IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2014 Industry Track Call for Papers

IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2014Industry Track Call for Papers

Beijing China August17-20, 2014

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Fullpaper/short paper/extended abstract submission deadline       May 23, 2014 (extended)


Social network analysis and mining techniquesare being widely applied in industrial settings. In many cases such techniquesare incubating and defining new industry sectors. Industry research in relatedareas is growing fast and a lot of exciting ideas, and innovative techniques and applications originated from these industryresearch activities.

The Industrial Track of the 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advancesin Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM) seeks submissions in allsubmission categories (8-page full papers, 3-page short papers, and 1-pageextended abstracts) to showcase recent advances in social network analysis andmining research with direct industry relevance, to discuss emerging trends andchallenges with practical implications, and to facilitate interactions betweenacademia and industry in this vital area of study of growing interests.

All papers submitted to ASONAM 2014 IndustrialTrack will be peer-reviewed. Compared to the ASONAM regular track (for whichpaper submission is already closed), Industrial Track papers do notnecessarily need to contain majormethodological advances, algorithmic contributions, or rigorous experimentalvalidation. Rather, the emphasis will be on industrial innovations, clearpractical relevance, interesting lessons learned through significant practice,or new classes of applications which might open up new venues for interestingacademic work.

Contributions from both industry R&Dgroupsand the academia are welcome. Note that industry should be broadlyinterpreted in this call, encompassing both private and public sectors.

In many related top-rated conferences, paperspresented at the industry tracks tend to draw large audience and generateinteresting discussions, and many among them become well-cited work down theroad. In addition to regular presentation-based industry track sessions at theconference, we will also organize an all-inclusive Industry Poster Session toencourage exchange of ideas between academic researchers, industry researchers,and practitioners. Depending on the availability of presentation slots, aportion of accepted Industry Track papers might be scheduled for posterpresentation only. In addition, we will also organize an Industry System DemoSession.

Industry teams that plan to give a Poster presentation or show a Demo but donot have full or short paper submissions, are requested to contribute 1-pageextended abstracts, which will be reviewed and, if accepted, will be includedin the conference proceedings.

Key dates (extended)


Fullpaper/short paper/extended abstract submission deadline       May 23, 2014
Notification ofacceptance              June 16, 2014

Camera-ready papersdue              June24, 2014
Conferenceevents                          August17-20, 2014

Paper submission

All papers need to be prepared in Englishusing the IEEE CPS two-column template. The maximum length for full papers/shortpapers/extended abstracts is 8/3/1 pages, respectively. Papers should besubmitted to the Conference Web site:

Paper submission implies that the intent is for one of the authors to presentthe paper in person at the conference if accepted and that at least one of theauthors will register under the full conference registration category.


All accepted papers (including the extendedabstracts) will be included in the ASONAM 2014 Conference Proceedings andforwarded for inclusion in IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL), IEEE Xploreand the ACM Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted forEI indexing through INSPEC by IEEE.


Industry Track Chairs

Daniel Zeng, Institute of Automation, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, China and University of Arizona, USA

Xueqi Cheng, Institute of ComputingTechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Jie Cao, Nanjing University of Finance andEconomics, China



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