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转载 盘点开发者最喜爱的十大开源Xcode插件

摘要:Xcode IDE拥有着众多非常高大上的工具,而予以辅助的插件更是在Xcode的基础上对相关功能进行改进与扩展。本文总结介绍了备受开发者喜爱的10款开源Xcode插件,涉及代码编辑、注释、管理等各个方面。Xcode IDE拥有着诸如导航、重构、校准等众多非常高大上的工具,而予以辅助的插件更是在Xcode的基础上对相关功能进行改进与扩展。在应用开发过程中,通过开源包管理器Alcat

2014-08-26 17:35:33 403

原创 破解工具大全


2014-08-25 17:00:02 607

转载 IOS开发工具大汇总(二)


2014-07-17 11:46:21 755

原创 ios开发论坛汇总


2014-07-13 19:23:46 944

原创 IOS开发工具大汇总(一)


2014-07-11 16:55:44 1695

原创 Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64

A Xcode beginners' question:It is my first experience with Xcode 4.6.3.I am trying to write a very simple console program that searches for paired BT devices and print them to a NSLog.The

2015-09-23 10:46:24 1059

转载 ios fiddler调试环境配置

Configure FiddlerClick Tools > Fiddler Options > Connections.Click the checkbox by Allow remote computers to connect.Restart Fiddler.Ensure your firewall allows incoming

2015-09-16 17:01:29 1401

转载 Xcode模拟器simulators8,7,6,5下载地址及安装

启动xcode 6.3 后打开菜单Xcode->Preferences...再点击Downloads就可以看到Xcode默认支持的iOS各版本 模拟器,如果还没有安装,只需要点击后面的下载箭头标识,Xcode就会自动下载和安装相应的组件,因为需要下载和安装,可能需要等待较长时间才能完成下 载和安装。本来想找到xcode模拟器的地址然后用下载器下载,通常地址可以用下边的地址找到/User

2015-09-16 11:19:39 2762

转载 使用openURL实现程序间带参数跳转详解

实现的效果:有两款应用A与B,A打开BA --> B1. 新建工程B,bundle ID为com.YouXianMing.B建立一个URL这么填写(与前面bundle ID类似的写法):2. 新建工程A,bundle ID随便起,为简单起见,写下如下代码 NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithStri

2015-09-14 12:43:30 3125

转载 iOS 9: -canOpenURL: failed for URL #

AppAvailability BugappAvailability.check returns alway error callback.iOS 9 Error in Xcode-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "://" - error: "This app is not allowed to query for scheme "Explanat

2015-09-14 12:39:40 2099

原创 ios真机调试问题大汇总


2015-09-10 17:35:40 342

转载 iOS SDK: Working with URL Schemes

Communication between apps provides your application with an opportunity to take advantage of other application's functionality, send and receive data between apps, and provide a rich user experience

2015-09-09 08:43:52 405

转载 The Complete Tutorial on iOS/iPhone Custom URL Schemes

Note: Since the introduction of custom URL schemes, this post has consistently been the top read content on the blog. Although much is the same, there are a few nuances that have changed. This is a

2015-09-09 08:42:14 418

转载 Inter-App Communication

Apps communicate only indirectly with other apps on a device. You can use AirDrop to share files and data with other apps. You can also define a custom URL scheme so that apps can send information to

2015-09-09 07:33:29 831

原创 iPhone Development 101: Objective-C: Objective-C: Custom URL Schemes

The scheme name (or protocol) of a URL is the first part of a URL - e.g. schemename://. For web pages, the scheme is usually http (or https). The iPhone supports these URL schemes:http, http

2015-08-31 15:10:20 413

转载 iOS 9的App Thinning方案如何节省存储空间

【天极软件频道消息】存储空间不够是很多iOS用户遇到的问题,苹果在2015全球开发者大会(WWDC 2015)上简要介绍了一个关于节省iOS存储空间的解决方案——App Thinning,这项功能可以让iOS设备在很多安装应用、更新应用以及运行应用等多种场景中仅下载需要的代码而不是所有的资源,这样iOS应用占用的空间就会减少很多,从而节省出更多的剩余存储空间。图示:iOS 9的Ap

