Coursera--Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark

package wikipedia

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

case class WikipediaArticle(title: String, text: String)

object WikipediaRanking {

  val langs = List(
    "JavaScript", "Java", "PHP", "Python", "C#", "C++", "Ruby", "CSS",
    "Objective-C", "Perl", "Scala", "Haskell", "MATLAB", "Clojure", "Groovy")

  val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("WikipediaRanking")
  val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(conf)
  // Hint: use a combination of `sc.textFile`, `WikipediaData.filePath` and `WikipediaData.parse`
  val wikiRdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle] = sc.textFile(WikipediaData.filePath).map(WikipediaData.parse(_))

  /** Returns the number of articles on which the language `lang` occurs.
   *  Hint1: consider using method `aggregate` on RDD[T].
   *  Hint2: should you count the "Java" language when you see "JavaScript"?
   *  Hint3: the only whitespaces are blanks " "
   *  Hint4: no need to search in the title :)
  def occurrencesOfLang(lang: String, rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): Int =
      wiki.text.split(" ").filter(lang eq _).map(_ => 1).reduceLeft(_ + _), _ + _)
  } catch {
    case e:Exception => println(s"no Data Found for lang $lang!");0;

  /* (1) Use `occurrencesOfLang` to compute the ranking of the languages
   *     (`val langs`) by determining the number of Wikipedia articles that
   *     mention each language at least once. Don't forget to sort the
   *     languages by their occurence, in decreasing order!
   *   Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for
   *   several seconds.
  def rankLangs(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): List[(String, Int)] = => (lang,occurrencesOfLang(lang, rdd)))

  /* Compute an inverted index of the set of articles, mapping each language
   * to the Wikipedia pages in which it occurs.
  def makeIndex(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])] =
    rdd.flatMap { wa =>
      val words = wa.text.split(' ').toSet
      val intersect = words.intersect(langs.toSet).toList
      intersect map((_, wa))
    }.groupBy(_._1) map { case (lang, it) =>

  /* (2) Compute the language ranking again, but now using the inverted index. Can you notice
   *     a performance improvement?
   *   Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for
   *   several seconds.
  def rankLangsUsingIndex(index: RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])]): List[(String, Int)] =
    index.flatMap{case (key, values) => {case (articulo) => (key, 1)}}.reduceByKey(_ + _).collect.toList
  /* (3) Use `reduceByKey` so that the computation of the index and the ranking is combined.
   *     Can you notice an improvement in performance compared to measuring *both* the computation of the index
   *     and the computation of the ranking? If so, can you think of a reason?
   *   Note: this operation is long-running. It can potentially run for
   *   several seconds.
  def rankLangsReduceByKey(langs: List[String], rdd: RDD[WikipediaArticle]): List[(String, Int)] =
  rdd.flatMap(_.text.split(" ")).filter(langs.contains _).map((_,1)).reduceByKey(_ + _).collect().toList

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    /* Languages ranked according to (1) */
    val langsRanked: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 1: naive ranking", rankLangs(langs, wikiRdd))

    /* An inverted index mapping languages to wikipedia pages on which they appear */
    def index: RDD[(String, Iterable[WikipediaArticle])] = makeIndex(langs, wikiRdd)

    /* Languages ranked according to (2), using the inverted index */
    val langsRanked2: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 2: ranking using inverted index", rankLangsUsingIndex(index))

    /* Languages ranked according to (3) */
    val langsRanked3: List[(String, Int)] = timed("Part 3: ranking using reduceByKey", rankLangsReduceByKey(langs, wikiRdd))

    /* Output the speed of each ranking */

  val timing = new StringBuffer
  def timed[T](label: String, code: => T): T = {
    val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val result = code
    val stop = System.currentTimeMillis()
    timing.append(s"Processing $label took ${stop - start} ms.\n")

