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原创 检查端口占用情况

netstat -pant | grep 80netstat -nat|grep -i "8080"|wc -l 总数windows:假如我们需要确定谁占用了我们的80端口 1、Windows平台 在windows命令行窗口下执行: C:\>netstat -aon|findstr "80" TCP

2013-03-31 22:07:39 167

原创 SSH远程传输错误或登陆错误

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@IT IS POSSIBLE TH...

2013-03-31 22:05:02 216

原创 修改主机名

假设要将主机名修改为NEW_HOSTNAME修改 /etc/hosts 中加入 (本机IP) NEW_HOSTNAME修改 /etc/sysconfig/network 中NHOSTNAME=NEW_HOSTNAME执行 hostname NEW_HOSTNAME执行 /etc/init.d/network reload ...

2013-03-31 22:02:45 134

原创 LoadRunner IP欺骗使用

1 loadrunner->tools->ip wizard工具设置虚拟ip,其中server ip指要监控的服务器的ip,添加ip时选择A、B或C类ip,设置开始ip和要添加的虚拟ip的个数,并选中verify the new ip addresses are not already use,已检查添加的ip是否与局域网中的其它ip冲突2 重启机器3 在controller的scenar...

2013-03-27 21:40:00 145

原创 几个系统检测命令

Windows:使用systeminfo命令Linux:uname -a (查看操作系统信息、主机名、cpu种类、当期时间等)如:Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-42.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Jul 12 23:27:17 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linuxcat /proc/cpuinfo 查看cpu的...

2013-03-27 21:20:38 245

原创 Resin4.0安装启动报Unable to find native library 'resin_os' for com.caucho.loader.Clas

启动报错:Unable to find native library 'resin_os' for com.caucho.loader.ClassEntr (Unix) /libexec/libresin_os.so On Unix, run ./configure; make; make install. The JVM exception was: java.lang...

2013-03-27 21:17:29 2062

原创 jsp中下载rar等文件时出现乱码的问题解决

tomcat中设置:在web.xml加入 zip application/zip xls application/vnd.ms-excel [color=red] rar application/octet-stream ...

2013-03-24 21:37:20 174

原创 输入法快捷键ctrl+space失效

HKEY_CURRENT_USRR/Control Panel/Input Method/Hot Keys/下面的全删掉即可

2013-03-24 21:32:47 389

原创 windows性能监控


2013-03-24 21:30:04 178

原创 Foxmail发不出邮件。说连接服务器失败

这几天foxmail发不出邮件,但是可以接收!使用web方式简直太麻烦,问题解决:安装了Mcafee防病毒软件,就会出现此类情况。 解决步骤:打开防病毒软件的“VirusScan 控制台 \ 访问保护 \ 禁止大量发送邮件的蠕虫病毒发送邮件 \ 编辑 \ 已排除进程 \ 中添加Foxmail.exe” 即可解决“Foxmail连接服务器失败...”不能正常发送邮件的问题。...

2013-03-24 21:27:38 4005 2

原创 MySQL清理bin日志

使用root用户登录,进入bin目录(使用sqlyog工具直接执行):reset master;若不需要产生,在my.conf里把log-bin注释掉就可以了,logbin主要是用来做回滚和增量备份的。...

2013-03-24 21:21:00 99




High Performance MySQL

We had several goals in mind for this book. Many of them were derived from think- ing about that mythical perfect MySQL book that none of us had read but that we kept looking for on bookstore shelves. Others came from a lot of experience helping other users put MySQL to work in their environments. We wanted a book that wasn’t just a SQL primer. We wanted a book with a title that didn’t start or end in some arbitrary time frame (“...in Thirty Days,” “Seven Days To a Better...”) and didn’t talk down to the reader. Most of all, we wanted a book that would help you take your skills to the next level and build fast, reliable systems with MySQL—one that would answer questions like “How can I set up a cluster of MySQL servers capable of handling millions upon millions of queries and ensure that things keep running even if a couple of the servers die?” We decided to write a book that focused not just on the needs of the MySQL appli- cation developer but also on the rigorous demands of the MySQL administrator, who needs to keep the system up and running no matter what the programmers or users may throw at the server. Having said that, we assume that you are already rela- tively experienced with MySQL and, ideally, have read an introductory book on it. We also assume some experience with general system administration, networking, and Unix-like operating systems. This revised and expanded second edition includes deeper coverage of all the topics in the first edition and many new topics as well. This is partly a response to the changes that have taken place since the book was first published: MySQL is a much larger and more complex piece of software now. Just as importantly, its popularity has exploded. The MySQL community has grown much larger, and big corporations are now adopting MySQL for their mission-critical applications. Since the first edi- tion, MySQL has become recognized as ready for the enterprise.* People are also * We think this phrase is mostly marketing fluff, but it seems to convey a sense of importance to a lot of people. using it more and more in applications that are exposed to the Internet, where down- time and other problems cannot be concealed or tolerated. As a result, this second edition has a slightly different focus than the first edition. We emphasize reliability and correctness just as much as performance, in part because we have used MySQL ourselves for applications where significant amounts of money are riding on the database server. We also have deep experience in web applications, where MySQL has become very popular. The second edition speaks to the expanded world of MySQL, which didn’t exist in the same way when the first edition was written.



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