
一、流(stream):这里讨论的是标准I / O术语流(请勿将其与系统V的STREAMS I/O系统相混淆,后者可参见Stevens的《UNIX环境高级编程》第十二章)。 
1)(K&R 《The C Programming Language》P241) 
引用:A stream is a source or destination of data that may be associated with a disk or other peripheral.
2) (http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node18.html#SECTION001820000000000000000) 
引用:Streams are a portable way of reading and writing data. They provide a flexible and efficient means of I/O. A Stream is a file or a physical device (e.g. printer or monitor) which is manipulated with a pointer to the stream.
3)(ISO/IEC《 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 》) 
引用:Input and output, whether to or from physical devices such as terminals and tape drives, or whether to or from files supported on structured storage devices, are mapped into logical data streams, whose properties are more uniform than their various inputs and outputs.
4)(Kenneth .A.Reek著,徐波译《C和指针(Pointers On C)》第十五章P229) 
引用:ANSI C进一步对I/O的概念进行了抽象。就C程序而言,所有的I/O操作只是简单地从程序移进或移出字节的事情。因此,毫不惊奇的是,这种字节流便被称为流(stream)。程序只需要关心创建正确的输出字节数据,以及正确地解释从输入读取的字节数据。特定I/O设备的细节对程序员是隐藏的。
5)(引自Sergio C. Carbone 《Learning C For Real》P33) 
引用:What is meant by the stream concept? 
- A stream is a logical, device independent way of handling many peripheral devices. 
- Most peripheral devices are different and would require special programming 
- Streams mask this difference from the programmer and allows the programmer to 
handle most peripheral devices in the same way. 
- Streams are buffered interfaces that are thought of as a series of characters read one 
at a time. 
- PCs are based on a stream architecture.


4、流一定带有某种信息,没有任何内容的流带着自身来表达“空”信息。就像运输工具一样,它不运货的时候就运着自己这一身的零件(包括驾驶员)并把一样东西运到目的地,那就是它自己和一个“跑空车”的信息。流有最小的信息单元就是二进制位,含有最小的信息包就是字节,C标准库提供两种类型的流:二进制流(binary stream)和文本流(text stream)。二进制流是有未经处理的字节构成的序列;文本流是由文本行组成的序列。而在著名的UNIX系统中,文本流和二进制流是相同的(identical)。 
5、流有源头也有目的地,那么它必定与源头和目的地相关联。但人们操作流的时候,最关心的还是其目的地,也就是一个定向(orientation)的意思,就像司机运货一样,它首要关心的问题是目的地,而非起点(操作者都知道)。在C语言中,通过打开流来关联流及其目的地,使用的函数是fopen(),该函数返回一个指向文件的指针(FILE *),该指针包含了足够的可以控制流准确地到达目的地的信息。 
/* Definition of the control structure for streams
typedef struct  {
        short           level;          /* fill/empty level of buffer */
        unsigned        flags;          /* File status flags    */
        char            fd;             /* File descriptor      */
        unsigned char   hold;           /* Ungetc char if no buffer */
        short           bsize;          /* Buffer size          */
        unsigned char   *buffer;        /* Data transfer buffer */
        unsigned char   *curp;          /* Current active pointer */
        unsigned        istemp;         /* Temporary file indicator */
        short           token;          /* Used for validity checking */
}       FILE;                           /* This is the FILE object */
     将它称为流控制结构体(control structure for streams)真好表现出其功能来。举个例子就好像一卡车司机要把货物运到X公司,公司主管就会给他一张地图及X公司的基本信息,这些材料所提供的信息如果足够的话,那么它就能指导着司机准确地将货物送达了。C中FILE这个结构体所起的作用就好像是运输公司把一切有用的指导信息封装起来的档案袋一样。而已有关联的流要终止这种关联,就必须关闭流,使用的函数是fclose(),就像运货公司若不再给X公司运货了,那么他们就必须要终止合作协议了。 
引用:a) K&R 《The C Programming Language》 
b) Kenneth .A.Reek著,徐波译《C和指针(Pointers On C)》 
c) Stevens的《UNIX环境高级编程》 
d) 《ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)》及ANSI C手册

