














class BlocksMap {
   * Internal class for block metadata.
  static class BlockInfo extends Block implements LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement {
    private INodeFile          inode;

    /** For implementing {@link LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement} interface */
    private LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement nextLinkedElement;

     * This array contains triplets of references.
     * For each i-th data-node the block belongs to
     * triplets[3*i] is the reference to the DatanodeDescriptor
     * and triplets[3*i+1] and triplets[3*i+2] are references 
     * to the previous and the next blocks, respectively, in the 
     * list of blocks belonging to this data-node.
    private Object[] triplets;

    BlockInfo(Block blk, int replication) {
      this.triplets = new Object[3*replication];
      this.inode = null;

    INodeFile getINode() {
      return inode;

    DatanodeDescriptor getDatanode(int index) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      DatanodeDescriptor node = (DatanodeDescriptor)triplets[index*3];
      assert node == null || 
          DatanodeDescriptor.class.getName().equals(node.getClass().getName()) : 
                "DatanodeDescriptor is expected at " + index*3;
      return node;

    BlockInfo getPrevious(int index) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3+1 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      BlockInfo info = (BlockInfo)triplets[index*3+1];
      assert info == null || 
          BlockInfo.class.getName().equals(info.getClass().getName()) : 
                "BlockInfo is expected at " + index*3;
      return info;

    BlockInfo getNext(int index) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3+2 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      BlockInfo info = (BlockInfo)triplets[index*3+2];
      assert info == null || 
          BlockInfo.class.getName().equals(info.getClass().getName()) : 
                "BlockInfo is expected at " + index*3;
      return info;

    void setDatanode(int index, DatanodeDescriptor node) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      triplets[index*3] = node;

    void setPrevious(int index, BlockInfo to) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3+1 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      triplets[index*3+1] = to;

    void setNext(int index, BlockInfo to) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert index >= 0 && index*3+2 < triplets.length : "Index is out of bound";
      triplets[index*3+2] = to;

    private int getCapacity() {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert triplets.length % 3 == 0 : "Malformed BlockInfo";
      return triplets.length / 3;

     * Ensure that there is enough  space to include num more triplets.
     *      * @return first free triplet index.
    private int ensureCapacity(int num) {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      int last = numNodes();
      if(triplets.length >= (last+num)*3)
        return last;
      /* Not enough space left. Create a new array. Should normally 
       * happen only when replication is manually increased by the user. */
      Object[] old = triplets;
      triplets = new Object[(last+num)*3];
      for(int i=0; i < last*3; i++) {
        triplets[i] = old[i];
      return last;

     * Count the number of data-nodes the block belongs to.
    int numNodes() {
      assert this.triplets != null : "BlockInfo is not initialized";
      assert triplets.length % 3 == 0 : "Malformed BlockInfo";
      for(int idx = getCapacity()-1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
        if(getDatanode(idx) != null)
          return idx+1;
      return 0;

     * Add data-node this block belongs to.
    boolean addNode(DatanodeDescriptor node) {
      if(findDatanode(node) >= 0) // the node is already there
        return false;
      // find the last null node
      int lastNode = ensureCapacity(1);
      setDatanode(lastNode, node);
      setNext(lastNode, null);
      setPrevious(lastNode, null);
      return true;

     * Remove data-node from the block.
    boolean removeNode(DatanodeDescriptor node) {
      int dnIndex = findDatanode(node);
      if(dnIndex < 0) // the node is not found
        return false;
      assert getPrevious(dnIndex) == null && getNext(dnIndex) == null : 
        "Block is still in the list and must be removed first.";
      // find the last not null node
      int lastNode = numNodes()-1; 
      // replace current node triplet by the lastNode one 
      setDatanode(dnIndex, getDatanode(lastNode));
      setNext(dnIndex, getNext(lastNode)); 
      setPrevious(dnIndex, getPrevious(lastNode)); 
      // set the last triplet to null
      setDatanode(lastNode, null);
      setNext(lastNode, null); 
      setPrevious(lastNode, null); 
      return true;

     * Find specified DatanodeDescriptor.
     * @param dn
     * @return index or -1 if not found.
    int findDatanode(DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      int len = getCapacity();
      for(int idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
        DatanodeDescriptor cur = getDatanode(idx);
        if(cur == dn)
          return idx;
        if(cur == null)
      return -1;

     * Insert this block into the head of the list of blocks 
     * related to the specified DatanodeDescriptor.
     * If the head is null then form a new list.
     * @return current block as the new head of the list.
    BlockInfo listInsert(BlockInfo head, DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      int dnIndex = this.findDatanode(dn);
      assert dnIndex >= 0 : "Data node is not found: current";
      assert getPrevious(dnIndex) == null && getNext(dnIndex) == null : 
              "Block is already in the list and cannot be inserted.";
      this.setPrevious(dnIndex, null);
      this.setNext(dnIndex, head);
      if(head != null)
        head.setPrevious(head.findDatanode(dn), this);
      return this;

     * Remove this block from the list of blocks 
     * related to the specified DatanodeDescriptor.
     * If this block is the head of the list then return the next block as 
     * the new head.
     * @return the new head of the list or null if the list becomes
     * empy after deletion.
    BlockInfo listRemove(BlockInfo head, DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      if(head == null)
        return null;
      int dnIndex = this.findDatanode(dn);
      if(dnIndex < 0) // this block is not on the data-node list
        return head;

      BlockInfo next = this.getNext(dnIndex);
      BlockInfo prev = this.getPrevious(dnIndex);
      this.setNext(dnIndex, null);
      this.setPrevious(dnIndex, null);
      if(prev != null)
        prev.setNext(prev.findDatanode(dn), next);
      if(next != null)
        next.setPrevious(next.findDatanode(dn), prev);
      if(this == head)  // removing the head
        head = next;
      return head;

    int listCount(DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      int count = 0;
      for(BlockInfo cur = this; cur != null;
            cur = cur.getNext(cur.findDatanode(dn)))
      return count;

    boolean listIsConsistent(DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      // going forward
      int count = 0;
      BlockInfo next, nextPrev;
      BlockInfo cur = this;
      while(cur != null) {
        next = cur.getNext(cur.findDatanode(dn));
        if(next != null) {
          nextPrev = next.getPrevious(next.findDatanode(dn));
          if(cur != nextPrev) {
            System.out.println("Inconsistent list: cur->next->prev != cur");
            return false;
        cur = next;
      return true;

    public LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement getNext() {
      return nextLinkedElement;

    public void setNext(LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement next) {
      this.nextLinkedElement = next;

        BlockInfo的triplets[3*i]保存数据节点信息,类型为DatanodeDescriptor,它是DatanodeInfo的子类,而 DatanodeInfo又是DatanodeID的子类,同时,DatanodeDescriptor也拥有一些内部类。在前面接触的DatanodeInfo,通过它可以定位一个数据节点,并了解该节点的一些状态,在数据节点和名字节点、客户端和名字节点的IPC接口中都有DatanodeInfo的应用。










public class DatanodeDescriptor extends DatanodeInfo {
  // Stores status of decommissioning.
  // If node is not decommissioning, do not use this object for anything.
  DecommissioningStatus decommissioningStatus = new DecommissioningStatus();

  /** Block and targets pair */
  public static class BlockTargetPair {
    public final Block block;
    public final DatanodeDescriptor[] targets;    

    BlockTargetPair(Block block, DatanodeDescriptor[] targets) {
      this.block = block;
      this.targets = targets;

