09 智慧桥/ 艾摩君

1. 前言

最近, 实在是闲的淡疼, 所以 没事的时候, 想起了以前的这个游戏[fc, 智慧桥 or 艾摩君], 以前小的时候玩的时候感觉非常难啊, 然后 后来大概是高中高考之后自己郁闷的时候, 又回来完了完吧, 当时候是玩到了44关, 但是没有 玩完啊, 深表遗憾
说实话 这个游戏是挺好玩的, 就像一道一道的难题, 在解决难题之前, 总是要进行很多次的想到的尝试方案的执行, 然而 当你解决问题之后, 你会感觉到一股喜悦, 这样的喜悦会让你感觉生活充满了意义, 但是 同时也有一种哀伤, 毕竟陪伴自己的这段时间的这个难题, 对于自己来说不再是难题了, 以后基本上都不会再来思考这个难题了
就好比 同学聚会的时候, 聚会之前是充满喜悦的, 然后聚会之后, 当你一个人沉思的时候, 你总会有一种莫名其妙的伤感..
又或者是一部好看的电视剧 或者电影

好了, 最近 闲的淡疼时候, 就(ˇˍˇ) 想~做做游戏, 这次就拿这个开刀吧, 还是花费了一些时间的的, 不过也有一些收获的
第一 : 是在控制左右方向方面 [这一次的控制不是按一下键, 调用一下方法, 而是在按下键盘的时候设置标志位, 释放键盘灯的时候, 设置回标志位, 在标志位为true这段时间, 使用一个线程, 隔一段时间定时判断一下, 如果为true, 则调用一下方法]
第二 : 双缓冲问题, 先将需要绘制的数据绘制到一个Image缓存中, 然后 在绘制到屏幕上
第三 : 状态模式的时候, 之前曾经看过一次状态模式的场景, 这还是第一次真正的使用呢
这个, 并没有完成, 只是完成了简单的东西, 也就是完成了第一关需要的东西, 因为最近 不想花多的时间来完成剩余的东西了, 因为最近 还需要去看看其他的东西。

难点 : 各个元素绘制, 以及方向键和跳跃键的兼容, 以及判断是否能够移动元素的判断
这个涉及到多线程的是挺多的, 但是并没有太多涉及线程同步的地方

规则 : 捡到所有的boy, 并且进入门就过关 [某些元素可以攻击, 某些元素是否可以穿过]

元素介绍 :
elmo : 我们的主角, 用户控制的角色
boy : 哭闹的孩子, elmo需要收集到所有的boy, 才能够进入门, 进入下一个关卡
brick : 砖块, elmo可以站在上面, elmo可以攻击, elmo不能穿过, 不能独立存在于空中
floor : 地板砖, elmo可以站在上面, elmo不可以攻击, elmo不能穿过, 能独立存在于空中
rack : 岩石, elmo可以站在上面, elmo不可以攻击, elmo不能穿过, 能独立存在于空中
iron : 刚块, elmo可以站在上面, elmo不可以攻击, elmo不能穿过, 能独立存在
door : elmo收集完元素之后的目的地, 到达之后就可以进入下一个关卡



2. 基本的数据结构介绍

2.1 Element : 所有元素的基类

 * file name : Element.java
 * created at : 7:35:42 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 元素
public class Element {

    // 坐标, 图片
    protected int x;
    protected int y;
    protected Image img;

    // 初始化
    public Element() {

    public Element(int x, int y) {
        setXY(x, y);

    // 绘制当前元素
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(img, x, y, Constants.GRID_WIDTH, Constants.GRID_HEIGHT, null);

    // 驱动元素变化
    public void move() {


    // setter & getter
    // ...

    // for debug ...
    public String toString() {
        return this.getClass().getName();


2.2 Elmo : 主角, 控制角色的各种操作

 * file name : Elmo.java
 * created at : 7:32:53 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 艾摩君
public class Elmo extends Element {

    // 水平方向上移动一次的偏移, 竖直方向上移动一次的偏移
    private int moveHorizonOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_HORIZON_OFF;
    private int moveVerticalOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF;

    // panel
    // 移动的方向, 主面板, elmo的当前图像 [向左 或右]
    // 地图model, 是否向左, 是否向右, 是否向下, 是否在跳
    // 是否工具, 是否成功
    private int direction;
    private MainPanel panel;
    private Image[] imgs = Constants.elmoRight;
    private Map map;
    private long lastRunnable;
    private boolean isLeft;
    private boolean isRight;
    private boolean isDown;
    private boolean isJump;
    private boolean isAtt;
    private boolean isSuccess;

    // 初始化
    public Elmo() {

    public Elmo(int x, int y, Map map) {
        super(x, y);
        this.map = map;
        direction = Constants.RIGHT;
        this.img = imgs[Constants.STAND];
        isDown = false;
        isJump = false;
        isLeft = false;
        isRight = false;
        isAtt = false;
        isSuccess = false;

    // 移动相关
    // 如果能够向左移动, 则向左移动, 并做移动之后需要做事情
    public void left() {
        if(canLeft(map)) {
            setX(this.x - moveHorizonOff);
            moveHorizonOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_HORIZON_OFF;
    // 如果能够右移动, 则向右移动, 并做移动之后需要做事情
    public void right() {
        if(canRight(map)) {
            setX(this.x + moveHorizonOff);
            moveHorizonOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_HORIZON_OFF;
    // 下操作
    public void down() {
        if(canDown(map)) {
            isDown = true;
    // 下的逆操作
    public void undown() {
        isDown = false;
    // 跳跃
    public void jump() {
        if(canJump(map)) {
            isJump = true;
            panel.putTask(new JumpRunnable(this, map));
    // 落下
    private void gravity(int upOff) {
        setY(this.y + upOff);
    // 攻击旁边的元素
    public void attack() {
        if(canAttack(map)) {
            isAtt = true;
            panel.putTask(new AttackRunnable(this, map));

