Web Scraping with Python 学习笔记8

Chapter 8:Reading and Writing Natural Languages

Summarizing Data


def isCommon(ngram):
commonWords = ["the", "be", "and", "of", "a", "in", "to", "have", "it","i", "that", "for", "you",\
 "he", "with", "on", "do", "say", "this","they", "is", "an", "at", "but","we", "his", "from", "that",\
  "not","by", "she", "or", "as", "what", "go", "their","can", "who", "get","if", "would", "her", "all", \
  "my", "make", "about", "know", "will","as", "up", "one", "time", "has", "been", "there", "year",\
   "so","think", "when", "which", "them", "some", "me", "people", "take","out", "into", "just",\
    "see", "him", "your", "come", "could", "now","than", "like", "other", "how", "then", "its",\
     "our", "two", "more","these", "want", "way", "look", "first", "also", "new", "because",\
     "day", "more", "use", "no", "man", "find", "here", "thing", "give","many", "well"]

for word in ngram:
    if word in commonWords:
        return True 
return False
Markov Models


  • 从一点出发的所有概率和胃为1,不管该模型有多么复杂
  • 虽然例子中只有三个状态转换,但是可产生无数个天气状态链
  • 下一个状态的产生仅跟现在所在点的状态相关,比如现在是Sunny,明天是Rainy的概率就是10%,不管前100天天气如何
  • 如果模型足够复杂,可能到达模型中某个点(状态)的概率比到其他点(状态)的概率小的多,这涉及到背后的数学问题

值得一提的是,Google的pagerank 算法部分基于的就是马尔可夫模型,是近年来很受欢迎的模型之一。让我们来写一个简单的文本生成器,它的2-grams词典是基于the inauguration speech of William Henry Harrison本身的。

from urllib import urlopen
from random import randint
def wordListSum(wordList):
    sum = 0
    for word,value in wordList.items():
        sum += value
    return sum

def retrieveRandomWord(wordList):
    randIndex = randint(1,wordListSum(wordList))
    for word, value in wordList.items():
        randIndex -= value
        if randIndex <= 0:
            return word

def buildWordDict(text):
    text = text.replace("\n"," ")
    text = text.replace("\"","")

punctuation = [',','.',':',';']
for symbol in punctuation:
    text = text.replace(symbol," "+symbol+" ")

words = text.split(" ")
words = [word for word in words if word != ""]
#        "美国":{"人民":2,"铁路":5,"外交部":1}
#        }这样的二维词典
wordDict = {}
for i in range(1,len(words)):
    if words[i-1] not in wordDict:
        wordDict[words[i-1]] = {}
    if words[i] not in wordDict[words[i-1]]:
        wordDict[words[i-1]][words[i]] = 0
    wordDict[words[i-1]][words[i]] += 1

return wordDict

text = str(urlopen("http://pythonscraping.com/files/    inaugurationSpeech.txt").read())
wordDict = buildWordDict(text)

length = 100
chain = ""
currentWord = "I"
for i in range(0,length):
    chain += currentWord+" "
    currentWord = retrieveRandomWord(wordDict[currentWord])

print chain


I shall now so long as those of the arrangement and fostering a people and so far the destruction of Congress should doubt that the master of half a distinguished for one time act not of a misconstruction of ascertaining the United States . Fellow- citizens , indeed , the most essential difference . There are told by their subjects . It is to them . There is an Executive of liberty , how much the power to prevent his disposal . He claims of wealth , and knowing the institutions of interest , quadrupled in this danger to matters connected

Six Degrees of Wikipedia:Conclusion


#The link tree may either be empty or contain multiple links
def searchDepth(targetPageId, currentPageId, linkTree, depth):
    if depth == 0:
        #Stop recursing and return, regardless
        return linkTree 
    if not linkTree:
        linkTree = constructDict(currentPageId) 
        if not linkTree:
            #No links found. Cannot continue at this node
            return {}
    if targetPageId in linkTree.keys():
        print("TARGET "+str(targetPageId)+" FOUND!") 
        raise SolutionFound("PAGE: "+str(currentPageId))
    for branchKey, branchValue in linkTree.items(): 
            #Recurse here to continue building the tree
            linkTree[branchKey] = searchDepth(targetPageId,branchKey,branchValue, depth-1)
        except SolutionFound as e: 
        raise SolutionFound("PAGE: "+str(currentPageId)) 

    return linkTree


  • 迭代次数达到给定的限制,算法结束
  • 某个初始点没有下一个链接,也就是没有targetPageId,返回
  • 某个初始点有下一个链接,但此链接已经被访问过,返回到该初始点,选择它另外一个targetPageId,继续搜索
  • 如果在给定的深度depth下没有找到一条A->D的路径,将depth减1,再次调用该函数

Natural Language Toolkit

        我想搞自然语言处理的没人不知道NLTK吧,非常强大的自然语言处理的Python第三方库,更多的安装细节请访问NLTK website,安装完之后需要下载其中的语料库,nltk.book里包含9本书,分别是命名text1到text9。

Lexicographical Analysis with NLTK


        注:本文为读书笔记,内容基本来自Web Scraping with Python(Ryan Mitchell著),部分代码有所改动,版权归作者所有,转载请注明出处

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The internet contains a wealth of data. This data is both provided through structured APIs as well as by content delivered directly through websites. While the data in APIs is highly structured, information found in web pages is often unstructured and requires collection, extraction, and processing to be of value. And collecting data is just the start of the journey, as that data must also be stored, mined, and then exposed to others in a value-added form. With this book, you will learn many of the core tasks needed in collecting various forms of information from websites. We will cover how to collect it, how to perform several common data operations (including storage in local and remote databases), how to perform common media-based tasks such as converting images an videos to thumbnails, how to clean unstructured data with NTLK, how to examine several data mining and visualization tools, and finally core skills in building a microservices-based scraper and API that can, and will, be run on the cloud. Through a recipe-based approach, we will learn independent techniques to solve specific tasks involved in not only scraping but also data manipulation and management, data mining, visualization, microservices, containers, and cloud operations. These recipes will build skills in a progressive and holistic manner, not only teaching how to perform the fundamentals of scraping but also taking you from the results of scraping to a service offered to others through the cloud. We will be building an actual web-scraper-as-a-service using common tools in the Python, container, and cloud ecosystems.
评论 1




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