  /** A BlockTargetPair queue. */
  private static class BlockQueue {
    private final Queue<BlockTargetPair> blockq = new LinkedList<BlockTargetPair>();
   private volatile BlockInfo blockList = null;
  // isAlive == heartbeats.contains(this)
  // This is an optimization, because contains takes O(n) time on Arraylist
  protected boolean isAlive = false;
  protected boolean needKeyUpdate = false;

  // A system administrator can tune the balancer bandwidth parameter
  // (dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec) dynamically by calling
  // "dfsadmin -setBalanacerBandwidth <newbandwidth>", at which point the
  // following 'bandwidth' variable gets updated with the new value for each
  // node. Once the heartbeat command is issued to update the value on the
  // specified datanode, this value will be set back to 0.
  private long bandwidth;

  /** A queue of blocks to be replicated by this datanode */
  private BlockQueue replicateBlocks = new BlockQueue();
  /** A queue of blocks to be recovered by this datanode */
  private BlockQueue recoverBlocks = new BlockQueue();
  /** A set of blocks to be invalidated by this datanode */
  private Set<Block> invalidateBlocks = new TreeSet<Block>();

  // Set to false after processing first block report
  private boolean firstBlockReport = true; 
  class DecommissioningStatus {
    int underReplicatedBlocks;
    int decommissionOnlyReplicas;
    int underReplicatedInOpenFiles;
    long startTime;



 * DatanodeDescriptor tracks stats on a given DataNode,
 * such as available storage capacity, last update time, etc.,
 * and maintains a set of blocks stored on the datanode. 
 * This data structure is a data structure that is internal
 * to the namenode. It is *not* sent over-the-wire to the Client
 * or the Datnodes. Neither is it stored persistently in the
 * fsImage.

public class DatanodeDescriptor extends DatanodeInfo {
   * Add data-node to the block.
   * Add block to the head of the list of blocks belonging to the data-node.
  boolean addBlock(BlockInfo b) {
      return false;
    // add to the head of the data-node list
    blockList = b.listInsert(blockList, this);
    return true;

 * This class maintains the map from a block to its metadata.
 * block's metadata currently includes INode it belongs to and
 * the datanodes that store the block.
class BlocksMap {
   * Internal class for block metadata.
  static class BlockInfo extends Block implements LightWeightGSet.LinkedElement {

     * Add data-node this block belongs to.
    boolean addNode(DatanodeDescriptor node) {
      if(findDatanode(node) >= 0) // the node is already there
        return false;
      // find the last null node
      int lastNode = ensureCapacity(1);
      setDatanode(lastNode, node);
      setNext(lastNode, null);
      setPrevious(lastNode, null);
      return true;

     * Insert this block into the head of the list of blocks 
     * related to the specified DatanodeDescriptor.
     * If the head is null then form a new list.
     * @return current block as the new head of the list.
    BlockInfo listInsert(BlockInfo head, DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
      int dnIndex = this.findDatanode(dn);
      assert dnIndex >= 0 : "Data node is not found: current";
      assert getPrevious(dnIndex) == null && getNext(dnIndex) == null : 
              "Block is already in the list and cannot be inserted.";
      this.setPrevious(dnIndex, null);
      this.setNext(dnIndex, head);
      if(head != null)
        head.setPrevious(head.findDatanode(dn), this);
      return this;




public class DatanodeDescriptor extends DatanodeInfo {

  BlockCommand getReplicationCommand(int maxTransfers) {
    List<BlockTargetPair> blocktargetlist = replicateBlocks.poll(maxTransfers);
    return blocktargetlist == null? null:
        new BlockCommand(DatanodeProtocol.DNA_TRANSFER, blocktargetlist);











 * FSNamesystem does the actual bookkeeping work for the
 * DataNode.
 * It tracks several important tables.
 * 1)  valid fsname --> blocklist  (kept on disk, logged)
 * 2)  Set of all valid blocks (inverted #1)
 * 3)  block --> machinelist (kept in memory, rebuilt dynamically from reports)
 * 4)  machine --> blocklist (inverted #2)
 * 5)  LRU cache of updated-heartbeat machines
public class FSNamesystem implements FSConstants, FSNamesystemMBean,
    NameNodeMXBean, MetricsSource {

  volatile long pendingReplicationBlocksCount = 0L;
  volatile long corruptReplicaBlocksCount = 0L;
  volatile long underReplicatedBlocksCount = 0L;
  volatile long scheduledReplicationBlocksCount = 0L;
  volatile long excessBlocksCount = 0L;
  volatile long pendingDeletionBlocksCount = 0L;
  // Stores the correct file name hierarchy
  public FSDirectory dir;

  // Mapping: Block -> { INode, datanodes, self ref } 
  // Updated only in response to client-sent information.
  final BlocksMap blocksMap = new BlocksMap(DEFAULT_INITIAL_MAP_CAPACITY, 

  // Store blocks-->datanodedescriptor(s) map of corrupt replicas
  public CorruptReplicasMap corruptReplicas = new CorruptReplicasMap();
   * Stores the datanode -> block map.  
   * <p>
   * Done by storing a set of {@link DatanodeDescriptor} objects, sorted by 
   * storage id. In order to keep the storage map consistent it tracks 
   * all storages ever registered with the namenode.
   * A descriptor corresponding to a specific storage id can be
   * <ul> 
   * <li>added to the map if it is a new storage id;</li>
   * <li>updated with a new datanode started as a replacement for the old one 
   * with the same storage id; and </li>
   * <li>removed if and only if an existing datanode is restarted to serve a
   * different storage id.</li>
   * </ul> <br>
   * The list of the {@link DatanodeDescriptor}s in the map is checkpointed
   * in the namespace image file. Only the {@link DatanodeInfo} part is 
   * persistent, the list of blocks is restored from the datanode block
   * reports. 
   * <p>
   * Mapping: StorageID -> DatanodeDescriptor
  NavigableMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor> datanodeMap = 
    new TreeMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor>();

  // Keeps a Collection for every named machine containing
  // blocks that have recently been invalidated and are thought to live
  // on the machine in question.
  // Mapping: StorageID -> ArrayList<Block>
  private Map<String, Collection<Block>> recentInvalidateSets = 
    new TreeMap<String, Collection<Block>>();

  // Keeps a TreeSet for every named node.  Each treeset contains
  // a list of the blocks that are "extra" at that location.  We'll
  // eventually remove these extras.
  // Mapping: StorageID -> TreeSet<Block>
  Map<String, Collection<Block>> excessReplicateMap = 
    new TreeMap<String, Collection<Block>>();

  Random r = new Random();

   * Stores a set of DatanodeDescriptor objects.
   * This is a subset of {@link #datanodeMap}, containing nodes that are 
   * considered alive.
   * The {@link HeartbeatMonitor} periodically checks for outdated entries,
   * and removes them from the list.
  ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> heartbeats = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();

 * Store set of Blocks that need to be replicated 1 or more times.
 * Set of: Block
  private UnderReplicatedBlocks neededReplications = new UnderReplicatedBlocks();
  // We also store pending replication-orders.
  private PendingReplicationBlocks pendingReplications;

  public LeaseManager leaseManager = new LeaseManager(this); 




      excessReplicateMap:多余副本,减少文件的副本数(可通过“hadoop fs -setrep”命令)会产生多余副本,名字节点启动时也可能发现多余副本,多余副本由名字节点在数据块的多个副本中选择得到。








public class CorruptReplicasMap{

  private Map<Block, Collection<DatanodeDescriptor>> corruptReplicasMap =
    new TreeMap<Block, Collection<DatanodeDescriptor>>();
   * Mark the block belonging to datanode as corrupt.
   * @param blk Block to be added to CorruptReplicasMap
   * @param dn DatanodeDescriptor which holds the corrupt replica
  public void addToCorruptReplicasMap(Block blk, DatanodeDescriptor dn) {
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nodes = getNodes(blk);
    if (nodes == null) {
      nodes = new TreeSet<DatanodeDescriptor>();
      corruptReplicasMap.put(blk, nodes);
    if (!nodes.contains(dn)) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK NameSystem.addToCorruptReplicasMap: "+
                                   blk.getBlockName() +
                                   " added as corrupt on " + dn.getName() +
                                   " by " + Server.getRemoteIp());
    } else {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK NameSystem.addToCorruptReplicasMap: "+
                                   "duplicate requested for " + 
                                   blk.getBlockName() + " to add as corrupt " +
                                   "on " + dn.getName() +
                                   " by " + Server.getRemoteIp());