    // setter & getter
    public void setImage(Image img) {
        this.img = img;
    public void setPanel(MainPanel panel) {
        this.panel = panel;
    public void setX(int otherX) {
        this.x = Tools.formatX(otherX);
    public void setY(int otherY) {
        this.y = Tools.formatY(otherY);
    public void setAtt(boolean isAtt) {
        this.isAtt = isAtt;
    public void setDirection(int direction) {
        if(this.direction != direction) {
            this.direction = direction;
            if(this.direction == Constants.LEFT) {
                this.imgs = Constants.elmoLeft;
            } else {
                this.imgs = Constants.elmoRight;
    public void setLeft(boolean isLeft) {
        this.isLeft = isLeft;
    public void setRight(boolean isRight) {
        this.isRight = isRight;
    public boolean isJump() {
        return isJump;
    public void setJump(boolean isJump) {
        this.isJump = isJump;
    public boolean isLeft() {
        return isLeft;
    public boolean isRight() {
        return isRight;
    public boolean isSuccess() {
        return isSuccess;
    // 获取上一次按键到当前按键 的时间差
    public boolean isLastRunnableOk() {
        return true;

    // 判断是否能够向左右走 [受限于环境]
    // 获取左边的一个元素, 然后判断其是否crossable
        // 如果 当前x为其左边的元素的x相同, 设置当前移动的位移为0, 返回true
        // 如果 当前再向左移动一步之后x会小于左边元素的x, 更新此次移动的位移为到达左边的元素的位置
    private boolean canLeft(Map map) {
        if(isDown) {
            return false;
        int row = Tools.getRowByY(this.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(this.x);
        Element leftEle = getLeftELe(map, row, col);

        if(ifBeTurePreJudge(leftEle)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            if(this.x == Tools.getXByCol(col)) {
                moveHorizonOff = 0;
                return true;
            } else if(this.x - moveHorizonOff < Tools.getXByCol(col)) {
                moveHorizonOff = this.x - Tools.getXByCol(col);
                return true;
            } else {
                return true;
    // 类似于canLeft [受限于环境]
    private boolean canRight(Map map) {
        if(isDown) {
            return false;

        int row = Tools.getRowByY(this.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(this.x);
        Element rightEle = getRightELe(map, row, col);

        if(ifBeTurePreJudge(rightEle) ) {
            return true;
        } else {
            if(this.x + Constants.GRID_WIDTH == Tools.getXByCol(col+1) ) {
            moveHorizonOff = 0;
            return true;
            } else if(this.x + Constants.GRID_WIDTH + moveHorizonOff < Tools.getXByCol(col+1)) {
                moveHorizonOff = Tools.getXByCol(col+1) - this.x - Constants.GRID_WIDTH;
                return true;
            // can't be there ...
            } else {
                return true;
    // 是否可以向下操作 [受限于环境]
    private boolean canDown(Map map) {
        if(isJump) {
            return false;
        return true;
    // 是否可以跳跃操作 [受限于环境]
    private boolean canJump(Map map) {
        if(isJump) {
            return false;
        return true;
    // 是否可以攻击操作 [受限于环境]
    private boolean canAttack(Map map) {
        if(isAtt) {
            return false;
        return true;
    // 是否可以向下掉落 [受限于环境]
    // 与上面的canRight的区别在于移动到支持元素上面, 就不能在向下面移动了
    private boolean canGravity(Map map) {
        int row = Tools.getRowByY(this.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(this.x);
        Element downLeftEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), col );
        Element downRightEle = null;
        if(x != Tools.getXByCol(col) ) {
            downRightEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), Tools.formatCol(col+1) );

        if((downLeftEle == null) && (downRightEle == null) ) {
            moveVerticalOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF;
            return true;
        } else {
            if(!(downLeftEle instanceof Prop) && (! (downRightEle instanceof Prop)) ) {
                moveVerticalOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF;
                return true;
            } else {
                if( ((downLeftEle == null) || (! ((Prop) downLeftEle).isStandable())) &&  ((downRightEle == null) || (! ((Prop) downRightEle).isStandable())) ) {
                    moveVerticalOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF;
                    return true;
                } else {
                    if(this.y + Constants.GRID_HEIGHT == Tools.getYByRow(row+1) ) {
                        return false;
                    } else if(this.y + Constants.GRID_HEIGHT + moveVerticalOff < Tools.getYByRow(row+1)) {
                        moveVerticalOff = Tools.getYByRow(row+1) - this.y - Constants.GRID_HEIGHT;
                        return true;
                    // can't be there ...
                    } else {
                        return true;

    // 获取当前元素"左边"的元素, 判断规则详见下面的注释
    private Element getLeftELe(Map map, int row, int col) {
        Element leftEle = null;
        // 如果是和物品在同一水平线上,则判断左方向的物品
            // 否则  判断脚的左方向上的物品
        if(this.y == Tools.getYByRow(row) ) {
            leftEle = map.getEle(row, Tools.formatCol(col-1) );
        } else {
            leftEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), Tools.formatCol(col-1) );

        return leftEle;
    // 获取当前位置的右边的元素
    private Element getRightELe(Map map, int row, int col) {
        Element rightEle = null;
        // 如果是和物品在同一水平线上,则判断右方向的物品
            // 否则  判断脚的右下方向的物品
        if(this.y == Tools.getYByRow(row) ) {
            rightEle = map.getEle(row, Tools.formatCol(col+1) );
        } else {
            rightEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), Tools.formatCol(col+1) );

        return rightEle;

