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原创 OneNote2016如何设置代码高亮

首先代码高亮插件notehighlight 自行搜索下载安装,但是安装好后,却没有出现【代码高亮】的选项。其实安装后,之所以没有出现【代码高亮】的选项,是因为没有被加载,按照下面的步骤即可出现【代码高亮】的选项。文件——》选项——》加载中心,找到那个NoteHighLight,应该是放在“非活动应用程序加载项”要把它勾选,才能出现在“活动程序加载项”,此时在主界面上,就可以看到【代

2017-01-09 15:15:40 14024 6

原创 QTableWidget单击选中取消

QTableWidget单击选中取消事件前言很多情况下有这样的需求,当鼠标点击QTableWidget时,每次只能选中一行或者不选中,不允许选中多行。当点击表格中时选中一行,同时打开所选中的这行的详细信息(另一个GUI控件),当点击表格之外,选中行取消高亮(取消选择),同时详细信息也消失。说明1、QTableWidget时,选择行时,可以使用 setSelectionBehav

2016-09-01 10:23:12 18196

原创 嵌入QMessageBox的无边框消息提示框

#include #include #include #include #include #include "customMessageBox.h"#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")CCustomMessageBox::CCustomMessageBox(QString msg, int type, QWidget *parent)

2016-03-04 18:26:53 2520

原创 QTabBar关闭按钮图标


2016-01-18 15:37:34 3687

原创 如何为vs2013添加g++编译器

使用vc++的时候,每次都得建立一个工程。假如我就只需要简单验证一个cpp文件,也得建立一个工程,总是觉得这有点麻烦,还好在vs2013版本中,在工具菜单中有一个外部工具选项(估计vs版本都有该功能),如下图所示该功能是可以把你经常使用的工具集成进来,或者也可以说就是调用。   有了这个就可以添加g++编译器了。g++编译器自行到网上下载,这里就不提供下载网址了。下载安装好

2015-09-11 14:56:46 9691

原创 升级win10后,BCB6.0提示未注册


2015-08-10 10:08:19 3568 3

原创 BCB如何处理FORM、ScrollBox的鼠标滚轮事件

void __fastcall TForm1::FormMouseWheelDown(TObject *Sender, TShiftState Shift, TPoint &MousePos, bool &Handled){ Handled = true; //这个很重要,否则会出现不期望的效果 if (Shift.Contains(ssCtrl) && (Shift

2015-06-03 10:13:25 2624

原创 sprintf的怪异行为

在一次开发中,需要用到数字转换字符串,总所周知使用sprintf就可以完成。而且网上也有好多关于缓冲区要足够大,否则会出现问题。MSDN中在Remarks中有这么一句话:If copying occurs between strings that overlap, the behavior is undefined.那时使用的语句大概如下 int num = 16; for (int

2015-05-06 15:27:02 590

原创 VS学习---------GetCurrentDirectory

GetCurrentDirectoryThe GetCurrentDirectory function retrieves the current directory for the current process.DWORD GetCurrentDirectory( DWORD nBufferLength, // size, in characters, of director

2015-04-10 14:20:49 945

原创 用Installshield2009给软件升级时,去掉在弹出的欢迎界面中有‘?’中的'?'

在使用Installshield2009 Installscript project给软件升级时,发现在升级的开始欢迎界面中,有一个版本升级从哪个版本升级到哪个版本的介绍,但是在InstallShield Wizard的中间多了一个'?',变成了InstallShield?Wizard 将安装的xx版本 xxx更新为版本 xxxx。要继续,请单击“下一步”。(英文是没有这个'?'的)一开始以为

2015-02-09 15:08:42 799

原创 同时安装了C++ Builder 6和C++ Builder XE6时,出现链接DEBUG\RTL.BPI的错误的解决方法。


2014-10-09 11:04:47 1637

原创 64位与32位下如何使用C/C++调用Telnet


2014-05-06 16:59:39 5426 2

原创 BCB一打开时就出现了这个unable to resource Only Dll Projects.......


2013-11-19 14:22:03 1042

C++ Multithreading Cookbook [DrLol].pdf

Chapter 1: Introduction to C++ Concepts and Features 7 Introduction 7 Creating a C++ project 8 Program structure, execution flow, and runtime objects 10 The structural programming approach 14 Understanding the object-oriented programming approach 17 Explaining inheritance, overloading, and overriding 19 Understanding polymorphism 24 Event handlers and Message Passing Interface 28 Linked list, queue, and stack examples 34 Chapter 2: The Concepts of Process and Thread 45 Introduction 45 Processes and threads 46 Explaining the process model 47 Implementation of processes 51 IPC – Interprocess Communication 55 Solving classical IPC problems 65 Implementation of the thread model 75 Thread usage 81 Implementing threads in user space 89 Implementing threads in the kernel 99 Chapter 3: Managing Threads 105 Introduction 105 Processes versus threads 106 Permissive versus preemptive multitasking 110 Explaining the Windows Thread object 111 Basic thread management 112 Implementing threads without synchronization 121 Using synchronized threads 127 Win32 synchronization objects and techniques 133 Chapter 4: Message Passing 141 Introduction 141 Explaining the Message Passing Interface 142 Understanding a message queue 147 Using the thread message queue 156 Communicating through the pipe object 161 Chapter 5: Thread Synchronization and Concurrent Operations 167 Introduction 167 Pseudoparallelism 168 Understanding process and thread priority 168 The Windows dispatcher object and scheduling 176 Using mutex 177 Using semaphore 187 Using event 197 Using critical section 206 Using pipes 215 Chapter 6: Threads in the .NET Framework 233 Introduction 233 Managed versus unmanaged code 234 How threading works in .NET 235 The difference between foreground and background threads 243 Understanding the .NET synchronization essentials 247 Locking and avoiding deadlocks 254 Thread safety and types of the .NET framework 261 Signaling with event wait handles 263 Event-based Asynchronous Pattern 269 Using the BackgroundWorker class 276 Interrupting, aborting, and safe canceling the thread execution 281 Non-blocking synchronization 291 Signaling with Wait and Pulse 294 The Barrier class 299 Chapter 7: Understanding Concurrent Code Design 309 Introduction 309 How to design parallel applications 310 Understanding parallelism in code design 316 Turning on to a parallel approach 324 Improving the performance factors 332 Chapter 8: Advanced Thread Management 341 Introduction 341 Using thread pools 342 Customizing the thread pool dispatcher 354 Using remote threading 371 Appendix 381 Installing MySQL Connector/C 381 Installing WinDDK – Driver Development Kit 384 Setting up a Visual Studio project for driver compilation 386 Using the DebugView application 392 Setting up a Visual Studio project for OpenMP compilation 393 Index 397






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