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原创 Error description: Error during query execution. Operation 'setPosition' failed.

[scidb@co96 bin]$ iquery -q  "SELECT  P.objID,P.u,P.g,P.r, P.i,P.z FROM Galaxy$num AS P JOIN Star$num AS  S ON  P.parentID=S.parentID WHERE  P.parentID>0;"UserException in file: src/query/ops/filter

2016-12-28 15:59:30 444

原创 readyPos

src\array\StreamArray.cpp:390MultiStreamArray::nextChunkConstChunk const*MultiStreamArray::nextChunk(AttributeID attId, MemChunk& chunk){ static const char *funcName = "MultiStreamArray::n

2016-12-28 15:34:28 263

原创 结果数组

ConstChunk const*MultiStreamArray::nextChunk(AttributeID attId, MemChunk& chunk){    static const char *funcName = "MultiStreamArray::nextChunk: ";    ASSERT_EXCEPTION( (attId     assert

2016-12-27 19:00:13 354

转载 去掉csv第一行

在用MR或Spark处理较大的csv文件时,经常会遇到这么一个问题,csv文件的第一行往往是列名,怎么办呢?我有一个简单的方法sed 1d dual.txt > noheader.txt  用sed 1d就可以把dual.txt文件的第一行去掉,>是指将前面的命令的结果覆盖到noheader.txt,>>就是追加了。

2016-12-27 16:34:18 5258 1

原创 CMakeLists.txt

[scidb@coordinate ~]$ sudo grep -r 'Storage.cpp' /home/scidb/data/scidbtrunk/Binary file /home/scidb/data/scidbtrunk/src.zip matches/home/scidb/data/scidbtrunk/src/smgr/io/CMakeLists.txt:    Stora

2016-12-26 14:38:59 284

原创 gcc 4.9 g++ gfortran 安装


2016-12-26 09:52:50 6291

原创 一个数组有多少个属性

const ArrayDesc& desc = arrayToPull->getArrayDesc();for (AttributeID a = 0, n = desc.getAttributes().size(); a

2016-12-25 21:17:45 637

原创 查询执行完成

src\network\ClientMessageHandleJob.cpp:921 查询执行完成void ClientMessageHandleJob::completeQuery(){ const scidb::SciDB& scidb = getSciDBExecutor(); const QueryID queryID = _messageDesc->ge

2016-12-25 10:00:07 258

原创 pull指定属性

std::shared_ptr redistributeWithCallback(std::shared_ptr& inputArray, PullSGArrayBlocking::ChunkHandler& chunkHandler,

2016-12-24 20:59:12 326

原创 删除iscsi上的存储

删除iscsi上的存储lvdisplaylvremove  /dev/iscsi18/vm-888-disk-1删除磁盘空间pvdisplayvgreduce  pve /dev/sda3Linux逻辑盘卷管理LVM详解关键字:Linux LVM 磁盘管理 盘卷 文件系统

2016-12-23 21:26:39 6159

原创 容器set find

// set::find#include #include int main (){ std::set myset; std::set::iterator it; // set some initial values: for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) myset.insert(i*10); // set: 10 20 30 40 50 it=myset.find(20); mys

2016-12-23 14:59:59 779

原创 error:multiple definition of x

问题描述:在一个头文件a.h中定义一些变量x,在其他.c文件中(b.c,c.c)要用到。用一般的全局变量的方法,编译时总是提示error:multiple definition of x问题分析:orz,我找了好久,具体原因到现在还不知道,只是有人说全局变量的定义不要放在头文件里面。看来回头要好好学习一下基础了。解决方法:1.给每一个头文件加上条件编译:

2016-12-23 14:48:23 451

原创 _resultsMap

/** * Class which associating active queries with warnings queues on client, so it easy to add new * warning from anywhere when it received from server */class SciDBWarnings: public Singleton

2016-12-23 10:23:25 186

原创 属性ID

include\array\Metadata.hprivate:    AttributeID _id;    std::string _name;    std::set _aliases;    TypeId _type;    int16_t _flags;    uint16_t _defaultCompressionMethod;    int16_t

2016-12-22 14:53:03 389

原创 join on

SELECT  P.objID,P.u,P.g,P.r, P.i,P.z FROM Galaxy$num AS P JOIN Star$num AS  S ON  P.parentID=S.parentIDWHERE  P.parentID>0;for (size_t i = 0; pureDDJoin && (i     {        LOG4CXX_TRACE(

2016-12-22 10:31:38 206

原创 查询词

enum child{ // abstraction    abstractionArgBindings              = 0,    abstractionArgBody, // application    applicationArgOperator              = 0,    applicationArgOperands, 

2016-12-22 09:10:52 304

原创 project

case namedExpr:            {                LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Item is named expression");                // If reference is attribute, we must do PROJECT                bool doProject

2016-12-21 21:48:29 431

原创 join左右数组

LQPNPtr Translator::passGeneralizedJoin(const Node* ast, size_t depthOperator){    checkDepthOperator(depthOperator);    LOG4CXX_TRACE(logger, "Translating JOIN-ON clause...");    LQPN

2016-12-21 16:53:18 539

原创 语法解析

scidb::parser::Translator::passJoinsbr scidb::parser::Translator::passFilterClausescidb::parser::Translator::passSelectList

2016-12-21 12:02:48 258

原创 回调函数

#include#include#include#include#define SIZE 100  cout       int j, nptrs;        void *buffer[100];

2016-12-19 16:11:02 184

原创 psHashPartitioned

/** * @file ArrayDistribution.h * * This file contains code needed by by several components: the Operators, * the Arrays and Storage, the query compiler and optimization, and probably others.

