
地址: https://github.com/robfig/cron

├── chain.go
├── cron.go
└── option.go


package cron

import (

// JobWrapper decorates the given Job with some behavior.
type JobWrapper func(Job) Job

// Chain is a sequence of JobWrappers that decorates submitted jobs with
// cross-cutting behaviors like logging or synchronization.
type Chain struct {
	wrappers []JobWrapper

// NewChain returns a Chain consisting of the given JobWrappers.
func NewChain(c ...JobWrapper) Chain {
	return Chain{c}

// Then decorates the given job with all JobWrappers in the chain.
// This:
//     NewChain(m1, m2, m3).Then(job)
// is equivalent to:
//     m1(m2(m3(job)))
func (c Chain) Then(j Job) Job {
	for i := range c.wrappers {
		j = c.wrappers[len(c.wrappers)-i-1](j)
	return j

// Recover panics in wrapped jobs and log them with the provided logger.
func Recover(logger Logger) JobWrapper {
	return func(j Job) Job {
		return FuncJob(func() {
			defer func() {
				if r := recover(); r != nil {
					const size = 64 << 10
					buf := make([]byte, size)
					buf = buf[:runtime.Stack(buf, false)]
					err, ok := r.(error)
					if !ok {
						err = fmt.Errorf("%v", r)
					logger.Error(err, "panic", "stack", "...\n"+string(buf))

// DelayIfStillRunning serializes jobs, delaying subsequent runs until the
// previous one is complete. Jobs running after a delay of more than a minute
// have the delay logged at Info.
func DelayIfStillRunning(logger Logger) JobWrapper {
	return func(j Job) Job {
		var mu sync.Mutex
		return FuncJob(func() {
			start := time.Now()
			defer mu.Unlock()
			if dur := time.Since(start); dur > time.Minute {
				logger.Info("delay", "duration", dur)

// SkipIfStillRunning skips an invocation of the Job if a previous invocation is
// still running. It logs skips to the given logger at Info level.
func SkipIfStillRunning(logger Logger) JobWrapper {
	var ch = make(chan struct{}, 1)
	ch <- struct{}{}
	return func(j Job) Job {
		return FuncJob(func() {
			select {
			case v := <-ch:
				ch <- v


package cron

import (

// Cron keeps track of any number of entries, invoking the associated func as
// specified by the schedule. It may be started, stopped, and the entries may
// be inspected while running.
type Cron struct {
	entries   []*Entry
	chain     Chain  
	stop      chan struct{}
	add       chan *Entry
	remove    chan EntryID
	snapshot  chan chan []Entry //快照
	running   bool
	logger    Logger
	runningMu sync.Mutex
	location  *time.Location
	parser    Parser
	nextID    EntryID
	jobWaiter sync.WaitGroup

// Job is an interface for submitted cron jobs.
type Job interface {

// Schedule describes a job's duty cycle.
type Schedule interface {
	// Next returns the next activation time, later than the given time.
	// Next is invoked initially, and then each time the job is run.
	Next(time.Time) time.Time

// EntryID identifies an entry within a Cron instance
type EntryID int

// Entry consists of a schedule and the func to execute on that schedule.
type Entry struct {
	// ID is the cron-assigned ID of this entry, which may be used to look up a
	// snapshot or remove it.
	ID EntryID

	// 调度器,计算任务下一次运行的时间
	Schedule Schedule

	// Next time the job will run, or the zero time if Cron has not been
	// started or this entry's schedule is unsatisfiable
	Next time.Time

	// Prev is the last time this job was run, or the zero time if never.
	Prev time.Time

	// WrappedJob is the thing to run when the Schedule is activated.
	WrappedJob Job

	// Job is the thing that was submitted to cron.
	// It is kept around so that user code that needs to get at the job later,
	// e.g. via Entries() can do so.
	Job Job

// Valid returns true if this is not the zero entry.
func (e Entry) Valid() bool { return e.ID != 0 }

