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魅族16官网 评测:魅族16&16Plus评测 高颜值的亲民梦想机魅族发布会魅族16发布会微博发布会

2018-08-08 23:27:43 330

原创 第1章 Java多线程技能


2017-12-02 15:42:21 167

原创 抽象类

abstract public class Canine extends Animal {      public void roam(){ }  } public class MakeCanine{     public void go() {        Canine c;        c = new Dog(); //这个是可以的,因为你可以赋值之类对象给父...

2015-11-09 23:09:55 163

原创 java 内部类

在 Java 中,允许在一个类(或方法、语句块)的内部定义另一个类,称为内部类(Inner Class),有时也称为嵌套类(Nested Class)。内部类和外层封装它的类之间存在逻辑上的所属关系,一般只用在定义它的类或语句块之内,实现一些没有通用意义的功能逻辑,在外部引用它时必须给出完整的名称。使用内部类的主要原因有:内部类可以访问外部类中的数据,包括私有的数据。内部类可以对同一...

2015-07-01 22:06:07 101

原创 Java、

在 Java 中,允许在一个类(或方法、语句块)的内部定义另一个类,称为内部类(Inner Class),有时也称为嵌套类(Nested Class)。内部类和外层封装它的类之间存在逻辑上的所属关系,一般只用在定义它的类或语句块之内,实现一些没有通用意义的功能逻辑,在外部引用它时必须给出完整的名称。使用内部类的主要原因有:内部类可以访问外部类中的数据,包括私有的数据。内部...

2015-07-01 22:05:39 85

原创 final

final 的变量代表你不能改变它的值final的method代表你不能覆盖该方法final的类代表你不能继承它final int size = 3;final void calcWhuffle(){}final class MyMostPerfectClass{} ...

2015-07-01 20:03:17 95

原创 java的构造

public class HippoTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Hippo h = new Hippo(); }}class Animal { int a = 10; private int k = 6; protected int m = 10;...

2015-07-01 19:45:33 102

原创 Github上的andoird开源组件整理


2015-05-11 16:01:57 431

转载 工具类 SDCardUtils

package com.example.helloworld;import android.os.Environment;import android.os.StatFs;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.File;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;i

2015-05-07 10:23:00 414

转载 可以管理代碼的免費工具

https://bitbucket.org/ https://github.com/tinyrobbert我感觉的几个特点(都是分布式版本管理了):Bitbucket:免费支持私有仓库,这一点无可比拟。它同时支持 hg / git,无论从界面还是功能上看,跟 GitHub 比都几乎没有什么缺点(GitHub 有的功能它全有)。GitHub:除了让我感觉比较 geek 以

2015-04-08 10:27:20 365

转载 Android 5.1升级概要

API Level: 22Android 5.1 (LOLLIPOP_MR1) is an update to the Lollipop release that offers new features for users and app developers. This document provides an introduction to the most notable new A

2015-04-07 16:02:53 595

转载 2015征文#Android资料指南

前言        谁无年少时,对于一门技术而言,大家都是在”Hello world”学起来的,让我们困惑的是,在过去的一年中,有些人的技术提升是100%,有些人是20%,有些人或许悲催的没有什么变化.是智商的原因吗?在我看来,可能是你的学习方法不对而已.前几天结婚休假,我一直在写一些自己的博客,在找资料的过程中发现,光光使用百度来说,效率太低下了,一般来说至少有一半的

2015-04-07 11:44:41 602

原创 Java入门教程


2015-04-01 10:17:56 432

原创 Java方法重载

在Java中,同一个类中的多个方法可以有相同的名字,只要它们的参数列表不同就可以,这被称为方法重载(method overloading)。参数列表又叫参数签名,包括参数的类型、参数的个数和参数的顺序,只要有一个不同就叫做参数列表不同。重载是面向对象的一个基本特性。下面看一个详细的实例。public classDemo{    // 一个普通的方法,不带参数    vo...

2015-04-01 10:09:51 144

原创 ths的使用

his 关键字用来表示当前对象本身,或当前类的一个实例,通过 this 可以调用本对象的所有方法和属性。例如:public classDemo{    public int x = 10;    public int y = 15;    public void sum(){        // 通过 this 点取成员变量        int...

2015-04-01 09:57:43 572

原创 学习html网站


2015-03-25 08:20:40 360

原创 Random.nextint() 和Math.random()的区别

Math.random() uses Random.nextDouble() internally.Random.nextDouble() uses Random.next() twice to generate a double that has approximately uniformly distributed bits in its mantissa, so it is unif...

2015-03-24 10:46:22 593

原创 For 循环的基础使用

import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader;public class Chengfakoujuebiao { public static void main (String[] args) throws java.io.IOException { ...