2016-12-19 15:06:22 211

原创 scidb编译

先不关闭scidb编译 不要preparesudo rm -rf /opt/scidb/15.7/bin/sudo mkdir -p /opt/scidb/15.7/bin/将编译好的分到各个节点。不要prepare 直接打开就好。

2016-12-18 16:59:02 287

原创 database "mydb" is being accessed by other users

ERROR:  database "mydb" is being accessed by other usersDETAIL:  There are 6 other session(s) using the database.sudo ps aux | grep scidb | xargs sudo kill -9

2016-12-18 16:25:37 1565

原创 OceanBase

简介  OceanBase是阿里集团研发的可扩展的关系数据库,实现了数千亿条记录、数百TB数据上的跨行跨表事务,截止到2012年8月,支持了收藏夹、直通车报表、天猫评价等OLTP和OLAP在线业务,线上数据量已经超过一千亿条。  从模块划分的角度看,OceanBase可以划分为四个模块:主控服务器RootServer、更新服务器UpdateServer、基线数据服务器ChunkServer

2016-12-16 15:08:49 559

原创 join执行

LQPNPtr Translator::passJoins(const Node *ast, size_t depthOperator){ checkDepthOperator(depthOperator); // Left part holding result of join constantly but initially it empty LQPNPtr lef

2016-12-15 22:34:50 188

原创 再次安装scidb初始化失败

先将scidb节点关掉,编译scidb,将scidb.py stopall mydb。sudo rm -rf /opt/scidb/15.7/bin/sudo mkdir -p /opt/scidb/15.7/bin/将编译好的分到各个节点。scidb_prepare

2016-12-15 19:42:55 304

原创 语法树

scidb::parser::Translator::passGeneralizedJoinscidb::parser::Translator::passGeneralizedJoinOnClausescidb::OperatorLibrary::createLogicalOperatorInferred schema for operator scan

2016-12-15 17:07:09 2020

原创 ast

br scidb::parser::Translator::Translatorbr scidb::parser::translatePlan(gdb) p n->_where->begin->column$27 = 1(gdb) p *n$24 = {_vptr.Node = 0x24aa1d0, _type = scidb::parser::selectArray,

2016-12-13 13:42:53 233

原创 join breakpoint

br scidb::LruMemChunk::writebr scidb::PullSGArrayBlocking::pullChunkbr scidb::PullSGArrayBlocking::pullAttributesbr scidb::sg::redistributeWithCallbackbr scidb::redistributeToRandomAcces

2016-12-12 22:20:59 225

原创 _outputIters

/** * The volatile iterator can also write chunks to the array */class ArrayIterator : public ConstArrayIterator std::vector > _outputIters;

2016-12-12 21:17:40 195

原创 hash

scidb::CrossJoinChunkIterator::operator++ void CrossJoinChunkIterator::operator ++()    {        if (!hasCurrent)            throw USER_EXCEPTION(SCIDB_SE_EXECUTION, SCIDB_LE_NO_CURRENT_ELEMEN

2016-12-12 17:04:23 163

原创 SimiJoin

SimiJoinis the semi-join [11] computing the matching rows in S. That is, according to the above formula the left outer join of S and L can be computed as the union of the inner join of

2016-12-12 11:22:21 283

原创 currentResultArray

#8  0x00000000014772d8 in scidb::QueryProcessorImpl::execute (this=0x43285d0,     query=std::shared_ptr (count 10) 0x41dc230) at /home/scidb/data/scidbtrunk/src/query/QueryProcessor.cpp:269269    

2016-12-12 10:19:46 240

原创 join连接

_id = 58, _name = "psfMagErr_g" _id = 59, _name = "psfMagErr_r"只涉及1个属性,为什么把所有的属性都pull?

2016-12-11 22:29:48 183

原创 MAX 24 vcpus allowed per VM on this node

TASK ERROR: MAX 24 vcpus allowed per VM on this node

2016-12-11 21:58:40 3137

原创 LruMemChunk SharedMemCache::getLru().end()

scidb::LruMemChunk::pushToLru (this=0x4f45aa0) at /home/scidb/data/scidbtrunk/src/array/MemChunk.cpp:402402             assert(isEmpty());(gdb) sscidb::LruMemChunk::isEmpty (this=0x4f45aa0) at /

2016-12-11 19:38:49 193

原创 chunk.size

PhotoObjAll100000(gdb) p  chunk.size$20 = 800072800072=0.76300811767578125MB5.2. Chunk Size SelectionThe selection of chunk size in a dimension plays an important role in

2016-12-11 16:43:17 557

原创 PullSGArrayBlocking::pullChunk

PullSGArrayBlocking::pullAttributesPullSGArrayBlocking::pullChunkPullSGArrayBlocking::pullChunk: trying to consume chunk for attId=113WriteChunkToArrayFunc: trying to consume chunk for a

2016-12-11 16:30:37 145


/** * The array interface provides metadata about the array, including its handle, type and * array descriptors. * To access the data in the array, a constant (read-only) iterator can be request

2016-12-11 16:01:43 981

原创 iquery -t -aq

scidb.py startall mydb/home/scidb/script/mkdir.shinterval=10path=1GB  # define varnum= /home/scidb/script/query$num/CreateArray$num.shiquery -t -aq  "load(Neighbors$num, '/home/sci

2016-12-11 15:34:00 207



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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