>double atof(char s[]){ double val, power;

2021-03-01 15:49:23 279

原创 C - static关键字的作用

分享一个大牛的人工智能教程。零基础!通俗易懂!风趣幽默!希望你也加入到人工智能的队伍中来!请点击http://www.captainbed.net在C语言中,static关键字用来定义全局静态变量、局部静态变量及静态函数。定义全局静态变量在全局变量前面加上关键字static,该全局变量就变成了全局静态变量。全局静态变量有以下特点:该变量在全局数据区分配内存 如果没有初始化,其默认值为0 该变量在本文件内从定义开始到文件结束可见定义局部静态变量在局部变量前面加上关键字static,该

2021-03-01 10:41:26 306



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