2015-03-24 08:37:00 84

转载 Starting an Activity

Unlike other programming paradigms in which apps are launched with a main() method, theAndroid system initiates code in anActivity instance by invoking specificcallback methods that correspond to sp

2015-03-23 14:50:34 360

转载 Android 学习网站


2015-03-23 10:04:27 314

转载 Activity

Class OverviewAn activity is a single, focused thing that the user can do. Almost all activities interact with the user, so the Activity class takes care of creating a window for you in which yo

2015-03-17 09:36:08 1776

转载 Android UserManager: Check if user is owner (admin)

Im developing an app with the latest android version (4.2.1 API-Level 17) for tablets with multiuser capabilities.I want to restrict certain features (like the access to the app preferences) to the

2015-03-16 15:33:06 937

转载 See more of what Android Lollipop has to offer

Material DesignA bold, colorful, and responsive UI design for consistent, intuitive experiences across all your devicesResponsive, natural motion, realistic lighting and shadows, and familiar

2015-03-04 15:53:43 529

转载 Recreating an Activity

There are a few scenarios in which your activity is destroyed due to normal app behavior, such as when the user presses the Backbutton or your activity signals its own destruction by callingfinish().

2015-02-09 09:30:27 385

转载 Stopping and Restarting an Activity

Properly stopping and restarting your activity is an important process in the activity lifecycle that ensures your users perceive that your app is always alive and doesn't lose their progress. There a

2015-02-09 09:29:37 324

转载 Pausing and Resuming an Activity

During normal app use, the foreground activity is sometimes obstructed by other visual components that cause the activity topause. For example, when a semi-transparent activity opens (such as one in t

2015-02-09 09:28:45 312

转载 Starting an Activity

Unlike other programming paradigms in which apps are launched with a main() method, the Android system initiates code in an Activity instance by invoking specific callback methods that correspond to

2015-02-09 09:27:24 346

转载 Managing the Activity Lifecycle

As a user navigates through, out of, and back to your app, theActivity instances in your app transition between different states in their lifecycle. For instance, when your activity starts for the f

2015-02-09 09:26:33 309

转载 Supporting Different Screens

Android categorizes device screens using two general properties: size and density. You should expect that your app will be installed on devices with screens that range in both size and density. As suc

2015-02-09 09:24:06 367

转载 Android开发 使用 adb logcat 显示 Android 日志

1. 解析 adb logcat 的帮助信息在命令行中输入 adb logcat --help 命令, 就可以显示该命令的帮助信息;[plain] view plaincopyoctopus@octopus:~$ adb logcat --help  Usage: logcat [options] [filterspe

2015-02-04 18:11:57 1709

原创 git的使用

git push remote HEAD:refs/heads/

2015-01-08 11:30:11 428

转载 <uses-configuration>

SYNTAX:  android:reqFiveWayNav=["true" | "false"]  android:reqHardKeyboard=["true" | "false"]  android:reqKeyboardType=["undefined" | "nokeys" | "qwerty" | "twelvekey"]  android:reqNavigation=["

2015-01-06 15:30:55 382

转载 <compatible-screens>

SYNTAX:compatible-screens>    screen android:screenSize=["small" | "normal" | "large" | "xlarge"]            android:screenDensity=["ldpi" | "mdpi" | "hdpi" | "xhdpi"] />    ...CONTAINED IN:

2015-01-06 15:24:45 338

转载 Supporting Multiple Screens

Android runs on a variety of devices that offer different screen sizes and densities. For applications, the Android system provides a consistent development environment across devices and handles most

2015-01-06 15:23:16 554

转载 Filters on Google Play

When a user searches or browses for apps to download on Google Play, the results are filtered based on which applications are compatible with the device. For example, if an app requires a camera, Goog

2015-01-06 15:18:49 950

转载 android Build 日志打印

在如下指令后增加重定向操作“>Buildlog.txt 2>&1”time make $make_args –> time make $make_args >Buildlog.txt 2>&

2014-12-05 18:08:31 687

原创 初始化过程(Think in java 错误)

class Bowl { Bowl(int marker) { System.out.println("Bowl(" + marker + ")"); } void f(int marker) { System.out.println("f(" + marker + ")"); }}class Tabl...

2014-11-25 18:04:07 109

原创 求素数

public class Find_Prime { static int max = 100; public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 1; i &lt;= max; i++) { boolean isPrime = tru...

2014-11-24 11:36:45 77

转载 Ubuntu 出现ACK

最近在机器上安装了64位的ubuntu 10.10,搭建了android源码编译环境,发现无论是在eclipse还是在整个工程环境下adb都不能正常使用:在终端中进入adb所在目录,无论执行./adb shell还是./adb devices等等操作都会报这样一个错误: * daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *

2014-11-04 10:55:05 498

原创 Ubuntu12.10下安装Synaptic新立得

Ubuntu12.10下安装Synaptic新立得(图文) Ubuntu12.10自带有Softer Center来下载和更新软件,但是仍然有推荐使用Synaptic(新立得)。但是在使用Synaptic之前需要更新源。 简单的概括安装Synaptic——sudo apt-get install synaptic  

2014-10-09 18:10:37 1191







Android 从入门到精通课后习题

这个是Android 从入门到精通第七章的课后习题答案,有兴趣的可以下载下来看看


android 计算器源码




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