// byTime is a wrapper for sorting the entry array by time
// (with zero time at the end).
type byTime []*Entry

func (s byTime) Len() int      { return len(s) }
func (s byTime) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s byTime) Less(i, j int) bool {
	// Two zero times should return false.
	// Otherwise, zero is "greater" than any other time.
	// (To sort it at the end of the list.)
	if s[i].Next.IsZero() {
		return false
	if s[j].Next.IsZero() {
		return true
	return s[i].Next.Before(s[j].Next)

// New returns a new Cron job runner, modified by the given options.
// Available Settings
//   Time Zone
//     Description: The time zone in which schedules are interpreted
//     Default:     time.Local
//   Parser
//     Description: Parser converts cron spec strings into cron.Schedules.
//     Default:     Accepts this spec: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron
//   Chain
//     Description: Wrap submitted jobs to customize behavior.
//     Default:     A chain that recovers panics and logs them to stderr.
// See "cron.With*" to modify the default behavior.
func New(opts ...Option) *Cron {
	c := &Cron{
		entries:   nil,
		chain:     NewChain(),
		add:       make(chan *Entry),
		stop:      make(chan struct{}),
		snapshot:  make(chan chan []Entry),
		remove:    make(chan EntryID),
		running:   false,
		runningMu: sync.Mutex{},
		logger:    DefaultLogger,
		location:  time.Local,
		parser:    standardParser,
	for _, opt := range opts {
	return c

// FuncJob is a wrapper that turns a func() into a cron.Job
type FuncJob func()

func (f FuncJob) Run() { f() }

// AddFunc adds a func to the Cron to be run on the given schedule.
// The spec is parsed using the time zone of this Cron instance as the default.
// An opaque ID is returned that can be used to later remove it.
func (c *Cron) AddFunc(spec string, cmd func()) (EntryID, error) {
	return c.AddJob(spec, FuncJob(cmd))

// AddJob adds a Job to the Cron to be run on the given schedule.
// The spec is parsed using the time zone of this Cron instance as the default.
// An opaque ID is returned that can be used to later remove it.
func (c *Cron) AddJob(spec string, cmd Job) (EntryID, error) {
	schedule, err := c.parser.Parse(spec)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return c.Schedule(schedule, cmd), nil

// Schedule adds a Job to the Cron to be run on the given schedule.
// The job is wrapped with the configured Chain.
func (c *Cron) Schedule(schedule Schedule, cmd Job) EntryID {
	defer c.runningMu.Unlock()
	entry := &Entry{
		ID:         c.nextID,
		Schedule:   schedule,
		WrappedJob: c.chain.Then(cmd), //经过包装得到的Job
		Job:        cmd,
	if !c.running {
		c.entries = append(c.entries, entry)
	} else {
		c.add <- entry
	return entry.ID

// Entries returns a snapshot of the cron entries.
func (c *Cron) Entries() []Entry {
	defer c.runningMu.Unlock()
	if c.running {
		replyChan := make(chan []Entry, 1)
		c.snapshot <- replyChan
		return <-replyChan
	return c.entrySnapshot()

// Location gets the time zone location
func (c *Cron) Location() *time.Location {
	return c.location

// Entry returns a snapshot of the given entry, or nil if it couldn't be found.
func (c *Cron) Entry(id EntryID) Entry {
	for _, entry := range c.Entries() {
		if id == entry.ID {
			return entry
	return Entry{}

// Remove an entry from being run in the future.
func (c *Cron) Remove(id EntryID) {
	defer c.runningMu.Unlock()
	if c.running {
		c.remove <- id
	} else {

// Start the cron scheduler in its own goroutine, or no-op if already started.
func (c *Cron) Start() {
	defer c.runningMu.Unlock()
	if c.running {
	c.running = true
	go c.run()

// Run the cron scheduler, or no-op if already running.
func (c *Cron) Run() {
	if c.running {
	c.running = true

// run the scheduler.. this is private just due to the need to synchronize
// access to the 'running' state variable.
func (c *Cron) run() {