回复于:2005-08-03 21:30:06

1、(引自《 Rationale for International Standard Programming Languages C 》) 
引用:Buffering. UNIX allows the program to control the extent and type of buffering for various purposes. For example, a program can provide its own large I/O buffer to improve efficiency, or can request unbuffered terminal I/O to process each input character as it is 20 entered. Other systems do not necessarily support this generality. Some systems provide only line-at-a-time access to terminal input; some systems support program-allocated buffers only by copying data to and from system-allocated buffers for processing. Buffering is addressed in the Standard by specifying UNIX-like setbuf and setvbuf functions, but permitting great latitude in their implementation. A conforming library need neither 25 attempt the impossible nor respond to a program attempt to improve efficiency by introducing additional overhead.
2、(摘自A. D. Marshall《Programming in C UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C》 
引用:Stream I/O is BUFFERED: That is to say a fixed ``chunk'' is read from or written to a file via some temporary storage area (the buffer). This is illustrated in Fig. 1. NOTE the file pointer actually points to this buffer. 
引用:Stream I/O Model This leads to efficient I/O but beware: data written to a buffer does not appear in a file (or device) until the buffer is flushed or written out. (\n does this). Any abnormal exit of code can cause problems. 
      标准I / O提供缓存的目的是尽可能减少使用read和write调用的数量。它也对每个I / O流自动地进行缓存管理,避免了应用程序需要考虑这一点所带来的麻烦。不幸的是,标准I / O库令人最感迷惑的也是它的缓存。不同类型缓存往往使人在进行I/O操作时不知所措。标准I / O提供了三种类型的缓存:全缓存、行缓存、无缓存。 
1、 (引自ISO/IEC《 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 》) 
引用:When a stream is unbuffered, characters are intended to appear from the source or at the destination as soon as possible. Otherwise characters may be accumulated and 
transmitted to or from the host environment as a block. When a stream is fully buffered, characters are intended to be transmitted to or from the host environment as a block when a buffer is filled. When a stream is line buffered, characters are intended to be transmitted to or from the host environment as a block when a new-line character is encountered. Furthermore, characters are intended to be transmitted as a block to the host environment when a buffer is filled, when input is requested on an unbuffered stream, or when input is requested on a line buffered stream that requires the transmission of characters from the host environment.

2、(引自Mike Banahan, Declan Brady and Mark Doran《 The C Book 》) 
引用:There are three types of buffering:  
Unbuffered Minimum internal storage is used by stdio in an attempt to send or receive data as soon as possible.  
Line buffered Characters are processed on a line-by-line basis. This is commonly used in interactive environments, and internal buffers are flushed only when full or when a newline is processed.  
Fully buffered Internal buffers are only flushed when full.  
The buffering associated with a stream can always be flushed by using fflush explicitly. Support for the various types of buffering is implementation defined, and can be controlled within these limits using setbuf and setvbuf.

引用:标准I / O提供了三种类型的缓存: 
(1) 全缓存。在这种情况下,当填满标准I / O缓存后才进行实际I / O操作。对于驻在磁盘上的文件通常是由标准I / O库实施全缓存的。在一个流上执行第一次I / O操作时,相关标准I / O函数通常调用m a l l o c(见7 . 8节)获得需使用的缓存。 
术语刷新( f l u s h)说明标准I / O缓存的写操作。缓存可由标准I / O例程自动地刷新(例如当填满一个缓存时),或者可以调用函数ff l u s h刷新一个流。值得引起注意的是在U N I X环境中,刷新有两种意思。在标准I / O库方面,刷新意味着将缓存中的内容写到磁盘上(该缓存可以只是局部填写的)。在终端驱动程序方面(例如在第11章中所述的t c f l u s h函数),刷新表示丢弃已存在缓存中的数据。 
(2) 行缓存。在这种情况下,当在输入和输出中遇到新行符时,标准I / O库执行I / O操作。这允许我们一次输出一个字符(用标准I/O fputc函数),但只有在写了一行之后才进行实际I / O操作。当流涉及一个终端时(例如标准输入和标准输出),典型地使用行缓存。对于行缓存有两个限制。第一个是:因为标准I / O库用来收集每一行的缓存的长度是固定的,所以只要填满了缓存,那么即使还没有写一个新行符,也进行I / O操作。第二个是:任何时候只要通过标准输入输出库要求从( a )一个不带缓存的流,或者( b )一个行缓存的流(它预先要求从内核得到数据)得到输入数据,那么就会造成刷新所有行缓存输出流。在( b )中带了一 
个在括号中的说明的理由是,所需的数据可能已在该缓存中,它并不要求内核在需要该数据时才进行该操作。很明显,从不带缓存的一个流中进行输入( ( a )项)要求当时从内核得到数据。 
(3) 不带缓存。标准I / O库不对字符进行缓存。如果用标准I / O函数写若干字符到不带缓存 
的流中,则相当于用w r i t e系统调用函数将这些字符写至相关联的打开文件上。标准出错流s t d e r r通常是不带缓存的,这就使得出错信息可以尽快显示出来,而不管它们是否含有一个新行字符。 
ANSI C要求下列缓存特征: 
(1) 当且仅当标准输入和标准输出并不涉及交互作用设备时,它们才是全缓存的。 
(2) 标准出错决不会是全缓存的。 
是行缓存的,以及标准输出是不带缓存的,还是行缓存的。S V R 4和4 . 3 + B S D的系统默认使用下列类型的缓存: 
• 标准出错是不带缓存的。 
• 如若是涉及终端设备的其他流,则它们是行缓存的;否则是全缓存的。