   * Remove Block from CorruptBlocksMap
   * @param blk Block to be removed
  void removeFromCorruptReplicasMap(Block blk) {
    if (corruptReplicasMap != null) {

   * Remove the block at the given datanode from CorruptBlockMap
   * @param blk block to be removed
   * @param datanode datanode where the block is located
   * @return true if the removal is successful; 
             false if the replica is not in the map
  boolean removeFromCorruptReplicasMap(Block blk, DatanodeDescriptor datanode) {
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> datanodes = corruptReplicasMap.get(blk);
    if (datanodes==null)
      return false;
    if (datanodes.remove(datanode)) { // remove the replicas
      if (datanodes.isEmpty()) {
        // remove the block if there is no more corrupted replicas
      return true;
    return false;

   * Get Nodes which have corrupt replicas of Block
   * @param blk Block for which nodes are requested
   * @return collection of nodes. Null if does not exists
  Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> getNodes(Block blk) {
    return corruptReplicasMap.get(blk);

   * Check if replica belonging to Datanode is corrupt
   * @param blk Block to check
   * @param node DatanodeDescriptor which holds the replica
   * @return true if replica is corrupt, false if does not exists in this map
  boolean isReplicaCorrupt(Block blk, DatanodeDescriptor node) {
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nodes = getNodes(blk);
    return ((nodes != null) && (nodes.contains(node)));

  public int numCorruptReplicas(Block blk) {
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nodes = getNodes(blk);
    return (nodes == null) ? 0 : nodes.size();
  public int size() {
    return corruptReplicasMap.size();




class UnderReplicatedBlocks implements Iterable<Block> {
  static final int LEVEL = 3;
  private List<TreeSet<Block>> priorityQueues = new ArrayList<TreeSet<Block>>();
  /* constructor */
  UnderReplicatedBlocks() {
    for(int i=0; i<LEVEL; i++) {
      priorityQueues.add(new TreeSet<Block>());
/* Return the priority of a block
   * @param block a under replication block
   * @param curReplicas current number of replicas of the block
   * @param expectedReplicas expected number of replicas of the block
  private int getPriority(Block block, 
                          int curReplicas, 
                          int decommissionedReplicas,
                          int expectedReplicas) {
    if (curReplicas<0 || curReplicas>=expectedReplicas) {
      return LEVEL; // no need to replicate
    } else if(curReplicas==0) {
      // If there are zero non-decommissioned replica but there are
      // some decommissioned replicas, then assign them highest priority
      if (decommissionedReplicas > 0) {
        return 0;
      return 2; // keep these blocks in needed replication.
    } else if(curReplicas==1) {
      return 0; // highest priority
    } else if(curReplicas*3<expectedReplicas) {
      return 1;
    } else {
      return 2;










   * Rereads the config to get hosts and exclude list file names.
   * Rereads the files to update the hosts and exclude lists.  It
   * checks if any of the hosts have changed states:
   * 1. Added to hosts  --> no further work needed here.
   * 2. Removed from hosts --> mark AdminState as decommissioned. 
   * 3. Added to exclude --> start decommission.
   * 4. Removed from exclude --> stop decommission.
  public void refreshNodes(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    // Reread the config to get dfs.hosts and dfs.hosts.exclude filenames.
    // Update the file names and refresh internal includes and excludes list
    if (conf == null)
      conf = new Configuration();
                                conf.get("dfs.hosts.exclude", ""));
    synchronized (this) {
      for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = datanodeMap.values().iterator();
           it.hasNext();) {
        DatanodeDescriptor node = it.next();
        // Check if not include.
        if (!inHostsList(node, null)) {
          node.setDecommissioned();  // case 2.
        } else {
          if (inExcludedHostsList(node, null)) {
            if (!node.isDecommissionInProgress() && 
                !node.isDecommissioned()) {
              startDecommission(node);   // case 3.
          } else {
            if (node.isDecommissionInProgress() || 
                node.isDecommissioned()) {
              stopDecommission(node);   // case 4.

        撤销节点通过exclude文件,将要撤销的节点增加到文件中,然后还是执行“hadoop dfsadmin  - refreshNodes”命令,名字节点就会开始撤销数据节点。被撤销节点上的数据块会复制到集群的其他数据节点,这个过程中,数据节点处于“正在撤销”状态,数据复制完成后才会转移到“已撤销”,这个时候就可以关闭相应的数据节点了。







 public NamespaceInfo versionRequest() throws IOException {
    return namesystem.getNamespaceInfo();


  synchronized NamespaceInfo getNamespaceInfo() {
    return new NamespaceInfo(dir.fsImage.getNamespaceID(),









class Host2NodesMap {
  private HashMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor[]> map
    = new HashMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor[]>();


public synchronized void registerDatanode(DatanodeRegistration nodeReg
                                            ) throws IOException {
    String dnAddress = Server.getRemoteAddress();
    if (dnAddress == null) {
      // Mostly called inside an RPC.
      // But if not, use address passed by the data-node.
      dnAddress = nodeReg.getHost();

    // check if the datanode is allowed to be connect to the namenode
    if (!verifyNodeRegistration(nodeReg, dnAddress)) {
      throw new DisallowedDatanodeException(nodeReg);

    String hostName = nodeReg.getHost();
    // update the datanode's name with ip:port
    DatanodeID dnReg = new DatanodeID(dnAddress + ":" + nodeReg.getPort(),
    nodeReg.exportedKeys = getBlockKeys();
                                 "BLOCK* NameSystem.registerDatanode: "
                                 + "node registration from " + nodeReg.getName()
                                 + " storage " + nodeReg.getStorageID());

    DatanodeDescriptor nodeS = datanodeMap.get(nodeReg.getStorageID());
    DatanodeDescriptor nodeN = host2DataNodeMap.getDatanodeByName(nodeReg.getName());
    if (nodeN != null && nodeN != nodeS) {
      NameNode.LOG.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.registerDatanode: "
                        + "node from name: " + nodeN.getName());
      // nodeN previously served a different data storage, 
      // which is not served by anybody anymore.
      // physically remove node from datanodeMap
      nodeN = null;

    if (nodeS != null) {
      if (nodeN == nodeS) {
        // The same datanode has been just restarted to serve the same data 
        // storage. We do not need to remove old data blocks, the delta will
        // be calculated on the next block report from the datanode
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* NameSystem.registerDatanode: "
                                      + "node restarted.");
      } else {
        // nodeS is found
        /* The registering datanode is a replacement node for the existing 
          data storage, which from now on will be served by a new node.
          If this message repeats, both nodes might have same storageID 
          by (insanely rare) random chance. User needs to restart one of the
          nodes with its data cleared (or user can just remove the StorageID
          value in "VERSION" file under the data directory of the datanode,
          but this is might not work if VERSION file format has changed 
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.info( "BLOCK* NameSystem.registerDatanode: "
                                      + "node " + nodeS.getName()
                                      + " is replaced by " + nodeReg.getName() + 
                                      " with the same storageID " +
      // update cluster map
      // resolve network location
      // also treat the registration message as a heartbeat
      synchronized(heartbeats) {
        if( !heartbeats.contains(nodeS)) {
          //update its timestamp
          nodeS.updateHeartbeat(0L, 0L, 0L, 0);
          nodeS.isAlive = true;

