vue外卖十五:商家详情-头部组件shopHeader:动态绑定样式内背景、访问多层+异步渲染的数据对象,报错、vue加动画、结合data数组 动态展示不同类名

45 篇文章 2 订阅



<!--1】绑定动态样式 -->
    <nav class="shop-nav" :style="{backgroundImage: `url(${info.bgImg})`}">


【2】此处v-if用于解决报错:Property or method “info” is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
原因:读取不存在的对象第一级时会报 undefind;再继续即报此错

<!--2】此处v-if用于解决报错:Property or method "info" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
    原因:读取不存在的对象第一级时会报 undefind;再继续即报此错
    <div class="shop-header-discounts" v-if="info.supports" @click="toggleSupportShow">
        <div class="activity" :class="supportClasses[info.supports[0].type]">


<transition name="fade">

        transition opacity .5s
        opacity 0

1.4结合data数组 动态展示不同类名

<!--4】动态展示不同的类名 -->
            <li class="activity-item" v-for="(support, index) in info.supports"
                :key="index" :class="supportClasses[support.type]">

data () {
      return {
        supportClasses: ['activity-green', 'activity-red', 'activity-orange'],

    background-color rgb(112, 188, 70)
    background-color rgb(240, 115, 115)
    background-color: rgb(241, 136, 79)





  <div class="shop-header">
    <nav class="shop-nav">
      <a class="back">
        <i class="iconfont icon-arrow_left"></i>

    <div class="shop-content">
      <img class="content-image"
      <div class="header-content">
        <h2 class="content-title">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">品牌</span>
          <span class="content-name">大鸭梨</span>
          <i class="content-icon"></i>
        <div class="shop-message">
          <span class="shop-message-detail">5</span>
          <span class="shop-message-detail">月售100</span>
          <span class="shop-message-detail">
            <span>30 分钟</span>
          <span class="shop-message-detail">距离1000m</span>

    <div class="shop-header-discounts">
      <div class="discounts-left">
        <div class="activity activity-green">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">首单</span>
          <span class="activity-content ellipsis">新用户下单立减 17</span>
      <div class="discounts-right">
        4 个优惠

    <div class="shop-brief-modal">
      <div class="brief-modal-content">
        <h2 class="content-title">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">品牌</span>
          <span class="content-name">嘉禾一品(温都水城)</span>
        <ul class="brief-modal-msg">
            <p>28 分钟</p>
        <h3 class="brief-modal-title"><span>公告</span></h3>
        <div class="brief-modal-notice">
          是以粥为特色的中式营养快餐,自 20041018 日创立“嘉和一品”品牌至今
        <div class="mask-footer">
          <span class="iconfont icon-close"></span>
      <div class="brief-modal-cover"></div>

    <div class="activity-sheet" style="display: none">
      <div class="activity-sheet-content">
        <h2 class="activity-sheet-title">优惠活动</h2>
        <ul class="list">
          <li class="activity-item activity-green">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">首单</span>
            <span class="activity-content">新用户下单立减 17 (不与其它活动同享)</span>
          <li class="activity-item activity-red">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">满减</span>
            <span class="activity-content">3519,满 6535</span>
          <li class="activity-item activity-orange">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">特价</span>
            <span class="activity-content">【立减 19.5 元】欢乐小食餐</span>
          <li class="activity-item activity-green">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">首单</span>
            <span class="activity-content">新用户下单立减 17 (不与其它活动同享)</span>
          <li class="activity-item activity-red">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">满减</span>
            <span class="activity-content">3519,满 6535</span>
          <li class="activity-item activity-orange">
            <span class="content-tag">
              <span class="mini-tag">特价</span>
            <span class="activity-content">【立减 19.5 元】欢乐小食餐</span>
        <div class="activity-sheet-close">
          <span class="iconfont icon-close"></span>
      <div class="activity-sheet-cover"></div>

	import {mapState} from 'vuex'
  export default {}

<style lang="stylus" scoped>

  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

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      padding 30px 20px 5px 20px
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            font-style normal
            font-weight 700
            position relative
              position absolute
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              transform-origin 0 0
              display flex
              align-items center
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            font-weight 700
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            text-overflow ellipsis
            width 20px
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              left 8px
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        font-size 11px
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          content " \B7 "
          opacity .2
        width 63%
        font-size 11px
        font-weight 300
        color #999
        overflow hidden
        text-overflow ellipsis
        margin 8px auto 10px
        white-space nowrap