    我们经常要用到标准输入和输出,而ANSI C对stdin、stdout和stderr的缓存特征没有强行的规定,以至于不同的系统可能有不同的stdin、stdout和stderr的缓存特征。目前主要的缓存特征是:stdin和stdout是行缓存;而stderr是无缓存的。 

回复于:2005-08-03 21:39:48

    此时,回到本文开头给出的两个例子。第一个例子中在system("pause");这条语句的后面加上printf("%d\n", c);这一句,就会发现打印出c的整数值为10,查一下ASCII码10对应的字符是换行符(Line Feed),这样 
for (; (c = getchar()) == 'y' || c == 'Y'; )的条件判断为假,所以程序不可能再循环下去。这个换行符LF怎么来的呢?就是我们第一次输入‘y’时按下的回车符。(这里要说明一点是:键盘的回车符在C中被处理成换行符(LF),它与ASCII码中对应的回车符(carriage return ,ASCII为13)是不同的,这样一来依靠键盘一键输入’\r’(carriage return)是不可能了。好在行缓存是以’\n’作为换行标志的)。就是因为标准输入流是行缓存的,所以换行符没有被丢弃反而自动成了下一次的输入了。第二个例子中出错并不是因为有换行符自动做了输入,而是因为某次偶尔的错误输入导致的,程序没了健壮性很大一部分是因为没有考虑到标准输入流具有行缓存特征。 
1、 治标 
a) 清理垃圾。将还驻留在缓存中的无用数据进行清理。 
(引自ISO/IEC《 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 》) 
If stream points to an output stream or an update stream in which the most recent 
operation was not input, the fflush function causes any unwritten data for that stream to be delivered to the host environment to be written to the file; otherwise, the behavior is undefined. 
If stream is a null pointer, the fflush function performs this flushing action on all 
streams for which the behavior is defined above.

1)摘自Frequently Asked Questions in comp.lang.c 
引用:11.12: How can I flush pending input so that a user's typeahead isn't read at the next prompt?  Will fflush(stdin) work?  
Answer: fflush is defined only for output streams.  Since its definition of "flush" is to complete the writing of buffered characters (not to discard them), discarding unread input would not be an analogous meaning for fflush on input streams.  There is no standard way to discard unread characters from a stdio input buffer, nor would such a way be sufficient; unread characters can also accumulate in other, OS-level input buffers. 

Answer: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-glibc/2005-02/msg00073.html

引用:Q 5 : In chapter 13, listing 6, fflush (stdin) doesn't work like its supposed to. Why is that?  
This is a bug :-).  
The problem with the existing code occurs when a program reads user input, then does some time consuming processing (say more than a couple of seconds) before reading more user input. In this situation, the user might type some more on the keyboard while the program is processing and these characters will be buffered by the operating system and read on the next read call. The idea of the existing code was to use fflush (stdin) to flush all the stored characters from the input buffer.  
As Benjamin Black pointed out, the C Programming FAQ states that the behaviour of fflush () is defined only for output streams. To make matters worse there is no standard ANSI/ISO C way of doing this. Fortunately there is a POSIX solution. The POSIX solution is to use the low-level unbuffered input functions or GNU/Linux specific higher level function which in turn use the lower level ones. There are examples of both here.

引用:#define getc(f) \ 
  ((--((f)->;level) >;= 0) ? (unsigned char)(++(f)->;curp)[-1] : \ 
_fgetc (f)) 
#define putc(c,f) \ 
  ((++((f)->;level) ;curp)[-1]=(c)) : \ 
_fputc ((c),f)) 
#define getchar()  getc(stdin) 
#define putchar(c) putc((c), stdout)

(引自ISO/IEC《 ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) 》) 
The gets function reads characters from the input stream pointed to by stdin, into the array pointed to by s, until end-of-file is encountered or a new-line character is read. Any new-line character is discarded, and a null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array.

