
Concurrent systems can be implemented using different concurrency models. A concurrency model specifies how threads in the the system collaborate to complete the jobs they are are given. Different concurrency models split the jobs in different ways, and the threads may communicate and collaborate in different ways. This concurrency model tutorial will dive a bit deeper into the most popular concurrency models in use at the time of writing (2015).

Concurrency Models and Distributed System Similarities

The concurrency models described in this text are similar to different architectures used in distributed systems. In a concurrent system different threads communicate with each other. In a distributed system different processes communicate with each other (possibly on different computers). Threads and processes are quite similar to each other in nature. That is why the different concurrency models often look similar to different distributed system architectures.

Of course distributed systems have the extra challenge that the network may fail, or a remote computer or process is down etc. But a concurrent system running on a big server may experience similar problems if a CPU fails, a network card fails, a disk fails etc. The probability of failure may be lower, but it can theoretically still happen.

Because concurrency models are similar to distributed system architectures, they can often borrow ideas from each other. For instance, models for distributing work among workers (threads) are often similar to models of load balancing in distributed systems. The same is true of error handling techniques like logging, fail-over, idempotency of jobs etc.

Parallel Workers

The first concurrency model is what I call the parallel worker model. Incoming jobs are assigned to different workers. Here is a diagram illustrating the parallel worker concurrency model:



In the parallel worker concurrency model a delegator distributes the incoming jobs to different workers. Each worker completes the full job. The workers work in parallel, running in different threads, and possibly on different CPUs.

If the parallel worker model was implemented in a car factory, each car would be produced by one worker. The worker would get the specification of the car to build, and would build everything from start to end.

The parallel worker concurrency model is the most commonly used concurrency model in Java applications (although that is changing). Many of the concurrency utilities in the java.util.concurrent Java package are designed for use with this model. You can also see traces of this model in the design of the Java Enterprise Edition application servers.

Parallel Workers Advantages

The advantage of the parallel worker concurrency model is that it is easy to understand. To increase the parallelization of the application you just add more workers.

For instance, if you were implementing a web crawler, you could crawl a certain amount of pages with different numbers of workers and see which number gives the shortest total crawl time (meaning the highest performance). Since web crawling is an IO intensive job you will probably end up with a few threads per CPU / core in your computer. One thread per CPU would be too little, since it would be idle a lot of the time while waiting for data to download.




Parallel Workers Disadvantages

The parallel worker concurrency model has some disadvantages lurking under the simple surface, though. I will explain the most obvious disadvantages in the following sections.

Shared State Can Get Complex

In reality the parallel worker concurrency model is a bit more complex than illustrated above. The shared workers often need access to some kind of shared data, either in memory or in a shared database. The following diagram shows how this complicates the parallel worker concurrency model:
Some of this shared state is in communication mechanisms like job queues. But some of this shared state is business data, data caches, connection pools to the database etc.





As soon as shared state sneaks into the parallel worker concurrency model it starts getting complicated. The threads need to access the shared data in a way that makes sure that changes by one thread are visible to the others (pushed to main memory and not just stuck in the CPU cache of the CPU executing the thread). Threads need to avoid race conditions, deadlock and many other shared state concurrency problems.

Additionally, part of the parallelization is lost when threads are waiting for each other when accessing the shared data structures. Many concurrent data structures are blocking, meaning one or a limited set of threads can access them at any given time. This may lead to contention on these shared data structures. High contention will essentially lead to a degree of serialization of execution of the part of the code that access the shared data structures.

Modern non-blocking concurrency algorithms may decrease contention and increase performance, but non-blocking algorithms are hard to implement.

Persistent data structures are another alternative. A persistent data structure always preserves the previous version of itself when modified. Thus, if multiple threads point to the same persistent data structure and one thread modifies it, the modifying thread gets a reference to the new structure. All other threads keep a reference to the old structure which is still unchanged and thus consistent. The Scala programming contains several persistent data structures.
==持久化数据结构是另外的一种选择。当在修改的时候,持久化数据结构总是维护着一个自己上一个版本的数据。因此,当多个线程同时指向了同一个数据结构,其中一个线程修改它,其他所有的线程都将保持对旧数据的引用。Scala 有几个这样的数据结构。==

While persistent data structures are an elegant solution to concurrent modification of shared data structures, persistent data structures tend not to perform that well.

For instance, a persistent list will add all new elements to the head of the list, and return a reference to the newly added element (which then point to the rest of the list). All other threads still keep a reference to the previously first element in the list, and to these threads the list appear unchanged. They cannot see the newly added element.

Such a persistent list is implemented as a linked list. Unfortunately linked lists don’t perform very well on modern hardware. Each element in the list is a separate object, and these objects can be spread out all over the computer’s memory. Modern CPUs are much faster at accessing data sequentially, so on modern hardware you will get a lot higher performance out of a list implemented on top of an array. An array stores data sequentially. The CPU caches can load bigger chunks of the array into the cache at a time, and have the CPU access the data directly in the CPU cache once loaded. This is not really possible with a linked list where elements are scattered all over the RAM.

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