2015-08-28 15:37:37 499

原创 LLVM Bitcode File Format

AbstractOverviewBitstream FormatMagic NumbersPrimitivesFixed Width IntegersVariable Width Integers6-bit charactersWord AlignmentAbbreviation IDsBlocksENTER_SUBBLOCK EncodingEND_BLOCK Enc

2015-08-28 15:26:58 1179 1

原创 自定义 URL Scheme 完全指南

注意: 自从自定义 URL 的引入,本文始终是我博客中阅读量最大的文章。虽然大多数都相同,但仍然有一些细微差别的变化。本文是原帖的重写版,更新为最新的 iOS 和 Xcode 版本。iPhone / iOS SDK 最酷的特性之一就是应用将其自身”绑定”到一个自定义 URL scheme 上,该 scheme 用于从浏览器或其他应用中启动本应用。注册自定义 URL Scheme

2015-08-27 19:51:44 442

原创 mac下SVN忽略掉一些永远不想提交的文件

I have the following in my ~/.subversion/config file:global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store *~.nib *.mode* *.pbxuser CVS _*.java *.perspective .LSOverride *.xcuserdatad

2015-07-31 11:09:07 2546

原创 Getting dyld_fatal_error 当编译的时候

问题:9down votefavoriteI just recently downloaded Xcode 6 beta 4, and my swift project compiles with no errors but before it gets to my code I get a dyld_fatal_error just

2015-05-26 15:33:55 1155

原创 ios调试问题汇总


2015-05-26 14:58:16 327

转载 从 Objective-C 里的 Alloc 和 AllocWithZone 谈起

一、问题起源一切起源于Apple官方文档里面关于单例(Singleton)的示范代码:Creating a Singleton Instance.主要的争议集中在下面这一段:?1234567891011121314s

2015-02-11 15:21:35 391

转载 黑幕背后的Autorelease

我是前言Autorelease机制是iOS开发者管理对象内存的好伙伴,MRC中,调用[obj autorelease]来延迟内存的释放是一件简单自然的事,ARC下,我们甚至可以完全不知道Autorelease就能管理好内存。而在这背后,objc和编译器都帮我们做了哪些事呢,它们是如何协作来正确管理内存的呢?刨根问底,一起来探究下黑幕背后的Autorelease机制。Autore

2015-02-05 11:46:54 447

转载 iPhone开发之深入浅出 (3) — ARC之前世今生

19二/126iPhone开发之深入浅出 (3) — ARC之前世今生博主:易飞扬原文链接 : http://www.yifeiyang.net/development-of-the-iphone-simply-3/转载请保留上面文字。 Objective-C 内存管理 基本原则 编程准则 ARC 诞生

2015-02-05 10:59:36 349

原创 URLConnectionClient_Classic::invalidateAsync crash分析解决

0 CFNetwork 0x2e999860 invocation function for block in URLConnectionClient_Classic::invalidateAsync(dispatch_queue_s*, void () block_pointer)1 CFNetwork 0x2e9cb336 invocation function for block in Co

2015-01-30 12:13:36 1006

转载 iOS学习4:UITextView的用法及技巧(ios7下光标bug解决方案)


2015-01-29 12:43:19 610

转载 Intermediate Debugging with Xcode 4.5

The one single constant in software development is bugs. Let’s face it, we don’t always get it right the first time. From fat fingers to incorrect assumptions, software development is like baking cake

2015-01-23 10:15:13 4943

原创 NSInvocation setArgument not working with simple int32_t

I am facing an issue while using NSInvocation with arguments which are not objects. The simple integer value that I pass gets changed to something different.Here is the method I am invoking:+(NS

