Detect whether two rectangles have common area or not -- Amazon


Write a function to check if two rectangles defined as below, have common area or not. 

The functions take the top left and bottom right coordinate as input 

and return 1 if they have common area, otherwise return 0.


#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

typedef struct{

    int x;

    int y;

} Point;

bool IsPointInside(Point &p, Point& topLeft, Point& bottomRight)


    if(p.x < bottomRight.x && p.x > topLeft.x && p.y < bottomRight.y && p.y > topLeft.y){

        return true;


    return false;


bool HasCommonArea(Point& topLeft1, Point& bottomRight1, Point& topLeft2, Point& bottomRight2)


    if(IsPointInside(topLeft1, topLeft2, bottomRight2)){

        return true;


    if(IsPointInside(bottomRight1, topLeft2, bottomRight2)){

        return true;


    Point bottomLeft = {topLeft1.x, bottomRight1.y};

    if(IsPointInside(bottomLeft, topLeft2, bottomRight2)){

        return true;


    Point topRight = {bottomRight1.x, topLeft1.y};

    if(IsPointInside(topRight, topLeft2, bottomRight2)){

        return true;


    return false;


int main(int argc, char* argv[])


    for(int i = 0; i < 20; ++ i){

        Point topLeft1;

        Point bottomRight1;

        Point topLeft2;

        Point bottomRight2;

        topLeft1.x = rand() % 20 + 1;

        topLeft1.y = rand() % 20 + 1;

        bottomRight1.x = rand() % 20 + 1 + topLeft1.x;

        bottomRight1.y = rand() % 20 + 1 + topLeft1.y;


        cout << "Rectangle 1 is ";

        cout << "Topleft(" << setw(2) <<topLeft1.x << ", ";

        cout << setw(2) <<topLeft1.y << ")";

        cout << "bottomRight(" << setw(2) <<bottomRight1.x << ", ";

        cout << setw(2) <<bottomRight1.y << ")" << endl;

        topLeft2.x = rand() % 20 + 1;

        topLeft2.y = rand() % 20 + 1;

        bottomRight2.x = rand() % 20 + 1 + topLeft2.x;

        bottomRight2.y = rand() % 20 + 1 + topLeft2.y;

        cout << "Rectangle 2 is ";

        cout << "Topleft(" << setw(2) << topLeft2.x << ", ";

        cout << setw(2) <<topLeft2.y << ")";

        cout << "bottomRight(" << setw(2) <<bottomRight2.x << ", ";

        cout << setw(2) <<bottomRight2.y << ")" << endl;

        if(HasCommonArea(topLeft1, bottomRight1, topLeft2, bottomRight2)){

            cout << "The two rectangles have common area" << endl;



            cout << "The two rectangles DON'T have common area" << endl;


        cout << "-------------------------------" << endl << endl;


return 0;



Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 2,  8)bottomRight(17,  9)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(10,  5)bottomRight(29, 24)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 3,  5)bottomRight( 9, 11)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 2,  8)bottomRight( 4, 20)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(16,  3)bottomRight(24, 20)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(12,  5)bottomRight(15, 19)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(13,  3)bottomRight(15, 20)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(19, 16)bottomRight(27, 23)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(12, 19)bottomRight(22, 32)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 8, 20)bottomRight(24, 35)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 4, 12)bottomRight( 7, 26)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(14,  5)bottomRight(16, 17)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(14,  9)bottomRight(22, 14)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 3, 18)bottomRight(21, 38)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 4,  2)bottomRight(14, 21)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(17, 16)bottomRight(28, 19)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 9,  7)bottomRight(10, 10)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 5,  9)bottomRight(12, 15)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(11, 10)bottomRight(22, 21)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 7,  2)bottomRight(21, 11)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(10,  4)bottomRight(15, 19)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(17,  1)bottomRight(24, 18)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(12,  9)bottomRight(17, 29)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 7,  4)bottomRight(25, 23)

The two rectangles have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(19,  3)bottomRight(29,  5)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(14, 16)bottomRight(34, 35)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 5, 11)bottomRight(23, 18)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(14,  7)bottomRight(16, 13)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 5, 13)bottomRight(16, 23)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(18, 14)bottomRight(36, 27)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 7, 11)bottomRight( 9, 28)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(16,  8)bottomRight(32, 23)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft(12, 13)bottomRight(23, 24)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 2,  5)bottomRight( 9, 16)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 8, 12)bottomRight(16, 30)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft(18,  8)bottomRight(32, 12)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 6, 10)bottomRight(16, 29)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 2,  9)bottomRight( 5, 16)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


Rectangle 1 is Topleft( 7, 11)bottomRight(21, 20)

Rectangle 2 is Topleft( 1, 12)bottomRight( 4, 28)

The two rectangles DON'T have common area


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