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转载 RxJS: Don’t Unsubscribe

RxJS: Don’t UnsubscribeWell… okay, just don’t unsubscribe quite so much.I’m often enlisted to help someone debug an issue with their RxJS code or figure out how to structure an app that is com

2016-12-09 17:39:10 1156

转载 JavaScript Module Systems Showdown: CommonJS vs AMD vs ES2015

Introduction: Why Are JavaScript Modules Needed?If you are familiar with other development platforms, you probably have some notion of the concepts of encapsulation and dependency. Different piece

2016-11-30 09:40:37 774

转载 Understanding ES5, ES2015 and TypeScript

What is the difference between ES5, ES2015 (formerly known as ES6), and TypeScript? Which should we learn and use?First, let’s create a foundation for our discussion for each of these. TypeScript

2016-11-30 09:29:52 717

转载 ES5, ES6, ES2016, ES.Next: What's going on with JavaScript versioning?

JavaScript has a strange naming history. For its initial release in 1995 as part of Netscape Navigator, Netscape labeled their new language LiveScript, before renaming it to JavaScript a year later, h

2016-11-23 09:33:18 879


Hot vs Cold ObservablesUnderstanding the nature of hot and cold Observables is a crucial part to master Observables. Before we try to explore the topic through some practical examples, let’s rea

2016-11-11 16:04:24 787

转载 深入浅出 妙用Javascript中apply、call、bind

apply、call   在 javascript 中,call 和 apply 都是为了改变某个函数运行时的上下文(context)而存在的,换句话说,就是为了改变函数体内部 this 的指向。  JavaScript 的一大特点是,函数存在「定义时上下文」和「运行时上下文」以及「上下文是可以改变的」这样的概念。  先来一个栗子:1

2016-11-02 09:03:50 284

转载 5 Rookie Mistakes to Avoid with Angular 2

So you've read some blog posts, watched some conference videos, and finally you're ready to get your feet wet with Angular 2.    What are some things you should know starting out?Here's a compil

2016-10-31 15:34:08 346

转载 Writing A Structural Directive in Angular 2

Or, how I wrote a customized version of ngForPosted on Sunday Mar 6, 2016 by Tero Parviainen (@teropa)When building Angular 2 applications, we spend most of our time writingcomponents. The

2016-10-25 16:36:41 364

转载 How to update a Github forked repository

In your local clone of your forked repository, you can add the original GitHub repository as a "remote". ("Remotes" are like nicknames for the URLs of repositories - origin is one, for example.) The

2016-09-24 22:11:41 364

转载 Conditionally add styles to an element

Here we're going through a couple of ways to conditionally apply some styles to a DOM element in Angular 2.Directly manipulating styles propertyA rather unconventional way would be to retu

2016-09-18 17:54:42 620

转载 常用的javascript设计模式

阅读目录什么是设计模式单体模式:工厂模式:单例模式观察者模式(发布订阅模式)策略模式模板模式代理模式外观模式设计模式太多了,貌似有23种,其实我们在平时的工作中没有必要特意去用什么样的设计模式,或者你在不经意间就已经用了设计模式当中的一种。本文旨在总结平时相对来说用的比较多的设计模式。回到顶部什么是设计模式百度百科:  设计模式(Design p

2016-09-14 15:04:26 324

转载 WEB前端开发人员须知的常见浏览器兼容问题及解决技巧


2016-09-14 15:02:11 17989

转载 前端模板与渲染

1 页面级的渲染  在刚有web的时候,前端与后端的交互,非常直白,浏览器端发出URL,后端返回一张拼好了的HTML串。浏览器对其进行渲染。html中可能会混有一些php(或者php中混有一些html)。在服务端将数据与模板进行拼装,生成要返回浏览器端的html串。  这与我们现在做一个普通网页没什么区别。只不过现在,我们更常使用模板技术来解决前后端耦合的问题。  前端使用模板引擎

2016-09-14 15:00:29 3749

转载 HTML元素坐标定位

视口坐标是相对于窗口的坐标,而文档坐标是相对于整个文档而言。例如,在文档坐标中如果一个元素的相对于文档的Y坐标是200px,并且用户已经把浏览器向下滚动了75px,那么视口坐标中元素的Y坐标为200px – 75px = 125px。    如何获取浏览器滚动条的位置?Window对象的pageXOffset和pageYOffset属性在所有浏览器中提供这些值,除IE8以及更早的版本。IE和所

2016-09-14 14:58:29 2199

转载 Transclusion in Angular 2

原文链接:https://toddmotto.com/transclusion-in-angular-2-with-ng-contentTransclusion is an Angular 1.x term, lost in the rewrite of Angular 2, so let’s bring it back for this article just concep

2016-09-14 14:55:53 331


The new dependency injection system in Angular 2 comes with a feature called “Multi Providers” that basically enable us, the consumer of the platform, to hook into certain operations and plug in custo

2016-09-09 08:37:59 370

转载 What is the difference between Constructor and ngOnInit?

