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原创 【学习笔记】社区检测


2020-10-29 10:26:21 333

原创 【TMC 2018】Classifying IoT Devices in Smart Environments Using Network Traffic Characteristics

机构:University of New South Wales, Australia作者:Arunan Sivanathan, Hassan Habibi Gharakheili, Franco Loi, Adam Radford, Chamith Wijenayake, Arun Vishwanath and Vijay Sivaraman发布地方: IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2018github链接:https://github.com/a

2020-10-21 16:17:45 608

原创 【KDD 2020】Higher-order Clustering in Complex Heterogeneous Networks

ABSTRACTHeterogeneous networks are seemingly ubiquitous in the realworld. Yet, most graph mining methods such as clustering have mostly focused on homogeneous graphs by ignoring semantic information in real-world systems. Moreover, most methods are based

2020-09-27 10:42:04 501

原创 【KDD 2020】Local Community Detection in Multiple Networks

Local Community Detection in Multiple Networks多网络中的局部社区检测ABSTRACTLocal community detection aims to find a set of densely-connected nodes containing given query nodes. Most existing local community detection methods are designed for a single network.

2020-09-22 21:01:08 1099

原创 【KDD 2020】A Data-Driven Graph Generative Model for Temporal Interaction Networks

数据驱动的时间交互网络图生成模型ABSTRACTDeep graph generative models have recently received a surge of attention due to its superiority of modeling realistic graphs in a variety of domains, including biology, chemistry, and social science. Despite the initial success,

2020-09-22 11:16:29 748

原创 【KDD 2020】 HGCN: A Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network-Based Deep Learning Model Toward Collec

背景挑战Collective classification [9, 25] aiming to collectively categorize the inter-connected entities in networked data, plays an importantrole in the various in-depth analysis tasks [3, 23, 31], such as genre identification in a movieLens network, socia

2020-09-14 21:01:34 1534

原创 【KDD 2020】 Grale: Designing Networks for Graph Learning

Grale: Designing Networks for Graph Learning如何为图学习设计网络摘要How can we find the right graph for semi-supervised learning? In real world applications, the choice of which edges to use for computation is the first step in any graph learning process. Intere

2020-09-08 16:01:03 333

原创 【KDD 2019】Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

背景Representation learning in heterogeneous graphs aims to pursuea meaningful vector representation for each node so as to facilitate downstream applications such as link prediction, personalized recommendation, node classification, etc.异构图表示学习的目的是为每个..

2020-07-21 12:53:20 857

原创 【KDD 2019】Graph-based Semi-Supervised & Active Learning for Edge Flows

摘要We present a graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL) methodfor learning edge flows defined on a graph. Specifically, given flowmeasurements on a subset of edges, we want to predict the flowson the remaining edges. To this end, we develop a comput...

2020-07-20 23:01:17 360

原创 【KDD 2019】Is a Single Vector Enough Exploring Node Polysemy for Network Embedding

摘要Networks have been widely used as the data structure for abstracting real-world systems as well as organizing the relations among entities. Network embedding models are powerful tools in mapping nodes in a network into continuous vector-space represent

2020-07-20 19:26:19 330

原创 【KDD 2019】AutoNE: Hyperparameter Optimization for Massive Network Embedding(TBD)


2020-07-20 11:37:20 207

原创 【KDD 2019】A Representation Learning Framework for Property Graphs

论文链接:http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~jcheng/papers/pge_kdd19.pdfgithub链接:https://github.com/yifan-h/PGE背景1.图的应用非常广泛Graphs are ubiquitous today due to the flexibility of using graphs to model data in a wide spectrum of applications.2.图表示学习可以使图的结构信息(st..