    // this is a new datanode serving a new data storage
    if (nodeReg.getStorageID().equals("")) {
      // this data storage has never been registered
      // it is either empty or was created by pre-storageID version of DFS
      nodeReg.storageID = newStorageID();
                                    "BLOCK* NameSystem.registerDatanode: "
                                    + "new storageID " + nodeReg.getStorageID() + " assigned.");
    // register new datanode
    DatanodeDescriptor nodeDescr 
      = new DatanodeDescriptor(nodeReg, NetworkTopology.DEFAULT_RACK, hostName);
    // also treat the registration message as a heartbeat
    synchronized(heartbeats) {
      nodeDescr.isAlive = true;
      // no need to update its timestamp
      // because its is done when the descriptor is created



 private void removeDatanode(DatanodeDescriptor nodeInfo) {
    synchronized (heartbeats) {
      if (nodeInfo.isAlive) {
        updateStats(nodeInfo, false);
        nodeInfo.isAlive = false;

    for (Iterator<Block> it = nodeInfo.getBlockIterator(); it.hasNext();) {
      removeStoredBlock(it.next(), nodeInfo);

 void unprotectedRemoveDatanode(DatanodeDescriptor nodeDescr) {
                                  "BLOCK* NameSystem.unprotectedRemoveDatanode: "
                                  + nodeDescr.getName() + " is out of service now.");

  void wipeDatanode(DatanodeID nodeID) throws IOException {
    String key = nodeID.getStorageID();
                                  "BLOCK* NameSystem.wipeDatanode: "
                                  + nodeID.getName() + " storage " + key 
                                  + " is removed from datanodeMap.");
   * The given node is reporting all its blocks.  Use this info to 
   * update the (machine-->blocklist) and (block-->machinelist) tables.
  public synchronized void processReport(DatanodeID nodeID, 
                                         BlockListAsLongs newReport
                                        ) throws IOException {
    long startTime = now();
    if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* NameSystem.processReport: "
                             + "from " + nodeID.getName()+" " + 
                             newReport.getNumberOfBlocks()+" blocks");
    DatanodeDescriptor node = getDatanode(nodeID);
    if (node == null || !node.isAlive) {
      throw new IOException("ProcessReport from dead or unregisterted node: "
                            + nodeID.getName());

    // Check if this datanode should actually be shutdown instead.
    if (shouldNodeShutdown(node)) {
      throw new DisallowedDatanodeException(node);
    // To minimize startup time, we discard any second (or later) block reports
    // that we receive while still in startup phase.
    if (isInStartupSafeMode() && !node.firstBlockReport()) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.processReport: "
          + "discarded non-initial block report from " + nodeID.getName()
          + " because namenode still in startup phase");

    // Modify the (block-->datanode) map, according to the difference
    // between the old and new block report.
    Collection<Block> toAdd = new LinkedList<Block>();
    Collection<Block> toRemove = new LinkedList<Block>();
    Collection<Block> toInvalidate = new LinkedList<Block>();
    node.reportDiff(blocksMap, newReport, toAdd, toRemove, toInvalidate);
    for (Block b : toRemove) {
      removeStoredBlock(b, node);
    for (Block b : toAdd) {
      addStoredBlock(b, node, null);
    for (Block b : toInvalidate) {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.processReport: block " 
          + b + " on " + node.getName() + " size " + b.getNumBytes()
          + " does not belong to any file.");
      addToInvalidates(b, node);
    long endTime = now();
    NameNode.getNameNodeMetrics().addBlockReport(endTime - startTime);
    NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("*BLOCK* NameSystem.processReport: from "
        + nodeID.getName() + ", blocks: " + newReport.getNumberOfBlocks()
        + ", processing time: " + (endTime - startTime) + " msecs");
   * The given node has reported in.  This method should:
   * 1) Record the heartbeat, so the datanode isn't timed out
   * 2) Adjust usage stats for future block allocation
   * If a substantial amount of time passed since the last datanode 
   * heartbeat then request an immediate block report.  
   * @return an array of datanode commands 
   * @throws IOException
  DatanodeCommand[] handleHeartbeat(DatanodeRegistration nodeReg,
      long capacity, long dfsUsed, long remaining,
      int xceiverCount, int xmitsInProgress) throws IOException {
    DatanodeCommand cmd = null;
    synchronized (heartbeats) {
      synchronized (datanodeMap) {
        DatanodeDescriptor nodeinfo = null;
        try {
          nodeinfo = getDatanode(nodeReg);
        } catch(UnregisteredDatanodeException e) {
          return new DatanodeCommand[]{DatanodeCommand.REGISTER};
        // Check if this datanode should actually be shutdown instead. 
        if (nodeinfo != null && shouldNodeShutdown(nodeinfo)) {
          throw new DisallowedDatanodeException(nodeinfo);

        if (nodeinfo == null || !nodeinfo.isAlive) {
          return new DatanodeCommand[]{DatanodeCommand.REGISTER};

        updateStats(nodeinfo, false);
        nodeinfo.updateHeartbeat(capacity, dfsUsed, remaining, xceiverCount);
        updateStats(nodeinfo, true);
        //check lease recovery
        cmd = nodeinfo.getLeaseRecoveryCommand(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        if (cmd != null) {
          return new DatanodeCommand[] {cmd};
        ArrayList<DatanodeCommand> cmds = new ArrayList<DatanodeCommand>();
        //check pending replication
        cmd = nodeinfo.getReplicationCommand(
              maxReplicationStreams - xmitsInProgress);
        if (cmd != null) {
        //check block invalidation
        cmd = nodeinfo.getInvalidateBlocks(blockInvalidateLimit);
        if (cmd != null) {
        // check access key update
        if (isAccessTokenEnabled && nodeinfo.needKeyUpdate) {
          cmds.add(new KeyUpdateCommand(accessTokenHandler.exportKeys()));
          nodeinfo.needKeyUpdate = false;
        // check for balancer bandwidth update
        if (nodeinfo.getBalancerBandwidth() > 0) {
          cmds.add(new BalancerBandwidthCommand(nodeinfo.getBalancerBandwidth()));
          // set back to 0 to indicate that datanode has been sent the new value
        if (!cmds.isEmpty()) {
          return cmds.toArray(new DatanodeCommand[cmds.size()]);

    //check distributed upgrade
    cmd = getDistributedUpgradeCommand();
    if (cmd != null) {
      return new DatanodeCommand[] {cmd};
    return null;
   * Remove the specified number of blocks to be invalidated
  BlockCommand getInvalidateBlocks(int maxblocks) {
    Block[] deleteList = getBlockArray(invalidateBlocks, maxblocks); 
    return deleteList == null? 
        null: new BlockCommand(DatanodeProtocol.DNA_INVALIDATE, deleteList);
  class HeartbeatMonitor implements Runnable {
    private long lastHeartbeatCheck;
    private long lastAccessKeyUpdate;
    public void run() {
      while (fsRunning) {
        try {
          long now = now();
          if (lastHeartbeatCheck + heartbeatRecheckInterval < now) {
            lastHeartbeatCheck = now;
          if (isAccessTokenEnabled && (lastAccessKeyUpdate + accessKeyUpdateInterval < now)) {
            lastAccessKeyUpdate = now;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        try {
          Thread.sleep(5000);  // 5 seconds
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
   * Check if there are any expired heartbeats, and if so,
   * whether any blocks have to be re-replicated.
   * While removing dead datanodes, make sure that only one datanode is marked
   * dead at a time within the synchronized section. Otherwise, a cascading
   * effect causes more datanodes to be declared dead.
  void heartbeatCheck() {
    if (isInSafeMode()) {
      // not to check dead nodes if in safemode
    boolean allAlive = false;
    while (!allAlive) {
      boolean foundDead = false;
      DatanodeID nodeID = null;