    // canRight, canLeft 的公共判断部分
    private boolean ifBeTurePreJudge(Element ele) {
        if(ele == null) {
            return true;
        } else {
            if(! (ele instanceof Prop) ) {
                return true;
            } else {
                if(((Prop) ele).isCrossable() ) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return false;
    // 一些左右移动之后需要做的事情
        // 1. 校验是否可落下, 可落下, 则落下
        // 2. 校验是否可获取到boy
        // 3. 校验是否到达门处, 是否完成任务
    private void doStuffAfterMove(Map map) {
        // ------------------ 1 ------------------
        if(!isJump) {
            if(canGravity(map)) {
                panel.putTask(new GravityRunnable(this, map));

        // ------------------ 2 ------------------
        int row = Tools.getRowByY(this.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(this.x);
        Element ele = null;
        ele = map.getEle(row, col);
        if(ele instanceof Boy) {

        // ------------------ 3 ------------------
        if(ele instanceof Door) {
            if(map.boysLeft() == 0) {
                isSuccess = true;

    // 攻击操作, 根据当前的方向 获取需要攻击的对象, 然后更新map中的model  
    private void doAttack(Map map) {
        int row = Tools.getRowByY(this.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(this.x);
        Element tarEle = null;
        if(this.y == Tools.getYByRow(row) ) {
            if(imgs == Constants.elmoLeft) {
                tarEle = map.getEle(row, Tools.formatCol(col-1) );
            } else {
                tarEle = map.getEle(row, Tools.formatCol(col+1) );
        } else {
            if(imgs == Constants.elmoLeft) {
                tarEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), Tools.formatCol(col-1) );
            } else {
                tarEle = map.getEle(Tools.formatRow(row+1), Tools.formatCol(col+1) );

        if((tarEle != null) && (tarEle instanceof Prop) ) {
            if(((Prop) tarEle).isAttackable() ) {

    // 重写move方法 控制移动 [否则 移动不流畅]
    public void move() {
        if(isLeft) {
        if(isRight) {

    // 重写paint方法  更新控制艾摩君的大小
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(img, x, y, Constants.ELMO_WIDTH, Constants.ELMO_HEIGHT, null);

    // elmo移动的时候, 创建一个, 添加到线程池中执行, 切换elmo的脚步 [STAND -> GO -> STAND]
    static class MoveRunnable implements Runnable {
        private Elmo elmo;
        public MoveRunnable(Elmo elmo) {
            this.elmo = elmo;
        public void run() {

    // elmo跳跃的时候, 创建一个, 添加到线程池中执行, 先分成ELMO_JUMP_UP_TIMES 阶段来向上移动
        // 然后  向下掉落
    static class JumpRunnable implements Runnable {
        private Elmo elmo;
        private Map map;
        public JumpRunnable(Elmo elmo, Map map) {
            this.elmo = elmo;
            this.map = map;
        public void run() {
            int upOff = elmo.moveVerticalOff / Constants.ELMO_JUMP_UP_TIMES;
            for(int i=0; i<Constants.ELMO_JUMP_UP_TIMES; i++) {
                elmo.setY(elmo.y - upOff);
            new GravityRunnable(elmo, map).run();

    // elmo向下掉落的时候, 创建一个, 添加到线程池中执行
        // 如果  当前元素下面的元素不可standable, 则向下掉落
    static class GravityRunnable implements Runnable {
        private Elmo elmo;
        private Map map;
        public GravityRunnable(Elmo elmo, Map map) {
            this.elmo = elmo;
            this.map = map;
        public void run() {
            int upOff = elmo.moveVerticalOff / Constants.ELMO_JUMP_UP_TIMES;
            while(elmo.canGravity(map)) {
            elmo.isJump = false;
            elmo.moveVerticalOff = Constants.ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF;

    // elmo攻击的时候, 创建一个, 添加到线程池中执行
        // 如果  更新显示的图片, 一段时间后更新回来
    static class AttackRunnable implements Runnable {
        private Elmo elmo;
        private Map map;
        public AttackRunnable(Elmo elmo, Map map) {
            this.elmo = elmo;
            this.map = map;
        public void run() {


2.3 Enemy : 敌人[这里没有实现]

 * file name : Enemy.java
 * created at : 7:39:06 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 敌人
public class Enemy extends Element {

    // 初始化
    public Enemy() {

    public Enemy(int x, int y) {
        super(x, y);


2.3 Prop : 道具[所有的非elmo 以及非enemy的其他元素] [控制了影响elmo, enemy的性质]

 * file name : Prop.java
 * created at : 2:17:30 PM Oct 27, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 道具
public class Prop extends Element {

    // 是否可站立, 是否可攻击, 是否可穿过, 是否可以独立存在于高空
    protected boolean standable;
    protected boolean attackable;
    protected boolean crossable;
    protected boolean standaloneable;

    // 初始化
    public Prop() {

    public Prop(int x, int y) {
        super(x, y);
        standable = true;
        attackable = false;
        crossable = false;
        standaloneable = false;

    // setter & getter
    // 省略若干...