      display flex
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          display flex
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        width 50px
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      position fixed
      top 0
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      display flex
      justify-content center
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        transition opacity .5s
        opacity 0
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        position relative
        width 80%
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        display flex
        flex-direction column
          font-size 20px
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          display flex
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            font-weight 600
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            background-image linear-gradient(90deg, #fff100, #ffe339)
            width 36px
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            color #6a3709
            font-style normal
            position relative
              position absolute
              left 0
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              font-size 24px
              transform scale(.5)
              transform-origin 0 0
              display flex
              align-items center
              justify-content center
          display flex
          margin 20px -10px 0
          > li
            flex 1
            text-align center
            > h3
              font-size 15px
              font-weight 600
              color #333
              margin-bottom 8px
            > p
              font-size 12px
              color #999
          position relative
          text-align center
          margin 15px auto 15px
          width 85px
          background-image linear-gradient(90deg, #fff, #333 50%, #fff)
          background-size 100% 1px
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            font-size 12px
            padding 0 6px
            color #999
            background-color #fff
          font-size 13px
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          position absolute
          bottom -60px
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          transform translateX(-50%)
            font-size 16px
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      position fixed
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      z-index 99
        position absolute
        background-color #f5f5f5
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        padding 20px 30px
        box-sizing border-box
        transition transform .2s
        will-change transform
        color #333
          text-align center
          font-size 20px
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          margin-bottom 20px
          font-size 16px
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          overflow-y auto
            margin-bottom 12px
            display flex
            font-size 13px
            align-items center
                background-color rgb(112, 188, 70)
                background-color rgb(240, 115, 115)
                background-color: rgb(241, 136, 79)
              display inline-block
              border-radius 2px
              width 36px
              height: 18px
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              color #fff
              font-style normal
              position relative
                position absolute
                left 0
                top 0
                right -100%
                bottom -100%
                font-size 24px
                transform scale(.5)
                transform-origin 0 0
                display flex
                align-items center
                justify-content center
          position absolute
          right 6px
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          width 25px
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            font-size 20px

        position absolute
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        background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)


  <div class="shop-header">
    <!--1】绑定动态样式 -->
    <nav class="shop-nav" :style="{backgroundImage: `url(${info.bgImg})`}">
      <a class="back" @click="$router.back()">
        <i class="iconfont icon-arrow_left"></i>
    <div class="shop-content" @click="toggleShopShow">
      <img class="content-image" :src="info.avatar">
      <div class="header-content">
        <h2 class="content-title">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">品牌</span>
          <span class="content-name">{{}}</span>
          <i class="content-icon"></i>
        <div class="shop-message">
          <span class="shop-message-detail">{{info.score}}</span>
          <span class="shop-message-detail">月售{{info.sellCount}}</span>
          <span class="shop-message-detail">
          <span class="shop-message-detail">距离{{info.distance}}</span>
    <!--2】此处v-if用于解决报错:Property or method "info" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.
    原因:读取不存在的对象第一级时会报 undefind;再继续即报此错 -->
    <div class="shop-header-discounts" v-if="info.supports" @click="toggleSupportShow">
      <div class="discounts-left">
        <div class="activity" :class="supportClasses[info.supports[0].type]">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">{{info.supports[0].name}}</span>
          <span class="activity-content ellipsis">{{info.supports[0].content}}</span>
      <div class="discounts-right">

    <!-- 【3】vue动画(结合css使用):弹窗逐渐出现、隐藏 -->
    <transition name="fade">
      <div class="shop-brief-modal" v-show="shopShow">
        <div class="brief-modal-content">
          <h2 class="content-title">
          <span class="content-tag">
            <span class="mini-tag">品牌</span>
            <span class="content-name">{{}}</span>
          <ul class="brief-modal-msg">
          <h3 class="brief-modal-title">
          <div class="brief-modal-notice">
          <div class="mask-footer" @click="toggleShopShow">
            <span class="iconfont icon-close"></span>
        <div class="brief-modal-cover"></div>

    <transition name="fade">
      <div class="activity-sheet" v-show="supportShow">
        <div class="activity-sheet-content">
          <h2 class="activity-sheet-title">优惠活动</h2>
          <ul class="list">
            <li class="activity-item" v-for="(support, index) in info.supports"
                :key="index" :class="supportClasses[support.type]">
            <span class="content-tag">
                <span class="mini-tag">{{}}</span>
              <span class="activity-content">{{support.content}}</span>
          <div class="activity-sheet-close" @click="toggleSupportShow">
            <span class="iconfont icon-close"></span>
        <div class="activity-sheet-cover"></div>

	import {mapState} from 'vuex'
  export default {
    data () {
      return {
        supportClasses: ['activity-green', 'activity-red', 'activity-orange'],
        shopShow: false,
        supportShow: false
    computed: {

    methods: {
      toggleShopShow () {
        this.shopShow = !this.shopShow

      toggleSupportShow () {
        this.supportShow = !this.supportShow

<style lang="stylus" scoped>

  @import "../../common/stylus/mixins.styl"

    height 100%
    position relative
    background #fff
    color #fff
    overflow hidden
      background-size cover
      background-repeat no-repeat
      height 40px
      padding 5px 10px
      position relative
        content ""
        position absolute
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        background-color rgba(119, 103, 137, .43)
        position: absolute
        top: 10px
        left: 0
          display: block
          padding: 5px
          font-size: 20px
          color: #fff