      // locate the first dead node.
      synchronized(heartbeats) {
        for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = heartbeats.iterator();
             it.hasNext();) {
          DatanodeDescriptor nodeInfo = it.next();
          if (isDatanodeDead(nodeInfo)) {
            foundDead = true;
            nodeID = nodeInfo;

      // acquire the fsnamesystem lock, and then remove the dead node.
      if (foundDead) {
        synchronized (this) {
          synchronized(heartbeats) {
            synchronized (datanodeMap) {
              DatanodeDescriptor nodeInfo = null;
              try {
                nodeInfo = getDatanode(nodeID);
              } catch (IOException e) {
                nodeInfo = null;
              if (nodeInfo != null && isDatanodeDead(nodeInfo)) {
                NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.heartbeatCheck: "
                                             + "lost heartbeat from " + nodeInfo.getName());
      allAlive = !foundDead;

   * Modify (block-->datanode) map.  Remove block from set of 
   * needed replications if this takes care of the problem.
   * @return the block that is stored in blockMap.
  synchronized Block addStoredBlock(Block block, 
                                    DatanodeDescriptor node,
                                    DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint) {
    BlockInfo storedBlock = blocksMap.getStoredBlock(block);
    if (storedBlock == null) {
      // If we have a block in the block map with the same ID, but a different
      // generation stamp, and the corresponding file is under construction,
      // then we need to do some special processing.
      storedBlock = blocksMap.getStoredBlockWithoutMatchingGS(block);

      if (storedBlock == null) {
        return rejectAddStoredBlock(
          block, node,
          "Block not in blockMap with any generation stamp");

      INodeFile inode = storedBlock.getINode();
      if (inode == null) {
        return rejectAddStoredBlock(
          block, node,
          "Block does not correspond to any file");

      boolean reportedOldGS = block.getGenerationStamp() < storedBlock.getGenerationStamp();
      boolean reportedNewGS = block.getGenerationStamp() > storedBlock.getGenerationStamp();
      boolean underConstruction = inode.isUnderConstruction();
      boolean isLastBlock = inode.getLastBlock() != null &&
        inode.getLastBlock().getBlockId() == block.getBlockId();

      // We can report a stale generation stamp for the last block under construction,
      // we just need to make sure it ends up in targets.
      if (reportedOldGS && !(underConstruction && isLastBlock)) {
        return rejectAddStoredBlock(
          block, node,
          "Reported block has old generation stamp but is not the last block of " +
          "an under-construction file. (current generation is " +
          storedBlock.getGenerationStamp() + ")");

      // Don't add blocks to the DN when they're part of the in-progress last block
      // and have an inconsistent generation stamp. Instead just add them to targets
      // for recovery purposes. They will get added to the node when
      // commitBlockSynchronization runs
      if (underConstruction && isLastBlock && (reportedOldGS || reportedNewGS)) {
          "BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: "
          + "Targets updated: block " + block + " on " + node.getName() +
          " is added as a target for block " + storedBlock + " with size " +
        return block;

    INodeFile fileINode = storedBlock.getINode();
    if (fileINode == null) {
      return rejectAddStoredBlock(
        block, node,
        "Block does not correspond to any file");
    assert storedBlock != null : "Block must be stored by now";

    // add block to the data-node
    boolean added = node.addBlock(storedBlock);    

    // Is the block being reported the last block of an underconstruction file?
    boolean blockUnderConstruction = false;
    if (fileINode.isUnderConstruction()) {
      INodeFileUnderConstruction cons = (INodeFileUnderConstruction) fileINode;
      Block last = fileINode.getLastBlock();
      if (last == null) {
        // This should never happen, but better to handle it properly than to throw
        // an NPE below.
        LOG.error("Null blocks for reported block=" + block + " stored=" + storedBlock +
          " inode=" + fileINode);
        return block;
      blockUnderConstruction = last.equals(storedBlock);

    // block == storedBlock when this addStoredBlock is the result of a block report
    if (block != storedBlock) {
      if (block.getNumBytes() >= 0) {
        long cursize = storedBlock.getNumBytes();
        INodeFile file = storedBlock.getINode();
        if (cursize == 0) {
        } else if (cursize != block.getNumBytes()) {
          LOG.warn("Inconsistent size for block " + block + 
                   " reported from " + node.getName() + 
                   " current size is " + cursize +
                   " reported size is " + block.getNumBytes());
          try {
            if (cursize > block.getNumBytes() && !blockUnderConstruction) {
              // new replica is smaller in size than existing block.
              // Mark the new replica as corrupt.
              LOG.warn("Mark new replica " + block + " from " + node.getName() + 
                  "as corrupt because its length is shorter than existing ones");
              markBlockAsCorrupt(block, node);
            } else {
              // new replica is larger in size than existing block.
              if (!blockUnderConstruction) {
                // Mark pre-existing replicas as corrupt.
                int numNodes = blocksMap.numNodes(block);
                int count = 0;
                DatanodeDescriptor nodes[] = new DatanodeDescriptor[numNodes];
                Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = blocksMap.nodeIterator(block);
                for (; it != null && it.hasNext();) {
                  DatanodeDescriptor dd = it.next();
                  if (!dd.equals(node)) {
                    nodes[count++] = dd;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                  LOG.warn("Mark existing replica "
                      + block
                      + " from "
                      + node.getName()
                      + " as corrupt because its length is shorter than the new one");
                  markBlockAsCorrupt(block, nodes[j]);
              // change the size of block in blocksMap
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Error in deleting bad block " + block + e);
        //Updated space consumed if required.
        long diff = (file == null) ? 0 :
                    (file.getPreferredBlockSize() - storedBlock.getNumBytes());
        if (diff > 0 && file.isUnderConstruction() &&
            cursize < storedBlock.getNumBytes()) {
          try {
            String path = /* For finding parents */ 
            dir.updateSpaceConsumed(path, 0, -diff*file.getReplication());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Unexpected exception while updating disk space : " +
      block = storedBlock;
    assert storedBlock == block : "Block must be stored by now";
    int curReplicaDelta = 0;
    if (added) {
      curReplicaDelta = 1;
      // At startup time, because too many new blocks come in
      // they take up lots of space in the log file. 
      // So, we log only when namenode is out of safemode.
      if (!isInSafeMode()) {
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: "
                                      +"blockMap updated: "+node.getName()+" is added to "+block+" size "+block.getNumBytes());
    } else {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: "
                                   + "Redundant addStoredBlock request received for " 
                                   + block + " on " + node.getName()
                                   + " size " + block.getNumBytes());

    // filter out containingNodes that are marked for decommission.
    NumberReplicas num = countNodes(storedBlock);
    int numLiveReplicas = num.liveReplicas();
    int numCurrentReplica = numLiveReplicas
      + pendingReplications.getNumReplicas(block);

    // check whether safe replication is reached for the block
    // if file is being actively written to, then do not check 
    // replication-factor here. It will be checked when the file is closed.
    if (blockUnderConstruction) {
      INodeFileUnderConstruction cons = (INodeFileUnderConstruction) fileINode;
      return block;