2.4 Boy : elmo需要收集的boy, 注意更新的move方法 [由MainPanel.threadPool中的一条线程定时调用]

 * file name : Boy.java
 * created at : 7:35:33 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 哭闹的小孩..
public class Boy extends Prop {

    // 当前图片的索引
    Image[] imgs = Constants.boys;
    int idx = Tools.nextRandom(imgs.length);

    // 初始化
    public Boy() {

    public Boy(int x, int y) {
        super(x, y);
        this.img = imgs[idx];
        crossable = true;
        standable = false;

    // 累增idx, 并制造一个"循环"
    private void incIdx() {
        idx ++;
        if(idx == imgs.length) {
            idx = 0;

    // 驱动boy的"移动"
    public void move() {
        img = imgs[idx];


2.5 Brick : 砖头 [可被攻击][这里, 我们只介绍一个Brick元素]

 * file name : Brice.java
 * created at : 2:22:35 PM Oct 27, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 砖
public class Brick extends Prop {

    // 初始化
    public Brick() {

    public Brick(int x, int y) {
        super(x, y);
        this.attackable = true;
        this.img = Constants.brick;


2.6 MainPanel : 控制着状态的改变, 以及响应用户的操作

 * file name : MainPanel.java
 * created at : 2:15:01 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 主面板
public class MainPanel extends JPanel {

    // 全局变量
    // 每一个元素宽度, 高度
    private static int gridWidth = Constants.GRID_WIDTH;
    private static int gridHeight = Constants.GRID_HEIGHT;

    // 选择的位置, 是否绘制选中的文字 [用于闪烁选中的文字]
    // 当前的状态, 是否游戏结束, 是否开始游戏
    private Point selected;
    private boolean isDrawSelected;
    private State state;
    private boolean isOver;
    private boolean isStart;

    // 业务数据
    // 关卡id, 剩余的人数, map model, elmo
    private int stageId = 1;
    private int rest = 3;
    private Map map;
    private Elmo elmo;

    // 其他数据
    private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Constants.N_THREADS);

    // 初始化
    public MainPanel() {
        state = State.START_UP;
        isDrawSelected = true;
        isOver = false;
        isStart = false;
        map = new Map(Tools.generateMap(Constants.STAGE_00) );

    // 初始化elmo
    private void initElmo() {
        elmo = map.getElmo();

    // 重写paint方法, 绘制panel
        // 根据不同的状态, 执行不同的业务
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        switch(state) {
            case IN_GAME :
                break ;
            case START_UP :
                break ;
            case STAGE_INFO :
                break ;             
            default :
                Log.err("error state : " + state.toString() );
                break ;

    // 重写update方法 [双缓冲, 先将g中的数据缓冲到一个Image中, 然后在将其绘制到屏幕]
    public void update(Graphics g){                                         //覆盖update方法,截取默认的调用过程  
        Image buffer = createImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight());      //创建图形缓冲区  
        Graphics bufferGraphics = buffer.getGraphics();                     //获取图形缓冲区的图形上下文  
        paint(bufferGraphics);                                              //用paint方法中编写的绘图过程对图形缓冲区绘图  
        bufferGraphics.dispose();                                           //释放图形上下文资源  
        g.drawImage(buffer, 0, 0, this);                                    //将图形缓冲区绘制到屏幕上  

    // 绘制在开始状态
    // 1. 必要的话初始化selected
    // 2. 绘制背景
    // 3. 绘制文字
    // 4. 必要的话清空当前选择的文字 [闪烁控制]
    // 5. 绘制选择图标
    private void drawInStartUp(Graphics g) {
        if(selected == null) {
            selected = Constants.START_UP_START_POS;

        Tools.assert0(Constants.START_UPS_WORDS.length, Constants.START_UPS_WORDS_POS.length);
        for(int i=0; i<Constants.START_UPS_WORDS.length; i++) {
            drawString(g, Constants.START_UPS_WORDS, Constants.START_UPS_WORDS_POS, i);

        if(!isDrawSelected) {
            int selectedWordIdx = 0;
            if(selected == Constants.START_UP_START_POS) {
                selectedWordIdx = 2;
            } else {
                selectedWordIdx = 3;
            drawString(g, Constants.START_UPS_WORDS, Constants.START_UPS_WORDS_POS, selectedWordIdx);

        g.drawImage(Constants.elmoRight[Constants.STAND], selected.x, selected.y, gridWidth, gridHeight, this);
    // 绘制正在游戏的 的图像
    // 1. 绘制背景图片
    // 2. 绘制所有的元素
    private void drawInGame(Graphics g) {

        Iterator<Element> eles = map.elements();
        while(eles.hasNext() ) {
            Element e = eles.next();
    // 绘制关卡信息
    // 1. 绘制背景
    // 2. 绘制关卡数, 剩余的人数
    private void drawInStageInfo(Graphics g) {

        Tools.assert0(Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS.length, Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS_POS.length);
        drawString(g, Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS[0] + "  " + getStageIdString(stageId), Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS_POS[0]);
        drawString(g, Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS[1] + "  " + getStageIdString(rest), Constants.STAGE_INFO_WORDS_POS[1]);

    // 绘制开始状态, 关卡信息, 游戏开始 的背景图片
    private void drawStartUpBg(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(Constants.startBg, 0, 0, Constants.FRAME_WIDTH, Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT, this);
    private void drawInGameBg(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(Constants.inGameBg, 0, 0, Constants.FRAME_WIDTH, Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT, this);
    private void drawStageInfoBg(Graphics g) {
        g.drawImage(Constants.stageInfoBg, 0, 0, Constants.FRAME_WIDTH, Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT, this);

    // 键盘业务处理
    // 对于开始界面的时候
        // 点击选择键, 更新选择图标的位置
        // 点击开始键, 绘制选择文字闪烁的情况, 并切换到关卡信息页面
    public void dealKeyPressInStart(KeyEvent e) {
        if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.SELECT) {
            if(selected == Constants.START_UP_START_POS) {
                selected = Constants.START_UP_CONTINUE_POS;
            } else {
                selected = Constants.START_UP_START_POS;
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.START) {
            if(! isStart) {
                isStart = true;
                selected = null;
                threadPool.execute(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        for(int i=0; i<Constants.START_TWINKLE_TIMES; i++) {
                            isDrawSelected = !isDrawSelected;

