SQL replication setup

实例        数据库        host            server
inst97    sourcedb    localhost    60000
inst97    targetdb   localhost     60000
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ mkdir /db2data/sourcedb
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2sampl -dbpath /db2data/sourcedb -name sourcedb -force -verbose

[inst97@ha01 ~]$ mkdir /db2data/targetdb
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2sampl -dbpath /db2data/targetdb -name targetdb -force -verbose

[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 update db cfg for sourcedb using logarchmeth1 tsm
#backup pending ,记得备份

[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 "create table t1(t_no int,t_char char(3))"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 "insert into t1 values (1,'a')"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 "insert into t1 values (2,'b')"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 "select * from t1"

T_NO        T_CHAR
----------- ------
          1 a     
          2 b     

  2 record(s) selected.
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ db2 "create unique index inst97.t1 on inst97.t1(t_no)"
DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

[inst97@ha01 ~]$ mkdir dprop
[inst97@ha01 ~]$ cd dprop
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnpwd init
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnpwd add alias targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnpwd add alias sourcedb id inst97 password "inst97"

创建capture 控制表:
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnclp
Repl > set server capture to db sourcedb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl>create control tables for capture server
db2 connect to sourcedb
[db2insta@oc8662238374 ~]$ db2 -tvf replcap.sql
创建apply 控制表:
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnclp
Repl > set server control to db targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > create control tables for apply control server
db2 connect to targetdb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf replctl.sql
db2 connect to sourcedb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 list tables for schema asn

Table/View                      Schema          Type  Creation time             
------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------------
IBMQREP_IGNTRAN                 ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMQREP_IGNTRANTRC              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMQREP_PART_HIST               ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_CAPENQ                  ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_CAPMON                  ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_CAPPARMS                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_CAPSCHEMAS              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_CAPTRACE                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_PRUNCNTL                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_PRUNE_LOCK              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_PRUNE_SET               ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_REGISTER                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_RESTART                 ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SIGNAL                  ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_UOW                     ASN             T     2014-02-20-

  15 record(s) selected.
db2 connect to targetdb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 list tables for schema asn

Table/View                      Schema          Type  Creation time             
------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------------------
IBMSNAP_APPENQ                  ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_APPLYMON                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_APPLYTRACE              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_APPLYTRAIL              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_APPPARMS                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_COMPENSATE              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_FEEDETL                 ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS               ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SUBS_EVENT              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR              ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET                ASN             T     2014-02-20-
IBMSNAP_SUBS_STMTS              ASN             T     2014-02-20-

  12 record(s) selected.


capture创建 registration
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ asnclp
Repl > asnclp session set to sql replication
Repl > set output capture script "register.sql"
Repl > set server capture to db sourcedb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > create registration (db2insta.t1) differential refresh
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf register.sql

apply创建 subscription set
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 connect to targetdb
Repl > asnclp session set to sql replication
Repl > set server capture to db sourcedb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set server control to db targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set server target to db targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set output capture script "capsubset.sql" control script "appsubset.sql"
Repl > create subscription set setname set00 applyqual aq00 activate yes timing interval 1
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf appsubset.sql
(更改interval:db2 "update asn.ibmsnap_subs_set set sleep_minutes=1 where apply_qual='AQ00' and set_name='SET00'")
apply创建 subscription member
Repl > asnclp session set to sql replication
Repl > set server capture to db sourcedb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set server control to db targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set server target to db targetdb id inst97 password "inst97"
Repl > set output capture script "capmember.sql" control script "appmember.sql"
#set profile tbsprofile for object target tablespace options uw using file "/home/zhicheng/apply/tstrg.ts" size 2000 pages
#create member in setname set00 applyqual aq00 activate yes source tab01 target name tab01 definition in tstrg00 create using profile tbsprofile type usercopy cols all registered
Repl > set profile tbsprofile for object target tablespace options uw using file "/home/inst97/dprop/tstrg.ts" size 2000 pages
Repl > create member in setname set00 applyqual aq00 activate yes source inst97.t1 target name inst97.t1_bak definition in tstrg00 create using profile tbsprofile type usercopy cols all registered
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf appmember.sql
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf repltrg.sql
db2 connect to sourcedb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 -tvf capmember.sql

[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ nohup asncap capture_server=sourcedb capture_schema=asn capture_path=/home/inst97/dprop startmode=cold &
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ nohup asncap capture_server=sourcedb capture_schema=asn capture_path=/home/inst97/dprop startmode=warmns &
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ nohup asnccmd capture_server=sourcedb capture_schema=asn stop &
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ nohup asnapply control_server=targetdb apply_qual=aq00 apply_path=/home/inst97/dprop &
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ nohup asnacmd control_server=targetdb apply_qual=aq00 stop &
db2 connect to sourcedb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 "insert into t1 values (3,'C')"
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 "select * from t1"

ID          NAME      
----------- ----------
          1 a         
          2 b         
          3 C         
  3 record(s) selected.
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 "select * from cdt1"

IBMSNAP_COMMITSEQ                     IBMSNAP_INTENTSEQ                     IBMSNAP_OPERATION T_NO        T_CHAR
------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ------
x'54D0DE70000000010000'               x'00000000000002F675A2'               I                           3 C     

  1 record(s) selected.

db2 connect to targetdb
[inst97@ha01 dprop]$ db2 "select * from t1_bak"

ID          NAME      
----------- ----------
          1 a         
          2 b         
          3 C         

  3 record(s) selected.





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