The Constructor is a default method of the class that is executed when the class is instantiated and ensures proper initialization of fields in the class and its subclasses. Angular or better DI ana

2016-09-07 13:19:39 484

转载 10 Best Hybrid Mobile App UI Frameworks: HTML5, CSS and JS

Native developers love working with native code but that doesn't always go well with the business case or result in effective use of effort and time. We often see scenarios where developers end up bui

2016-09-01 17:23:41 1206

转载 Angular 2 fire event after ngFor

I had a similar problem. I am using angular2 rc 1.I solved it by creating a new component(a directive didnt work for me).import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';@

2016-09-01 17:17:33 640

转载 Using An Item Template With An HTML Dropdown Menu Component In Angular 2 RC 3

A while ago, I played around with trying to create an HTML Dropdown menu component in Angular 2. This was quite a non-trivial task, but very worthwhile. Recently, however, I discovered that you coul

2016-08-30 16:27:34 561

转载 Using TemplateRef to create a tooltip/popover directive in Angular 2

This post is about a Component created in the context of our application development.There is a demo here, and you can find the full source code here.Lately, the need arose to create a tooltip

2016-08-30 16:25:11 693

转载 APP设计阅读:6本交互设计殿堂级的书籍

第1本:《The Design of Everyday Things》(交互圣经级的书)中文名称:设计心理学这是一本高屋建瓴、纵观全局但又细心讲解、细密入微的设计之书。凝练的原则+细致的论述+实际的例子+扩展的注解和引用,是这本书的基本写法。 一本从各种角度来说都很好的好书。在线阅读PDF版:立即阅读 第2本:《AboutFace3交互设计精髓》本书

2016-08-26 17:08:32 2980

转载 Using the Chrome Debugger Tools, part 3: The Sources Tab

Using the Chrome Debugger Tools, part 3: The Sources TabA few months ago, I started putting together a series of tutorials on the excellent Chrome debugger tools. Having explored the Elements tab

2016-08-26 16:59:32 730

转载 Lodash 中 assign,extend 和 merge 的区别

简介我们经常在别人的代码中看见 assign,extend,merge 函数,这三个函数用起来很相似,都是合并源对象的属性到目标对象中。既然都是合并对象,为什么还分三个不同的函数呢?它们之间到底有什么区别呢?assign(object, [sources])我们先看看官方网站上面的定义:Assigns own enumerable string keye

2016-08-22 12:39:16 26060


NG-NL has happened and it was awesome! I had the honour of giving a talk about change detection in Angular 2 and it seemed to be a huge success as attendees liked it a lot. With this article, we’d l

2016-08-19 16:33:08 532

转载 What is the read parameter in @ViewChild for

There can be several instances of various types be associated with the element tag with the #mynametemplate variable.For each element there is an ElementRef and ViewContainerRef (maybe others

2016-08-19 09:48:44 302

转载 JavaScript: What's the difference between HTML attribute and DOM property?

It is easy to confuse attribute with property when manipulating DOM object by JavaScript. document.getElementById('test').getAttribute('id'),$('#test').attr('id'), document.getElementById('test').id a

2016-08-17 13:10:37 249

转载 Angular 2 - DI

DICore AbstractionsThe library is built on top of the following core abstractions: Injector, Binding, and Dependency.An injector is created from a set of bindings.An injector resolve

2016-08-16 16:51:17 469

转载 Angular2 - Change detection

Change detection Every component gets a change detector responsible for checking the bindings defined in its template. Examples of bindings:{{todo.text}} and [todo]="t". Change detectors pro

2016-08-16 16:49:25 404

转载 Interacting efficiently with a RESTful service with Angular2 and RXJS (Part 3)

In the previous part of the article, we dealt with the way to manage data from a RESTful service and to link requests with form elements. We now tackle global issues like request interception, error

2016-08-16 16:39:51 232

转载 css清除浮动float的三种方法总结

摘要css清除浮动float的三种方法总结,为什么清浮动?浮动会有那些影响?    一、抛一块问题砖(display: block)先看现象:    分析HTML代码结构:div class="outer">    div class="div1">1div>    div class="div2">2div>    div class="div3">3div

2016-08-12 16:48:08 4594 1

转载 What's the difference between annotations and decorators in Angular 2?

原文链接: http://nicholasjohnson.com/blog/annotations-vs-decorators/

2016-08-08 18:01:01 255

转载 此像素非彼像素

本文由99根据Patrick H. Lauke的《A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel》所译,整个译文带有我们自己的理解与思想,如果译得不好或不对之处还请同行朋友指点。如需转载此译文,需注明英文出处:http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2010/04/a_pixel_is_not.html,以及作者相关信息

2016-08-02 17:01:08 784 1

转载 常用meta整理

元素概要标签提供关于HTML文档的元数据。元数据不会显示在页面上,但是对于机器是可读的。它可用于浏览器(如何显示内容或重新加载页面),搜索引擎(关键词),或其他 web 服务。 —— W3School必要属性属性值描述contentsome text定义与http-equiv或name属性相关的元信

2016-08-02 16:58:11 186

转载 为什么整个互联网行业都缺前端工程师?


2016-07-29 17:04:55 280

转载 JavaScript:事件流与事件处理程序


2016-07-29 17:03:30 293

转载 声明JavaScript函数的六种方法


2016-07-29 17:02:13 4085

转载 Design patterns for replacing modal windows

ProblemI’ve been asked to add modal windows to our Appway App. However, I’ve heard that Appway discourages the use of modal windows or modal dialog boxes. Why is that, and what can I do instead?

2016-07-22 08:08:35 446

转载 The 101 Most Useful Websites

ctrlq.org/screenshots – for capturing screenshots of web pages on mobile and desktops.dictation.io – online voice recognition in the browser itself.zerodollarmovies.com – find full-length movi

2016-07-19 16:58:50 27876

转载 Which Layout? Static, Liquid, Adaptive, or Responsive

When discussing a page layout, web designers will often use terms like fixed, static, liquid, adaptive, responsive, and a few others. If you’re a web designer, a web developer, or even a project stake

2016-07-19 16:54:21 380



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