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原创 Failed to configure a DataSource: ‘url‘ attribute is not ...终极解决办法【80%有效】
【问题】 Description: Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured. Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class Action: Consider the following: If you want an embedded databas.
2021-09-10 11:14:48 1216
原创 M1国内99%安装Homebrew终极办法【其他系统逻辑一致】
起因,Homebrew服务器在国外,国内下载报错443,哪怕更改hosts,下载速度也是龟速中的龟速,在度娘和谷歌找了很多资料,发现都没有一个比较全套的解决办法,索性把所有查到的资料整理到一起,达到100%能正常安装并且使用brew。 方法: 1. ...
2021-08-22 21:04:26 464 1
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