    // do not handle mis-replicated blocks during startup
      return block;

    // handle underReplication/overReplication
    short fileReplication = fileINode.getReplication();
    if (numCurrentReplica >= fileReplication) {
      neededReplications.remove(block, numCurrentReplica, 
                                num.decommissionedReplicas, fileReplication);
    } else {
      updateNeededReplications(block, curReplicaDelta, 0);
    if (numCurrentReplica > fileReplication) {
      processOverReplicatedBlock(block, fileReplication, node, delNodeHint);
    // If the file replication has reached desired value
    // we can remove any corrupt replicas the block may have
    int corruptReplicasCount = corruptReplicas.numCorruptReplicas(block); 
    int numCorruptNodes = num.corruptReplicas();
    if ( numCorruptNodes != corruptReplicasCount) {
      LOG.warn("Inconsistent number of corrupt replicas for " + 
          block + "blockMap has " + numCorruptNodes + 
          " but corrupt replicas map has " + corruptReplicasCount);
    if ((corruptReplicasCount > 0) && (numLiveReplicas >= fileReplication)) 
    return block;
      boolean added = node.addBlock(storedBlock);
 // Is the block being reported the last block of an underconstruction file?
    boolean blockUnderConstruction = false;
    if (fileINode.isUnderConstruction()) {
      INodeFileUnderConstruction cons = (INodeFileUnderConstruction) fileINode;
      Block last = fileINode.getLastBlock();
      if (last == null) {
        // This should never happen, but better to handle it properly than to throw
        // an NPE below.
        LOG.error("Null blocks for reported block=" + block + " stored=" + storedBlock +
          " inode=" + fileINode);
        return block;
      blockUnderConstruction = last.equals(storedBlock);
  // block == storedBlock when this addStoredBlock is the result of a block report
    if (block != storedBlock) {
      if (block.getNumBytes() >= 0) {
        long cursize = storedBlock.getNumBytes();
        INodeFile file = storedBlock.getINode();
        if (cursize == 0) {
        } else if (cursize != block.getNumBytes()) {
          LOG.warn("Inconsistent size for block " + block + 
                   " reported from " + node.getName() + 
                   " current size is " + cursize +
                   " reported size is " + block.getNumBytes());
          try {
            if (cursize > block.getNumBytes() && !blockUnderConstruction) {
              // new replica is smaller in size than existing block.
              // Mark the new replica as corrupt.
              LOG.warn("Mark new replica " + block + " from " + node.getName() + 
                  "as corrupt because its length is shorter than existing ones");
              markBlockAsCorrupt(block, node);
            } else {
              // new replica is larger in size than existing block.
              if (!blockUnderConstruction) {
                // Mark pre-existing replicas as corrupt.
                int numNodes = blocksMap.numNodes(block);
                int count = 0;
                DatanodeDescriptor nodes[] = new DatanodeDescriptor[numNodes];
                Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = blocksMap.nodeIterator(block);
                for (; it != null && it.hasNext();) {
                  DatanodeDescriptor dd = it.next();
                  if (!dd.equals(node)) {
                    nodes[count++] = dd;
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                  LOG.warn("Mark existing replica "
                      + block
                      + " from "
                      + node.getName()
                      + " as corrupt because its length is shorter than the new one");
                  markBlockAsCorrupt(block, nodes[j]);
              // change the size of block in blocksMap
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Error in deleting bad block " + block + e);
        //Updated space consumed if required.
        long diff = (file == null) ? 0 :
                    (file.getPreferredBlockSize() - storedBlock.getNumBytes());
        if (diff > 0 && file.isUnderConstruction() &&
            cursize < storedBlock.getNumBytes()) {
          try {
            String path = /* For finding parents */ 
            dir.updateSpaceConsumed(path, 0, -diff*file.getReplication());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.warn("Unexpected exception while updating disk space : " +
      block = storedBlock;
    assert storedBlock == block : "Block must be stored by now";
int curReplicaDelta = 0;
    if (added) {
      curReplicaDelta = 1;
      // At startup time, because too many new blocks come in
      // they take up lots of space in the log file. 
      // So, we log only when namenode is out of safemode.
      if (!isInSafeMode()) {
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: "
                                      +"blockMap updated: "+node.getName()+" is added to "+block+" size "+block.getNumBytes());
    } else {
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.warn("BLOCK* NameSystem.addStoredBlock: "
                                   + "Redundant addStoredBlock request received for " 
                                   + block + " on " + node.getName()
                                   + " size " + block.getNumBytes());

    // filter out containingNodes that are marked for decommission.
    NumberReplicas num = countNodes(storedBlock);
    int numLiveReplicas = num.liveReplicas();
    int numCurrentReplica = numLiveReplicas
      + pendingReplications.getNumReplicas(block);

    // check whether safe replication is reached for the block
    // if file is being actively written to, then do not check 
    // replication-factor here. It will be checked when the file is closed.
    if (blockUnderConstruction) {
      INodeFileUnderConstruction cons = (INodeFileUnderConstruction) fileINode;
      return block;

    // do not handle mis-replicated blocks during startup
      return block;

    // handle underReplication/overReplication
    short fileReplication = fileINode.getReplication();
    if (numCurrentReplica >= fileReplication) {
      neededReplications.remove(block, numCurrentReplica, 
                                num.decommissionedReplicas, fileReplication);
    } else {
      updateNeededReplications(block, curReplicaDelta, 0);
    if (numCurrentReplica > fileReplication) {
      processOverReplicatedBlock(block, fileReplication, node, delNodeHint);
    // If the file replication has reached desired value
    // we can remove any corrupt replicas the block may have
    int corruptReplicasCount = corruptReplicas.numCorruptReplicas(block); 
    int numCorruptNodes = num.corruptReplicas();
    if ( numCorruptNodes != corruptReplicasCount) {
      LOG.warn("Inconsistent number of corrupt replicas for " + 
          block + "blockMap has " + numCorruptNodes + 
          " but corrupt replicas map has " + corruptReplicasCount);
    if ((corruptReplicasCount > 0) && (numLiveReplicas >= fileReplication)) 
    return block;
 void removePathAndBlocks(String src, List<Block> blocks) throws IOException {
    for(Block b : blocks) {

  private void addToInvalidates(Block b) {
    for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = 
                                blocksMap.nodeIterator(b); it.hasNext();) {
      DatanodeDescriptor node = it.next();
      addToInvalidates(b, node);

   * Adds block to list of blocks which will be invalidated on 
   * specified datanode
   * @param b block
   * @param n datanode
  void addToInvalidatesNoLog(Block b, DatanodeInfo n) {
    Collection<Block> invalidateSet = recentInvalidateSets.get(n.getStorageID());
    if (invalidateSet == null) {
      invalidateSet = new HashSet<Block>();
      recentInvalidateSets.put(n.getStorageID(), invalidateSet);
    if (invalidateSet.add(b)) {
   * Find how many of the containing nodes are "extra", if any.
   * If there are any extras, call chooseExcessReplicates() to
   * mark them in the excessReplicateMap.
  private void processOverReplicatedBlock(Block block, short replication, 
      DatanodeDescriptor addedNode, DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint) {
    if(addedNode == delNodeHint) {
      delNodeHint = null;
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nonExcess = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
    Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> corruptNodes = corruptReplicas.getNodes(block);
    for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> it = blocksMap.nodeIterator(block); 
         it.hasNext();) {
      DatanodeDescriptor cur = it.next();
      Collection<Block> excessBlocks = excessReplicateMap.get(cur.getStorageID());
      if (excessBlocks == null || !excessBlocks.contains(block)) {
        if (!cur.isDecommissionInProgress() && !cur.isDecommissioned()) {
          // exclude corrupt replicas
          if (corruptNodes == null || !corruptNodes.contains(cur)) {
    chooseExcessReplicates(nonExcess, block, replication, 
        addedNode, delNodeHint);    