void  clear_kb(void)
/* Clears stdin of any waiting characters. */
char junk[80];
但是, gets是一个不推荐使用的函数。问题是调用者在使用gets时不能指定缓存的长度。这样就可能造成缓存越界(如若该行长于缓存长度),写到缓存之后的存储空间中,从而产生不可予料的后果。很多时候,还是推荐用fgets()函数,就像 
b) 出污泥而不染 
2、 治本 
#include ; 
void setbuf(FILEf p*, char *b u f) ; 
int setvbuf(FILEf p,* char *b u f, int m o d e, size_ts i z e) ; 
这些函数一定要在流已被打开后调用(这是十分明显的,因为每个函数都要求一个有效的文件指针作为它们的第一个参数),而且也应在对该流执行任何一个其他操作之前调用。可以使用s e t b u f函数打开或关闭缓存机制。为了带缓存进行I / O,参数buf 必须指向一个长度为B U F S I Z的缓存(该常数定义在;中)。通常在此之后该流就是全缓存的,但是如果该流与一个终端设备相关,那么某些系统也可将其设置为行缓存的。为了关闭缓存,将b u f设置为N U L L。 
使用s e t v b u f,我们可以精确地说明所需的缓存类型。这是依靠m o d e参数实现的: 
_IOFBF 全缓存 
_IOLBF 行缓存 
_IONBF 不带缓存 
如果指定一个不带缓存的流,则忽略buf 和size 参数。如果指定全缓存或行缓存,则buf 和s i z e可以可选择地指定一个缓存及其长度。如果该流是带缓存的,而buf 是N U L L,则标准I / O库将自动地为该流分配适当长度的缓存。适当长度指的是由s t r u c t结构中的成员s t _ b l k s i z e所指定的值(见4 . 2节)。如果系统不能为该流决定此值(例如若此流涉及一个设备或一个管道),则分配长度为B U F S I Z的缓存。

表5 - 1列出了这两个函数的动作,以及它们的各个选择项。 
#include ; 
void main() 

int i,j; 
char c; 
printf("\n do you want to cal:y/n \n"); 

                                  printf("input number:"); 
#include ;
int main(void)
   int i,j;
   char c;
   printf("\n do you want to cal:y/n \n");
   while (c=getchar()=='y')
       printf("input number:");
       setbuf(stdin, NULL);
       printf("\n do you want to cal:y/n \n");
   return 0;

1、C标准(ISO/IEC 9899:1999 standard)规定fflush(stdin)操作是未定义的;。也就是说不一定能实现刷新功能,但有的编译器可能不遵循标准,对fflush(stdin)操作不予警告,并且有时可能产生正确的结果,但最好不要这样使用。  
若我们使用setbuf(stdin, buf)来修改系统提供的缓冲区为我们指定的缓冲区,我猜想这时候可以使用fflush(stdin),我已试验了几例都可以,哪位仁兄可以帮忙在linux下试试,我的系统坏了。  
引用:The fflush() function shall fail if:  
The O_NONBLOCK flag is set for the file descriptor underlying stream and the thread would be delayed in the write operation.    
The file descriptor underlying stream is not valid.    
An attempt was made to write a file that exceeds the maximum file size.    
An attempt was made to write a file that exceeds the process' file size limit.    
The file is a regular file and an attempt was made to write at or beyond the offset maximum associated with the corresponding stream.    
The fflush() function was interrupted by a signal.    
The process is a member of a background process group attempting to write to its controlling terminal, TOSTOP is set, the process is neither ignoring nor blocking SIGTTOU, and the process group of the process is orphaned. This error may also be returned under implementation-defined conditions.    
There was no free space remaining on the device containing the file.    
An attempt is made to write to a pipe or FIFO that is not open for reading by any process. A SIGPIPE signal shall also be sent to the thread.    
The fflush() function may fail if:  
A request was made of a nonexistent device, or the request was outside the capabilities of the device.  

关于函数setbuf(stream, buf)和setvbuf(stream, buf, mode, BUFSIZ)  
1)   setbuf(stream, buf)中,当buf不是空指针时,它应该(shall be)等同于setvbuf(stream, buf, _IOFBF, BUFSIZ);setbuf(stream, buf)中,当buf是空指针时,它应该(shall be)等同于setvbuf(stream, buf, _IONBF, BUFSIZ).  
2)   setbuf(stream, buf)中buf的大小至少应为BUFSIZ(DEV-C++为512bytes),所以前面讨论的设置buf[10]对于普通PC机是错误的,自己定义缓冲区大小应比标准规定的大(C89规定为256bytes)。  
3)   还有一点需要注意:调用setbuf()分配的BUFSIZ个字节的空间不一定表示这些空间都来用作缓冲区(With setbuf(), allocating a buffer of BUFSIZ bytes does not necessarily imply that all of BUFSIZ bytes are used for the buffer area.《http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/setbuf.html》)  
4)   像楼主的程序中在main()函数内部调用setbuf(stream, buf),buf声明为一个局部变量是有问题的,因为是操作系统来完成流操作的大部分后台(关闭、打开等)工作。main()函数完成后,buf被释放,操作系统就找不到了流的缓冲区,这样一来就引发了错误。所以自定义缓冲区一定得是全局变量或静态变量。  
引用Eric Sosman的话:  
引用:You've asked stdin to use a buffer that will cease to exist as soon as main() returns, but when main() returns stdin is still "alive" and hasn't been closed. If any shutting-down operations try to make use of the now- vanished buffer, there's no telling what could happen.  (True, this is usually more troublesome for output streams than for input, but you're begging for trouble.)  





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