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 <title> 小书匠使用手册---小书匠,在线编辑器,MARKDOWN,Evernote,文件版本</title>
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 <div><div class="preview" id="wmd-preview">
 <div class="preview"><h1 class="story_title">小书匠编辑器使用手册</h1><div class="story_tags"><div class="tag blue label">小书匠</div><div class="tag blue label">使用手册</div></div><h1 id="e6a682e8a681" name="e6a682e8a681"><a name="e6a682e8a681" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>概要</h1>
 <h1 id="e4b8bbe8a681e58a9fe883bd" name="e4b8bbe8a681e58a9fe883bd"><a name="e4b8bbe8a681e58a9fe883bd" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>主要功能</h1>
 <li><p><strong>丰富的语法支持</strong>。不仅提供了常用的commanmarkdown语法,还提供了许多有用的扩展语法,比如<span class="mark ">Latex公式</span><span class="mark ">表格</span>, <span class="mark ">目录</span><span class="mark ">脚注</span>, <span class="mark ">视频</span>, <span class="mark ">音频</span>, <span class="mark ">附件</span>, <span class="mark ">checklist</span>, <span class="mark ">流程图</span>等。更多语法可查看&lt;小书匠语法使用手册&gt;</p></li>
 <li><p><strong>第三方同步</strong><span class="mark ">浏览器存储</span>, <span class="mark ">本地文件系统存储</span>, <span class="mark ">dropbox</span>, <span class="mark ">evernote</span>, <span class="mark ">印象笔记</span>,<span class="mark ">有道笔记</span>, <span class="mark ">为知笔记</span>, <span class="mark ">github</span>等多种存储方案,保证了用户数据的安全,也让用户在存储方案上有了更多的选择。</p></li>
 <li><p><strong>发布功能</strong>。 支持将文章发布到博客平台上。</p></li>
 <li><p><strong>typewriter scrolling</strong></p></li>
 <li><p><strong>autocomplete 和 snippets 功能</strong></p></li>
 <h1 id="e7a6bbe7babfe78988e4b88be8bdbde59cb0e59d80" name="e7a6bbe7babfe78988e4b88be8bdbde59cb0e59d80"><a name="e7a6bbe7babfe78988e4b88be8bdbde59cb0e59d80" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>离线版下载地址</h1>
 <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
 <h1 id="webe78988e8aebfe997aee59cb0e59d80" name="webe78988e8aebfe997aee59cb0e59d80"><a name="webe78988e8aebfe997aee59cb0e59d80" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>WEB版访问地址</h1>
 <p><a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>
 <h1 id="e58583e695b0e68daee4bdbfe794a8e8afb4e6988e" name="e58583e695b0e68daee4bdbfe794a8e8afb4e6988e"><a name="e58583e695b0e68daee4bdbfe794a8e8afb4e6988e" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>元数据使用说明</h1>
 <h1 id="e6b58fe8a788e599a8e5ad98e582a8" name="e6b58fe8a788e599a8e5ad98e582a8"><a name="e6b58fe8a788e599a8e5ad98e582a8" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>浏览器存储</h1>
 <h2 id="e6a087e9a298efbc8ce6a087e7adbe" name="e6a087e9a298efbc8ce6a087e7adbe"><a name="e6a087e9a298efbc8ce6a087e7adbe" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>标题,标签</h2>
 <h2 id="e99984e4bbb6" name="e99984e4bbb6"><a name="e99984e4bbb6" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>附件</h2>
 <h1 id="evernotee58db0e8b1a1e7ac94e8aeb0" name="evernotee58db0e8b1a1e7ac94e8aeb0"><a name="evernotee58db0e8b1a1e7ac94e8aeb0" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>evernote/印象笔记</h1>
 <h2 id="e696b0e5bbba" name="e696b0e5bbba"><a name="e696b0e5bbba" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>新建</h2>
 <h2 id="e68993e5bc80" name="e68993e5bc80"><a name="e68993e5bc80" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>打开</h2>
 <h2 id="e4bf9de5ad98" name="e4bf9de5ad98"><a name="e4bf9de5ad98" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>保存</h2>
 <h2 id="e588a0e999a4" name="e588a0e999a4"><a name="e588a0e999a4" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>删除</h2>
 <h2 id="e9878de591bde5908d" name="e9878de591bde5908d"><a name="e9878de591bde5908d" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>重命名</h2>