   * We want "replication" replicates for the block, but we now have too many.  
   * In this method, copy enough nodes from 'srcNodes' into 'dstNodes' such that:
   * srcNodes.size() - dstNodes.size() == replication
   * We pick node that make sure that replicas are spread across racks and
   * also try hard to pick one with least free space.
   * The algorithm is first to pick a node with least free space from nodes
   * that are on a rack holding more than one replicas of the block.
   * So removing such a replica won't remove a rack. 
   * If no such a node is available,
   * then pick a node with least free space
  void chooseExcessReplicates(Collection<DatanodeDescriptor> nonExcess, 
                              Block b, short replication,
                              DatanodeDescriptor addedNode,
                              DatanodeDescriptor delNodeHint) {
    // first form a rack to datanodes map and
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>> rackMap =
      new HashMap<String, ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>>();
    for (Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> iter = nonExcess.iterator();
         iter.hasNext();) {
      DatanodeDescriptor node = iter.next();
      String rackName = node.getNetworkLocation();
      ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> datanodeList = rackMap.get(rackName);
      if(datanodeList==null) {
        datanodeList = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
      rackMap.put(rackName, datanodeList);
    // split nodes into two sets
    // priSet contains nodes on rack with more than one replica
    // remains contains the remaining nodes
    ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> priSet = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
    ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> remains = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
    for( Iterator<Entry<String, ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>>> iter = 
      rackMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      Entry<String, ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>> rackEntry = iter.next();
      ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> datanodeList = rackEntry.getValue(); 
      if( datanodeList.size() == 1 ) {
      } else {
    // pick one node to delete that favors the delete hint
    // otherwise pick one with least space from priSet if it is not empty
    // otherwise one node with least space from remains
    boolean firstOne = true;
    while (nonExcess.size() - replication > 0) {
      DatanodeInfo cur = null;
      long minSpace = Long.MAX_VALUE;

      // check if we can del delNodeHint
      if (firstOne && delNodeHint !=null && nonExcess.contains(delNodeHint) &&
            (priSet.contains(delNodeHint) || (addedNode != null && !priSet.contains(addedNode))) ) {
          cur = delNodeHint;
      } else { // regular excessive replica removal
        Iterator<DatanodeDescriptor> iter = 
          priSet.isEmpty() ? remains.iterator() : priSet.iterator();
          while( iter.hasNext() ) {
            DatanodeDescriptor node = iter.next();
            long free = node.getRemaining();

            if (minSpace > free) {
              minSpace = free;
              cur = node;

      firstOne = false;
      // adjust rackmap, priSet, and remains
      String rack = cur.getNetworkLocation();
      ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor> datanodes = rackMap.get(rack);
      if(datanodes.isEmpty()) {
      if( priSet.remove(cur) ) {
        if (datanodes.size() == 1) {
      } else {


      Collection<Block> excessBlocks = excessReplicateMap.get(cur.getStorageID());
      if (excessBlocks == null) {
        excessBlocks = new TreeSet<Block>();
        excessReplicateMap.put(cur.getStorageID(), excessBlocks);
      if (excessBlocks.add(b)) {
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("BLOCK* NameSystem.chooseExcessReplicates: "
                                      +"("+cur.getName()+", "+b
                                      +") is added to excessReplicateMap");

      // The 'excessblocks' tracks blocks until we get confirmation
      // that the datanode has deleted them; the only way we remove them
      // is when we get a "removeBlock" message.  
      // The 'invalidate' list is used to inform the datanode the block 
      // should be deleted.  Items are removed from the invalidate list
      // upon giving instructions to the namenode.
      addToInvalidatesNoLog(b, cur);
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* NameSystem.chooseExcessReplicates: "
                +"("+cur.getName()+", "+b+") is added to recentInvalidateSets");

  * Mark the block belonging to datanode as corrupt
   * @param blk Block to be marked as corrupt
   * @param dn Datanode which holds the corrupt replica
  public synchronized void markBlockAsCorrupt(Block blk, DatanodeInfo dn)
    throws IOException {
    DatanodeDescriptor node = getDatanode(dn);
    if (node == null) {
      throw new IOException("Cannot mark block" + blk.getBlockName() +
                            " as corrupt because datanode " + dn.getName() +
                            " does not exist. ");
    final BlockInfo storedBlockInfo = blocksMap.getStoredBlock(blk);
    if (storedBlockInfo == null) {
      // Check if the replica is in the blockMap, if not 
      // ignore the request for now. This could happen when BlockScanner
      // thread of Datanode reports bad block before Block reports are sent
      // by the Datanode on startup
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK NameSystem.markBlockAsCorrupt: " +
                                   "block " + blk + " could not be marked " +
                                   "as corrupt as it does not exists in " +
    } else {
      INodeFile inode = storedBlockInfo.getINode();
      if (inode == null) {
        NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK NameSystem.markBlockAsCorrupt: " +
                                     "block " + blk + " could not be marked " +
                                     "as corrupt as it does not belong to " +
                                     "any file");
        addToInvalidates(storedBlockInfo, node);
      // Add this replica to corruptReplicas Map 
      corruptReplicas.addToCorruptReplicasMap(storedBlockInfo, node);
      if (countNodes(storedBlockInfo).liveReplicas()>inode.getReplication()) {
        // the block is over-replicated so invalidate the replicas immediately
        invalidateBlock(storedBlockInfo, node);
      } else {
        // add the block to neededReplication 
        updateNeededReplications(storedBlockInfo, -1, 0);

/* update the priority level of a block */
  synchronized void update(Block block, int curReplicas, 
                           int decommissionedReplicas,
                           int curExpectedReplicas,
                           int curReplicasDelta, int expectedReplicasDelta) {
    int oldReplicas = curReplicas-curReplicasDelta;
    int oldExpectedReplicas = curExpectedReplicas-expectedReplicasDelta;
    int curPri = getPriority(block, curReplicas, decommissionedReplicas, curExpectedReplicas);
    int oldPri = getPriority(block, oldReplicas, decommissionedReplicas, oldExpectedReplicas);
    NameNode.stateChangeLog.debug("UnderReplicationBlocks.update " + 
                                  block +
                                  " curReplicas " + curReplicas +
                                  " curExpectedReplicas " + curExpectedReplicas +
                                  " oldReplicas " + oldReplicas +
                                  " oldExpectedReplicas  " + oldExpectedReplicas +
                                  " curPri  " + curPri +
                                  " oldPri  " + oldPri);
    if(oldPri != LEVEL && oldPri != curPri) {
      remove(block, oldPri);
    if(curPri != LEVEL && priorityQueues.get(curPri).add(block)) {
                                    "BLOCK* NameSystem.UnderReplicationBlock.update:"
                                    + block
                                    + " has only "+curReplicas
                                    + " replicas and need " + curExpectedReplicas
                                    + " replicas so is added to neededReplications"
                                    + " at priority level " + curPri);
   * Periodically calls computeReplicationWork().
  class ReplicationMonitor implements Runnable {
    static final int INVALIDATE_WORK_PCT_PER_ITERATION = 32;
    ReplicateQueueProcessingStats replicateQueueStats = 
        new ReplicateQueueProcessingStats();
    InvalidateQueueProcessingStats invalidateQueueStats = 
        new InvalidateQueueProcessingStats();
    public void run() {
      while (fsRunning) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
          LOG.warn("ReplicationMonitor thread received InterruptedException." + ie);
        } catch (IOException ie) {
          LOG.warn("ReplicationMonitor thread received exception. " + ie +  " " +
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          LOG.warn("ReplicationMonitor thread received Runtime exception. " + t + " " +
   * Schedule blocks for deletion at datanodes
   * @param nodesToProcess number of datanodes to schedule deletion work
   * @return total number of block for deletion
  int computeInvalidateWork(int nodesToProcess) {
    int numOfNodes = 0;
    ArrayList<String> keyArray;
    synchronized (this) {
      numOfNodes = recentInvalidateSets.size();
      // get an array of the keys
      keyArray = new ArrayList<String>(recentInvalidateSets.keySet());
    nodesToProcess = Math.min(numOfNodes, nodesToProcess);