2020-07-19 12:07:46 308

原创 【NSDI 2020】Ghostor Toward a Secure Data-Sharing System from Decentralized Trust

摘要Data-sharing systems are often used to store sensitive data.Both academia and industry have proposed numerous solutions to protect the user privacy and data integrity from a compromised server. Practical state-of-the-art solutions, however, use weak th

2020-07-18 21:41:55 293

原创 【NSDI 2020】PrivateEye Scalable and Privacy-Preserving Compromise Detection in the Cloud

摘要Today, it is difficult for operators to detect compromised VMs in their data centers (DCs). Despite their benefits, the compromise detection systems operators offer are mostly unused. Operators are faced with a dilemma: allow VMs to remain unprotected,

2020-07-18 21:13:43 308

原创 【NSDI 2020】Is Big Data Performance Reproducible in Modern Cloud Networks

摘要Performance variability has been acknowledged as a problem for over a decade by cloud practitioners and performance engineers.Yet, our survey of top systems conferences reveals that the research community regularly disregards variability when running e

2020-07-18 20:32:01 208

原创 【NSDI 2020】Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet‘s Topology Diamonds


2020-07-17 22:49:31 335

原创 【子网识别】Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet

Cai, Xue, Heidemann. Understanding block-level address usage in the visible internet[J]. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 2010.结论网络测量方面,测量IP地址的使用情况,最终得出的结论:We have shown that active probes can identify how Internet addresses are used, confi

2020-07-08 18:21:14 140

原创 【De-anonymization】去匿名化方法——Bootstrap Percolation

社交网络的去匿名化有两种情况:seeded 和 seedless在seeded情况中,有一部分节点的已经被预先标注(根据具体任务定义,比如归属者)。此时,针对整体节点的去匿名化常常使用bootstrap percolation。有四篇典型论文1.On the performance of percolationgraph matchingLyudmila Yartseva and Matthias Grossglauser. 2013. On the performance of percol.

2020-07-06 23:35:13 724

原创 【SIoT】SIoT:Social Internet of Things 社交物联网研究综述

社交物联网(Social Internet of Things,SIOT),随着物联网的应用的推进,物联网技术正在与社交网络结合

2020-07-06 19:06:09 3033 2

原创 【WWW 2020】论文研读:NERO A Neural Rule Grounding Framework for Label-Efficient Relation Extraction

[WWW2020 Honorable Mention Paper] :NERO A Neural Rule Grounding Framework for Label-Efficient Relation ExtractionDeep neural models for relation extraction tend to be less reliable when perfectly labeled data is limited, despite their success in label su

2020-06-24 18:26:28 514

原创 【WWW 2020】Mobile App Squatting

[WWW2020 Best Student Paper] Mobile App Squatting移动APP蹲?In this paper, we explore the presence of squatting attacks in the mobile app ecosystem.In “App Squatting”, attackers release apps with identifiers (e.g.,app name or package name) that are confusi

2020-06-24 11:18:08 548 2

原创 【WWW 2020】Open Intent Extraction from Natural Language Interactions

[WWW2020 Best Paper] Open Intent Extraction from Natural Language Interactions从自然语言交互中提取开放意图?Accurately discovering user intents from their written or spoken language plays a critical role in natural language understanding and automated dialog response

2020-06-23 13:16:45 508

原创 【WWW2020】需要读的论文

URL:https://www2020.thewebconf.org/Best PaperPaper Title: Open Intent Extraction from Natural Language InteractionsAuthors: Nikhita Vedula (The Ohio State University), Nedim Lipka (Adobe), Pranav Maneriker (The Ohio State University) and Srinivasan Par

2020-06-22 12:41:16 1143

原创 【INFOCOM2020】De-anonymization of Social Networks: the Power of Collectiveness

De-anonymization of Social Networks: the Power of Collectiveness百度翻译 ->社交网络的去匿名化:集体性的力量1.社交网络去匿名化的定义:Such process of unveiling users’ identities by leveraging information from other domains is defined as social network de-anonymization, which is .

2020-06-17 23:37:11 392 1

原创 【INFOCOM2020】需要读的论文

INFOCOM 2020 URL:https://infocom2020.ieee-infocom.org/accepted-paper-list-main-conference1.An Adaptive Robustness Evolution Algorithm with Self-Competition for Scale-free Internet of ThingsTie Qiu (Tianjin University, China); Zilong Lu (Dalian Universi

2020-06-17 18:07:24 2359



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