 <h2 id="e6a087e7adbee7aea1e79086" name="e6a087e7adbee7aea1e79086"><a name="e6a087e7adbee7aea1e79086" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>标签管理</h2>
 <h2 id="e99984e4bbb6e7aea1e79086" name="e99984e4bbb6e7aea1e79086"><a name="e99984e4bbb6e7aea1e79086" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>附件管理</h2>
 <h2 id="e5be85e58a9ee4ba8be9a1b9" name="e5be85e58a9ee4ba8be9a1b9"><a name="e5be85e58a9ee4ba8be9a1b9" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>待办事项</h2>
 <h1 id="githubdropbox" name="githubdropbox"><a name="githubdropbox" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>github/dropbox</h1>
 <h2 id="e696b0e5bbba-1" name="e696b0e5bbba-1"><a name="e696b0e5bbba-1" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>新建</h2>
 <h2 id="e68993e5bc80-1" name="e68993e5bc80-1"><a name="e68993e5bc80-1" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>打开</h2>
 <h2 id="e4bf9de5ad98-1" name="e4bf9de5ad98-1"><a name="e4bf9de5ad98-1" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>保存</h2>
 <h2 id="e588a0e999a4-1" name="e588a0e999a4-1"><a name="e588a0e999a4-1" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>删除</h2>
 <h2 id="e9878de591bde5908d-1" name="e9878de591bde5908d-1"><a name="e9878de591bde5908d-1" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>重命名</h2>
 <h1 id="e69cace59cb0e69687e4bbb6e7b3bbe7bb9fe5ad98e582a8" name="e69cace59cb0e69687e4bbb6e7b3bbe7bb9fe5ad98e582a8"><a name="e69cace59cb0e69687e4bbb6e7b3bbe7bb9fe5ad98e582a8" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>本地文件系统存储</h1>
 <h2 id="e696b0e5bbba-2" name="e696b0e5bbba-2"><a name="e696b0e5bbba-2" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>新建</h2>
 <h2 id="e68993e5bc80-2" name="e68993e5bc80-2"><a name="e68993e5bc80-2" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>打开</h2>
 <h2 id="e4bf9de5ad98-2" name="e4bf9de5ad98-2"><a name="e4bf9de5ad98-2" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>保存</h2>
 <h2 id="e588a0e999a4-2" name="e588a0e999a4-2"><a name="e588a0e999a4-2" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>删除</h2>
 <h2 id="e9878de591bde5908d-2" name="e9878de591bde5908d-2"><a name="e9878de591bde5908d-2" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>重命名</h2>
 <h1 id="e58f91e5b883" name="e58f91e5b883"><a name="e58f91e5b883" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>发布</h1>
 <p>小书匠编辑器<strong>离线版</strong>提供文章发布功能,用户可以将自己的文章发布到博客系统上。发布功能实现了博客的metaweblogAPI(newPost, editPost, newMediaObject)。使用该发布功能,需要博客系统提供对应的api接口,系统将转换成html的文章和图片自动提交到博客系统上。</p>
 <h1 id="e982aee4bbb6e58f91e98081" name="e982aee4bbb6e58f91e98081"><a name="e982aee4bbb6e58f91e98081" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>邮件发送</h1>
 <h1 id="e5afbce587ba" name="e5afbce587ba"><a name="e5afbce587ba" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>导出</h1>
 <p>小书匠编辑器提供多种格式的导出文件功能。<span class="mark ">html</span>,<span class="mark ">markdown</span>,<span class="mark ">html(inlinestyle)</span>,<span class="mark ">word</span>,<span class="mark ">zip</span>,<span class="mark ">pdf</span></p>
 <p><strong>zip导出</strong>: 该导出将导出文章的所有信息,包括markdown,html,markdown文章内引用的所有附件,公式,流程图等对应的图片文件,以及方便再次导入时需要的标识数据文件。</p>
 <h1 id="e5afbce585a5" name="e5afbce585a5"><a name="e5afbce585a5" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>导入</h1>
 <p>小书匠编辑器提供markdown, html, zip三种导入功能,并且实现了文本文件直接拖动导入功能。</p>
 <h1 id="e585b6e4bb96" name="e585b6e4bb96"><a name="e585b6e4bb96" class="blank_anchor_name" target="_blank"></a>其他</h1>




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