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Scala and Spark for Big Data Analytics by Md. Rezaul Karim English | 25 July 2017 | ISBN: 1785280848 | ASIN: B072J4L8FQ | 898 Pages | AZW3 | 20.56 MB Harness the power of Scala to program Spark and analyze tonnes of data in the blink of an eye! About This Book Learn Scala's sophisticated type system that combines Functional Programming and object-oriented concepts Work on a wide array of applications, from simple batch jobs to stream processing and machine learning Explore the most common as well as some complex use-cases to perform large-scale data analysis with Spark Who This Book Is For Anyone who wishes to learn how to perform data analysis by harnessing the power of Spark will find this book extremely useful. No knowledge of Spark or Scala is assumed, although prior programming experience (especially with other JVM languages) will be useful to pick up concepts quicker. What You Will Learn Understand object-oriented & functional programming concepts of Scala In-depth understanding of Scala collection APIs Work with RDD and DataFrame to learn Spark's core abstractions Analysing structured and unstructured data using SparkSQL and GraphX Scalable and fault-tolerant streaming application development using Spark structured streaming Learn machine-learning best practices for classification, regression, dimensionality reduction, and recommendation system to build predictive models with widely used algorithms in Spark MLlib & ML Build clustering models to cluster a vast amount of data Understand tuning, debugging, and monitoring Spark applications Deploy Spark applications on real clusters in Standalone, Mesos, and YARN In Detail Scala has been observing wide adoption over the past few years, especially in the field of data science and analytics. Spark, built on Scala, has gained a lot of recognition and is being used widely in productions. Thus, if you want to leverage the power of Scala and Spark to make sense of big data, this book is for you. The first part introduces you to Scala, helping you understand the object-oriented and functional programming concepts needed for Spark application development. It then moves on to Spark to cover the basic abstractions using RDD and DataFrame. This will help you develop scalable and fault-tolerant streaming applications by analyzing structured and unstructured data using SparkSQL, GraphX, and Spark structured streaming. Finally, the book moves on to some advanced topics, such as monitoring, configuration, debugging, testing, and deployment. You will also learn how to develop Spark applications using SparkR and PySpark APIs, interactive data analytics using Zeppelin, and in-memory data processing with Alluxio. By the end of this book, you will have a thorough understanding of Spark, and you will be able to perform full-stack data analytics with a feel that no amount of data is too big. Style and approach Filled with practical examples and use cases, this book will hot only help you get up and running with Spark, but will also take you farther down the road to becoming a data scientist.
### 回答1: Coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip是一个包含Andrew Ng的机器学习课程笔记和代码的压缩包。这门课程是由斯坦福大学提供的计算机科学和人工智能实验室(CSAIL)的教授Andrew Ng教授开设的,旨在通过深入浅出的方式介绍机器学习的基础概念,包括监督学习、无监督学习、逻辑回归、神经网络等等。 这个压缩包中的笔记和代码可以帮助机器学习初学者更好地理解和应用所学的知识。笔记中包含了课程中涉及到的各种公式、算法和概念的详细解释,同时也包括了编程作业的指导和解答。而代码部分包含了课程中使用的MATLAB代码,以及Python代码的实现。 这个压缩包对机器学习爱好者和学生来说是一个非常有用的资源,能够让他们深入了解机器学习的基础,并掌握如何运用这些知识去解决实际问题。此外,这个压缩包还可以作为教师和讲师的教学资源,帮助他们更好地传授机器学习的知识和技能。 ### 回答2: 是一个 Coursera Machine Learning 课程的笔记和教材的压缩包,由学生或者讲师编写。这个压缩包中包括了 Andrew Ng 教授在 Coursera 上发布的 Machine Learning 课程的全部讲义、练习题和答案等相关学习材料。 Machine Learning 课程是一个介绍机器学习的课程,它包括了许多重要的机器学习算法和理论,例如线性回归、神经网络、决策树、支持向量机等。这个课程的目标是让学生了解机器学习的方法,学习如何使用机器学习来解决实际问题,并最终构建自己的机器学习系统。 这个压缩包中包含的所有学习材料都是免费的,每个人都可以从 Coursera 的网站上免费获取。通过学习这个课程,你将学习到机器学习的基础知识和核心算法,掌握机器学习的实际应用技巧,以及学会如何处理不同种类的数据和问题。 总之, 是一个非常有用的学习资源,它可以帮助人们更好地学习、理解和掌握机器学习的知识和技能。无论你是机器学习初学者还是资深的机器学习专家,它都将是一个重要的参考工具。 ### 回答3: coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip是一份具有高价值的文件,其中包含了Andrew Ng在Coursera上开授的机器学习课程的笔记。这份课程笔记可以帮助学习者更好地理解掌握机器学习技术和方法,提高在机器学习领域的实践能力。通过这份文件,学习者可以学习到机器学习的算法、原理和应用,其中包括线性回归、逻辑回归、神经网络、支持向量机、聚类、降维等多个内容。同时,这份笔记还提供了很多代码实现和模板,学习者可以通过这些实例来理解、运用和进一步深入研究机器学习技术。 总的来说,coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip对于想要深入学习和掌握机器学习技术和方法的学习者来说是一份不可多得的资料,对于企业中从事机器学习相关工作的从业人员来说也是进行技能提升或者知识更新的重要资料。因此,对于机器学习领域的学习者和从业人员来说,学习并掌握coursera-ml-andrewng-notes-master.zip所提供的知识和技能是非常有价值的。


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