2015-01-13 14:34:32 997

转载 iOS UITextField Source Code, UITextField Open Source Code, UITextField Code Examples

Growing TextViewText View,  UITextView,  TextView,  UITextField,  text field,  Multiple lines,  Autoresizing,  SMSMulti-line/Autoresizing UITextView similar to SMS-app, the height of the UITex

2015-01-08 20:11:11 1554

转载 UITextView和UITextField的使用小技巧

其實應該是要說UIResponder才對, 不過範圍好像大了點, 為了偷懶, 就只記錄最近開發過程一些使用的技巧。(via http://blog.fashionguide.com.tw/602/posts/38191-iDM)以上面的圖片內容作為參考, 在做這個畫面互動的時候, 我想我會用數個按鈕(UIButton)點下去後, 在將UIPickerView顯示出來

2015-01-04 21:31:30 474

原创 七款诊断调试工具、五大编程类工具、六大图片、图标处理类工具


2015-01-04 17:48:19 1894

原创 Malformed or corrupted AST file: 'Unable to load module "/Users/fishmai/Library/Developer/Xcode/Deri

1、Had same problem. Clearing derived data folder solved the issue for me. In Xcode goto Window->Organizer->Projects select your project and press delete button next to Derived data.2、If this d

2014-12-31 17:29:14 1085

转载 ios webkit低内存警告


2014-11-14 17:33:25 974

转载 ios莫名其妙闪退的解决方法

使用mono进行ios开发也有一年了,一直有个头疼的问题是闪退,而且闪退的时候并没有抛出明确的错误。前两天在调试一个bug的时候,在序列化的时候又莫名其妙的闪退,后来在一位大神(博客地址)的指导下,发现了解决方案!遇到这种闪退,一般在Application output中输出错误如下:    ……………………    0x01e394ac monoeg_g_log +

2014-11-14 17:17:03 3685

原创 ios低内存警告处理

iPhone下每个app可用的内存是被限制的,如果一个app使用的内存超过20M,则系统会向该app发送Memory Warning消息。收到此消息后,app必须正确处理,否则可能出错或者出现内存泄露。     app收到Memory Warning后会调用:UIApplication::didReceiveMemoryWarning -> UIApplicationDelegate::app

2014-11-14 16:24:36 700

原创 为什么很多的 iOS app 都有秒退现象?有什么好方法避免它?


2014-11-13 11:26:40 872

原创 Why would an app crash with _objc_msgSend_uncached

Is a document or a place to find information information on what would cause _objc_msgSend_uncached in a crash report?more info on the crashlibobjc.A.dylib 0x37e623cc _objc_inform4 libobjc.A

2014-11-12 10:37:53 1604

转载 symbolicating-ios-8-crash-logs

If you’re having crash logs come in via iTunes Connect or another service and having trouble symbolicating them, you’re not alone. I spent about an hour trying to coerce Xcode into showing me the loca

2014-11-04 15:15:40 922

原创 unable to run app in simulator code = 2

I am unable to launch my app on simulator using xcode 6 beta and iPhone 5s simulator. First I am getting an error message from Simulator "Unable to boot the iOS simulator", and then after xcode is sho

2014-09-10 11:13:54 1844

转载 ios 中 实现对象复制(转载)

此文转载自http://keywind.me/?p=189介绍两种方法使用NSCopying的协议copyWithZone方法去实现objects的copy。你有两种方法通过实现NSCopying的协议copyWithZone创建copies:(1).单纯使用alloc和init(2).使用 NSCopyObject对于如何选择,你需要考虑:(1).我需要深拷贝还是浅拷

2014-09-04 15:25:56 469

Apress.Beginning iOS 7 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK

Apress.Beginning iOS 7 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK



vs-android is intended to provide a collection of scripts and utilities to support integrated development of Android NDK C/C++ software under Microsoft Visual Studio. vs-android supports only Visual Studio 2010, 2012 and 2013. Earlier versions lack the MSBuild integration with the C/C++ compilation systems.



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