    // 对于开始游戏界面
        // 对于各个操作键的响应
        // 如果成功了, 则更新stage
    public void dealKeyPressInGame(KeyEvent e) {
        if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_LEFT) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_RIGHT) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_DOWN) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_JUMP) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_ATTACK) {

        if(elmo.isSuccess() ) {
            setStage(getNextStageMap(stageId) );

    // 更新关卡
    // 更新stageId, rest, 更新isOver 停止所有的线程, 等待所有的线程执行完成
    // 更新map, 更新isOver
    // 启动repaint线程, 绘制关卡信息, 启动游戏 [更新可移动元素, 更新移动elmo, 绘制elmo移动时候的步伐]
    public void setStage(Integer[][] map) {
        stageId ++;
        rest ++;
        isOver = true;
        Tools.awaitTasksEnd(threadPool, Constants.DEFAULT_CHECK_THREADPOOL_INTERVAL);

        this.map = new Map(map );
        isOver = false;
        threadPool.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

    // 对于开始界面的时候
        // doNothing
    public void dealKeyReleaseStartUp(KeyEvent e) {
    // 对于开始游戏界面
        // 响应键盘的操作
    public void dealKeyReleaseInGame(KeyEvent e) {
        if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_LEFT) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_RIGHT) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_DOWN) {
        } else if(e.getKeyCode() == Constants.GO_ATTACK) {

    // 启动定时重绘线程
    public void startRepaint() {
        threadPool.execute(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while(! isOver) {
    // 显示关卡信息 [依赖于定时刷新线程]
    private void showStageInfo() {
    // 开始游戏 [更新可移动元素, 更新移动elmo, 绘制elmo移动时候的步伐][依赖于定时刷新线程]
    private void startGame() {
        putTask(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while(! isOver) {
                    Iterator<Element> it = map.movableElements();
                    while(it.hasNext() ) {
        putTask(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while(! isOver) {
                    Elmo elmo = map.getElmo();
        putTask(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                while(! isOver) {
                    Elmo elmo = map.getElmo();
                    if(!elmo.isJump() && (elmo.isLeft() || elmo.isRight()) ) {
                        putTask(new MoveRunnable(elmo));

    // 绘制给定的索引对应的字符串
    private void drawString(Graphics g, String[] words, Point[] poses, int idx) {
        drawString(g, words[idx], poses[idx]);
    private void drawString(Graphics g, String word, Point pos) {
        g.drawString(word, pos.x, pos.y);

    // 获取stageId的字符串表示
    // 此处的实现为 不足两位, 在前面填充0
    private String getStageIdString(int stageId) {
        if(stageId < 10) {
            return "0" + String.valueOf(stageId);

        return String.valueOf(stageId);

    // 获取下一个关卡的地图
    public Integer[][] getNextStageMap(int stageId) {
        return Tools.generateMap(Constants.STAGE_01);

    // 想线程池抛去一个任务
    public void putTask(Runnable run) {

    // setter & getter
    // 省略若干...


2.7 State : 各个状态的枚举

 * file name : State.java
 * created at : 2:31:26 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 状态 [当前游戏的状态]
public enum State {
    // 三个状态 [开始状态, 显示关卡信息, 正在游戏状态]
    START_UP("startUp"), STAGE_INFO("stageInfo"), IN_GAME("inGame"); 

    // 名称
    private String name;

    // 初始化
    private State() {
    private State(String name) {
        this.name = name;

    // for debug ..
    public String toString() {
        return name;

2.8 Map : 地图model, 控制着所有元素的存取 取出元素有两种方式, 一种是按照坐标, 另一种是从存储的List中存取

 * file name : Map.java
 * created at : 5:02:16 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 地图model
public class Map {

    // 地图model
    // 艾摩君, 孩子, 敌人, 其他元素, 门
    private Integer[][] map;
    private Element[][] eleMap;
    private List<Element> elmos;
    private List<Element> boys;
    private List<Element> enemys;
    private List<Element> props;
    private List<Element> doors;

    // 初始化
    public Map() {

    public Map(Integer[][] map) {
        Tools.assert0(map.length, Constants.ROW_MAX);
        Tools.assert0(map[0].length, Constants.COL_MAX);

        this.map = map;
        elmos = new ArrayList<>();
        boys = new ArrayList<>();
        enemys = new ArrayList<>();
        props = new ArrayList<>(100);
        doors = new ArrayList<>(1);
        eleMap = new Element[map.length][map[0].length];

        init(map, this);

    // 初始化, 构造对象
    // 根据map生成eleMap的model, 以及收集各种类型的元素
    private void init(Integer[][] map, Map mapObj) {
        for(int row=0; row<map.length; row++) {
            for(int col=0; col<map[row].length; col++) {
                Element curEle = null;
                if(Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.elmo) ) {
                    curEle = new Elmo(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row), this );
                    elmos.add(curEle );
                    curEle = null;
                    map[row][col] = Constants.NULL;
                } else if(Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.boy) ) {
                    curEle = new Boy(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                } else if(Tools.isEnemy(map[row][col]) ) {
                    curEle = new Enemy(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                    enemys.add(curEle );
                    map[row][col] = Constants.NULL;
                    curEle = null;
                } else if(Tools.isProps(map[row][col]) ) {
                    if(Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.brick)) {
                        curEle = new Brick(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                    } else if (Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.floor)) {
                        curEle = new Floor(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                    } else if (Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.rack)) {
                        curEle = new Rack(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                    } else if (Tools.isEle(map[row][col], Constants.iron)) {
                        curEle = new Iron(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                    props.add(curEle );
                } else {
                    if(map[row][col] != Constants.NULL) {
                        curEle = new Door(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row), Constants.idToImg.get(map[row][col]));
                        doors.add(curEle );
                eleMap[row][col] = curEle;

