Cassandra nodetool详解




nodetool help:帮助信息

[cassandra@node3 bin]$ ./nodetool help
usage: nodetool [(-p <port> | --port <port>)] [(-h <host> | --host <host>)]
        [(-pwf <passwordFilePath> | --password-file <passwordFilePath>)]
        [(-pw <password> | --password <password>)]
        [(-u <username> | --username <username>)] <command> [<args>]

The most commonly used nodetool commands are:
    assassinate                  强制删除节点
    bootstrap                    Monitor/manage node's bootstrap process
    cleanup                      触发不再属于某个节点的键的立即清除。默认情况下,清除所有键空间(常规合并过程最终总会删除这些数据)
    clearsnapshot                清楚快照
    compact                      对一个或多个表强制(主)压缩,或对给定的SSTables强制用户定义的压缩
    compactionhistory            打印压缩的历史信息
    compactionstats              打印压缩的统计信息
    decommission                 退服节点,让该节点不再提供服务(退服节点执行)
    describecluster              打印集群信息
    describering                 Shows the token ranges info of a given keyspace
    disableautocompaction        为给定的键空间和表关闭自动压缩
    disablebackup                禁用增量备份
    disablebinary                Disable native transport (binary protocol)
    disablegossip                Disable gossip (effectively marking the node down)
    disablehandoff               禁止存储和传递提示移交
    disablehintsfordc            禁止向数据中心传输提示移交
    disablethrift                Disable thrift server
    drain                        停止监听来自客户端和其他节点的命令。刷新所有表
    enableautocompaction         为给定的键空间和表启用自动压缩
    enablebackup                 开启增量备份
    enablebinary                 Reenable native transport (binary protocol)
    enablegossip                 Reenable gossip
    enablehandoff                重新启用当前节点上存储和传递提示移交
    enablehintsfordc             为以前禁用的数据中心开启提示移交
    enablethrift                 Reenable thrift server
    failuredetector              Shows the failure detector information for the cluster
    flush                        刷新memtable到sstable。flush keyspace [table]
    garbagecollect               Remove deleted data from one or more tables
    gcstats                      Print GC Statistics
    getcompactionthreshold       查看表的合并阈值
    getcompactionthroughput      查看系统中压缩/合并的吞吐量上限 MB/s
    getconcurrentcompactors      Get the number of concurrent compactors in the system.
    getendpoints                 Print the end points that owns the key
    getinterdcstreamthroughput   Print the Mb/s throughput cap for inter-datacenter streaming in the system
    getlogginglevels             打印日志级别
    getsstables                  Print the sstable filenames that own the key
    getstreamthroughput          Print the Mb/s throughput cap for streaming in the system
    gettimeout                   Print the timeout of the given type in ms
    gettraceprobability          Print the current trace probability value
    gossipinfo                   打印这个节点通过gossip向其他节点传递的参数
    help                         打印帮助信息
    info                         打印节点信息
    invalidatecountercache       清除计数器缓存
    invalidatekeycache           清除键缓存
    invalidaterowcache           清除行缓存
    join                         Join the ring
    listsnapshots                显示快照
    move                         重新分配token。 move +节点开始令牌  
    netstats                     Print network information on provided host (connecting node by default)
    pausehandoff                 暂停提示移交传输进程
    proxyhistograms              显示了读请求、写请求和区间请求的延迟。在这里所请求的节点作为协调器。
    rangekeysample               Shows the sampled keys held across all keyspaces
    rebuild                      从其他节点重建数据
    rebuild_index                重建二级索引,与修复一样,CPU和I/O开销很大
    refresh                      在不重启的情况下将新放置的SSTables加载到系统中 
    refreshsizeestimates         Refresh system.size_estimates
    reloadlocalschema            Reload local node schema from system tables
    reloadtriggers               Reload trigger classes
    relocatesstables             Relocates sstables to the correct disk
    removenode                   移除节点
    repair                       通过逆熵修复表
    replaybatchlog               Kick off batchlog replay and wait for finish
    resetlocalschema             Reset node's local schema and resync
    resumehandoff                Resume提示移交传输进程
    ring                         查看token环信息
    scrub                        Scrub (rebuild sstables for) one or more tables
    setcachecapacity             设置全局键、行和计数器缓存容量(以MB为单位)
    setcachekeystosave           覆盖为保持缓存元素所配置的设置,即一个文件中要保持多少个键缓存和行缓存
    setcompactionthreshold       设置合并阈值的最小和最大值
    setcompactionthroughput      为系统中的压缩/合并设吞吐量上限MB/s,或设置0以禁用节流
    setconcurrentcompactors      Set number of concurrent compactors in the system.
    sethintedhandoffthrottlekb   控制提示传送时使用的带宽
    setinterdcstreamthroughput   Set the Mb/s throughput cap for inter-datacenter streaming in the system, or 0 to disable throttling
    setlogginglevel              动态设置日志级别
    setstreamthroughput          Set the Mb/s throughput cap for streaming in the system, or 0 to disable throttling
    settimeout                   Set the specified timeout in ms, or 0 to disable timeout
    settraceprobability          设置将任何给定请求跟踪到值的概率。0为禁用,1为所有请求启用,0为默认值
    snapshot                     创建快照
    status                       打印集群信息
    statusbackup                 查看增量备份状态
    statusbinary                 Status of native transport (binary protocol)
    statusgossip                 打印gossip状态
    statushandoff                打印当前节点提交移交状态
    statusthrift                 打印thrift服务状态
    stop                         Stop compaction
    stopdaemon                   Stop cassandra daemon
    tablehistograms              打印给定表的统计直方图
    tablestats                   打印表统计信息
    toppartitions                Sample and print the most active partitions for a given column family
    tpstats                      打印线程池统计信息
    truncatehints                截断本地节点上的所有提示移交,或截断指定端点的提示移交.
    upgradesstables              升级操作之后运行,将存储的数据文件转换为最新的格式。
    verify                       Verify (check data checksum for) one or more tables
    version                      打印cassandra版本
    viewbuildstatus              Show progress of a materialized view build
    getmaxhintwindow        4.0新增,打印最大的提示移交窗口
    handoffwindow          打印当前提示移交的切换窗口
    setmaxhintwindow	         设置指定的最大提示窗口


See 'nodetool help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
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