    // randomly pick up <i>nodesToProcess</i> nodes 
    // and put them at [0, nodesToProcess)
    int remainingNodes = numOfNodes - nodesToProcess;
    if (nodesToProcess < remainingNodes) {
      for(int i=0; i<nodesToProcess; i++) {
        int keyIndex = r.nextInt(numOfNodes-i)+i;
        Collections.swap(keyArray, keyIndex, i); // swap to front
    } else {
      for(int i=0; i<remainingNodes; i++) {
        int keyIndex = r.nextInt(numOfNodes-i);
        Collections.swap(keyArray, keyIndex, numOfNodes-i-1); // swap to end
    int blockCnt = 0;
    for(int nodeCnt = 0; nodeCnt < nodesToProcess; nodeCnt++ ) {
      blockCnt += invalidateWorkForOneNode(keyArray.get(nodeCnt));
    return blockCnt;
   * Get blocks to invalidate for <i>nodeId</i> 
   * in {@link #recentInvalidateSets}.
   * @return number of blocks scheduled for removal during this iteration.
  private synchronized int invalidateWorkForOneNode(String nodeId) {
    // blocks should not be replicated or removed if safe mode is on
    if (isInSafeMode())
      return 0;
    // get blocks to invalidate for the nodeId
    assert nodeId != null;
    DatanodeDescriptor dn = datanodeMap.get(nodeId);
    if (dn == null) {
      return 0;
    Collection<Block> invalidateSet = recentInvalidateSets.get(nodeId);
    if (invalidateSet == null) {
      return 0;

    ArrayList<Block> blocksToInvalidate = 
      new ArrayList<Block>(blockInvalidateLimit);

    // # blocks that can be sent in one message is limited
    Iterator<Block> it = invalidateSet.iterator();
    for(int blkCount = 0; blkCount < blockInvalidateLimit && it.hasNext();
                                                                blkCount++) {

    // If we send everything in this message, remove this node entry
    if (!it.hasNext()) {


    if(NameNode.stateChangeLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
      StringBuffer blockList = new StringBuffer();
      for(Block blk : blocksToInvalidate) {
        blockList.append(' ');
      NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* ask "
          + dn.getName() + " to delete " + blockList);
    pendingDeletionBlocksCount -= blocksToInvalidate.size();
    return blocksToInvalidate.size();

   * Scan blocks in {@link #neededReplications} and assign replication
   * work to data-nodes they belong to. 
   * The number of process blocks equals either twice the number of live 
   * data-nodes or the number of under-replicated blocks whichever is less.
   * @return number of blocks scheduled for replication during this iteration.
  private int computeReplicationWork(
                                  int blocksToProcess) throws IOException {
    // stall only useful for unit tests (see TestFileAppend4.java)
    if (stallReplicationWork)  {
      return 0;
    // Choose the blocks to be replicated
    List<List<Block>> blocksToReplicate = 

    // replicate blocks
    int scheduledReplicationCount = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<blocksToReplicate.size(); i++) {
      for(Block block : blocksToReplicate.get(i)) {
        if (computeReplicationWorkForBlock(block, i)) {
    return scheduledReplicationCount;
 /** Replicate a block
   * @param block block to be replicated
   * @param priority a hint of its priority in the neededReplication queue
   * @return if the block gets replicated or not
  boolean computeReplicationWorkForBlock(Block block, int priority) {
    int requiredReplication, numEffectiveReplicas; 
    List<DatanodeDescriptor> containingNodes;
    DatanodeDescriptor srcNode;
    synchronized (this) {
      synchronized (neededReplications) {
        // block should belong to a file
        INodeFile fileINode = blocksMap.getINode(block);
        // abandoned block or block reopened for append
        if(fileINode == null || fileINode.isUnderConstruction()) { 
          neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
          return false;
        requiredReplication = fileINode.getReplication(); 

        // get a source data-node
        containingNodes = new ArrayList<DatanodeDescriptor>();
        NumberReplicas numReplicas = new NumberReplicas();
        srcNode = chooseSourceDatanode(block, containingNodes, numReplicas);
        if ((numReplicas.liveReplicas() + numReplicas.decommissionedReplicas())
            <= 0) {          
        if(srcNode == null) // block can not be replicated from any node
          return false;

        // do not schedule more if enough replicas is already pending
        numEffectiveReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() +
        if(numEffectiveReplicas >= requiredReplication) {
          neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
          NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* "
              + "Removing block " + block
              + " from neededReplications as it has enough replicas.");
          return false;

    // choose replication targets: NOT HOLDING THE GLOBAL LOCK
    DatanodeDescriptor targets[] = replicator.chooseTarget(
        requiredReplication - numEffectiveReplicas,
        srcNode, containingNodes, null, block.getNumBytes());
    if(targets.length == 0)
      return false;

    synchronized (this) {
      synchronized (neededReplications) {
        // Recheck since global lock was released
        // block should belong to a file
        INodeFile fileINode = blocksMap.getINode(block);
        // abandoned block or block reopened for append
        if(fileINode == null || fileINode.isUnderConstruction()) { 
          neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
          return false;
        requiredReplication = fileINode.getReplication(); 

        // do not schedule more if enough replicas is already pending
        NumberReplicas numReplicas = countNodes(block);
        numEffectiveReplicas = numReplicas.liveReplicas() +
        if(numEffectiveReplicas >= requiredReplication) {
          neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
          NameNode.stateChangeLog.info("BLOCK* "
              + "Removing block " + block
              + " from neededReplications as it has enough replicas.");
          return false;

        // Add block to the to be replicated list
        srcNode.addBlockToBeReplicated(block, targets);

        for (DatanodeDescriptor dn : targets) {
        // Move the block-replication into a "pending" state.
        // The reason we use 'pending' is so we can retry
        // replications that fail after an appropriate amount of time.
        pendingReplications.add(block, targets.length);
            "BLOCK* block " + block
            + " is moved from neededReplications to pendingReplications");

        // remove from neededReplications
        if(numEffectiveReplicas + targets.length >= requiredReplication) {
          neededReplications.remove(block, priority); // remove from neededReplications
        if (NameNode.stateChangeLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
          StringBuffer targetList = new StringBuffer("datanode(s)");
          for (int k = 0; k < targets.length; k++) {
            targetList.append(' ');
                    "BLOCK* ask "
                    + srcNode.getName() + " to replicate "
                    + block + " to " + targetList);
                    "BLOCK* neededReplications = " + neededReplications.size()
                    + " pendingReplications = " + pendingReplications.size());
    return true;

   版权申明:本文部分摘自【蔡斌、陈湘萍】所著【Hadoop技术内幕 深入解析Hadoop Common和HDFS架构设计与实现原理】一书,仅作为学习笔记,用于技术交流,其商业版权由原作者保留,推荐大家购买图书研究,转载请保留原作者,谢谢!


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