	// Figure out the next activation times for each entry.
	now := c.now()
	for _, entry := range c.entries {
		entry.Next = entry.Schedule.Next(now)
		c.logger.Info("schedule", "now", now, "entry", entry.ID, "next", entry.Next)

	for {
		// Determine the next entry to run.

		var timer *time.Timer
		if len(c.entries) == 0 || c.entries[0].Next.IsZero() {
			// If there are no entries yet, just sleep - it still handles new entries
			// and stop requests.
			timer = time.NewTimer(100000 * time.Hour)
		} else {
			timer = time.NewTimer(c.entries[0].Next.Sub(now))

		for {
			select {
			case now = <-timer.C:
				now = now.In(c.location)
				c.logger.Info("wake", "now", now)

				// Run every entry whose next time was less than now
				for _, e := range c.entries {
					if e.Next.After(now) || e.Next.IsZero() {
					e.Prev = e.Next
					e.Next = e.Schedule.Next(now)
					c.logger.Info("run", "now", now, "entry", e.ID, "next", e.Next)
			case newEntry := <-c.add:
				now = c.now()
				newEntry.Next = newEntry.Schedule.Next(now)
				c.entries = append(c.entries, newEntry)
				c.logger.Info("added", "now", now, "entry", newEntry.ID, "next", newEntry.Next)
			case replyChan := <-c.snapshot:
				replyChan <- c.entrySnapshot()

			case <-c.stop:
			case id := <-c.remove:
				now = c.now()
				c.logger.Info("removed", "entry", id)


// startJob runs the given job in a new goroutine.
func (c *Cron) startJob(j Job) {
	go func() {
		defer c.jobWaiter.Done()

// now returns current time in c location
func (c *Cron) now() time.Time {
	return time.Now().In(c.location)

// Stop stops the cron scheduler if it is running; otherwise it does nothing.
// A context is returned so the caller can wait for running jobs to complete.
func (c *Cron) Stop() context.Context {
	defer c.runningMu.Unlock()
	if c.running {
		c.stop <- struct{}{}
		c.running = false
	//比如 <- c.Stop().Done() 就是等待stop过程结束
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
	go func() {
	return ctx

// entrySnapshot returns a copy of the current cron entry list.
func (c *Cron) entrySnapshot() []Entry {
	var entries = make([]Entry, len(c.entries))
	for i, e := range c.entries {
		entries[i] = *e
	return entries

func (c *Cron) removeEntry(id EntryID) {
	var entries []*Entry
	for _, e := range c.entries {
		if e.ID != id {
			entries = append(entries, e)
	c.entries = entries


package cron

import (

// Option represents a modification to the default behavior of a Cron.
type Option func(*Cron)

// WithLocation overrides the timezone of the cron instance.
func WithLocation(loc *time.Location) Option {
	return func(c *Cron) {
		c.location = loc

// WithSeconds overrides the parser used for interpreting job schedules to
// include a seconds field as the first one.
func WithSeconds() Option {
	return WithParser(NewParser(
		Second | Minute | Hour | Dom | Month | Dow | Descriptor,

// WithParser overrides the parser used for interpreting job schedules.
func WithParser(p Parser) Option {
	return func(c *Cron) {
		c.parser = p

// WithChain specifies Job wrappers to apply to all jobs added to this cron.
// Refer to the Chain* functions in this package for provided wrappers.
func WithChain(wrappers ...JobWrapper) Option {
	return func(c *Cron) {
		c.chain = NewChain(wrappers...)

// WithLogger uses the provided logger.
func WithLogger(logger Logger) Option {
	return func(c *Cron) {
		c.logger = logger


package main

import (

func main() {
	i := 0
	c := cron.New()
	//c := cron.New(cron.WithChain(cron.DelayIfStillRunning(cron.DefaultLogger)))
	//c := cron.New(cron.WithChain(cron.SkipIfStillRunning(cron.DefaultLogger)))
	spec := " * * * * ?"
	c.AddFunc(spec, func() {
		n := i
		log.Println("cron running:", n)
		//time.Sleep(61 * time.Second)

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