

Back in the old days a computer had a single CPU, and was only capable of executing a single program at a time. Later came multitasking which meant that computers could execute multiple programs (AKA tasks or processes) at the same time. It wasn’t really “at the same time” though. The single CPU was shared between the programs. The operating system would switch between the programs running, executing each of them for a little while before switching.

==回顾计算机单核时代,计算机载某一时刻只能执行一个程序。随后出现的多任务处理能在同一时刻执行多个程序(AKA 任务或者进程),尽管不是真正意义上的同一时刻。单个CPU可以在多个进程间共享。操作系统从这些运行的进程,执行每一个进程一小段时间在CPU转换任务前。==

Along with multitasking came new challenges for software developers. Programs can no longer assume to have all the CPU time available, nor all memory or any other computer resources. A “good citizen” program should release all resources it is no longer using, so other programs can use them.

Later yet came multithreading which mean that you could have multiple threads of execution inside the same program. A thread of execution can be thought of as a CPU executing the program. When you have multiple threads executing the same program, it is like having multiple CPUs execute within the same program.

Multithreading can be a great way to increase the performance of some types of programs. However, mulithreading is even more challenging than multitasking. The threads are executing within the same program and are hence reading and writing the same memory simultanously. This can result in errors not seen in a singlethreaded program. Some of these errors may not be seen on single CPU machines, because two threads never really execute “simultanously”. Modern computers, though, come with multi core CPUs, and even with multiple CPUs too. This means that separate threads can be executed by separate cores or CPUs simultanously.


If a thread reads a memory location while another thread writes to it, what value will the first thread end up reading? The old value? The value written by the second thread? Or a value that is a mix between the two? Or, if two threads are writing to the same memory location simultanously, what value will be left when they are done? The value written by the first thread? The value written by the second thread? Or a mix of the two values written?

Without proper precautions any of these outcomes are possible. The behaviour would not even be predictable. The outcome could change from time to time. Therefore it is important as a developer to know how to take the right precautions - meaning learning to control how threads access shared resources like memory, files, databases etc. That is one of the topics this Java concurrency tutorial addresses.

Multithreading and Concurrency in Java

Java was one of the first languages to make multithreading easily available to developers. Java had multithreading capabilities from the very beginning. Therefore, Java developers often face the problems described above. That is the reason I am writing this trail on Java concurrency. As notes to myself, and any fellow Java developer whom may benefit from it.


The trail will primarily be concerned with multithreading in Java, but some of the problems occurring in multithreading are similar to problems occurring in multitasking and in distributed systems. References to multitasking and distributed systems may therefore occur in this trail too. Hence the word “concurrency” rather than “multithreading”.


Java Concurrency in 2015 and Forwar

A lot has happened in the world of concurrent architecture and design since the first Java concurrency books were written, and even since the Java 5 concurrency utilities were released.

==自从第一个Java并发书编写以来,并发架构和设计领域发生了很多事情,甚至在Java 5并发实用程序发布之后。==

New, asynchronous “shared-nothing” platforms and APIs like Vert.x and Play / Akka and Qbit have emerged. These platforms use a different concurrency model than the standard Java / JEE concurrency model of threading, shared memory and locking. New non-blocking concurrency algorithms have been published, and new non-blocking tools like the LMax Disrupter have been added to our toolkits. New functional programming parallelism has been introduced with the Fork and Join framework in Java 7, and the collection streams API in Java 8.

==新的、异步的“无共享”平台和像Vert这样的api。x和Play / Akka和Qbit出现了。这些平台使用不同的并发模型,而不是线程、共享内存和锁定的标准Java / JEE并发模型。新的非阻塞并发算法已经发布,新的非阻塞工具,如LMax破坏者已经添加到我们的工具包中。在Java 7中使用Fork和Join框架引入了新的函数式编程并行,Java 8中的collection streams API。==

With all these new developments it is about time that I updated this Java Concurrency tutorial. Therefore, this tutorial is once again work in progress. New tutorials will be published whenever time is available to write them.


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