    // 返回所有元素的一个迭代器
    // 最后获取elmo, 不然他就变成背景啦 [主要用于主面板重新绘制]
    public Iterator<Element> elements() {
        return new Iterator<Element>() {
            Iterator<Element> boysIt = boys.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> enemysIt = enemys.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> propsIt = props.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> doorIt = doors.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> elmosIt = elmos.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> curIt = boysIt;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                if(curIt.hasNext() ) {
                    return true;

                if(curIt == boysIt) {
                    curIt = enemysIt;
                    return hasNext();
                } else if(curIt == enemysIt) {
                    curIt = propsIt;
                    return hasNext();
                } else if(curIt == propsIt) {
                    curIt = doorIt;
                    return hasNext();
                } else if(curIt == doorIt) {
                    curIt = elmosIt;
                    return hasNext();
                }  else {
                    return false;
            public Element next() {
                if(hasNext() ) {
                    return curIt.next();
                return null;
            public void remove() {
                throw new RuntimeException("unsupproted exception ...");

    // 返回可移动元素的一个迭代器 [主要用于主面板, 定期调度这些元素的move方法, 比如 : 孩子需要哭, 敌人需要移动, 攻击等等]
    public Iterator<Element> movableElements() {
        return new Iterator<Element>() {
            Iterator<Element> boysIt = boys.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> enemysIt = enemys.iterator();
            Iterator<Element> curIt = boysIt;

            public boolean hasNext() {
                if(curIt.hasNext() ) {
                    return true;

                if(curIt == boysIt) {
                    curIt = enemysIt;
                    return hasNext();
                } else {
                    return false;
            public Element next() {
                if(hasNext() ) {
                    return curIt.next();
                return null;
            public void remove() {
                throw new RuntimeException("unsupproted exception ...");

    // 某个元素被攻击了  
        // 如果是道具, 则操作该位置的元素 [如果其之上的元素不能"腾空"的话, 将其移动下来]
        // 如果是敌人, 多态
    // 啊 这里不是可以在基类中封装一个beAttacked方法嘛...
    public void propBeAttacked(Element prop) {
        int row = Tools.getRowByY(prop.y);
        int col = Tools.getColByX(prop.x);
        int id = map[row][col];
        if(Tools.isProps(id) ) {
            map[row][col] = Constants.NULL;
            eleMap[row][col] = null;
            if(! props.remove(prop)) {
            downIfNotStandaloneable(row, col);
        } else if(Tools.isEnemy(id) ) {


    // 获取剩余的小孩的个数
    public int boysLeft() {
        return boys.size();

    // 如果当前位置上面的元素不能独立存在的话, 则将上面的元素, 移到当前位置, 并递归更新
    private void downIfNotStandaloneable(int row, int col) {
        Element above = eleMap[row-1][col];
        if((above != null) && (above instanceof Prop) ) {
            if(! ((Prop) above).isStandaloneable() ) {
                map[row][col] = map[row-1][col];
                eleMap[row][col] = eleMap[row-1][col];
                eleMap[row][col].setXY(Tools.getXByCol(col), Tools.getYByRow(row) );
                map[row-1][col] = Constants.NULL;
                eleMap[row-1][col] = null;
                downIfNotStandaloneable(row-1, col);

    // setter & getter
    // 省略若干...


2.9 Tools : 常用的工具函数

 * file name : Tools.java
 * created at : 2:37:02 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 工具 常量,方法
public class Tools {

    // 工具常量
    public static String CRLF = "\r\n";
    public static Random ran = new Random();

    // 工具方法
    // 确保val 和expected相同, 否则 抛出异常
    public static void assert0(int val, int expect) {
        assert0(val, expect, true);
    public static void assert0(int val, int expect, boolean isEquals) {
        if(isEquals ^ (val == expect)) {
            String symbol = null;
            if(isEquals) {
                symbol = "!=";
            } else {
                symbol = "==";
            throw new RuntimeException("assert0Exception : " + val + " " + symbol + " " + expect);
    public static <T> void assert0(T val, T expect) {
        assert0(val, expect, true);
    public static <T> void assert0(T val, T expect, boolean isEquals) {
        if(isEquals ^ (val == expect)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("assert0Exception : " + val + " != " + expect);

    // 使当前线程休眠sleepMillus
    public static void sleep(int sleepMillus) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // 根据地图文件生成map
    public static Integer[][] generateMap(String path) {
        List<String> lines = null;
        try {
            lines = getContentWithList(new File(path));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        Tools.assert0(lines, null, false);

        Iterator<String> it = lines.iterator();
        Integer[][] res = new Integer[lines.size()][];

        int idx = 0;
        while(it.hasNext()) {
            String[] splits = it.next().split("\\s+");
            res[idx] = new Integer[splits.length];
            for(int i=0; i<splits.length; i++) {
                res[idx][i] = Integer.valueOf(splits[i]);
            idx ++;

        return res;

    // 获取文件的所有的行, 存储在一个结果的List
    public static List<String> getContentWithList(File file) throws IOException {
        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)) );
        List<String> lines = new LinkedList<>();

        String line = null;
        while((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

        return lines;