      padding 30px 20px 5px 20px
      position relative
      display flex
      background #fff
      text-align center
        box-shadow: 0 0 0.4vw 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 50%;
        width: 66px
        height: 66px
        border-radius: 2px
        margin-left -33px
        margin-top -40px
        flex 1
        width 72%
          font-size 20px
          line-height 24px
          font-weight 700
          white-space nowrap
          position relative
          display flex
          align-items center
          justify-content center
          color #333
            border-radius 2px
            background-image linear-gradient(90deg, #fff100, #ffe339)
            width 36px
            height: 18px
            margin-right 10px
            color #6a3709
            font-style normal
            font-weight 700
            position relative
              position absolute
              left 0
              top 0
              right -100%
              bottom -100%
              font-size 24px
              font-weight 600
              transform scale(.5)
              transform-origin 0 0
              display flex
              align-items center
              justify-content center
            font-weight 700
            text-align left
            overflow hidden
            text-overflow ellipsis
            width 20px
            position relative
            height 16px
              content ""
              border-style solid
              border-width: 6px 0 6px 7px
              border-color transparent transparent transparent rgba(0, 0, 0, .67)
              position absolute
              left 8px
              top 3px
        white-space nowrap
        height 12px
        margin-top 8px
        font-size 11px
        color #333
          content " \B7 "
          opacity .2
        width 63%
        font-size 11px
        font-weight 300
        color #999
        overflow hidden
        text-overflow ellipsis
        margin 8px auto 10px
        white-space nowrap

      display flex
      background #fff
      border-radius 1px
      border 1px solid #eee
      padding 5px 7px
      font-size 11px
      color #666
      margin 0 30px
      align-items center
        flex 1
        overflow hidden
          display flex
          align-items center
            border-radius 1px
            width 25px
            height 13px
            margin-right 5px
            color #fff
            font-style normal
            font-weight 700
            position relative
            background-color rgb(112, 188, 70)
              position absolute
              left 0
              top 0
              right -100%
              bottom -100%
              font-size 18px
              font-weight 600
              transform scale(.5)
              transform-origin 0 0
              display flex
              align-items center
              justify-content center

        width 50px
        flex-shrink 0
        position relative
        padding-right 10px
        text-align right
          content ""
          display block
          border-style solid
          border-width 4px 4px 0
          border-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .57) transparent transparent
          position absolute
          top 50%
          transform translateY(-50%)
          right 0

      position fixed
      top 0
      left 0
      right 0
      bottom 0
      display flex
      justify-content center
      align-items center
      z-index 52
      flex-direction column
      color #333
        transition opacity .5s
        opacity 0
        position absolute
        width 100%
        height 100%
        top 0
        left 0
        background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)
        z-index 1

        position relative
        width 80%
        padding 25px 20px
        border-radius 5px
        background #fff
        z-index 99
        display flex
        flex-direction column
          font-size 20px
          line-height 24px
          font-weight 700
          white-space nowrap
          position relative
          display flex
          align-items center
          justify-content center
          > span
            font-weight 600
            border-radius 2px
            background-image linear-gradient(90deg, #fff100, #ffe339)
            width 36px
            height: 18px
            margin-right 10px
            color #6a3709
            font-style normal
            position relative
              position absolute
              left 0
              top 0
              right -100%
              bottom -100%
              font-size 24px
              transform scale(.5)
              transform-origin 0 0
              display flex
              align-items center
              justify-content center
          display flex
          margin 20px -10px 0
          > li
            flex 1
            text-align center
            > h3
              font-size 15px
              font-weight 600
              color #333
              margin-bottom 8px
            > p
              font-size 12px
              color #999
          position relative
          text-align center
          margin 15px auto 15px
          width 85px
          background-image linear-gradient(90deg, #fff, #333 50%, #fff)
          background-size 100% 1px
          background-position 50%
          background-repeat no-repeat
          > span
            font-size 12px
            padding 0 6px
            color #999
            background-color #fff
          font-size 13px
          line-height 1.54
          color #333
          overflow-y auto

          position absolute
          bottom -60px
          left 50%
          padding 6px
          border 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .7)
          border-radius 50%
          transform translateX(-50%)
            font-size 16px
            color rgba(255, 255, 255, .7)
      position fixed
      top 0
      left 0
      width 100%
      height 100%
      z-index 99
        position absolute
        background-color #f5f5f5
        box-shadow 0 -1px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .4)
        bottom 0
        left 0
        right 0
        z-index 100
        padding 20px 30px
        box-sizing border-box
        transition transform .2s
        will-change transform
        color #333
          text-align center
          font-size 20px
          font-weight 600
          margin-bottom 20px
          font-size 16px
          height 160px
          overflow-y auto
            margin-bottom 12px
            display flex
            font-size 13px
            align-items center
                background-color rgb(112, 188, 70)
                background-color rgb(240, 115, 115)
                background-color: rgb(241, 136, 79)
              display inline-block
              border-radius 2px
              width 36px
              height: 18px
              margin-right 10px
              color #fff
              font-style normal
              position relative
                position absolute
                left 0
                top 0
                right -100%
                bottom -100%
                font-size 24px
                transform scale(.5)
                transform-origin 0 0
                display flex
                align-items center
                justify-content center
          position absolute
          right 6px
          top 10px
          width 25px
          height 25px
          > span
            font-size 20px

        position absolute
        width 100%
        height 100%
        top 0
        left 0
        background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)
  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


