达尔文服务器 安装日志

其实qtss的安装是很简单的一个问题,但是太多的文档都是copy 来copy去,发现一个问题却无法快捷的找到想要的答案,所以这里只是简单描述下-

若英文好,可以look http://www.codeproject.com/KB/audio-video/DarwinSS_on_Linux.aspx?msg=3267337&display=Mobile

The following steps should work on both 32 bit and 64 bit Linux. Steps 3 and 4 use patch files that makes the DSS code build without errors on 64 bit. You can go ahead and apply the patches even if you are working on 32 bit, it is better to have portable code. On 64 bit, however, you must apply the patches, otherwise it won't build. 

It is possible, however, that Apple guys change the code on macosforge server without changing the version number, and then these patches might not work. I always encourage to use the --dry-run option with the patch command to make sure that the patch will actually go through before patching it without the option. 

Similarly, step 5 uses an "Install" script that is different from what will come with the download from macosforge server. The new install script has the necessary changes for 64 bit installation to go through nicely.

The 3 files that steps 3, 4 and 5 refer to are in the "Patches" directory of the source code.

  1. Downloaded source tarball from http://dss.macosforge.org/ --> Darwin Streaming Server 6.0.3 --> Source code  下载
  2. tar xf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar --> will create directory "DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source"  解压
  3. patch -p0 < dss-6.0.3.patch - patch file included in uploaded source - patch makes it 64 bit compatible, run from directory containing DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source    //3.4 是为了兼容64位系统
  4. patch -p0 < dss-hh-20080728-1.patch - patch file included in uploaded source - patchmakes it 64 bit compatible, run from directory containing DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
  5. cp Install DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source (new Install script file included in uploaded source - makes it 64 bit compatible, will overwrite existing Install script)
  6. sudo groupadd qtss
  7. sudo useradd qtss -g qtss
  8. cd DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source; ./Buildit to build - this will create the server binary in DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source directory, along with some other binaries in some other subdirectories. "BuildIt" script comes with the download. Do not mind warnings. If build fails, you have to tweak this script. It is not that hard as it looks. Locate the line "case $PLAT" in the script. From that point on, it assigns some values to important compile/link variables depending on your $PLAT. $PLAT is a concatenation of `uname` and `uname -m` with a dot in between. Go ahead and find your $PLAT. Check if the Build script handles it. If you are using 32 bit linux, it should be "Linux.i686" or "Linux.i586". If you are 64 bit, it should be "Linux.x86_64". All these 3 cases are handled in the Build script - so you need to play around with the individual variables under that section if it is still not working. If your $PLAT is something else, and you think that the values from another case handler will work for you, go ahead and add a new case section and copy the lines from the one that works for you.
  9. To Install: run sudo ./Install (You must be logged in as root to install Darwin Streaming Server)
    • During installation, it will ask: "Please enter a new administrator user name:" - type in some user name
    • It will ask "Please enter a new administrator Password:" - type in some admin password
  10. After installation, DSS writes its binaries and files to various locations. Important directories are:
    • /usr/local/sbin: server executable (DarwinStreamingServer) and admin server (streamingadminserver.pl)
    • /usr/local/movies: default content directory (where streams are served from, already contains sample hinted streams)
    • /usr/local/bin: some other binaries, including "StreamingLoadTool" - a load test tool (discussed in the Performace/ Load Tests section)
    • /etc/streaming: streamingserver.xml (configuration file for DSS), streamingloadtool.conf (configuration file for the load test tool StreamingLoadTool),qtusers and qtgroups file (contains users and groups for DSS, at this point only the admin user created during installation will be present) and
    • /var/streaming/logs: DSS logs folder (StreamingServer.log, Error.log are the most important, also has streamingadminserver.log and mp3_access.log)
  11. Run Server: cd /usr/local/sbin; sudo ./DarwinStreamingServer. 2 processes will run - the first one runs as root, and forks the main server as qtss. While doing a ps aux | grep Darwin, the one with the higher process id is the forked server process. If it crashes or gets killed, the other one immediately respawns another
  12. Run Admin Server: sudo -u qtss /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl. Target machine should have yapache installed and set up as a web server for accessing the administration console. If you are not allowed to impersonate qtss, just do a "sudo /usr/local/sbin/streamingadminserver.pl"
  13. Access admin console from browser at: http://<your server name>:1220/parse_xml.cgi. Provide admin user id and password created during installation. Most of the parameters that you can change from the admin console write to /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml
  14. Play streams: Install apple's quick time player on any windows box that can resolve your linux machine's name, File->Open URL... and use rtsp://<your_server_name>/<any_sample_movie_from_/use/local/movies>. Note that DSS can only play "hinted" streams. Hinting can be done by Apple's tools, find out how to hint custom tracks if you want to play streams other than the sample ones
  15. To stop server: kill the 2 server processes. If you only kill the one with higher pid, it will keep on getting re-spawned, so kill the lower one first. If you use -9, it results in the server not calling the cleanup modules, do not do that as a rule.

参考下述网文,已在 Ubu-1204-x64下编译成功,测试登录、配置、点播等运行正常。 -chenlx ------------ 目前主流的流媒体服务器有微软的windows media server、RealNetworks的Helixserver和苹果公司的Darwin Streaming Server. 微软的windows media server只能在windows2000 server和windows 2003 server下使用,不在考虑之列。RealNetworks的Helixserver是一款跨平台的软件,功能也很强大,但并非免费软件。 Darwin Streaming Server简称DSS。DSS是Apple公司提供的开源实时流媒体播放服务器程序。整个程序使用C++编写,在设计上遵循高性能,简单,模块化等程序 设计原则,务求做到程序高效,可扩充性好。并且DSS是一个开放源代码的,基于标准的流媒体服务器,可以运行在Windows NT和Windows 2000,以及几个UNIX实现上,包括Mac OS X,Linux,FreeBSD,和Solaris操作系统上的。 在Linux中编译安装Darwin Streaming Server 首先需要进行一些必要的准备工作: yum install gcc gcc-c++ make patch wget http://dss.macosforge.org/downloads/DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar 还需要下载两个补丁文件 dss-6.0.3.patch dss-hh-20080728-1.patch 补丁文件下载地址:http://download.csdn.net/detail/a7411053/4588411 注册后可以下载 然后开始安装 tar xvf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar cd DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source patch -p1 < dss-6.0.3.patch patch -p1 < dss-hh-20080728-1.patch ./Buildit ./buildtarball tar -zxvf DarwinStreamingSrvr-Linux.tar.gz cd DarwinStreamingSrvr-Linux 增加用户 useradd -m qtss -g qtss //需建此用户及组:Install脚本里要求“Add the unprivileged user qtss as the server's run user ” ./Install 设置后台登陆的用户名和密码 。




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