    // 通过行列的数据, 获取坐标
    public static int getXByCol(int col) {
        return col * Constants.GRID_WIDTH;
    public static int getYByRow(int row) {
        return row * Constants.GRID_HEIGHT;
    public static int getColByX(int x) {
        return x / Constants.GRID_WIDTH;
    public static int getRowByY(int y) {
        return y / Constants.GRID_HEIGHT;

    // 判断是否是给定的元素
    public static boolean isEle(Integer id, Image img) {
        return Constants.idToImg.get(id) == img;
    public static boolean isEnemy(Integer id) {
        return false;
    public static boolean isProps(Integer id) {
        return isEle(id, Constants.brick) || isEle(id, Constants.floor) || isEle(id, Constants.rack) || isEle(id, Constants.iron) || isEle(id, Constants.boy);

    // 获取一个随机数
    public static int nextRandom(int range) {
        return ran.nextInt(range);

    // 使坐标合法化 [求模]
    public static int formatX(int x) {
        if(x < 0 || x >= Constants.FRAME_WIDTH) {
            x = (x + Constants.FRAME_WIDTH) % Constants.FRAME_WIDTH;
        return x;
    public static int formatY(int y) {
        if(y < 0 || y >= Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT) {
            y = (y + Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT) % Constants.FRAME_HEIGHT;
        return y;
    public static int formatRow(int row) {
        if(row < 0 || row >= Constants.ROW_MAX) {
            row = (row + Constants.ROW_MAX) % Constants.ROW_MAX;
        return row;
    public static int formatCol(int col) {
        if(col < 0 || col >= Constants.COL_MAX) {
            col = (col + Constants.COL_MAX) % Constants.COL_MAX;
        return col;

    // 等待 线程池中任务结束 [并不关闭线程池]
    public static void awaitTasksEnd(ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool, int checkInterval) {
        while (! threadPool.isShutdown() ) {
            int acitveTaskCount = threadPool.getActiveCount();

            if(acitveTaskCount == 0) {
                break ;
            } else {


2.10 Constants : 存放常量

 * file name : Constants.java
 * created at : 2:27:39 PM Oct 26, 2015
 * created by 970655147

package com.hx.elmo;

// 常量配置
public class Constants {

    // 游戏属性配置  [平常元素的宽高, 以及elmo的宽高]
    public static int GRID_WIDTH = 40;
    public static int GRID_HEIGHT = 36;
    public static int ELMO_WIDTH = 36;
    public static int ELMO_HEIGHT = 32; 

    // 主窗口的宽高, 最多的行数, 列数
    public static int FRAME_WIDTH = 640;
    public static int FRAME_HEIGHT = 500; 
    public static int ROW_MAX = 13;
    public static int COL_MAX = 16;

    // 控制配置
        // 开始, 选择, 上下左右, 跳跃, 攻击 
    public static int START = KeyEvent.VK_1;
    public static int SELECT = KeyEvent.VK_3;
    public static int GO_UP = KeyEvent.VK_W;
    public static int GO_RIGHT = KeyEvent.VK_D;
    public static int GO_DOWN = KeyEvent.VK_S;
    public static int GO_LEFT = KeyEvent.VK_A;
    public static int GO_JUMP = KeyEvent.VK_K;
    public static int GO_ATTACK = KeyEvent.VK_J;

    // 方向
    public static int RIGHT = 0;
    public static int LEFT = 1;

    // 各个需要的图片的路径, 以及Image对象, 以及数字到图片的映射[构建地图]
    // 三张背景图 + 元素图 + 门 + elmo的左右两个方向的各自四张图, boy哭的四张图
    public static String START_BG_BG = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/startUpBG.png";
    public static String STAGE_INFO_BG = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/stageInfo.png";
    public static String IN_GAME_BG = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/inGameBG.png";
    public static String BRICK = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/brick.png";
    public static String FLOOR = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/floor.png";
    public static String RACK = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/rack.png";
    public static String IRON = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/iron.png";
    public static String LEFT_UP_DOOR = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/leftUpDoor.png";
    public static String LEFT_DOWN_DOOR = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/leftDownDoor.png";
    public static String RIGHT_UP_DOOR = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/rightUpDoor.png";
    public static String RIGHT_DOWN_DOOR = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/rightDownDoor.png";
    public static int STAND = 0;
    public static int GO = 1;
    public static int ATT = 2;
    public static int SLEEP = 3;
    public static int DOWN = 4;
    public static String[] ELMO_LEFT = new String[] {
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoStandLeft.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoGoLeft.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoAttLeft.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoSleepLeft.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoDownLeft.png"
    public static String[] ELMO_RIGHT = new String[] {
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoStandRight.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoGoRight.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoAttRight.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoSleepRight.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/elmoDownRight.png"
    public static String[] BOYS = new String[] {
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/boy_1.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/boy_2.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/boy_3.png",
        System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/boy_4.png"

    // 默认配置的关卡0, 1, 默认的StageName Stage中使用, 背景颜色
    public static String STAGE_00 = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/map00.txt";
    public static String STAGE_01 = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/com/hx/elmo/map01.txt";
    public static String DEFAULT_STATE_NAME = "unknowName";
    public static Color START_BG_COLOR = new Color(144, 208, 255);

    // 各个id, 图片
    public static int NULL = 0;
    public static int RACK_ID = 1;
    public static int FLOOR_ID = 2;
    public static int ELMO_ID = 3;
    public static int BRICK_ID = 4;
    public static int BOY_ID = 5;
    public static int IRON_ID = 6;
    public static int LEFT_UP_DOOR_ID = 7;
    public static int LEFT_DOWN_DOOR_ID = 8;
    public static int RIGHT_UP_DOOR_ID = 9;
    public static int RIGHT_DOWN_DOOR_ID = 10;

    public static Image startBg;
    public static Image stageInfoBg;
    public static Image inGameBg;
    public static Image brick;
    public static Image floor;
    public static Image rack;
    public static Image iron;
    public static Image leftUpDoor;
    public static Image leftDownDoor;
    public static Image rightUpDoor;
    public static Image rightDownDoor;
    public static Image elmo;
    public static Image[] elmoLeft;
    public static Image[] elmoRight;
    public static Image boy;
    public static Image[] boys;
    public static java.util.Map<Integer, Image> idToImg; 

    // 初始化各个图片, 建立id 到图片的映射
    static {
        try {
            startBg = ImageIO.read(new File(START_BG_BG) );
            stageInfoBg = ImageIO.read(new File(STAGE_INFO_BG) );
            inGameBg = ImageIO.read(new File(IN_GAME_BG) );
            brick = ImageIO.read(new File(BRICK) );
            floor = ImageIO.read(new File(FLOOR) );
            rack = ImageIO.read(new File(RACK) );
            iron = ImageIO.read(new File(IRON) );
            leftUpDoor = ImageIO.read(new File(LEFT_UP_DOOR) );
            leftDownDoor = ImageIO.read(new File(LEFT_DOWN_DOOR) );
            rightUpDoor = ImageIO.read(new File(RIGHT_UP_DOOR) );
            rightDownDoor = ImageIO.read(new File(RIGHT_DOWN_DOOR) );
            boys = new Image[BOYS.length];
            elmoLeft = new Image[ELMO_LEFT.length];
            elmoRight = new Image[ELMO_RIGHT.length];
            for(int i=0; i<ELMO_LEFT.length; i++) {
                elmoLeft[i] = ImageIO.read(new File(ELMO_LEFT[i]) );
                elmoRight[i] = ImageIO.read(new File(ELMO_RIGHT[i]) );
            for(int i=0; i<BOYS.length; i++) {
                boys[i] = ImageIO.read(new File(BOYS[i]) );

            elmo = elmoLeft[0];
            boy = boys[0];
        } catch (IOException e) {

        idToImg = new HashMap<>();
        idToImg.put(RACK_ID, rack);
        idToImg.put(FLOOR_ID, floor);
        idToImg.put(ELMO_ID, elmo);
        idToImg.put(BRICK_ID, brick);
        idToImg.put(BOY_ID, boys[0]);
        idToImg.put(IRON_ID, iron);
        idToImg.put(LEFT_UP_DOOR_ID, leftUpDoor);
        idToImg.put(LEFT_DOWN_DOOR_ID, leftDownDoor);
        idToImg.put(RIGHT_UP_DOOR_ID, rightUpDoor);
        idToImg.put(RIGHT_DOWN_DOOR_ID, rightDownDoor);


    // 开始按钮的时候 选中文字的闪烁的次数, 每一次闪烁间隔的时间
    // MainPanel中线程的个数, 显示stage信息的时候 停滞的时间
    public static int START_TWINKLE_TIMES = 5;
    public static int START_TWINKLE_INTERVAL = 200;
    public static int N_THREADS = 10;
    public static int STAGE_INFO_INTERVAL = 1000;

    // 游戏画面重绘的周期, 可移动元素的重绘的时间周期[boy, enemy], elmo移动的时间周期 [这里和其他的可移动的元素是分开的]
    // elmo绘制其脚步变化的周期 [在移动才更新图片], elmo移动的时候绘制跑的图片的时间长度
    // elmo跳跃的时候 相邻的两个高度绘制的时间间隔, elmo水平移动的长度, elmo竖直方向上移动的长度
    // elmo 跳跃一次分为多少个阶段绘制, elmo攻击的时候显示攻击图片的时间
    // 过关的时候, 等待所有的线程停止的检查时间
    public static int REFRESH_INTERVAL = 30;
    public static int MOVABLE_ELE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 100;
    public static int ELMO_MOVABLE_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 40;
    public static int ELMO_MOVABLE_STEP_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 400;
    public static int ELMO_MOVE_CHANGE_PIC_INTERVAL = 200;
    public static int JUMP_CHANGE_PIC_INTERVAL = 50;
    public static final int ELMO_MOVE_HORIZON_OFF = 5;
    public static final int ELMO_MOVE_VERTICAL_OFF = GRID_HEIGHT + 10;
    public static final int ELMO_JUMP_UP_TIMES = 5;
    public static int ELMO_ATTACK_CHANGE_PIC_INTERVAL = 1000;
    public static int DEFAULT_CHECK_THREADPOOL_INTERVAL = 200;

    // 开始界面需要绘制的数字, 以及其位置
    public static Color START_UP_COLOR = Color.WHITE;
    public static Font START_UP_FONT = new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 24);
    public static String[] START_UPS_WORDS = new String[] {
        "@  KONAMI  1990",
        "PLAY  SELECT",
    public static Point[] START_UPS_WORDS_POS = new Point[] {
        new Point(200, 230),
        new Point(220, 280),
        new Point(160, 310),
        new Point(350, 310)
    public static Point START_UP_START_POS = new Point(110, 280);
    public static Point START_UP_CONTINUE_POS = new Point(300, 280);

    // 显示关卡页面需要绘制的数字, 以及其位置
    public static Color STAGE_INFO_COLOR = new Color(224, 80, 0);
    public static Font STAGE_INFO_FONT = new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 24);
    public static String[] STAGE_INFO_WORDS = new String[] {
        "STAGE ",
        "REST "
    public static Point[] STAGE_INFO_WORDS_POS = new Point[] {
        new Point(260, 230),
        new Point(260, 280)


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